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My Diary/Blog For the Month of November 2010 |
Friday 26th November 2010 |
08:19 GMT The sky is almost totally clear this morning, and that resulted in the temperature dropping at least a couple of degrees below zero overnight.The frost on the cars is very fine grained so the temperature must have drpped very fast - not that the temperature was very high to begin with. Yesterday it was bloody freezing whenever I went outside for a fag with no coat on. Some of the discomfort was from the icy wind. While the grey sky did nothing to bring any cheer. Happily, it looks as if this morning will be bright and sunny, but it may not last. The latest predictions are that snow could hit London by tonight. Last night I had the time, energy, and inclination to transfer the pictures taken on my walk around Beckenham Place Park on Wednesday from my camera onto my PC. Here's a few of the more interesting ones. (read yesterday's blog for more info). ![]() This is the rather discrete entrance to the bar at the rear of the manor house
![]() While this is the rather grand front door of the manor house. ![]() Beckenham Place Park has a huge colony of Parakeets (or parrots) ![]() This robin, like most robins, was very curious about me poking about in the leaf litter looking for sweet chestnuts. ![]() Finally is this picture of total overkill. All the road signs were for a 3ft wide path ! It was bloody cold when I got
up this morning. Now I am looking forward to tomorrow for two reasons.
Firstly I can get up, turn the heating up full, take care of the
essentials, and then go back to bed and not get up again until
everything is warm. Secondly I am looking forward to seeing Chain play at The Daylight Inn
in Petts Wood (within spitting distance of the railway station). Chain
were specifically booked by The Daylight Inn to play during the
switching on of the xmas lights ceremony. If the weather forecasts are
true there could be an extra seasonal sparkle from some snow. Even a
light dusting would be very scenic, although too much and all transport
will grind to a halt, and nobody will be able to get there !
Monday 22nd November 2010 |
08:23 GMT After the relentless grey of yesterday I am happy to report that the clouds have broken up. The sky was not clear enough for a frost this morning, but it came very close. Everything was dripping with dew as I walked to the station from home. Another degree, maybe two, lower and that dew would have been transformed into bright sparkling frost. I wasn't treated to the sight of the sun rising above the cemetary as my train pulled into Earlsfield station, but it was a very close thing. The sky was mostly clear in that direction apart from one long thin streak of cloud that was aligned to totally block out all but a golden halo of the sun's rays. This afternoon it is forecast to rain, but they morning should be dry, and hopefully quite bright once the sun is a little higher in the sky. This afternoon's rain, will be unpleasant if it should fall wherever I am at the time, but it may be nothing compared with what may be instore for us. The end of the week is forecast to be bitterly cold, and some snow may well fall very close to London, and there may even be a dusting in London itself. That will be a disaster waiting to happen. One snowflake on London will stop Southeastern Trains. Two snowflakes will stop Southern trains, and after three snowflakes have settled the rest of the rail network, the tube network, and the buses will all be afraid to venture out of their hutches. Of course they'll all say that it caught them unaware, and I must admit that snow in November is rather unusual, but I have now warned London myself, and if London doesn't read this then I will be more than happy to stay indoors, in the warm, until the snow has melted away, and public transport runs again. It is hard to blame the public transport operators when far milder weather stopped me going out yesterday. It was dry, and only cold rather than freezing cold, but overarchingly it was grey, and that grey caused my intentions to dry up like over cooked toast. That was not the entire reason I didn't go out. I also had a stomach ache after stuffing myself silly with greasy kebab (with loads of chilli sauce) the night before. That had mostly settled by midday, or maybe a tad later, and there was no real reason why I couldn't have gone out foraging, but by that time I was really rather enjoying staying in, in the warm. The place I wanted to visit was Beckenham Place Park. Prior to yesterday I had little idea of what to expect in the park, or more specifically the woodland area of the park. With the extra time on my hands from not going out I did some research and found that Lewisham Council have an excellent webpage about the woodland (with links to other aspects of the park). Their web page is here. The information there confirms an unfounded suspicion of mine that those woods do contain sweet chestnut trees - and foraging for sweet chestnuts was the main reason I wanted to go there. I am beginning to think that maybe I have left it too late into the autumn for that sort of foraging. If for no other reason then the amount of leaf litter that will be concealing the fallen nuts. There is still a possibility that I will get there soon. I am taking tomorrow and Wednesday off work in the hope that I will be able to spend some time with Patricia. I doubt she will be available on both days. So I may have a spare day to go out foraging assuming I don't go out boozing instead. |
Sunday 21st November 2010 |
09:51 GMT Just like yesterday, it is cold and grey. There hasn't been a hint of any sunshine for a couple of days now, and the temperature has remained around 6 to 8º C. The overcast sky has not let the temperature drop low enough at night for any frost, and there is little wind. Yet it is still feels unpleasantly cold outside. This is not the sort of weather that inspires me to do anything - except maybe one thing that I shouldn't. I saw Aleemah yesterday. We met at the station before going for some brunch in the cafe. After that I dragged her around Aldi. In theory that is my supermarket shopping done for the weekend, but I ideally I should go out and buy some cat litter today. In this cold weather Smudge has perfected the artform of avoiding going out too much, and that means her litter tray, meant only for emergencies, is taking a bit of a bashing recently. After Aleemah went home I just mooched around the house. I watched a bit of TV, did some reading, and took a nap. Later in the early evening I did the one thing that I should not have done, but was inspired to do by the bleak weather. I ordered a huge greasy kebab. I have to admit it was very nice, and maybe more so because it was the first I have had in ages. An hour or so after eating that, and feeling very stuffed, I went up to bed. Although it would have been a good idea to get to sleep early, I opted to do some more reading. It wasn't a real book I was reading, but an ebook on my mobile phone. It's title is "Fallen Angels" by Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, and Michael Flynn. Although only published in 2000, it is legally downloadable from The Baen Free library here. There are many more free books available there, and in other places. To read these books I uses FBreader, and on their web pages are links to other places where free books can be downloaded. I started reading Fallen Angels on the train as I came home from work every night in the last week, but last night I decided to finish reading the story. It is an exciting story, and if truth be told, I couldn't wait to find out how it all ended. I finished reading at half past midnight - yet another late night, and I only slept for 7 hours before I got up again. This morning I wish I had managed to sleep an hour or two longer, but I woke up feeling too uncomfortable to go back to sleep again. All the greasy kebab I ate last night was, and still is sitting heavy on my stomach. That is a bit of a shame because I was going to try and force myself to go hunting today. I may have mentioned it before, but I have this idea of going out hunting for sweet chestnuts. I know there are some Brook Wood to the south of Bromley that I visited on my trip to photograph fungi, but today I considered the idea of the woods in Beckenham Place Park. I have no idea if there are any sweet chestnut trees there, nor have I any idea if I will eventually go out to see if there are. The dreary grey sky does not inspire me, nor does the bloated feeling in my gut, but there is still a minute possibility that I may go. |
Thursday 11th November 2010 |
08:25 GMT Wet and windy would seem to adequately describe the weather this morning. It is also very slightly less cold than yesterday. There is plenty of evidence to show a lot of rain has fallen, and yet during my travel to work I only encountered intermittent light rain. Maybe it was because I was well wrapped up in waterproof, and more significantly, windproof clothing, but the wind didn't feel that strong, and yet the trees seemed to be really rattled by some of the stronger gusts. Here at work the tin roof quite frequently shudders and shakes (as does the tin cladding on the walls of this typical industrial estate unit). This wet and windiness is due to last all day. The only positive aspect of it that the temperature is due to rise to around 14° C. Persoannly I would prefer the bright sunny weather of yesterday even if the temperature never made it into double figures - possibly only peaking to around 8° C. Over the years many disused PCs accumulated here at work, and yesterday they were due to be collected by a recycling company. The hard drives, which were supposed to be mechanically destroyed will probably end up in Nigeria 100% intact, but some of the graphics cards were extracted before the PCs were taken away (assuming they actually have gone by now). I appear to be the lucky owner of a couple of what were high end graphics cards a few years back. In theory they should be a vast improvement on the "on-board" graphics cards of my own similarly dated PCs. Last night I tried two "new" graphics cards in my fastest PCs. It is mostly games that can benefit from these superior graphics cards, and because I don't play any computer games I didn't notice any real difference. Besides games there are some programmes that can make use of the extra processing power in the graphics adapter, and I am hoping that some of the video editing/re-coding applications I use can make use of this extra power. All I tried last night was squeezing a short video down from about 400MB to 200MB by converting the video from being encoded using the DV codec to the Xvid codec. To do this I used the excellent free application Avidemux (available for Linux, Windows and Mac). I don't think that avidemux can take advantage of a more powerful graphics card, but it is possible that avidemux did work a tiny, tiny bit faster. What I am hoping is that my full video editing suite wil work faster, or more smoothly. Maybe I'll get a chance to try that out tonight. This morning I do feel particularly bad. I suspect that my blood pressure may be ultra high. The clue to that may have come from the nosebleed that started after a moderately ultra violent sneeze when I went to the cold bathroom this morning. That sneeze started a nose bleed. It wasn't a full blown nose bleed with blood dripping everywhere, in fact it didn't drip at all, but everytime I blow my nose there is a lot of semi-congealed blood coming from my right nostril. Apart from the nose bleed me head feels a it sore as if a few blood vessels are about to burst in my brain too. I hope I can get home tonight to try my video editor out before the cranial explosion reduces me to a vegetable. |
Wednesday 10th November 2010 |
08:20 GMT It was forecast, and it's happened - today has started bright and cool. The sky is now practically clear, and soon the sun will have risen high enough to shine over all the clutter that dominiates the city skyline. Unfortunately all that sunshine might feel hot when shielded from the rest of the elements, but outside, exposed to all the elements it is going to feel bloody cold. The top temperature for today is predicted to be as little as 8° C. I think we came very close to a frost this morning, but the clouds did not clear early enough for all the heat to be lost. It was a close thing though, and I doubt that frost would have felt much colder as I made my way to work this morning. Yesterday there were some torrential dounpours reported, but they were to the south and south west of here. All we experienced was a lot of drizzle in the morning, and a dull afternoon. By late afternoon the first signs of the cloud breaking were visible. I could see one little patch of bright blue sky. Some lucky people may have been in the right place, at the right time, for bright sunshine to pour through that hole as they headed for home. Unfortunately it wasn't me. My journey home was in the grey, dry, but grey. The only positive thing was that the clouds were sufficiently broken to allow some last vestiges of natural light to very slightly lighten the walk from the station to home. It was good getting home last night, and for more than the usual reasons (cold, hunger, boredom, etc). Last night I had some shiny new technology with me. Over the last weekend I got fed up with the new monitor I had bought for the front bedroom PC. It was a widescreen monitor that had a silly resolution of 1366x768. It was silly on two counts. First of all, for technical reasons, all computer monitor resolutions should be multiples of 8 - and 1366 is not a multiple of 8. This meant that no matter how I set it up I still got strange aliasing effects on fine print. The second problem is that 768 is such a small number for the height of the picture that you are constantly scrolling up and down the page. I suspect that 1366x768 may have originally been something to do with widescreen NTSC (American, Japanese, etc) TV. Having got fed up with that stupid monitor I took a look at what else was available, and it seems I may have got lucky. I found, and ordered a 19", 4:3, 1280x1024 monitor from Ebuyer (http://www.ebuyer.com/product/222840). I opted for the free delivery option that takes 3 to 5 working days. The order was placed just before midday, and 20 hours later it turned up here at work ! That's not bad for free !! After lugging it home in it's box with a handy built in handle, I was very keen to try it out. My good luck continued in as much as I had already prepared my dinner, and it just needed heating up. With my dinner able to look after itself, heating up on a very low gas on the hob, I was free to plug my new monitor in and try it out. My first impression was very favourable, and by the time I finally switched it off as I was going to bed, I became convinced I had made a good buy. There are somethings that a widescree monitor is good for, but for many applications on a PC I think that an old fashioned 4:3 monitor is still the very best option. For a few things, like writing, my widescreen monitor may have been far better if I had rotated it through 90°, and used it as a narrow screen monitor. I think I feel quite reasonable this morning. I ate tolerably well last night, and I managed to get a lot more sleep than of late (although even more would be better). I had one of those curious cases where the concious mind intrudes into a dream last night. I had been sleeping for about two hours, maybe a bit more, and having some sexy, but not sexual, dreams. They involved a sort of composite woman made up, and dressed, from many women I have known from the past to the present. I can't remember what all the dreams were about, but I know they were happy and nice. More than that, I believe that they were probably leading up to something even more enjoyable, but then something happened. The woman of my dreams (literally) came in to where ever I was looking sad. She announced that there had been a bonfire at The Birthday Club in Putney (a place presumably invented for my dream). The implication was that she was upset by people, perhaps people she knew, being hurt by the club catching fire. My concious mind saw it differently. It decided that you could make a bonfire from the club, but the club itself could not be a bonfire. So my conciousness decdided to wake me up so I could reset to reality again before going back to sleep. |
Tuesday 9th November 2010 |
08:41 GMT Apparently there is a severe weather warning out for London today. If the weather forecasters have their way we will be lashed by torrential rain later on. This could result in flash floods in some places. Maybe that is yet to come, but right now it is wet underfoot, but I haven't seen or heard any rain since first waking this morning. The sky is very grey, but as yet it doesn't look to be particularly threatening. All the cloud has kept enough heat in to avoid a frost, but it is still very cool outside, and the chances are that the temperature will stay below 10° C all day. All of yesterday was rather like it is this morning, but as I was about to go home from work I did spy a bright blue patch of sky. Someone, somewhere was enjoying a short spell of late autumn sunshine, but it wasn't me. I started off yesterday feeling rather rough, but I improved during the day, and I didn't feel that bad when I left work to go home. My disposition might have improved further if SouthEastern Trains could have found the missing 5 carriages for my train back to Catford Bridge. Instead I was reduced to grumpiness as I traveled from Waterloo East to London Bridge in inhumane conditions. I got off the train at London Bridge and like a few other knowledgeable people, strolled over to platform 2 where a five minute wait produced a half empty slow train back to Catford Bridge. My smugness in doing this simple trick did not entirely override the grumpiness I still felt for being forced to do it in the first place. (I really must try and find the phone number of some Super Villain, in his hollowed out volcano, and see if he can spare a few gigawatts of nuclear death from his orbiting satelite of death to rain down on the headquarters of SouthEastern Trains. If that can't be arranged I'll have to see what else I can come up with here - http://www.villainsource.com/super.html ) I arrived back in Catford relaxed after sitting in a totally uncramped style on a double seat all to myself (unlike the poor saps who stayed crammed into the fast train face to armpit !). Upon getting home I had to make a rapid decision. Do I cook some chicken stew-like dinner, or do I just shove some potato wedges into the oven and let them get on with it. I chose the latter idea and after setting them off in the oven I attended to feeding Smudge, getting changed, checking email etc etc. As the potato wedges neared the end of their cooking time I took the lids off two cans of soup and put them in the oven too. You can see where this is leading. Yes, I had potato wedges and soup for dinner. It may have been odd, but it was still nice. Tonight I will definitely have the low fat, low calorie, high fibre chicken stew. I know this because I precooked it last night. It's still sitting on the hob, with the lid, on where it was cooked, and all I have to do tonight is turn on the gas and reheat it . Cooking was not all I did last night. I also did some video stuff on the PC, and uploaded it to You Tube. This kept me up a little later than I might have desired, but I then compounded the error by reading to the end of a book I had started just recently. That kept me up for an hour and three quarters after bedtime. After that I certainly slept well. I only woke once to go to the toilet at around 3am. After taking care of that I was fast asleep again in no time. I didn't wake again until forced to face the world by the alarm clock application on my mobile phone. |
Saturday 6th November 2010 |
11:30 GMT So far it has been dry this morning, but I don't know how long that is going to last. There are a few blue patches of sky in amongst the grey clouds, and rain might not be far away. Contrary to earlier weather forecasts it is not as cool as predicted. I had the window open for nearly an hour earlier, and it seemed fairly comfortable as I just sat quietly at my PC. Yesterday was almost warm, but it did come at the price of some rain. There were one or two light showers during the day, and some heavier showers in the evening. The last one that I was aware of was particularly heavy. After that it seemed to dry up, and it was a pleasant night. That very heavy shower happened while I was in the pub with Kevin. As I predicted it might, it did turn into quite a heavy session, and I left the pub feeling very drunk. I am, or was, paying for it this morning. I had a quite dreadful hangover, and because I was drunk enough to stuff myself with rather a lot of chicken and chips, I also felt bloated and horrible as well. Still it was a good drink ! I don't feel so bad now, but I feel that I am going to have a lay down and do some reading soon. Apart from sitting at a PC for what seems like hours on end, I have done one load of laundry, and that is now hung up to dry. It is possible that will be the only housework I will do today. What I thought I might do today was to swap the two beds around between the two bedrooms. It is a little ridiculous that my double bed is in the smaller bedroom, and the single bed is in the big bedroom. There was once a reason for this, but that hasn't been relevant for ages now. Somehow I am just not in the mood for humping beds around just now. I am saving my energy to go to The Chatterton Arms in Bromley to watch Chain play tonight. The gig starts at 8.30pm, but I think I want to get there, via a tedious bus ride, maybe half an hour before then. The last time I saw them play there I was feeling rough and only stayed for the first half. Maybe tonight I will feel up to watching the whole gig. |