Maybe there were a few more
sunny spells than expected
yesterday, but most of the day was
still dull, and there was even a
light sprinkle of rain in the
morning. However, the day seemed
to warm up fairly quickly to 12°
C, and I think I even saw 13° C.
With hardly any wind that almost
felt warm without the benefit of
any sunshine.
Even the very latest
revision to the forecast still
shows today as being a very
sunny day. The only unfortunate
thing is that only a maximum of
9° C is expected. The sky will
stay clear leading to a cold
night, tonight. Tomorrow morning
could see a few hours of sunny
spells, but it will be mostly a
bit dull. The temperature could
be similar to today, but not the
same. Only 8° C is expected
Yesterday was
a generally good day, but I made
a terrible mistake in the
evening. More about that later.
The mild air, and a sunny spell
or two made it seem easy to go
out shopping after I had had a
shower. Of course I opened the
front door to find I had just
dodged a light shower that I
hadn't even realised had fallen.
My shopping trip was to
Tesco, and it seemed mild enough
to put on a fairly light coat.
The rain that had fallen just
before I went out, had stopped,
and so I didn't even bother
doing up my coat. I was
perfectly comfortable walking to
Tesco, but I could feel I was
just starting to get some chest
pain by the time I had reached
Tesco after about 6 minutes of
walking. I am unsure if it was
heart problems or just the scar
tissue from my 10 year ago
operation that was starting to
flare. I think the latter is
probable because I didn't slow
down when I was in Tesco, or at
least not much, but it being
warmer in there seemed to cure
There were several things
I wanted from Tesco, but only
bottles of Diet Coke were very
important. I did get some meat
and green vegetables for future
dinners, and for the dinner I
should have had last night. I
ignored most other stuff, but I
did buy one oddity - a tub of
low calorie and law sugar ice
cream. I had a cunning plan that
I could use that for lunch, and
more importantly, to line my
stomach before the Thursday
afternoon boozing started.
It was a mistake to buy
that ice cream, and I should
have eaten the left over chips
from the previous night's
takeaway. If I had done that I
would have have had a nice
simple and safe meat and green
vegetable casserole for dinner
last night. Sadly I ate the ice
cream, which I must admit was
delicious, and that meant I had
chips as part of a very
unhealthy dinner last night. The
consequences of that were a
complete disaster as I shall
explain later.
One curious thing was how
hot I seemed to feel walking
back from Tesco. It was
definitely mild out, and I was
carrying some moderately heavy
shopping (mainly 4 x 2 litre
bottles of Diet Coke in my
rucksack), but I still didn't
expect to be pouring with sweat
by the time I got home. It was
like I had been walking under a
hot sun on a 30° C day ! I
feel sure it was a medical
problem, but I don't know what
it could have been. I actually
felt reasonably good except for
feeling overheated. I expect I
am going through the manopause !
I guess it sort of all
fitted together when I started
to eat my ice cream lunch with
my shirt off, and no heating
on. Thanks to the sunny
spells we had in the early
afternoon, it was some time
before I felt tempted to put a
shirt on, or turn on the heater.
I very nearly had a snooze after
my lunch, and I did try after
reading a couple of pages of the
book I was reading, but I don't
think I snoozed. Maybe I was
worried about waking up feeling
very cold.
Jodie arrived for our
beer tasting session at about
3.30pm, or maybe 10 or so
minutes earlier. As seems very
usual now, she had a skinful the
previous night after one of the
dives she goes to had some new
beers in "that had to be tried"
! She opted for mostly the
weakest beers we had in the
fridges, and didn't have too
many of them. That left me some
freedom to select a few beers to
drink by myself - but obviously
only beers that Jodie had
previously tasted and logged on
her account.
One such beer I tried was
from the Vault City Brewery, and
called Fiery Ginger Iron Brew
(pictured on the left). It
tasted like 20% Irn Bru, 20%
ginger beer, and 60% drain
cleaner. It was truly revolting
! Fortunately I was able to
drink some nice beers too. I
actually finished the session
with a can of Skol while Jodie
nursed a nasty (to my taste)
cloudy fruit beer that was only
about 4.3%. I think she made it
last well over half an hour !
I kept myself amused
doing crosswords while Jodie was
glued to her phone. She had
brought me a copy of The Metro,
and the Evening Standard. The
quick crossword in The Metro was
very easy. I think I surprised
myself as much as Jodie when I
seemed to finish it in little
more than 10 minutes. It was
perhaps more surprising when I
admit I had made a few mistakes
that made solving some clues
more difficult, but having
solved them I could then correct
the answers I got wrong.

After about two thirds of the
drinking session had passed one
of the candles on the table had
burnt down to nothing, and it
was time to light up another
candle. That candle, pictured on
the left was the acorn candle
that Jodie's boyfriend had given
me for Xmas. We wondered
if it might smell like acorns,
but neither of us really knew
what an acorn smelled of - apart
from "acorny". The candle only
smelled of candle, but it looks
Jodie left to get the 6pm
train, a bit earlier than usual,
and I started getting my
dreadful dinner together. I say
dreadful purely for what it
would do to me. It all tasted
rather wonderful. It started
with reheated, in the mini
oven/grill, chips. It was not a
huge portion, and maybe could
have been described as moderate.
It is possibly only in the last
4 or 5 months that reheating
chips in the mini oven/grill is
a thousand times better than
tying to use the microwave. They
came out almost like fresh.
The chips were bad
enough, but I also had to pieces
of bread that were supposed to
have been eaten with the shish
kebabs the previous night. They
were not pitta bread, but were
more like a sort of flat bun
made of the same sort of mix as
would be used for a loaf of
bread. I have reason to believe
that like a lot of white breads,
there was a lot of sugar in it.
Incidently, I
recently read somewhere that
some call the buns of a big
burger chain (possibly in
America) cakes because
of their sugar content.
I converted those pieces
of bread into something like
pizza. I didn't have any tomato
purée, and so squirted some low
sugar tomato sauce on them. On
that I sprinkled some "Italian
style herbs", and finally
covered them with sliced cheese
before grilling them for
about 12 minutes, or enough to
full melt all the cheese.
I have to say those
mock pizzas were very pleasant
(except when I burned my tongue
on lava hot tomato sauce !). As
good as they were to eat, they
were also desperately unhealthy
on many levels. The worst was
the effect they had on my blood
glucose - but that was because I
could actually measure it. The
amount of feeling a bit stuffed
was purely subjective. At least
it didn't seem to interfere with
my sleep.
I was going to stay up to
watch all of Have I Got News For
You on "Dave" last night, but
after watching a few minutes I
decided it was not a great
episode. One thing I made a
definite note of was that it
finished at 11pm. On previous
days I couldn't seem to remember
if it finished at 10pm or 11pm,
but now I know for sure. After
turning it off at, say, 10.05pm,
I headed straight for bed where
I read for a while.
It was not a long read
because it was just the last 3
or 4 pages of the juvenile novel
"Space Cadet" by Robert
Heinlein. Although simply
written for youngsters, it still
had a fair bit of science in it,
or at least science as known in
1951 - before it was known that
the planet Venus was a real hell
hole with sulphuric acid rain
falling on rocks hot enough to
melt lead or aluminium. In the
story it was thought to be like
a steamy hot jungle under dense
clouds that didn't allow
astronomers to see through to
the surface. Only the first very
short lived landers, and the use
of things like radar, allowed a
view of what conditions are
really like on Venus.
Once I had read the last
page I turned out the light, and
as far as I can remember, I fell
asleep very quickly - and that
despite a bloated feeling from
my gut. I did seem to sleep
quite well, and I can't remember
waking up more than normal, and
possibly it was less than
normal. While I can't remember
enough to write anything that
makes any sort of sense of my
dreams, I do remember they were
about being back in college, and
some of the disorientation of
going to a new college before it
all becomes routine.
The big, earth shattering
stuff about this morning is my
blood glucose readings. They
were absolutely terrible after
my dinner last night. If I had
had the chips for lunch, and
given the bread to the birds,I
might have got away with it, but
eating them all in one evening
meals has left a big mark on me
- big enough that I am going to
fast for as long as I can make
it. I doubt I'll be able to skip
dinner tonight, but at least I
can try and make something for
dinner that is as safe as I can
make it.
The best reading I got
was from the GlucoRX meter. It
read a truly terrible
10.9mmol/l. Next was the Contour
meter with an outrageous
11.3mmol/l. The Viva Chek meter,
which always seems to read a bit
high, except for rare occasions
when it can completely agree
with the others, read a
staggering 12.6mmol/l. I haven't
see a reading that high since
the days when I was drinking
gallons of full sugar Coke (and
very, very quickly changed to
Diet Coke).
I am currently drinking
chilled water because I can
drink loads of that without the
gas of Diet Coke making me feel
bloated, and drinking a lot is a
sort of substitute for food (but
it takes a lot of imagination to
think that way). I am not sure
what else to do today. A long
walk would distract from hunger,
but could leave me feeling very
hungry afterwards. So it could
be good or bad. The thing is, to
burn off some of this blood
glucose would mean walking a lot
further than I think I could
Maybe I might try a walk
in the park because there are
any places I can turn back
without having to retrace my
steps if I start getting
chest/foot/knee/other pains.
Although it is not strictly
necessary to have a shower
before going on a solitary walk,
I would prefer to have one, but
before I can have a shower, I
have washing that has been
soaking overnight. I need to
finish that before I can have a
shower. It is a light blue hand
towel, a white t-shirt, and two
pairs of light blue underpants.
Washing the white t-shirt should
be fine with light blue stuff -
and light blue dye that comes
out will just make the t-shirt
look a brighter white (or so the
pre-millennium TV adverts used
to try and convince us).