Yesterday's weather was
really appalling. It was very
dull, and while the thermometer
said it was as high as 13° C,
there was a strong wind from the
north east that felt almost icy.
There was even an unscheduled
light fall of rain at about 3pm.
There was heavy rain sometime
after sunset.
The road looked wet from
recent rain, or possibly ongoing
light drizzle, well before the
forecast time of the start of
the deluge that may fall from
9am to 7pm. The highest chance
of rain is shown as 95% for a
few hours. I guess that leaves a
5% get out clause if they have
got the forecast completely
wrong again, and the sun comes
out. Today will be far from warm
with just 11° C predicted, and
even that will start to slowly
fall from 11am onwards until
just 6° C at 11pm. Tomorrow
starts with no reason for cheer,
just 5° C, and more heavy rain.
There is no reason for cheer for
the rest of the day either. 1pm
might see the temperature peak
for just 2 hours at 7° C. The
afternoon may be a bit brighter,
but plenty more rain could fall.
It is possible that midday and
1pm may be the only hours with
no rain !
Yesterday was
good until it became bad ! A
good shave, shampoo, and shower
is always uplifting for at least
a short time, maybe half an
hour. I think my outside
thermometers were agreeing it
was 12° C when, at just gone
midday, I put on a light coat,
and went out into the icy blast
from the north, north, east !
I should probably have
zipped up the front of my coat
in the hope I would feel less
freezing, but on my way home,
when I did have the coat zipped
up, I seemed to feel colder
still, and began to suffer far
more from the cold. I can't say
I had a very pleasant walk to
the station, and then beyond to
use the hole in the wall cash
machine to top up my wallet -
real wallet with real cash in
it, and not some electronic
Having topped up my
wallet, and grabbed a couple of
copies of The Metro, I walked
back to Catford Bridge station.
I hadn't planned to get any
particular train, and just
relied on the fact they were
running about every 15 minutes.
My arrival time was such that I
only had a minute or two wait
for a train going in the wrong
direction, and then another 4
minutes for the train I wanted.
I could say
it is a hobby, but maybe it is a
compulsion to photograph the
front and back of every train I
see. The idea is to get
photograph of every single one
of the local trains, and any
others I can on various rail
journeys. The train pictured
above was the train that took me
to Ladywell. The last two
carriages were unit 466014, and
I had never photographed it
before, and so it has been
entered into my great
spreadsheet listing every unique
train I have photographed.
376011 was another
train I had not photographed
before. It was the next train
going back towards Catford
Bridge, and ultimately Hayes
(Kent), and pulled into the
station just after the train I
had been on had pulled out on
it's way to London Charing
Cross. With so few gaps in my
lists it is getting rare to get
a picture of a train I had not
photographed before. Getting two
in one day is a real luxury !
It wasn't just trains
that I took snaps of. One the
walk to the pub from Ladywell
Station I crossed the footbridge
over the river, and saw this
pigeon that didn't seem to know
if it wanted to be a dove or a
pigeon. It had quite a striking
mix of greys and bright white. A
side photo would have showed it
a lot better, but just as I
lined up the shot it flew off.
It was another very
enjoyable session in The Jolly
Farmers. I managed to complete
The Metro quick crossword well
before finishing my first pint
of Guinness - despite
distractions from a very
friendly young springer spaniel
dog. I never did solve more than
3 or 4 clues from the cryptic
crossword, but that didn't
matter because I was sort of
happy for a different reason -
but conversely also a reason to
be unhappy.
I took my spare mobile
phone, with the SMART sim card
in it to the pub. At home I can
barely get 1Mbps download speed
using that phone and sim card.
It makes even simple things take
some time to be ready for use,
and things like software updates
are so slow and with occasional
drop outs that I have to resort
to turning on WiFi. In the pub
that phone and sim card managed
to get a very usable 8Mbps
download speed. If I lived in
the pub I would be quite happy
with that. On the other hand, I
just checked what speed I get on
my main mobile phone connected
to Giffgaff (02 network). That
gave 25Mbps.
As I left the pub, after
finishing my second pint of
Guinness, I zipped my coat up,
and stepped outside. It
immediately felt colder than
when I went there. The forecast,
or at least an early version of
it, said the temperature should
have risen a whole degree while
I was in the pub. With hindsight
I wonder if zipping the coat up
made it tight enough to loose a
little bit of trapped under it,
and so less insulation.
I went back to Catford
Bridge on the train, and so I
enjoyed a whole 2 minutes out of
the wind. Back in Catford I
diverted very slightly to go via
the little supermarket on
Catford Bridge. I bought several
very useful things including 3
different types of no sugar
biscuits, and one from the same
maker, but shown as "no added
sugar", but the nutritional
panel still showed it as having
very little sugar in it. I also
topped my stock of instant
noodles, and they were all
flavours that Tesco don't stock.
By the time I got home my
chest was really aching, and my
breathing was getting wheezy. On
top of that, some of my
"favourite" aches were starting
to get painful - most
particularly my right elbow. It
felt good to get in the warm,
but I had turned off all the
heating while I was out, and it
seemed to take ages to get my
bedroom hot enough to be
comfortable. What I should have
done was to have a couple of
cans of hot soup, but my lunch
was preplanned a couple of days
ago to be a tomato and broccoli
quiche - which I didn't bother
to heat up.

My chest was hurting so
much from the cold, and didn't
seem to be getting better as I
slowly warmed up, that I became
concerned that maybe this time
it was my heart causing
problems. I decided it might be
wise to check my blood pressure
(I think it was at 5.52pm rather
than 6.52pm as the meter shows -
it is probably still on BST).
The reading I got was better
than "normal", and the meter
classified it as "optimum" !
Soon after that I had
some dinner, and took advantage
of having some food in my
stomach before taking a couple
of Ibuprofen tablets. It was not
long before they really went to
work, and I was soon mostly pain
free. I will add that a bit
earlier than even checking my
blood pressure I was laying
down, reading, and every time I
breathed in there was a distinct
"click" from inside my chest -
just like two bits of loose bone
hitting each other with each
I still maintain I did
far more damage to my chest when
I did not obey my heart
surgeon's orders after I was
discharged from hospital back in
2013. I definitely felt a sort
of "twang" in my chest when
carrying 10 or more times the
biggest load I was advised to
carry. My doctors said it was
impossible I could have torn
stitches, or the wire staples
holding my sternum and other
bones together. Maybe what he
(they) meant was that there was
no way they would consider
opening me up again to repair
any self inflicted damage.
My dinner was not exactly
a healthy choice, but maybe as a
one off it wasn't so bad. It was
a two part dinner. The first
part was the last two slices of
the rye sourdough bread I had
bought from tesco a few days
earlier. I managed to cut the
last of it into two thick-ish,
but proper slices, and I first
toasted them, and then put
sliced cheese on them before
further grilling to get the
cheese well melted. After taking
it out of the grill I added some
starting-to-wilt salad leaves to
make it "healthy" (but mostly to
use up the end of the bag of
salad leaves).
That rye sourdough is
bloody tough stuff, and did it's
best to blunt one of my sharpest
knives. Once I managed to get it
into manageable chunks it seemed
to have a nice crunchy/chewy
texture. Part 2 of my dinner was
two ready sliced, slices of
Polish, zero sugar, sourdough
bread with some salami slices in
it. Maybe that would have been
nicer, possibly more healthy,
with added salad leaves, but it
was pretty good as it was.
I watched both back to
back episodes of Star Trek:
Enterprise last night because
the second one was sort of good.
That finished at 8pm, and had
overlapped with an episode of
The Simpsons, but I think it was
an old one, and probably have a
recording of it. I didn't like
the look of QI, and so I went to
bed early last night. After my
poor sleep the night before, I
deserved it, but I didn't get a
very early night in the end.
I read quite a lot last
night, and I think I must have
been reluctant to stop because I
feared the return of chest pains
when I turned over and tried to
sleep. I did take some
precautions in the form of some
antacid tablets because I was
occasionally burping up the
taste of the salami sandwich,
and acid reflux causes a lot of
chest pain. I can't say I was
perfectly comfortable when I
turned over and tried to sleep,
but maybe tiredness was the
stronger feeling, and I did get
to sleep before long.
I sleep quite well last
night, but not without
incidents. I had had the heater
on full until about half an hour
before going to bed, and then I
turned it on low. I eventually
fell asleep under my duvet. I
woke up around midnight, or
maybe 1am to find I had been
sweating, and one end of my
pillow was damp. I turned the
pillow around, and was soon back
to sleep, but this time I left
myself mostly uncovered. At 4 or
5am I woke up feeling cold, and
turned the heater on full blast
until after I had got up.
One incident was a dream
that started well, but ended in
frustration, annoyance and
despair. It started off at a
railway station that I am sure
had signs saying it was Catford
Bridge, but looked completely
different. One huge difference
was that it seemed to be a
terminus. It was very early in
the morning, and I had gone to
see a unique thing. Waiting in
the station was a single, old
style, slam door carriage that
was fitted out as first class
(old style first class with
compartments and very
comfortable seats).
The idea was that an
ordinary commuter train would be
coupled to the first class
carriage for one journey every
morning, and I wanted to see it.
I did see it, and decided I
wanted to travel on it - just
once, to say I had done it. I
headed to the ticket office
window to get a 1st class
supplement ticket using my
Senior Railcard to get a
discount, and my Freedom Pass
for the basic cost. The trouble
is that I searched every pocket
I had and could not find my
Freedom Pass or my Senior
Railcard anywhere. By the time I
concluded I would just have to
pay full price using my credit
card (which I did have) the
train had left.
After the quiche I had
for a very late lunch, and the
bread I ate for my dinner, I was
expecting terrible blood glucose
readings this morning, and that
is what I got, but I also got a
very good reading ! The Contour
meter read a fairly good
8.3mmol/l. That is a bit lower
than typical average. The
GlucoRX meter read a very good
7.4mmol/l, and the Sinao Care
meter read a terrible 9.4mmol/l.
That is a hell of a spread of
readings for what should be the
same blood squeezed out of the
same prick in my finger. It is
really odd how the Sino Care
meter can so often give
completely different readings to
the other two, but at least
sometimes it agrees - which was
more than the Viva Chek meter
did. I have put the Viva Chek
meter back in the box, but when
the Sino Care meter runs out of
test strips I may give the Viva
Chek meter another go.....until
I order more test strips for the
Sino Care meter.
I can't say I feel
wonderful today. My blood
pressure is still "Optimum" this
morning. My chest feels sort of
tender, but without any actual
pain. My right elbow has given a
couple of painful twinges today,
and I think that was when I was
in the cold kitchen getting my
breakfast together. The most
worrying thing was what at first
seemed like toothache, but now I
think it is more likely a
problem with my cheek. I may
have somehow bitten it in the
night, or it could be a blocked
saliva gland. Happily it seems
to have almost gone now.
Ideally I would be going
out shopping in Tesco today, but
I feel reluctant to expose
myself to the foul weather again
today. The good thing is that
while the road still looks wet,
I have seen no heavy rain, and
the wetness of the road more
suggests light drizzle. However,
I have no great need for
anything except of Diet Coke,
and I am hoping Michael will be
going to Tesco, as usual, today,
and will get me some. I have
plenty of bread, cold meats,
cheeses , instant noodles, and
frozen sprouts. What more could
a man want !
The main amusement today
should be a visit from Jodie and
possibly Michael for some beer
tasting. I even found a beer I
didn't recognise in the little
supermarket yesterday, plus I
still have a can of 14.5% super
strong, peanut butter flavour
beer that I am looking forward
to trying. Peanuts and the
extreme strength means it must
be wonderful (fingers crossed).
Although I have plenty I
eat for dinner tonight, there is
always a chance that after a few
beer I may not want to much
around in a cold kitchen. It
seems ages since I last treated
myself to a takeaway shish
kebab. Maybe I will tonight.
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