is just over 2 miles from where we first arrived at the beach to the
pier at Southend. At about the halfway mark we stopped so I could have
a paddle, and generally slosh around in the water. After one brief
foray into the sea I returned to the beach to put my mobile phone and
wallet into my back pack that Patricia was guarding for me. With
nothing of value in the lower pockets of my shorts I ventured out a bit
further than I had done before, and managed to get the bottom of my
shorts soaking wet. That was no problem. There was a strong almost warm
breeze most of the time, and my shorts dried out very quickly.
Unfortunately, and despite my precautions, I managed to get seawater,
probably off my wet hands, inside my mobile phone. It is now dead, but
I think there is a chance it will work again once it has dried out
despite me not noticing it, and taking the battery out, for over an
This is the view along the beach towards Southend with the pier visible on the horizon
For the first mile from Thorpe Bay many boats are anchored.
This fuzzy, and rather pointless picture shows Southend Pier from about a mile away. I
didn't take many pictures on this day out, and the fuzzy one of
Southend Pier taken from about a mile away was the last one I took. I
thought I may have taken one or two more than the ones I have shown,
but once agin the bright sunlight made the LCD viewfnder pointless, and
I was not always even sure the camera was turned on because I could see
absolutely nothing in the viewfinder.
Our visit didn't end
once we arrived at Southend. After following a sign post to some
toilets that I couldn't find I treated Patricia to a ride to the end of
the pier on the little railway that rattles and rolls all the way
there. At the end of the pier the string breeze turned into a fairly
strong wind. On occasions it was a little chilly, but mostly it was
very pleasant sitting in the sun looking out to sea, or more
accurately, across to Kent on the other side of the estuary. Also,
although it was not the reason for going onto the pier, I knew that
there were toilets there, and knew exactly where they were.
we rode back towards land there came hints that we were losing the best
of the weather. Some dark clouds were looming, and we retired to the
Wetherspoons pub, The last Post, for a pint for me, and a Pimms with
Pomegranate for Patricia. While we were in there a few drops of rain
fell, and then a few more light drops while we looked in some shops
prior to getting our train back to London. One shop we went into was a
discount clothing shop. As far as I could see it did not cater for
anyone above medium in size, but Patricia found herself a nice dress
for £12.
We missed the train I had planned that we would
get back to London. This shouldn't have mattered for two different
reasons. Originally, and much to her annoyance, Patricia had to attend
a staff meeting at work, back in Lewisham at 4.30 pm, and I had
promised I would get her back in time for it. That meeting had later
been cancelled, and so we were not tied to getting back to Lewisham so
early. The second reason why it should not have been a problem was that
trains back to London are every 15 minutes, and so we had very little
time to wait until the next one. Unfortunately the next train did not
call at Limehouse where we changed to the Docklands Light Railway, and
so we had another change of trains at West Ham station. Even more
annoying was that the onward train at West ham was delayed by about 10
minutes, and at that point I was seriously looking forward to a fag
outside the station at Limehouse. I had coped extremely well with
nicotine withdrawal for the hour journey, but as we neared the end of
the journey I let my will power sag, and that extra 10 minutes was a
difficult time.
With fresh supplies of nicotine coursing
through my blood we only had a two minute wait for the next Dockland
Light Railway train back to Lewisham. After all that, if Patricia had
still to go to the staff meeting she would have been 10 to 15 minutes
late. A little impolite, but not the end of the world. With no meeting
to go to, Patricia left the train at Cutty Sark station to meet a
friend in Greewich, while I continued on to Lewisham. As wel as being
very lucky with the weather again, I was also very lucky that I only
had a few minutes wait for a train to take me on to Catford. By
pure coincidence the train I got was the same service that I would
normally be on during my commute back from work. I even got on in the
same place as I get on every evening when I come home from work.
I arrived back at catford I thought my luck had finally run out. As I
left the station it started to rain, and I thought I was going to get
very wet. I was half way home before I realised the rain had not got
heavier as I thought it would do, but had actually stopped. So my luck
continued to run.
Thanks to Patricia's company this was
the best day out I have had all year. It was extremely enjoyable, and
Patricia seemed to enjoy it as well. It's only taken 5 years and one
week to get to have a day out at the seaside with Patricia, and I feel
sure that I won't have to wait another 5 years before the next one.