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My Diary/Blog For the Month of July 2010 |
Saturday 31st July 2010 |
18:24 BST It's been quite a mixed day. It started off very dull, and for a while there was some light rain. As the day progressed the rain stopped, then the clouds thinned out, and right now the sun is shining. There are still a few banks of clouds in the sky, but it seems like it will be a fine night. With luck the humidity, which is a little on the high side, will drop as the sun goes down. I had a good time last night. I spent a few hours in the pub with some good company, and listened to some good music. It was the night I had been waiting for since the last time I saw The Bluesiscians play in The Catford Ram. ![]() Sadly
Jo, the lead singer, (2nd
from the right in the picture above) had a sore throat and had to
delegate some of the singing to Chris (right hand side of the picture).
Unfortunately his guitar playing is better than his
singing, but he did his best. Also in the picture are Steve, the bass
player, and Liz who does some backing vocals on a few songs. Hidden
behind Jo is Bob the drummer.
I was joined on this very entertaining night by Iain, Jodie and Kevin. I was a little surprised that Jodie turned up. It wasn't really her sort of music. She prefers a more heavy metal style, preferably performed by Finnish musiscians, but obviously my enthusiasm when describing the last time I saw the band play provoked sufficient curiosity for he to see what all the fuss was about. Initially she hated it, but when they did a Deep Purple cover she became far more enthusiastic, and by the end I think she enjoyed herself. It was good to see Kevin last night. He is still recovering from his motoring accident of a few weeks ago, plus a few other medical problems, but managed to get to the pub on crutches. It was his first time in a pub since the accident, and although he declined booze because of the medication he was on, I think he had a pretty good time too. There was a vague plan that Ivor would drive him to the pub, but Ivor managed to forget the date even though when first told it remarked that it was a very convenient date. Yesterday was the first Friday after the schools had broken up for the summer holidays, and as such should have been easy to remember. After the pub we all went over to The Catford Chippy for food. Jodie just had a bag of chips, and managed to eat about half of them before her bus arrived at the stop conveniently almost outside the shop. Iain just had some spicy chicken wings to munch before getting his bus home, while Kevin and I bought fish and chips to eat at home. I was tempted to buy some spicy chicken wings as well, but I resisted the temptation (somewhat helped by there being none left after Iain had bought his portion !). My cod and chips was very nice, but that's more than you can say for the choice of entertainment on TV when I got home. In fact the word choice does not come into it. There was nothing, absolute zero, of anything resembling entertainment on TV last night, or at least not when I turned on the TV. I think it was the 9pm news that I did watch without any enthusiasm. When that was over so was my eating, and I went straight to bed. I slept rather well last night apart from waking up with a strong hangover like headache at around 2am. After a pee I managed to find a combination of pillow and body adjustment that minimised the throbbing in my head, and I was soon asleep again. Somehow I managed to sleep right through to nearly 7am. I woke up feeling very muzzy, but not in any pain. It took quite a long time before I was ready to starting getting the place in order for Aleemah to visit. I didn't do a lot, and I didn't do it that well, but even that seemed to take a long time. So much time in fact that I didn't have time to go out shopping and buy some refreshments for Aleemah. It turned out to be quite handy that I didn't buy anything before she came round. Normally we go straight to the cafe when I meet her off the train, but as we discovered the cafe is closed for holidays for the next fortnight. So we went into Tesco to buy her some lunch as well as other refreshments. At the same time I bought a few odds and ends, but totally forgot to get any black bin liners which I am running out of. After Aleemah had left I cooked my dinner. It was chicken curry using skinless chicken thighs cooked in a fat free, and generally low calorie, tikka flavoured curry sauce. I let it cook for quite a long time in the oven, and the chicken cooked to a soft and crumbly texture which was very nice. Unfortunately I think that long cooking time cooked some of the flavour out of the sauce. So the dish was not as wonderful as I hoped it would be. I have used that sauce before, and I thought it to be very good, but that last time I cooked everything a lot quicker, and the chicken was only just cooked through. Like that it was a lot tastier. I have eaten other stuff beside the chicken curry today, but overall I have not had that much to eat, and if I don't eat any more today I think I will be well primed to go out walking tomorrow. I don't yet know where I will go, but I am keen to get out tomorrow. I have a new pair of walking boots to try out. They are similar to my other two pairs, but the new ones are (allegedly) in a wide fitting that ought to suit my feet better. I am very curious as to how that will work out. Now I just hope that a destination, or route comes to mind, without one it might be a little too easy to decide to have a lazy day and stay in. There is a further complication in that I did invite someone to have a drink with me tomorrow. As yet my offer has not been accepted or rejected, and in all probability just been ignored, but maybe I'll be contacted in time to go for that drink. Possibly, if I start early enough, and walk somewhere that does not involve long travel times on the trains, I would have enough time to do both, but this is all idle speculation, and I ought to just wait and see what tomorrow brings. |
Sunday 25th July 2010 |
10:52 BST It's rather dull this morning, and there has even been some light rain. That was a surprise because I thought that the forecast for today was that it was going to be better than yesterday. It is also unexpectedly cool this morning too. Maybe the sun will eventually burn through the grey misty sky, but the sun has been up for hours now, and if anything it is getting greyer not lighter. Yesterday was actually a splendid day. It was not too hot, and there was plenty of sunshine. It would have been ideal walking weather, but apart from a rummage in the 99p shop I didn't go anywhere. I have a feeling I won't be going anywhere today either. I did finally remember what it was I wanted from the 99p shop. It was memory foam shoe inserts (or insoles). I thought it was worth stocking up with a few of the because at 99p a go they are a quarter of the price of those sold in Tesco, and seem superior as well. While I was in the 99p shop I decided I wanted some snack food. The only trouble was that I couldn't decide just what it was I wanted. So I bought loads of different things. Unfortunately it all proved far too tempting when I brought it home, and I ended up only eating junk/snack food and nothing else. That included those most delicious, addictive, and yet deadly items - peanuts ! So any pretense at healthy eating went right out of the window, and I am suffering a bit for it now. Worse still is that I ignored some fresh meat in the fridge, and that is most probably perilously near it's use by date now. My gut feels quite bloated after all that junk food. Although I can't lay all the blame on the junk food. If anything, the greasiness of it ought to help the ongoing constipation that I seem to be suffering from. Until something shifts I won't be going anywhere today, and that's a pity because a good long walk is really what I need after the excesses of yesterday. Once again it is rather late in the day as I write this. I have been up, although still not washed and dressed, for quite a long time, but I have spent a lot of time trawling the internet for information. The first information I wanted was about Memory Sticks. Note that I capitalised the name to distinguish them from USB memory sticks, pen drives, etc. The Memory Stick was invented by Sony who for reasons of their own wanted to be different from the rest of the world. All this came about because on Friday, while we were in the pub, Iain gave me a 512MB Memory Stick PRO that was surplus to his requirements. He had actually ordered the wrong type from all the confusing types available. I had mentioned that my Samsung Camcorder used a Memory Stick for storing still images, and so he donated it to me in case I could use it. At first I thought it was the wrong physical size, but it fitted OK. However the camera kept saying it was not formatted. My internet search came up with the reason for this problem. The original, now called "standard" Memory Stick was limited in size to a mere 128MB, and my camcorder just choked on 512MB. I do have several adapters that allow me to read and write from the device when connected to a PC. So it's not entirely useless, but I think it will remain redundant because 512MB is pretty small fry these days. I'll add it to my collection of "useful" bits and pieces with the silly idea that I might own something that can use it one day. My second bit of internet searching took far longer. It started when I noticed some moths flying about in my back garden. In flight they had a vivid red colouring, and I attempted to take a picture of one. What happened next was a bit of a revelation. It turned out that it was only the underside of the moth that had the bright red colouring. When one finally landed I saw that it was one of the moths I had photographed on 22nd July. ![]() With this extra piece of
information I finally tracked down a name for this moth. It is a Jersey Tiger Moth.
So another mystery has been solved. In the course of my internet
searching I found that there were lots of reports of this moth from
S.E. London, and some wonder if a breeder had released a load of them 5
or 6 years ago. The bright markings, particularly the yellow
colouration mark it as a poisonous species, although only to certain
predators - probably small birds. Smudge has expressed an interest in
these moths, and I am guessing that it would probably be no worse than
give her a tummy ache if she ever manages to catch one. If I ever
notice her ignoring them in the future I'll know that she has tasted
one !
Tuesday 20th July 2010 |
08:33 BST It is surprisingly warm this morning. Maybe it is not such a great surprise. Yesterday turned out to be a very hot day with temperatures recorded as high as 29° C in some parts of London. The hot sunny afternoon extended into the evening, and then it clouded over. It was quite a thick blanket of cloud, and that trapped a lot of the heat in. Unfortuantely it did make for a bit of a sticky night. That cloud is now thinning out, and perhaps by lunchtime it will become hot and sunny again. Once again temperatures as high as 29° C are expected. It seems we are being saved from the rain that is lashing down to the north and west by high pressure over the near continent. If it were not for that we would be suffering the earlier forecasts of cool wet weather. Quite why the weather forecasters didn't see that high pressure coming earlier remains a mystery. If there is nothing else they have forgotten to notice, or conveniently ignored, then they are saying that we have one more fine day to finish building an ark before the heavens open on Thursday. There was one other weather related thing that happened yesterday - it was flying ant day ! Evidently the temperature and humidity was just right for these big ants to come out of their nests to fly for just one day. The males get just one chance to have sex, and the females get punished for allowing sex to happen by having their wings fall off. Then the crawl down into some crevice and lay their eggs for the whole life circle to start all over again. There's more reports from the Metro, and some more info here. I did say that there was only a microscopic chance that I would be joined for a brief drink last night, and I am wondering why I was so optimistic in saying so. In reality there was a zero possibility, and that is how it turned out. Even though I had to amuse myself it was nice to have a cold glass of lager after enduring a baking hot train on the way home. I am not sure why the train felt so exceptionally hot. It was not overcrowded. In fact there were a few empty seats. It was almost as if the heaters had been on sometime earlier in the day. I would not be surprised if that theory was actually true. After my cold glass of lager I went home to sort myself some dinner out. I thought I was going to do some more pasta again, but I got curious about a couple of tins of halal chicken salami I had bought from the 99p shop (2 for 99p !). It looked like it was either going to be something wonderful or something not very nice. I ate it with some salad and lashings of garlic mayonaisse, and it turned out to be not very nice at all. It wasn't actually nasty, but it had no redeeming features. The sad thing is that I still have the other tine to use up sometime. Perhaps I'll curry it. After what was actually a fairly light salad I had some plain fruit cake, and that was all I ate last night. Maybe it is still the positive after effects of my long walk, or maybe it is because I (accidently) ate lightly yesterday, or maybe it was the pint of lager (actually Stella Artois), but I think I feel sort of good today. Tonight I think I am back on the fish and pasta. I am not always convinced that it is that good for me, but I guess it did fuel my 10 mile walk. So it can't be all bad. |
Sunday 18th July 2010 |
07:19 BST When the sky first got light it looked like it was going to be a fine day, but now it is looking grey and overcast. It is also rather cool. The forecast was that today would be warmer than yesterday at around 27° C, and that it would be dry and sunny. Hopefully the rising sun will burn off the grey mistiness and the sky will lighten up to reveal a lot of blue, and bring some nice sunshine too. Yesterday seemed nice, warm, and sunny in south east London, but in Essex it was very often overcast. Being overcast brought the temperature down a bit, and that made a rather long walk I did a bit easier, but the greyness made some of the photos I took look a little bland. I broke a personal record yesterday by walking 10.35 miles from Epping tube station to Ongar station which is now owned by the Epping Ongar Railway. For the most part it was a very pleasant walk, but some bits stretched my capabilities a bit. Epping station seems to sit in a very deep hole, and getting out of that really taxed me. From then on it was just my feet that ached as usual until the last mile or so into Ongar. That involved a moderately long, and moderately steep climb until the last quarter mile that was thankfully downhill. On that last climb I could feel my thigh muscles really start to complain in a way that I don't think I have experienced before. I was very relieved that a bus turned up very quickly to take me back the easy way to Epping station. I very much doubt I could have walked back, and certainly not without having plenty of water to rehydrate myself. I took a half litre bottle with me which I didn't touch until I had walked about 7 or 8 miles. I then guzzled half of that when I found myself feeling ever so slightly wobbly. Once I was on the bus back to the station I drank the rest of it. To get to Epping I made the mistake of getting a bus from Catford to Canada Water tube station. That was a very long dreary journey. From then on it was relatively straightforward on the Jubilee line to Stratford, and then the Central line to Epping. On the way home I took the Docklands Light Railway from Stratford to Lewisham, and that was the route I originally intended to use on my out to Epping. After walking 10.35 miles, and burning off 1590 calories I decided I had earned a treat and went straight into the fried chicken shop as soon as I got off the bus from Lewisham. I restrained myself from overdoing it and just spent £4 on spicy chicken wings and a bag of chips. Apart from 3 oatmeal biscuits that's all I ate yesterday. This morning I think I feel a little hungry. I've made a web page up with some of the photos I took yesterday, and you can view them here. I did have some ideas that I might go out again today, but now I am not so sure. That 10.35 miles yesterday has left my legs feeling a bit tired, and it is looking fairly horrible outside as I write this. Maybe I'll stay in and do some other stuff, but maybe after a bit of a rest (or even some more sleep if I can manage it) the weather will have brightened up, and I'll find the urge to go out again. |
Saturday 17th July 2010 |
08:30 BST The forecast is that we return back to summer today, and if the sun had not just ducked behind one of the white fluffy clouds just as I wrote that, I would have to agree. There is a lot of blue in the sky, but there are also quite a few clouds. Although as far as I can see they are non threatening, white fluffy things. It is fairly cool right now, but there does seem to be the potential for the temperature to rise to as high as 26° C. That's only a couple of degrees higher than yesterday, but the wind that kept yesterday feeling cool has died down, and it should feel very pleasant today. I believe there is still the chance of an isolated shower, but hopefully nothing significant to worry about. I am not sure if my strange dinner on Thursday night did me good or harm. I didn't feel as lively as I thought I might yesterday, and as the afternoon progressed my guts felt a little tender. The reason for this became apparent yesterday evening after I had eaten a rather large dinner. That dinner contained only the "healthiest" of ingredients, but as I tossed the ingredients into the pot I realised the size of it was getting bigger and bigger. I guess I made enough for a good two "man sized" portions, but I ate it all anyway. It was basically fish and wholemeal pasta with quite a few assorted vegetables. Soon after consuming this rather large, and very delicious meal, I felt a rumbling in my guts. What happened next is too unpleasant to describe, but think in terms of large explosions almost powerful enough to throw you off the toilet seat happening a couple of times at 10 -15 minute intervals. Then for good measure throw in a couple of more minor visits to the toilet. The good thing is that apart from the pressure build up I didn't feel ill either before all this or afterwards. So it wasn't food poisoning, but possibly the result of too much of those allegedly healthy fish and olive oils. Another thing that happened yesterday was that I received an email from Canada containing some amusing pictures. Unlike some previous emails this one contained pictures that are safe for all the family (probably). Not only that but a couple of them definitely tickled the right nerve ! ![]() In my ignorance I didn't
realise that Ontario had such draconian no smoking laws as London. If
anything they may be worse. I have a suspicion that they have even
banned smoking in public parks. At least here I can smoke a fag while
taking a healthy walk around the park. Also to note is the dual use of
the word "fag" reflecting the split personality of Canada. Some want to
be American where a fag is a homosexual. Some want to be English where
the word means a cigarette, and the real nutters want to be French !
![]() I think this picture
speaks for itself !
![]() Very wise words !
Today I am going out
exploring, but as yet I am not sure where. I am tempted to try a
variation on a walk done by one of my workmates last weekend. (The
variation is because I am only sure of his start and end points - I
would need to invent my own route between them). That walk is between
Hayes (Kent) station and Knockholt station. By road it is about 7
miles, but making it more interesting by going cross country could add
a couple of miles to that. Before doing that walk I would prefer to
have a more recent OS Map than the rather old old I have that covers
the area. So I think I'll try it another day.
The starting point for the walk I have in mind for today will be Epping station. From there I'll walk just under 4 miles to North Weald station. The station was originally on the London Underground Central line, but has been closed for over 10 years now. After many years of wrangling it is now being refurbished before being re-opened by the Epping Ongar Railway maybe sometime next year. Once I have had a look at the progress being made at North Weald station I have to choose where to go next. I could just backtrack on my walk there, and that is the simplest, and least taxing option. Alternatively I could carry on walking to Ongar station which like North Weald is also undergoing refurbisment, and could be rather interesting to take a look at. Going to Ongar takes the walk up to around 8 miles, but then I have to get home again. I don't think I am quite ready to walk 16 miles in one day just yet, but I could be overcome by a wave of masochism and try it. Far more likely is that I will try the dubious pleasures of a country bus to take me back to Epping, or to Brentwood station on the mainline from Liverpool Street station. Both ways have good and bad points. Getting back to London from Brentwood should be quicker, but it will involve higher fares and there is only one bus an hour. There are more buses per hour (3) to Epping station, and with it being inside the London Travelcard zone my fares for the day (apart from the country bus) will be capped at the day travelcard price. The downside is that that the journey from Epping to Stratford, where I will change trains, is long and boring. |
Friday 9th July 2010 |
07:29 BST The day is off to a fine start. Occasionally some misty clouds pass over, but for much of the time the only thing added to the clear blue sky is aircraft vapour trails (of which there seemed to be rather a lot at 5am). It is predicted that today will be a very fine day indeed. The temperature will be at least 29° C, and some pundits reckon that 32° C could be possible in some places. Today the warm air is coming from the Mediteranean, and is, or should be, nice and dry, but tomorrow the wind changes direction to bring in very warm, very wet air from the Atlantic. In all probability tomorrow is going to be a disgustingly sweaty day ! My theory about rain yesterday was as accurate as many weather forecasts. In other words it was completely wrong. Yesterday the weather forecast was correct. As the morning progressed the clouds and hazyness broke up leaving a warm sunny afternoon. I could have taken advantage of it by doing some exploring, but my other prediction yesterday, that I would be lazy, turned out to be 100% accurate. It was a bit later than I thought I might do it, but I went out and bought New Scientist plus a couple of sandwichs. I didn't go straight home though. I was mysteriously lured into the 99p shop, or maybe I just wanted some kitchen roll. As well as the kitchen roll I bought some oats based biscuits (oats are good for upset stomachs - probably), a few assorted other foodstuffs, and two pairs of flipflops. For some perverse reason I have taken to wearing flipflops at work despite the health and safety problems (dripping hot solder onto the toes, for instance). On these hot days it is quite pleasant for me to go around with semi naked feet, but maybe less pleasant for others (from a visual point of view only - my feet are washed and not smelly - so no problem there - I think). The pair I had been wearing here at work were some old ones I brought from home, and were geeting near the end of their useful life. So today I am wearing a pair of brand new 99p flipflops, and with the extra springiness that comes from being band new they feel pretty good. In the news last night there was a report that doctors had, after years of research, come to the conclusion that obesity causes a lack of exercise rather than a lack of exercise causes obesity. (more info here). The research was apparently "controversial", but what actually seems so controversial is the medical professions apparent complete ignorance of the fact that it is hard to run around when overweight. It does make you wonder just how in touch with reality some of these medical people are, but it does seem consistent with many zany ideas they have. Now that this stunningly obvious piece of research has been revealed we can look forward to an increase in the crime rate if they can act on this information in some positive way. The relation between the crime rate and obesity may not actually be that obvious, but as an example I can only cite my own experiences. There were many things I couldn't do as an obese teenager, and running away from policeman was one of them. I am not sure what crimes I may have committed if I could have been able to run away, but that disability meant that I mostly kept on the straight and narrow (or not so narrow as the case may be!). I don't think I will be doing much running around today, and being a little on the heavy side is only part of the problem. I would say two other things carry more significance. The first is that it is going to be very hot today, and I doubt anyone, apart from those diehard (and usually young dying) fitness fanatics, will be wanting to rush around that much today. Although that is not strictly true. Sometimes I have a burst of energy on the way home from work, and probably just to show off or something, I run up the escalators at Waterloo station. I must admit it feels good to be able to do it, but maybe not so good after having done it. The other significant thing why I probably won't be rushing around much today, apart from showing off on the escalators (maybe) is that once the refreshing effects of early morning wear off I will probably be feeling extremely tired. I felt comfortable in bed last night, but not sleepy. So I read for some time until I felt that sleep might be inevitable. That was gone 11pm, but by how much I am not sure. I slept well, but woke up a little after 4am after having had less than 5 hours sleep. That is going to catch up with me sooner or later ! By the way, apologies if you couldn't access my web pages yesterday afternoon. I had a little overheating problem that shut down the server. The temporary fan I sort of half dangled over the processor many months ago, after the original fan had become irritatingly noisy, had started running slow allowing the processor to overheat. Fortunately no damage was done, and I have now fitted another fan. It's another old one, and someday I am going to have to get around to ordering a brand new one and fitting it correctly, but for now the server soldiers on again. |
Thursday 8th July 2010 |
10:35 BST There is every probability that it could rain sometime today. The sky is a most gloomy colour. It wasn't quite as bad as it is now at first light this morning, and it is not as bad as it has been. As I write this the sun seems to have found a hazy gap in amongst the clouds, many of the dark and brooding, but I fear it is only a passing moment, and even now, just a few seconds later, it is getting darker again. The latest BBC weather forecast says it is about 20° C right now, and that feels about right, but it also says it should remain dry today despite all the cloud. By 4pm the temperature is predicted to have risen to 25° C, and the humidity to have dropped from the 77% now to a pleasanter 54%. Yesterday's rain did momentarily get significant in the morning, but was mostly ignorable, and it had dried up completely by late morning. The rest of the day was overcast, and a little cooler than of late. I would guess the temperature may have been somewhere in the region of 22° C. By late evening I thought that the temperature, and the humidity may have risen substantially, but I later discovered that my senses in that respect were most probably faulty. After work I paid a visit to my friend Kevin. He was recently in a fairly bad car accident and is now at home after a few days in hospital. At the moment he is only semi mobile, and even then only with some pain. So I picked up some reading stuff in WH Smiths on the way to his place to give him something to do if he was getting too bored with day time TV (as anyone with an intelligence higher than an amoeba would do). We had a chat for about 90 minutes accompanied by a few large Jamesons Irish whiskeys. Neat whiskey on an empty stomach should have left me feeling slightly mellow, but as the evening progressed I felt worse than that. I still thought that it might still have been the booze, perhaps aided by chilli sauce on my dinner, that was causing me to feel pretty horrible when I went to bed. I was feeling a tiny bit nauseus, but mostly I just felt very hot, and my face was burning like I had been out in the sun for far too long. With the aide of my fan I eventually got to sleep, but only for a few hours. At 1 am I woke up with bad gut ache, and the source of my discomfort became obvious. In fact it became obvious several times in the next couple of hours. I had food poisoning ! It evidently was not severe because it was all exiting from the correct end. Once all the major unpleasantness was over my temperature dropped, and I was able to sleep more comfortably. After a few more hours sleep it was time to get up, but my guts decided to play a bit of an encore. It was mild compared to what had gone before, but it was good enough for me not to want to travel into work with the possibility of still more to come, and after having such a rough night. Besides which, my guts were still a little tender in a cavernouse empty sort of way. So I went back to bed after pondering all that for an hour. At 8am I called into work to give them the good news, and then went back to sleep again, quite quickly this time, and didn't wake up again until 9.30am. I still feel a little odd even now, but I guess it will pass. I suspect all this was caused by a mexican chicken sandwich I bought on my way into work yesterday. It wasn't past it's sell by date, and it didn't taste suspicious, but it didn't really taste of what it was supposed to be either. The alleged lumps of chicken had a taste and consistency of how you might expect well boiled shoe leather to have. I think I will be avoiding that flavour in future. I would like to go out exploring a bit later today, but I doubt that I will . I think it is far more likely that I will just pop to the shops and buy the latest New Scientist, and then have a bit of a lazy day. I might do a bit of housework if I feel the urge, but I also doubt that will happen in any extensive manner. |
Wednesday 7th July 2010 |
08:23 BST The big problem is how to interpret last night's BBC weather forecast ! On the face of it they warned about the possibility of rain today, but their animated rain clouds over the map of London suggested that it would be north London getting most of the rain, and only a few odd rain bearing clouds drifting over south London sometime later in the day. Once again reality is different. There were a few small spits of rain in the breeze in Catford, and it was similar when I arrived here in Earlsfield. I think the rain is a little more substantial now, but still light enough to be ignored when I go out for a fag soon. Later on the rain may become heavier. If the BBC's weather chart did have some semblance of reality I will be getting soaked on the way home from work ! Last night I had a slight distraction at Clapham Junction on the way home from work. It was handy that I had managed to get an early train from Earlsfield because what I saw when the train pulled in to Clapham Junction tempted me to get off the train there. ![]() It was steam loco 30777
"Sir Lamiel" (and it's support coach). Seeing a steam loco at
Clapham Junction is a fairly rare sight (maybe just a few times a year)
and I thought it worth taking a snapshot of it while it was there. All
I had was my mobile phone camera, and to make matters worse I was
almost shooting into the sun, but with a few tweaks using The Gimp photo editor I managed
to pull out this recognisable picture from the original mess.
I did not make the decision to interupt my journey home lightly. Once I start out for home I am like a salmon heading to it's spawning grounds. I want to get there as quicly and as directly as possible. However, last night I thought taking a picture of the steam loco was worth the discomfort of missing my usual Catford bound train from Waterloo East (the next train is a 20 minute wait, and usually I have to stand all the way on it). It turned out that I needn't have worried. I got off the train, went over the footbridge to the platform nearest where the steam loco was berthed, and no sooner had I taken a couple of quick snaps a train to Waterloo arrived on my platform. Even better was that it was non stop to Waterloo, not stopping at Vauxhall station. It did the journey at a rather sedate pace, but although I didn't have enough time to go outside for a smoke I was in plenty of time to catch my normal 16:23 train to Catford. I went home via Tesco, as I threatened to do, and ought some stuff. A lot of the stuff I bought was healthy wholesome stuff, but one item wasn't ! Once home I had a fairly large three part dinner. For starters I had some organic beetroot with lashings of teribly unhealthy mayonaise. I don't really like beetroot, but I saw packs of organic beetrrot marked down to less than half price, and I thought I would see if it was anything worth writing about - it wasn't ! Well maybe it was less worse than normal beetroot, but I am not tempted to buy any more. My next course was crispy salad with some reduced price, very close to the edge smelling, prawns - once again with lashings of mayonaise ! My third course was toffee banofee cake - a lot of it ! Without that cake I would have been doing quite well, but I think I blew any pretense at trying to be carefull with my food input by eating it. I may have increased my blood sugar levels more than I should, and quite probably raised my blood pressure too, but in many ways I feel rather good this morning. I got a bit more sleep last night as well, and that must have helped. This morning I finally managed to do something that I have been rehearsing for some time now. As I walked out of Waterloo East station I was stopped by a "ticket inspector" who said the magic words "can I see your ticket please ?". At long last I was able to reply "I haven't got a ticket..................(long pause)......................but I have got an Oyster card". In some ways it would have been good if he had been a miserable sort of sod, and I might have ragged him on a bit longer, but my target for this foolish prank had a sense of humour and we both had a smile as I walked on (after my Oyster card had been electronically checked with his handheld checker of course). Imagine, a little bit of joy that didn't involve any calories ! |
Tuesday 6th July 2010 |
07:53 BST True fantasy : Approximately 13 hours ago the weather forecaster on the BBC said we would wake up to a wonderful clear sky, but that it would haze over later. True Reality : When I woke up this morning the sky was very hazy, and it almost seemed like it heralded some rain. Now, later in the day, the sky is clearing to become a wonderful clear blue. In all probability today will be much like yesterday. It was dry, and for the most part sunny, but the temperature stayed low somewhere around 23 - 24° C. If any single part of last nights weather forecast can be believed it is that the temperature will rise as the week ends. They have said that for two days running now, and it is sounding quite feasible. The only trouble with that forecast, and why I actually hope it is wrong, is that together with the heat will come high humidity. These slightly cooler days should have had a positive effect on my sleeping, but it has not been as positive as it might be. The trouble over the last few days has not been it being too hot to sleep, but more with it getting too cool in the night. To cool in the night is, of course, a rather relative term. In the middle of winter to have my bedroom at the same temperature would seem like luxury. However, right now, kicking off any covering in the middle of the night is guaranteed to make me feel very chilly and wake me up in the middle of the night.......and it has happened several times over the last few nights. Yesterday I felt pretty good overall when I started work, but even before lunch I was fantasising about how wonderful it would be if I could lay down on my bed and take a nap. After a rather dozy afternoon I was determined to get a bit more sleep last night. So once the local news, including it's dubious weather forecast, was over I went straight to bed. I didn't go intending to sleep that early, but I wanted to do some reading, and keep myself from other distractions that might have kept me awake longer than I wanted. As a plan it was good, but it didn't work out as well as I hoped. I finished the final short story in the book I was reading and prepared to go to sleep. My timing had been good, and it was before 9pm when I found a good relaxing position and prepared myself to be whisked off to the land of Morpheus. Unfortunately it was just at that time that Smudge started calling me from the garden using her unique version of a meow that sounds more like ee-ee-ee-ee etc. She is spending most of her time outside during these summer months, and really only comes in to be fed. She had eaten only a small amount when I first arrived home from work, so I guessed she was hungry again. This did turn out to be so when got out of bed again and went downstairs to see what the matter was. She came in and eat a very large portion of food while I watched. She then leapt onto the open window ledge, waved goodbye with her tail, and away into the garden. That was a long way of saying that I missed out on nearly an hours worth of sleep before I got to sleep. On top of that was the seveal times I woke during the night because I was either cold, having kicked off anything between my bare skin and the cool night air, or I needed a pee, or having a wrestling match with the duvet cover because I had not kicked it off the bed while asleep. Right now I feel fine, but I would not be surprised if I was not wanting to take an impossible siesta as lunchtime approaches again. Tonight will probably end up like last night except for one difference I know I can make, and maybe others that I will try and make. The one definite difference is that I will be stopping off to get some shopping on the way home unless some other distraction causes a different difference. I will attempt to stuff Smudge as full as possible before I attempt to go to sleep, and I will see if I can come up with a brilliant solution to try and keep myself at a comfortable temperature through the night. Nothing has ever worked in the past, but maybe tonight will see a breakthrough (or another failure to join the other 26,448 failures of the last excess amount of years). Maybe tonight I will get a full eight hours of sleep, or maybe tonight I will invent world peace in a handy to use aerosol can. |