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My Diary/Blog For the Month of September 2010 |
Friday 17th September 2010 |
09:38 BST The day has started off well. The sky is blue and the sun is shining. It's also rather chilly, and I am thinking that I ought to turn some heating on. If the day goes as forecast it will stay sunny, and it will get pleasantly warm, but after today I think things go downhill again with more wet autumnal weather. Yesterday went rather well. Apart from the cool breeze it wasn't too bad out, but it was the evening that was most pleasant. After work I went to The Ram to have a very brief meeting with Chris from Chain to give him some disks I had prepared of Chain's recent performances. I also met up with another very rare person by the name of Dee. I haven't seen her in ages, and as we chatted what should have been one drink became two, then three, and I think the total for the evening was 4 pints. I enjoyed myself, and she giggled a lot so I presume she enjoyed herself too. Maybe it won't be another year before we meet again ! After 4 pints the only answer was to get cod and chips for my dinner. As an experiment I tried eating the fish with some wasabi sprinkled over it. It made for a change and tasted rather good. I'll be doing that again in the future. Today I am on holiday from work, and in theory I should be going out for a long walk in the sunshine. In practice I don't think I will be doing that. I feel rather lazy today, and there is plenty of other stuff I can be doing. I'll probably do some laundry, and I'll do some shopping, but I think much of my time will be spent doing stuff on a PC. If I can conserve my energy, and get the timing of my eating right, there is a gig I'd like to go to tonight. Chain are playing at The British Queen in Pratts Bottom. It is easy to get to provided I can stomach a ride along the entire length of bus route 336. The bus starts a short walk from here, and ends right outside the pub. So apart from the tedium of a 46 minute bus ride there are no excuses there for not going. The one reason I might have for not going is that it starts at my normal bedtime - 9pm. I didn't sleep that well last night and I could well be quite tired by the time I would have to go out. I am not sure why I didn't sleep well last night. Maybe it was the knowledge that I could get up and go back to bed for extra sleep this morning. In fact I did wake up unreasonably early at a little after 3am. If I had to go to work today I may have been able to convince myself to go to sleep again, but I got up feeling wide awake. At first I read some stuff off the internet, and then I went for a short walk into the park. At 4am it was quite nice in the park. With less street lighting the sky looked a bit darker, and with the clear sky there were loads of stars to see. I wish I had taken my phone with the Google Sky application on it so I could identify some of the stars. My walk was actually quite brief because I had not been out all that long before I decided that I really should have gone to the toilet before going out into the cold night air. Having dealt with that I did get back into bed, and although it didn't really feel like I had gone to sleep it was bright daylight when I woke up. Since then I have downloaded some dodgy software that doesn't seem to work, but didn't raise any alarms when I checked it with my anti-virus prior to running it. I've also uploaded an eight minute video to Myspace - which took an age ! The video was about trains, so any trainspotters can find it on my Myspace pages here. |
Thursday 16th September 2010 |
08:21 BST After yesterday's bright sunny morning it is disappointing that this morning is all grey and nasty. It is dry, but it feels like rain may be a possibility at some time. One positive aspect is that all the cloud has kept the temperature a tiny bit higher than yesterday morning. There's not much in it, and as such I think many people would describe it as cold outside. Some, like me, were still just in shirtsleeves, while others whose ancestors came from hotter climates are fully wrapped up in their sinister looking hoodies, or wearing stupid looking hats. The bright sunny morning did not last all that long yesterday. By midday it had nearly clouded over, and for the rest of the afternoon tehre was little contribution from the warm sun. Had there not been a strong breeze it might have felt relatively pleasant, but that breeze did make it feel cooler than it could have been. It will soon be time to starting using some heating again unfortunately. Last night I cooked myself up some wonderfully healthy (maybe !) mixed fish and vegetable stew with plenty of garlic in it. If I had only had that I would have declared it a victory, but I did have 4 pots of bio-active yoghurt which were close to their use by date, and like all allegedly healthy dairy products contain unhealthy amounts of sugar. I was quite busy last night. I have given in to the lure of so called social networking by opening up a Myspace account - http://www.myspace.com/550578655 . It won't be replacing my boring daily whinging and moaning here, and if the truth be told it is mainly just to use Myspace's video streaming facilities. It may have other uses as well. I have already uploaded a few photo albums, but there are few photos that haven't appeared here before. Of course the real reason for using Myspace is so that some genuine filthy rich, stunningly beautiful, 30 - 40 year old widow with no kids, will see my profile and fall madly and passionately in love with me. Of course that's just fantasy. In reality I am prepared to lower my expectations. She could be either stunningly beautiful, or filthy rich (provided she looks better than a sack of old spanners). That's what I hope for, but what is more likely is that I will be approached by some grotesque 50 year old chicken plucker from some godforsaken ex easten bloc country, or an (alleged) Nigerian princess who wants help taking her illegally amassed fortune of $2,300,000 ("two million, three hundred thousand american dollars") out of the country, and can she have my bank account details please ? |
Tuesday 14th September 2010 |
08:08 BST It seems very dark and overcast this morning, and yet it is dry, and it is reasonably mild. The temperature today is forecast to barely reach 20° C, and maybe a degree or two less. That's still not cold, but the likelyhood of rain means that I don't think I really approve of today. Yesterday was actually not that bad. I think the sun did show itself for a few brief moment, and even when hidden it still didn't feel that gloomy with all the white clouds overhead. Those clouds did leak on a few occasions. As I walked from work to the station was one time. It was not heavy rain, but that persistent light rain that you can, at your peril, try and ignore while it sneaks up on you and renders you soaked through without realising it is happening. I was a coward and put my lightweight bomber type jacket on (with the hood up). It did, as I expected, feel quite warm walking with that on, and with the rain just about over I took it off and stuffed it back in my back pack at Waterloo station. Last night was rather good. I had just started walking towards home from Catford Bridge station when Kevin called me to ask if I fancied a "swift half" in the pub. History will record that the "swift half" was in reality more like 4 pints, and I left the pub feeling at the peak of everything good about being drunk ! One more pint I would have began to feel bad effects, but I definitely felt very good. My mood was also enhanced by seeing Chris, the lead guitarist from Chain, drinking in the pub and exchanging a few words with him. One of those words was that Chain have been booked to play in The Catford Ram again in the not too distant future (maybe mid October). I'll be checking their website frequently until the actual date is published. My plans for an extra healthy lightweight vegetable stew were wrecked soon after I finished the first pint last night. What I actually had was cod and chips from The Catford Chippie. I ate that, with a light scattering of hot chilli sauce, while watching some repeat of Top Gear on TV. I am not exactly sure when that finished, but I am reasonably sure I was in bed very soon after 9pm, and fast asleep very soon after that. I don't think I slept that well last night even though I don't feel sleepy now. Not unexpectedly I woke up at sometime after 1am to have a pee, and at that time I did seem to have a hangover type headache. I thought I might need to get a paracetamol, ut as I pondered this I fell back to sleep again. I did dream a lot last night, and although many of the details are fading fast, the fact that I remember so much suggests I was probably on the verge of waking up many times. One dream seemed to make some connection between rockets (or missiles) and Felinfoel ale. Quite what that connection was remains a mystery, but I am convinced it was nothing scatalogical. We used to jokingly call Felinfoel "Feeling Foul", but it was only because we could rather than it having any bad effects on the digestive or other body systems. Another dream, possibly the last before I finally woke up at 4.40am, made a curious connection between rampaging space alien hells angels and Radio 4 (with a rocket ship thrown in for good measure). This latter dream was quite horrendous, and definitely X rated. I was on a rocket whose interior shared some similarities with my house, and we had landed on a planet somewhere. When we went through my back door the air lock we spotted some ravening alien hells angels who started throwing rock at us (but they may have been some kind of hand grenade). I was able to duck back inside and went to lay on my bed to listen to Radio 4 (which I don't think I have ever done in real life). When I checked a bit later I found my shipmates were all dead and horribly mutilated in ways that I would rather not describe. It was all horribly unpleasant and I decided that it would be a good idea to wake up at that point. Considering the beer, the chips, and the seemingly restless night, I don't feel too bad right now. Given the choice, I am not sure if I would opt for some more sleep or more beer right now. Unfortunately those choices are not available to me, and I am now stuck at work until home time. Once I do get back home, or maybe as far as Catfod Bridge station, I will have to decide if I am going to eat my slightly unfullfilling vegetable stew, or whether I will divert my journey via Tesco's and buy something more tasty. Maybe I might go for the best of both worlds and get something to give a bit more body to the stew - a bit of fish perhaps, but not any carbohydrate based thickeners. |
Friday 10th September 2010 |
08:04 BST I thought that the forecast for today was for a nice warm suuny day. Instead it started to rain on me as I walked from the station to work. That rain didn't come to much, but the sky looks grey and horrible now, and I would not be surprised if there was more rain to come. It makes me wonder if the bit of weather forecast I saw last night (or was it the night before ?) was 100% fiction or if any part of it can be relied on. If the weather forecast describes the general trends instead of the reality then tomorrow might not be bad. The earliest forecast suggested torrential rain over all of south east England. More recently it has been changed to passing showers. Maybe tomorrow morning they will forecast some sunshine, and no doubt on Sunday they will make a "forecast" for the day just gone and get that wrong too ! If Sunday is not the warm sunny day that is forecast I think I will be very angry. Unfortunately it is no longer legal in this quasi police state we live in to threaten to blow up the weather forecasters no matter how tongue-in-cheek it is said. However, as far as I know, it is still legal to say that I am going to do my best to summon up enough psychic energy to hurl the weather forecasters into the seventh dimension (which as everyone knows is far worse than the fifth dimension, but not as bad as the thirty second dimension). Now where did I put my Orgone accumulator). I thought I should be feeling pretty good this morning, but maybe that was only on the condition that it was not trying to rain on me as I came to work. I must admit I didn't eat quite as frugally as I could have done last night. The cabbage, leak, and mixed fish stew was pretty healthy stuff, and the two rice cakes I had were allegedly very low in calories and fat. The thing that was very bad was the chunk of cheese I ate. Cheese is, like most evil things, absolutely orgasmic, but there may have been a subtler reason why I decided to eat it. This apparent breakdown in will power actually happened while I was shopping in Tesco's. Every single thing I bought was vaguely healthy sort of stuff except for the cheese. It was no ordinary cheese. I felt an urge to buy some blue Stilton cheese. The blue in Stilton comes from copper wires put in the curing cheese, but some say the colouration comes from penecillin mould, and those that do say there is no active penecillin even in "matured in a damp French cave" cheeses. Despite most of my brain knowing this, there was obviously some dusty corner of it urging me to specifically buy some blue cheese. This I did, and last night I ate a medium size chunk of it. The cheese added more fat to my diet than I would have preferred, but this morning my trousers do feel looser after these few days of attempting to get my blood sugar level down to something more conducive to healing a little problem I have. I think that if the sky had been blue, as I came to work, instead of dirty grey, I might have felt like I had more energy. Sometimes these things are all in the mind. What isn't in the mind, and yet is still hard to physically measure, is the progress I seem to be making in curing my little ailment. It is certainly different, and I think for the better. Tonight I could theoretically go to a gig. Chain (the band formerly known as The Bluesicians) are playing in The Bulls Head, Pratts Bottom, Kent from 9pm tonight. I would like to go even if only for an hour or so, but it is one of those places that is hard to get to by public transport from Catford without changing from trains to buses and yet more buses (or other unpalatable combinations). So I think I'll be passing that one by. Instead I think I'll end up playing video editing type stuff on my PC dedicated to such stuff. Provided I don't get carried away I should also have the pleasure of getting to bed, and probably asleep, not long after Chain play their opening notes at 9pm. That should leave me fresh and raring to go out exploring tomorrow (if the weather does not put me off). |
Sunday 5th September 2010 |
09:31 BST The weather is starting to edge back towards autumn, but it has a little way to go before it gets unpleasant. The sky this morning is a mixture of light cloud and mistiness, but the sun has broken through, and with luck a lot of today will be warm and sunny. It is just a shame that the temperature is unlikely to get much higher than around 20 - 21° C today. Yesterday was very similar to how I think today will end up. It was nice, but not as good as Friday, which in turn was not quite as good as the day before. Yesterday was a busy day. In between trying to do some housework prior to Aleemah visiting me I finished burning 5 demo DVDs for The Bluesicians. When Aleemah came over she brought a rather weird film for us to watch. It was called The Red Violin. I think I would use The Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy classification of "mostly harmless" to classify it. I neither liked nor disliked it. After Aleemah went home I had another visitor. It was Jodie who came to pick up one of my spare tickets to the Party In The Priory "music festival" in Priory Park, Orpington happening today. I don't know how many bands Jodie will enjoy there, or even how long she will stay, but I am going mainly just to see The Bluesicians and All You Need playing, although there are a few other bands that look potentially interesting. The length of time I stay there will depend on how crowded and busy it is. As I discovered when I went to Petts Woodstock, I still don't like crowds. In theory, with it taking place in quite a large park, there should be room to breath and chill out without tripping over babies and prams (like at Petts Woodstock). There are several ways of getting to todays venue, and the simplest is to endure a long tedious bus ride on the 208. I think it takes in excess of 40 minutes from Catford to the end of the route which happens to be almost right outside the park. There is one change to today's entertainment. As of last night The Bluesicians have changed their name to "Chain". The change of name was was not unexpected, but it's a shame they changed on the same day that I finished making the DVDs that bear the ame "The Bluesicians". It's also unfortunate that the name "Chain" is so similar to "The Chain" who are a similar covers band operating in the Chichester area. I suspect a further change of name is due. |
Wednesday 1st September 2010 |
08:28 BST It's very much looking like the start of another pleasant warm day. Like yesterday, the sky is clear, the birds are singing, and the sun is shining. With a starting temperature somewhere around 9° C it was a little chilly when I left for work, but with luck it will be back to around 21 - 22° C when I leave for home again this afternoon. So a new month starts, and for a little while I am rich again ! My wealth won't last long. Once all the utilities and other money grabbing institutions have got their grubby little hands on my pay there will be little left for me. I fancy buying some new electronic toys, although I have nothing specific in mind, but after a couple of lean months I think I would be better if I past that temptation by. I had a most excellent evening yesterday. I met up with Chris, the lead guitarist from The Bluesicians, for a few beers and show him how I had been progressing with my video editing/DVD making project. Originally I thought that we would just have one quick beer together before Chris went off for his dinner, and I did the same. I guess in the end we were like a couple of old women knattering away because it actually turned into a 4 pint session ! It was a most fascinating chat we had together, and I learned a few new things. More importantly I gave me a better idea of what I should be trying to achieve for my DVD project. I now realise I was trying to do both too much and too little. I now think I need to make two DVDs. One simplified one for the original purposes of a demo DVD to show to potential venues, etc. The other DVD is more of a vanity project to show off my skills (or lack of them) and to show of the skills of the band. This second DVD is going to be far more comprehensive than the one I have started to put together, and I am going to see if I can get hold of copies of the original files that the band have already uploaded to the internet. There are some legal technicalities that make the sale of the second DVD difficult, but I think there is a feeling that maybe the band can give away a few "souvenir" disks to some of their regular audience, but mostly it's just a band and friends ego trip video ! |