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My Diary/Blog For the Month of November
2012 |
Friday 30th November 2012 |
07:50 GMT I think it was around midday that the northern half of the sky looked very wintry, and the southern half looked autumnal. For a little while around that time there were a few spells of very weak and watery sunshine, but most of yesterday was a sort of light grey colour. I don't know what the highest temperature was, but I doubt it was any higher than 7° C. This morning it was 1.8° C, and there was a thick frost on all the cars. Unlike yesterday, the cars here in Earlsfield were still very frosty as I came into work. The good news is that the sky is very clear right now, and once the sun gets a bit higher we should have some sunshine, but it will do little for the temperature which is forecast to only rise to about 4° C today. I was still feeling good yesterday, but the novelty was wearing off, and I could have wished to feel even better. I still felt good enough to carry out my idea of getting a bit of shopping, and then seeing who might be in The Catford Ram. As I thought I might, I found Chris in there along with a couple of his workmates. I also found that Winter Warmer was available, and had three pints of it before I left. In many ways the Winter Warmer was a disappointment. It didn't taste that fresh, and of course over the years it has been made weaker and weaker along with other changes to the recipe. Still it was either that or Guinness, and Guinness takes so long to pour........ One other thing I did while I was drinking was to test the flash on my mobile phone camera. I've never really used before, and it was interesting to see what it could do in a fairly dim lit pub.It's not a real flash, it's just a flash from a bright LED, but it seemed to work reasonably well, although the picture of Chris, below, has benefitted from a bit of "tickling up" using The Gimp. ![]() After my three pints I headed home to cook some dinner. In theory the Winter Warmer should have buffered the cold, but I felt quite chilly when I got home, and I could feel my chest start to complain. Fortunately it soon recovered once I was in the warm, and I felt OK once I got some hot food in me. At least I thought I felt OK. I wrote a fairly long email before going to bed at 9pm. Ideally I would have liked to be in bed a lot earlier, but 9pm should have been acceptable if I had managed to get to sleep properly. I felt uncomfortable in bed. Some of the discomfort was the result of generous amounts of chilli sauce on my dinner making me feel hot, and some was a sort of stuffed and/or indigestion sort of feeling. Then thirdly was a sort of backache whose location apparently changed as I tried different sleeping positions. Even when I did get to sleep I didn't sleep that well, and woke up several times in the night. This morning most of the discomfort I feel could be attributed to a hangover, but I'm not convinced I had enough to be like this. It still feels like my guts are a little tender, my back still feels a bit stiff, and I have a mild headache. Other creaky bits I can just attribute to the freezing cold. Of course this is still luxury compared to how I was feeling a week ago, and probably the worst aspect of how I feel this morning is disappointment for not feeling even better than yesterday. Now I've been sitting in the warm, here at work, I am feeling a lot better, and hopefully I'll feel even better still later on. I've booked this afternoon off work, and my intention is to go home via Croydon, and hopefully I'll be able to buy some Mad-Ass chilli sauces this time. If for any reason I don't feel like going home via that long circuitous route, I do have a backup plan. Dave from Mad-Ass, in his role as a musician, will be playing bass guitar at Chain's gig in The Chatterton Arms tomorrow night, and if I asked him nicely he could probably bring some stuff to the gig for me. However I'd like to see him in his "native habitat", and I don't want to be lugging bottle of chilli sauce home on the bus after the gig, so I'll be trying to see him today. I was probably being wildly optimistic to hope that my new camera might have been delivered yesterday, but even Amazon reckon it should be delivered today. Now I am keeping my fingers crossed that it arrives before I leave today. Sometime the post come early, and on rare occasions it doesn't arrive until gone 2pm. In theory I'll be leaving at midday, but we have a meeting at 11.30am. It will be quick because it is being held by someone who knows what he is talking about, but I can't see it finishing before midday. I guess I'll try and hold out to as late as 1pm for my camera, but if it hasn't arrived by then I'll just have to cross my legs and be patient until Monday :-( |
Thursday 29th November 2012 |
07:49 GMT It may have been cold, but yesterday was a vast improvement of the previous few days weather. There was no sign of sunshine, but it was fairly bright. On a couple of occasions there was some rain, but I think each shower was very brief, and the rain felt more like a very fine spray, and was mostly ignorable. Today it is colder still. I measured 2.7° C when I got up, and the cars had frost on them as I walked to the station. It's only going to warm by a few degrees today, and much of the time it will be cloudy, but an occasional sunny interval is possible. I was a bit excited about the possibility of buying another new camera yesterday, but I was also worried about how big a dent it would make in my finances. Out of curiosity I checked Amazon to see if I could find the cameras I had bookedmarked on my PC at home. I did, and one thing that was immeadiately apparent was that the price of my fist choice of camera had dropped all of a sudden. The camera in question is a Panasonic LZ20 (review towards the bottom of the page here, better one here). When I first found it on Amazon, several weeks ago, I am positive it was shown as costing £169, and had been reduced in price from somewhere above £200. Yesterday it was shown as £124. The reason for the big drop seems to be that it has been superceded by a new model that is listed at £220. I decided to strike while the iron was hot, and ordered one. I now wait in anticipation for it to be delivered. It could be as early as today. It was despatched last night, and although I didn't go for the fastest delivery, previous experience of getting it sent to a business address (work) is that business addresses take priority with Royal Mail. All I have to do now is hope that it lives up to my expectations. I felt so much better after the long sleep I got yesterday, that I hoped to repeat it last night. I didn't get into bed quite as early because I was doing something that always makes my heart shrivel, and eyes bleed. I was dealing with my bank. Last night's dealings were simply changing the sort and account codes for my standing orders for gas and electricity, but I still hated doing it ! Dealing with banks always feels like dealing with the devil, and for me it has done 10, 20, or even 30 years before all the current banking crises and stuff took place. Banks are just so unclean. It makes me want to scrub my hands with bleach after dealing with them :-) So I was in bed at 7.45pm last night. I had hoped I could just turn over and go to sleep, but it didn't happen like that, or maybe for a brief instant it did. As I lay in bed I was thinking about my new camera. As I was doing that an idea popped into my head that was so bizzare it must have been a brief dream. Whether real dream or day dream, I dreamed that I was walking down a road in some unknown place when a barely clad prostitute beckoned to me from a first floor balcony, and offered her services to me. I said no, but offered her a fiver to take some pictures of the city from her balcony for five minutes. She said OK, and that was when the dream, if it was a dream, ended, and I renewed my efforts to try and get to sleep. I guess it must say something when photography is more exciting than sex, but I'd rather not try and think of what that something is ! If it was indeed a dream then it is a pity it didn't carry on for longer because I never did get to sleep for almost another hour. I guess I was probably asleep by 9pm, and although not early it was at least on time. I slept pretty well, and this morning I feel reasonably OK. I don't think I feel better than yesterday, and now the novelty of feeling reasonably OK has worn off, it is not so exciting. The freezing cold did bring the expected results as I came to work. It triggered off a bit of chestiness, and a bit of coughing, and even more predictably, made my legs feel rather stiff and creaky. I also feel, as I did yesterday to some extent, that I am close to getting backache. My back does feel a bit stiff from time to time, and occasionally aches for a short while, but so far has recovered quickly. Hopefully it will just stay as the odd twinge rather than develop into a longer spell of pain. I think I feel good enough to finally go for a drink tonight. I want to call in at Tesco on the way home - mainly to get some diet cola (which is my equivalent to your tea and/or coffee - neither of which I drink) - but I am sure I'll be getting other stuff too. Other stuff will almost certainly include some super high power AA batteries for my new camera, but inevitably will include some food too. Once I have got my shopping, and it would be handy if I did limit it to not much, the Catford Ram is only a 100ft away, and there is a fair chance that I'll find Chris (from Chain) in there on a Thursday night. Maybe Kevin might join us too. |
Thursday 22nd November 2012 |
07:44 GMT Yesterday's weather was horrid. It was cold, wet and very dull for the whole day except for a brief display of red as the sun was setting. What happened during the night is a mystery, but this morning there was no rain, the temperature was 11° C, and as the red sky last night foretold, there are now blue bits of sky visible now the sun has risen. There's no actual sign of the sun yet, but it is forecast to be bright and sunny for the first half of the afternoon. I can't wait ! Yesterday's cold and rain left me feeling very "chesty" last night, and I was still feeling wheezy as I walked to the station this morning. Fortunately it didn't effect my sleep too much, and I probably got close to 8 hours sleep last night. I had intended to get to bed early last night, but it turned out that I actually went to bed just a little later than normal. It was only about 10 - 15 minutes late, and I can't remember having any difficulties getting to sleep. Apart from feeling rather cool when I got home last night, I didn't seem to be afflicted with the deep to the bone weariness that I felt the evening before. Once I had eaten some dinner I started to approach feeling perky, and if it had been daylight outside I may well have really felt perky. In practice I felt just good enough to do two simple tasks - one of which I had been meaning to do for a while, and one that was only first possible last night. The task that became possible was to plug in a brand new 8GB USB memory stick into the PC that has acted as my temporary web server for far too long now. Apart from burning an occasional DVD disk, I had no backup for my temporary server. I have now ! I'm now using the unlikely titled "Lucky Backup" application for Linux to do an automated backup of all the web server files to the USB stick at 5am every morning. At least that's the plan. After 5am tomorrow I'll be able to check that it is doing it's job OK. The other task took a fair bit longer than the 20 minutes I spent on my temporary server. A few weeks ago I attempted to upgrade the Linux distribution on my Aspire 1 netbook. Unfortunately I had been cutting disk space to the bone on the original triple booting installation, and the upgrade failed leaving the netbook unbootable. Last night I felt I had the patience to sort it all out, and that is just what I did. Once again the netbook will either boot into Linpus, the original operating system for it, Windows XP, and now, Linux Mint 13. There is more work to do on it, but that will be easy. All it needs is to update some software. It's actually quite a lot of software, about 400MB of it, but essentially it is just click one button and let it get on with it - and unlike bloody Windows, it won't need a reboot after doing it !! I've already moaned that the cold and the wet yesterday made my chest feel very "chesty" or wheezy, but I felt it important enough to say several times. In some respects it made me feel like I was getting worse rather than better, but on reflection it is a different type of chestiness than during the height of my recent illness. So maybe I am still improving even when occasionally going sideways. There is one other observation that backs this idea up. I suddenly realised that although I still have to blow my nose quite frequently, it is a lot drier now, and on many occasions the tissue doesn't even get damp. It may sound like an exaggeration, and maybe it is, but it feels like I am only using one hundreth of the tissues that I was using during the worst "nose fountain" episodes of that illness. Fortunately it is Thursday today, and it is just a week and a day to go before payday. The significance of it being Thursday is that tomorrow will be Friday, and Friday is always a good day. Tomorrow could be good, but it could also be bad. Chain are playing a gig in Bromley tomorrow night, and it will be better than good if I feel good enough to go to it. My big fear is that it will be a struggle to get myself out of the door to go to it, and that when I get there I'll end up coughing and wheezing so much that I won't enjoy it. There could well be an added problem if I do go. The weather forecast suggests that tomorrow night will be very cold, and very damp, and that's not ideal weather for hanging around waiting for late night buses. I could end up in bed all day Saturday trying to recover from something far worse than a hangover. Oh well, tomorrow is another day, and things could well be different by then. |
Friday 16th November 2012 |
16:24 GMT There is nothing positive that can be said about the weather beyond saying that it is not raining, and it is not snowing. Since yesterday it has been dull and grey with a temperature of 10° C plus or minus a degree or two (currently 11° C). The only change on the horizon is that the forecast for this coming Sunday is for an even colder, but far brighter day. This morning I was going to try and get to see a doctor, but it all went wrong. If I understand correctly, there is a walk in service, no appointment required, first come first served, every morning between 8am and 9am at the "group practice". So I got up nice and early (although late compared to when I am going to work). By 7.15am I had taken a nice hot shower, but the effort of that left me feeling rather hot, and a little tired. So before I got fully dressed I lay on my bed to cool off and relax. The next thing I knew was that I was almost shivering with cold and it was almost 9am. I had blown my chance of getting to the surgery in time. Apart from waking up feeling almost shivery, despite the room temperature being about 23° C, I sort of felt a bit better for the extra sleep. So I continued to dress and set forth to Aldi to get some much needed supplies. I didn't feel all that wonderful walking there, but at a slowish pace it wasn't too bad. Coming home was a different story. The cold damp air started getting to me, and I had to stop once to have an extended cough. The worst thing about coming home was that the worse I felt the faster I wanted to walk, but the faster I tried to walk the worse I felt. I arrived home coughing my lungs up, and with snot running out of one nostril. Not a pleasant sight, but fortunately I was on my own doorstep when I felt the first drip escape from my nose. Once indoor I could put my bags down and have a jolly good blow ! It took less time than I imagined to get over that walk back, and most of that time was taken up with preparing a breakfast that only Homer Simpson would approve of. I was not in the mood to make value judgements about what I was eating, and just went for what seemed like a good idea. I have to say that gammon steak with melted chedder cheese and a decent topping of "seasonal salad" is as nice as it is unhealthy ! Since then, and that was about 10am, or maybe a bit later, I have done almost nothing. I watched an episode of Sherlock Holmes on TV while eating, and once that finished I went up to my bedroom where I spent a little time reading some IT news on the internet, and a lot more time just laying on my bed listening, and occasionally dozing off to some music. It is probably typical that the music I selected was very introspective music, and so for some of that time I was feeling sorry for myself, and occasionally almost the opposite. While feeling ill is not the best feeling in the world, and feeling isolated from the world feels pretty lousy, the worst thing in some respects is worrying about how I am going to explain this week off to work. Just writing "a cough" on my sick self certificate feels so much like an anti-climax. One of the more important reasons for trying to see a doctor this morning was to get a diagnosis I could write on the certificate. Lung Cancer, TB, Acute Chronic Bronchitus, Lung Worm, Beri Beri, Bubonic Plague, Polyseptic Necrotising Alveola, Baird's Disease, all sound far more exotic than the plain eggshell white of "a cough". Oh well, that's their problem. My problem is going to be another month of very reduced wages - no exotic toys for me this Xmas ! One thing I have done this afternoon is to experiment with the antitussative properties of Theobromine as found in dark chocolate. I think it may have helped a bit, but this cough can be so variable that it is hard to come up with a definitive answer. While quietly laying on my bed I have not been afflicted by any violent coughing, but maybe I wouldn't have been anyway. One interesting thing I found by following some wikipedia links related to coughing is that the developement of this cold is rather similar to that of adults with Whooping cough. Very similar indeed ! It is a very infectious disease, and so I reckon I should be praised for isolating myself (even if I had little choice), and it's a grand failure on behalf of the health service for not treating me with antibiotics to help prevent me spreading it further. One thing I had never heard of before is that it is sometimes called the 100 days disease, and I can potentially look forward to coughing for some time yet ! Apart from dark (70%) chocolate I also bought some other stuff from Aldi that may help me. Having had a rather splendid breakfast, much of my dinner tonight will be a punnet of blueberries, and some kiwi fruit - both good sources of good stuff for the terminally ill. I may have more than that, but they will be the important things. I also bought another bottle of scotch. It depends how I feel, but I might get whammoed tonight. There are no gigs this weekend, and I have no plans to see anyone. So I don't have to worry about hangovers, madness, death, diarrhea, decapitation, or defenestration in the morning. |
Thursday 15th November 2012 |
11:40 GMT (scroll down for an update at 16:27) The weather forecast for yesterday was completely and utterly wrong ! From late morning until sunset it was brilliantly sunny. Unfortunately the air temperature remained a cool 12 or 13° C. This morning started off more than misty, but maybe not actually foggy. Visibility at ground level is about back to normal now, but the sky is horizon to horizon light grey giving a very somber feel to the day. Currently it is an almost cold 10° C. How it is right now is probably as good as it is going to get all day. To describe how I felt yesterday means breaking things down to different circumstances. The very best I felt was when I was quietly laying on my bed with the bright, and quite hot feeling, sun streaming through my bedroom window. Provided I did nothing else I felt wonderful. I felt rather less good, not quite lousy but very close, when I went to the corner shop to buy some Diet coke and a large box of man sized tissues. It is only a 2 or 3 minute walk to the corner shop, and I was starting to get quite wheezy on the walk back. I am rather glad I chose to just go to the corner shop and not my original aim of going to the supermarket (and possibly a quick visit to the pub on the way there). I feel very sure I would have felt awful by the time I had got home again. I was feeling fairly good when I went to bed last night, and even thought I might feel well enough to go back to work this morning. When I turned out the light I seemed to be breathing OK, and my chest didn't seem to be very congested, nor did my nose. After a few moments of congratulating myself on making excellent progress in overcoming my cold, I turned over on to my side, and with my eyes closed I started to drift off to sleep. This was just a few minutes after 9pm. It's hard to be exact, but 5 seconds after I had actually gone to sleep I rapidly woke up again feeling like I was choking to death. For the next 2, 3, 4, 5 ?????? minutes I could not stop coughing. My eyes were streaming, and several times I was on the very edge of vomitting. I have no idea what that was all about, but eventually it all subsided, and maybe an hour later I managed to get to sleep with no further problems. I then slept solidly for 4 hours. I woke up sometime after 2am, and initially I felt strangely rather good, and definitely not sleepy. I knew I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep very quickly so I turned on my PC and read some IT news and stuff. As I did that I began to slowly feel quite rough. It may have related to my nicotine patch running out, but I began to feel a bit headachey, and other stuff. A couple of fags helped to quell some of the cravings, but did nothing else apart from getting my throat feeling tickly. I also felt starving hungry to the extent I ate a whole packet of apple cookies. Heaven knows what that did to my blood sugar level. It was sometime around 4am before I got back into bed, and a little after that before I fell into a state of poor sleep. I am sure I tossed and turned a lot, but I managed to sleep through to 7am before giving up on sleep for the morning. Since then I have felt almost like I am suffering from some mild symptoms similar to some of 'flu. I think I just blame a change in the weather for it. I'm not exactly suffering now, but neither do I feel that perky. I have a few sweaty t-shirts that could do with a wash, but I can't raise the energy of enthusiasm for that, and I can't face the idea of going to the supermarket even though I am now resorting to opening emergency tins, and rummaging for stuff at the very back of the freezer. I can probably carry on doing that for another fortnight, but the choices are a bit limited. Something happened yesterday that seemed interesting enough at the time to write about today. Today I am not sure I can describe it with the same enthusiasm I had yesterday. It probably concerns existentialism - except I don't really know what that is, and can't be bothered to read the wikipedia article about it. I'll just use it as a trendy sounding buzz word 'cos it sounds cool ! It happened while my bedroom was feeling nice an warm as the sun was streaming in through the windows onto my bed, and the air felt fresh because I had the window open. I had just had a good (nasal and airways) clear out, and I laid down on my bed feeling good. I seemed to lay down in a comfortable position first time, and then my life seemed to blink. It was like a fast gear change in a car. For a tiny instant there is a loss of power, and you coast along for perhaps only a matter of feet. That is the best way I can think of describing what happened even if it bears no relation to whatever it was that did happen. Within a blink of an eye I found I was laying down completely comfortable, and most incredibly, considering how I had been for days, I was breathing calmly and easily through my nose as if I was in the very best of health. It was such a magical feeling that I felt wary of spoiling it by peeking at the clock to see if I was missing any time. I did check the clock after a few minutes, and it seemed about right. So that blink of an eye when the change seemed to come over me wasn't some strange period of unconciousness. It didn't feel like I had been anally probed. So I think I can rule out being abducted by time meddling aliens. The actual truth is that I was probably just startled that I could feel good again after feeling so crap recently. It doesn't exactly make me feel better to think that I certainly feel, on average, worse than the best of yesterday, and while that sun was shining, and I was in maximum lazy mode, I was feeling not that bad for extended periods of time. It's not very appealing to think I am possibly getting worse instead of better, and I think I have a better explanation. Today it seems I am feeling consistently fairly crap instead of some peaks of very crap and some peaks of feeling almost good (and for one 10 or 20 minute interlude, rather good). It is interesting, and I regard it as a potentialy good sign, that in the last 5 minutes I have broken out into a moderately heavy sweat for no apparent reason beyond my body having a good go at fighting the bugs. Maybe tomorrow I will be feeling a lot better, and even if it is not good enough to dare go out into the cold morning air to go to work, it may still be good enough that I don't have to re-read all I've just written to put in all (or some) of the words I missed out as I wrote it ! 16:27 GMT I thought I had better write an update to today incase anyone in Cumbria (hi Ruby), or even in Earlsfield (Hi Lajos), is thinking that I am going downhill fast (or something). Upon consideration I am probably no worse physically than I was yesterday, and possibly slightly better. What is definitely worse is my mental condition. Basically I am very, very bored ! The lack of sunshine, particularly compared to yesterday, is most definitely a downer. Not going out of the house (ignoring the brief trip to the corner shop yesterday), and not actually seeing anyone since last Saturday (ignoring the brief, and very unsatisfactory interaction with the Doctor's receptionist on Tuesday) has left me feeling rather isolated. In attempt to cheer myself up a bit I have just done a very simple test. I wondered if my lungs were really shot to pieces. The only way I could think of testing them was rather crude, and rather limited, but I am pleased to say I can still blow up a small sized rubber glove to a substantial size with just one breath - maybe not even a full breath because I chickened out going further incase it split. (It was one of a pair of very cheap and nasty rubber gloves bought from the 99p shop that turned out to be far too small for me, and of the same type that always split during the first or second time I use them when doing hand laundry - they are not to be trusted !!). While I still seem able to expel a lot of air from my lungs, and at a considerable velocity sometimes, I still can't always shift the mucus that accumulates and leaves me coughing and choking when it falls in the wrong place. It is this very effect that makes it so difficult for me to go out. Walking does help to get the mucus moving, but when it hits a sensitive spot I end up coughing, choking and wheezing - and the effect is multiplied in this cold and damp autumn air. Had I attempted to walk to the station in this morning's fog I would probably end up blue and half dead before I reached the station. I can't help but think that had I actually made it into work it would speed up my recovery, and lifted my spirits far more than laying around here all day. In a couple of hours time I may lift my spirits in a different way, and one that doesn't involve booze (that I have all but run out of). I think I may order a large pizza, some sort of side order (or orders) and maybe, just maybe, some ice cream. It won't help my physical health, and ideally I would prefer to avoid all those calories, but for a brief glorious moment life will be fun again ! |
Thursday 8th November 2012 |
08:10 GMT The sun, that graced most of yesterday morning, became hidden behind clouds soon after midday. They weren't thick clouds, and so it didn't turn that gloomy, but it was enough to make night fall early. It was practically dark when I got home yesterday. This morning there was enough clear sky on the eastern horizon to show the sky glowing prior to sunrise as I walked to the station. It was around 9° C this morning, and that is possibly higher than I expected. There are some very grey looking clouds in the sky now, but there are also still some patches of blue. It could be a mixed day today, and I believe the forecast includes the possibility of some rain later on. It took some time for my chest to recover from the cold and damp morning air yesterday, and I don't think I was fully recovered before it was time to face the cold air again as I went home. In other respects I feel unusually good provided I didn't try and rush so fast that my lungs ran out of air. One aspect of that otherwise feeling good was that I had no hesitation in doing a little laundry very soon after arriving home. Fortunately it was only two shirts, a small tablecloth, and a face flannel. Although I didn't think of it at the time, and I've only just thought of it now, leaning over the side of the bath filled with bowls of hot steamy water probably did my chest some good. I certainly didn't have any trouble sleeping, and I hardly coughed at all on the way to work - yesterday I was almost going blue in the face on one occasion. Maybe some credit should be due to the fruit I ate yesterday (and to a lesser extent on Monday and Tuesday as well). One of the reasons I didn't hesitate to start that little bit of laundry last night was that paradoxically, after not eating much all day, I didn't feel exceptionally hungry when I got home. Of course once I started eating it took some effort to stop. For dinner I had a fairly healthy semi-steamed fish, peas, and leek concoction, but after that I ate far too many biscuits because I was feeling most peckish after eating it. One mistake I made last night was to stay up a bit late hoping to watch a TV programme. One of the Freeview (and satelite) channels, Gold, has made a new "The Comic Strip" comedy called "Five Go To Rehab". Unfortunately I don't have a subscription to view more adverts on "Gold", one of the very few subscription channels on Freeview (even though most modern Freeview set top boxes don't have facilities for a viewing card), and so I will have tio seek elsewhere if I want to watch it. However, not being able to watch it was not enough to stop my brain being befuddled. I had this nagging feeling that there was something I needed to watch. Looking through the listings I saw Red Dwarf, and my brain jumped a day. It wasn't until just before it was due to start that I suddenly realised that it was a repeat from last Thursday, and that the new episode is actually on tonight ! Having suppressed all my urges to go to bed early I had to slowly unsupress then, and I finally got to sleep by 9.30pm (or was it 10pm - it all seems a blur this morning). Tonight is definitely Red Dwarf night, and I will be staying up to watch it. That is not the only thing I'll be doing tonight. I had given some thought to going home from work via Croydon to try and get more chilli sauce, but I am also thinking that tonight may be a bit gloomy, and tomorrow night may be brighter, and thus more enticing. Whether or not I do go tomorrow remains to be seen, but I have a new, and more definite plan for tonight. I'm going home via The Catford Ram to see if Chris is drinking in there after work. I'd like to hear his memories of last Friday night (and chuckle), and to give him some labels I made up to stick on the bands stage mixer. I was going to stick them on at the gig on Saturday, but if Chris has the time and inclination spare he can do it in the comfort of his own home, and save time at the gig. |
Wednesday 7th November 2012 |
08:07 GMT There were several sunny spells yesterday, and overall it was a bright day. Sometime during last night it might, or might not have rained. The sky was very clear when I left home to come to work, but everything was very damp. It seemed too damp just to be dew, but maybe that is all it was. For a clear morning it was surprising that the temperature was as high as 7° C. I would have expected a frost. All I can see from my office window is clear sky, and if the sun keeps shining the temperature could rise to the mid teens. Maybe that is a little optimistic when the forecast only suggests 11 or 12° C. Monday didn't go quite to plan. When I arrived at the surgery to get my 'flu jab, I found the place packed. So I turned around and went back home. This year I'll just have to take a chance as to whether I get 'flu or not. The next thing on my agenda went wrong as well. I had been planning to go to Croydon to buy more chilli sauces. I suggested to my friend Kevin that he might like to join me because I know he is curious about them. He queried whether the Mad-Ass stall would be there on a Monday, and when I checked their website again I found that they are only there on Thursdays, Fridays, and some Saturdays. So we abandoned going to Croydon, and instead met up in the pub. There were other things I thought I might do after a quick drink, but those never happened either. The Wetherspoons pub is currently having one of their beer festivals, and one of the beers on off on Monday was a Belgium brown ale. Now Belgium brown ales are not exactly the same as the traditional, but now almost forgotten, English brown ales. For a start they taste nicer, but most of all, at 6% they are a bit stronger by a factor of 2, or maybe 3! (that is 3 exclamation mark, and not factorial 3 for those who know what a factorial is). That Belgium beer slipped down a treat :-) I only had 3 (maybe 4) pints, and one of them was something a little milder, but it was enough to make sure that all I was capable of when I got home was to cook some dinner, and slump in front of the TV. Later in the evening I did have a mild hangover. I think I ended up getting to bed fairly late, but I am sure I slept quite well. Yesterday was a very lazy sort of day. I washed a sheet, and four pillowcases, and I finally got around to clearing the junk off a chair in the living room. It was the chair that Smudge died on, and maybe I didn't feel too much like disturbing it or something, but it's done now, and at last the chairs and settee now have matching black throws, and deep purple cushions on them. One thing I didn't have to do was to agonise over whether to throw away the old throw from the chair, or attempt to wash and clean it. The flea bite I got as soon as I picked it up convinced me to take it straight to the wheelie bin. I fully intended to write something here yesterday, but instead I wrote a rather long email to my friend Ruby up in Cumbria. The feedback I got from that email was pleasing. It seems I have hidden talents as a long distance councellor or something - probably something. Perhaps if I had a business card I should put on it "Your problems solved or double the fee". I have been trying to be careful with what I eat recently, and yesterday was no exception. For lunch I had a (very) big bowl of Singapore Noodles. Later I had some biscuits and other junk, and when dinner time came around I thought I should try and make an effort to eat very lightly. I almost did. I decided to try a can of soup that I knew might be interesting or terrible. It was carrot and sweet potato soup, and I am always suspicious of soups with carrot in them. I find that certain vegetable soups smell like vomit, and often look like it too. Last night's soup did have a vomity look, but at least it didn't smell like it. Nor did it taste like it, but it still did not taste nice. I think it effectively encouraged me to not eat any more last night, and it is not often that I only eat one can of soup ! Up until this morning I felt fine, but the walk through the cold and damp air to the station really got to my chest. At the station I felt a bit wheezy, and once on the train my cough started up - just occasionally at first, and more and more frequently until it was a great relief to get off the train into the fresh air. Now I've been sitting in the (slightly) warm here at work I am starting to feel better again. Maybe I need more vitamins, minerals, and "stuff" to finally finish me or this illness off. Long spells in hot sunshine, and warm air would be the ideal remedy, but maybe more fruit will help. ![]() I bought the fruit shown
on my way into work. This pack is similar to the one I bought last
week. So I've had a terribly healthy sort of breakfast this morning of
a few plums, a small orange and a pear (not from this pack but left
over from last week). It's quite possible I'll have more during the
day, perhaps, but not limited to, lunchtime, but this is all I'll be
eating until I get home from work tonight.
Saturday 3rd November 2012 |
17:43 GMT It's quite possible that yesterday was sunnier than forecast, and it definitely felt colder than the forecast. Today has been mostly sunny, although there were some dull spells. Maybe it was just me, or maybe there was less breeze, but today felt less cool than the thermometer, and the forecast suggested it might be. The current temperature is 7.7° C, and it has probably has been very similar to that for most of the day. There were many reasons why I felt remarkably happy yesterday. Being a Friday will always be a good thing. The sunshine was one of the strong points. Having a lot of work to do, but finishing it early felt good. The email I mentioned yesterday, which could lead to a date, was excellent, and a Chain gig in The Catford Ram was something I was really looking forward to. The gig turned out to be far, far better than I could have imagined it would be. Getting home from work was less stressful than usual, but once home I really wanted to have a long sit down. I couldn't do that, but the lethargy that was trying to overcome me really slowed me down getting ready to go out. Ultimately that just meant I was less early than I might have been, but still early. The band was just about already set up when I got to the pub, but the sound check was still an hour away. At this gig I was encouraged to play with the sound mixer. I didn't actually touch it in the end, and the two slight changes that were made were done by Kevin. One of those changes both Kevin and I disagrred with, but Chris insisted on it. Apparently Jo thought her mic was too loud. It wasn't, and turning it down actually made her vocals a bit indistinct at times. The real problem was that her monitor was too loud, but we learned a valuable lesson last night, and it was driven home by Matt Hemsley the bass player. He has had far more experience with stage mixing to the point that there is one band who regard him as a member of the band even those his only instrument is the sound mixer. He said, "ignore what the band says, adjust the mixer so it sounds right for the audience, and tell the band to get stuffed if they complain !". Next time, next time !! ![]() Matt Hemsley, Matt Sharp, Jo Corteen, and Chris Mayer. ![]() I don't usually give Chris the close up treatment, but this was so full of power that I thought I had to include it. ![]() Chris and Matt who gave such good advice on the duties of the sound man at a gig. ![]() I guess this must be me :-) After the first set Jo announced that the second set would be a little shorter than usual because she needed to pick up one of her daughters from Croydon. At first that seemed to be a shame, but by cutting out some of the pauses between songs very little was left out. It turned out to have some very happy consequences. the idea was that Chris would stay with the gear while Jo rushed off, and she would be back later to pick Chris and the gear up. So we had a sort of mini after gig party. There was me, Chris, Matt, Kevin and Michelle ( another Chain fan, and one of Chris' workmates). There was also Warren whom is the pubs music organiser and DJ, and once he started playing some horrible disco music, maybe half a dozen other people left in the pub. Warren was given a good talking to, and found some more acceptable music (and some equals about 50%). The beer flowed, and we had a wonderful, wonderful time :-) Fortunately I captured some of it on video. You would have had to be there, and probably drunk too, to appreciate most of it, but this 23 second clip gives the flavour of it. At some point Chris received word that Jo was delayed, and Matt offered to take Chris and all the gear home. I lost track of the time, but it may have been close to midnight when we left the pub, but the drinking didn't end there. Kevin lured me to the Wetherspoons pub by saying they had some wonderful Dutch beer as part of their beer festival. I agreed to go, but said I would only stop if that beer was still available. It was, but I think I only had one pint of it before going home via the chicken shop to pick up my first proper (if you can actually call fried chicken "proper") meal of the day. Getting that chicken seemed like an excellent idea, but I think I felt too tired to eat much of it. I had the remainder of it, and it was quite a heap, for dinner tonight. Once I got to bed, possibly as late as 2am, I fell fast asleep very quickly. I woke up little more than 5 hours later with a very obvious hangover. Fortunately it was one of the more "wet blanket around the head" rather than the steamhammers in the head" variety. In truth I was probably still drunk. It took an age before I felt ready to do anything useful like a bit of tidying prior to a visit from Aleemah. She brought round a very long DVD to watch. Watching it provoked mixed feelings of excitement, boredom, sadness, and elation. It was a really mixed bag. The biggest trouble with it, and what sort of annoyed me about it, was that it could be viewed as an official Muslim propaganda film, but not, I hasten to add, of the terrorism variety. The film is called My Name Is Khan. The rest of the afternoon, after Aleemah went home, I spent basically doing nothing excepting watching a bit of TV, and munching through re-heated fried chicken. Tonight I suspect I'll be in bed quite early. After last night I could do with catching up on a bit of sleep, and if I wake after a full nights sleep, and feel refreshed, I may find the motivation do do a large chunk of my ever growing pile of laundry ! |