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My Diary/Blog For the Month of October
2012 |
Tuesday 30th October 2012 |
07:52 GMT Yesterday turned out very similar to expected. There was one brief flash of sunshine, but the rest of the day was various shades of grey (maybe 50 of them), and there was some drizzle. Most of the drizzle was in the evening, but I did notice the cars had been sprinkled with rain at some time when I went out into the yard around lunchtime. Today has started off rather clear, There are a few white streaky clouds in the sky, and there may have been a lot more before sunrise because the temperature only dropped to 9° C this morning. Much of today is forecast to be sunny, but it seems it won't left the temperature by more than a degree or two. The clouds return after dark, and hopefully that will keep what little warmth there is in, and the morning will be frost free. After work I met friend Kevin at Waterloo station to go and meet some of our old school friends.The pub they had chosen was just a short walk from Waterloo station, and had rather a good selection of ales available. My favourite was "Pressed Rat And Warthog" - obviously named after the Cream song - and brewed by the Triple F brewing company in Hampshire. ![]() This pump handle label, and many others can be downloaded in high resolution from the brewery's website downloads page; http://www.triplefff.com/downloads.html Kevin and I were in the pub for
getting on for an hour before the first of our old school friends
arrived. That was sort of handy because the beer softened the shock, if
shock is actually the right word, with meeting up with people you
hadn't seen in 40 years.
I was still very unsure if it was going to be very boring, or very interesting. It should have been predictable that it would start interesting and start getting boring towards the end. Fortunately I decided to leave before it became boring, and so there is scope for another meeting further down the line. My actual reasons for leaving were threefold, but mostly around the fact that it was getting noisy in the pub. As I raised my voice to overcome the noise it was irritating my throat, and I was coughing more, and I was also hearing less and less of what was being said. The final reason was that after four and a half pints of ale, a couple of them quite strong ones, drunk on an empty stomach, I was feeling nicely mellow, and wanted to stop there before I became wobbly. So I said my goodbyes to all, including Kevin who had far more to say than I did, and went out into the damp drizzly backstreets of Waterloo - and almost got lost ! I didn't actually get lost, but I did take a different turning, and came out onto the main road in a different place. It is feasible that I had actually found a quicker route, but even if quicker or longer, there would only be a few yards in it. ![]() I did take one picture of a
few of the guys, but don't ask me to name them. Throughout the whole
evening I was confused as to who was who - except for Ronny Ball who I
recognised fairly easily, and who I think recognised me almost
instantly when he first arrived.
I didn't have to wait too long for a train at Waterloo East station - which was good. The thing that was bad was that it was only a 6 car train, and 7.20pm, when I caught the train, is still in the middle of the rush hour in London. The train wasn't totally packed, but it was only luck that got me a seat, and there were plenty of people standing through the train. I arrived home cold and hungry, and immeadiately shoved some stuff in the microwave. In a short time I had dinner part 1, and several parts followed in due course. The beer hadn't given me a raging hunger that was hard to control, and it also, together with the change inthe clocks, caused me to lose all track of time.......or maybe I knew what the time was, but didn't want to believe it. I ended up going to bed far latter than I should have, but I did sleep well. So well that after briefly waking up at what would ahve been 4am BST, the time I was often waking up prior to the clocks changing, I slept right through until my alarm woke me at 5am GMT. It seems like a paradox when after we are, as many are wont to say, given an extra hour in bed when we change to GMT, I find myself struggling to get myself ready on time to catch my usual train to work. Both yesterday, and this morning, I came very close to missing that train. The train that follows 11 minute later goes to Cannon Street station, and that means changing trains at London Bridge, and the train that follows that, 20 minutes later, is the last train that can get me to work without being late. Being a little late is no problem with the semi-official flexi-time we use, but tapping my Oyster Card in at the station after 6.30am means paying peak rate fares, and that hurts !!!! |
Saturday 27th October 2012 |
15:16 BST The idea that yesterday might be bright and sunny was a bit optimistic. The reality was that as well as a bit of sunshine there was some drizzle from a dull sky, as well as the start of the icy wind that has made today so cold. Just before sunrise I noted my outside thermometer reading just 2.4° C. It wasn't quite low enough for a frost, but came incredibly close to one. The morning was sunny, and for a time the sky was clear blue. As the morning came to a close the sky clouded over, and I did wonder if it might even snow. With the temperature now up at 6.7° C it is not really cold enough for snow, but I don't think I would have liked being out in the icy drizzle that is currently falling. I went home via Tesco after work, as I suggested I would yesterday morning. I didn't buy that much, but amongst the items I bought were some hot cooked chicken, and a one litre bottle of Whyte And Mackay whiskey. The former, in conjunction with a few other things, got me feeling rather stuffed, and the latter made me succomb to my anti-alcoholism. I spent £16 on that bottle of whiskey (it was on special offer) and I totally forgot to even open it ! Bah !!!! Although I felt exhausted after a week at work, and more so after a bad nights sleep on Thursday night, I didn't feel in any major rush to go to bed last night. I can't remember when I went to bed, and what time I fell asleep, but I think I was probably fast asleep sometime around 11pm. I slept solidly until I woke up from a dream at 1.30am. In the dream I had a back door to my bedroom that lead out to a very large, very private garden. I dreamed I had woken up on a warm summers morning, and not bothering to put on any clothes, I went out and sat on a large rock while breathing in the fresh air, and feeling the warmth of the morning sun on my skin. In a short while I felt the need to have a pee, and being lazy I decided to "water a bush" instead of going back in to the toilet. As I selected a bush a little voice in my head suggested I woke up ! It was good advice because in the real world I really did need a pee. Fifteen minutes later, perhaps sooner, I was fast asleep again having done the necessary. I didn't sleep all that well after that, and at 4.30am I got out of bed to turn on my PC so I could check my email, and "surf the net". I may have done that for a couple of hours before going back to bed. It was one of those occasions when it felt like I wouldn't get back to sleep, but then suddenly realising that it was gone 9am. I had great plans for today, and I started off quite well. I had a shower, and then washed a big heavy towel. I was going to do some shirts as well, but the towel knackered me. I hung the towel on a cloths horse in the garden. I wasn't really expecting it to dry that well in the cold air, but at least it could drip away without getting indoors wet. Unfortunately the wind was just strong enough to blow it over twice ! I think I managed to flick off some of the grit it picked up before moving it to in front of the fan heater in the living room. The real downfall to doing lots of stuff today was that the next thing I did was to go to do my real shopping in Aldi. I bought lots of nice stuff from there, and it included some Aberdeen angus beefburgers (on special offer) and some ready made mashed potato. I had those two things for a very later breakfast/early lunch, and "seasoned" them with some Mad-Ass chilli sauces - including the ferociously hot Dare Ya!. Maybe it was the after burn of the chilli sauce, but I still felt like eating after I had finished the burgers. I ate enough more to feel very stuffed, and that sort of brought my active day to a temporary end. I watched some TV for a while. It was almost confusing watching two old editions of Time Team at the same time. One was on TV channel "Yesterday" and the other on "Pick TV". It was highly unusual in this day and age, but their advert schedules did not overlap. So I would watch one until the adverts came on, and then switch over to the other until it's adverts came on. After over an hour of that I decided to lay down and do some reading. I didn't get to read that much before I felt my eyes beginning to close. I was reading an ebook on my mobile phone, and within a few minutes of putting it down I was fast asleep. I think I slept for well over an hour, and I only woke up because the sun had found a gap in the clouds and was shining through my bedroom window like an arc lamp. When I woke up I felt really horrible. My gut still felt bloated, and other bits of me ached. I had to force myself to sit down and write this in an attempt to throw off the bonds, and consequences of sleep. I do feel a bit better now, but I have no idea how I am going to cram myself into my too tight red jeans for the Halloween special gig tonight. It is one gig where I really, really have to go or regret it forever, but I really don't feel like dressing up and going out right now. There are three and a bit hours before I have to go out, and I hope I feel better by then. In other news, I've been contacted by an old class mate from 40 years ago (Hi David). I am unsure, but I think he may have found me here on this blog somehow. The email address he used is certainly the one on my contact page. It seems there is now a small network of Catford old boys who meet for a drink every now and then. I was sent a picture of 6 or 7 faces around a table in a pub, and I didn't recognise a single person. A second email added names to the faces, and although I recognised the names (just about in some cases) I still couldn't recognise those faces, nor could I remember them as 15 - 16 year olds. Apart from a few specific memories of school, everything else is just a blur. It is possible that david has passed my web address around, so Hi to all who remember me, but please forgive me for not remembering most of you. Maybe I'll meet some of you in a pub one day, but I am trying to decide whether meeting a bunch of what in some respects are close to strangers would be very boring or very fascinating. Like many things in life, it would probably be a mixture of both. |
Thursday 25th October 2012 |
08:41 BST I think I was a little harsh when I suggested what the weather would be like yesterday. By the afternoon, much to my surprise, the sun started to break through the misty clouds. By the time I left work to go home it was bright and sunny in a slightly hazy way. I think the temperature rose to a very comfortable 16 or 17° C. This morning the temperature I measured was 14° C, or one degree higher than the BBC's forecast. Unfortunately it has gone back to being very overcast with occasional light drizzle. It is still so dull outside that all the lights are still on in the yard here. The forecast suggests it could be like this almost all day. Late tonight will see a change by way of the temperature plummetting. Tomorrow morning could see a sharp frost, and the temperature will stay in single figures until after the weekend. Sometime I make an effort to make this blog exciting, but it is hard work when most of the time nothing exciting happens, and the mundane has to substitute for the whizz bang. A few mundane things happened last night that were different to many mundane weekday nights. Doing laundry sounds ultra mundane, but I usually mention it because, in my slightly warped personal opinion, it is often a heroic action. It is possible that you who are reading this are new to my writing, or have simply forgot events from the past. To recap - at the start of the year my washing machine blew up. For reasons that are too complex to explain right now, I have yet to repair it. So I have to do all my laundry by hand. Last night I washed three long sleeve shirts and some pairs of socks. That was not hard to do, but tonight I think I will be washing a medium sized towel. If you have never tried it before you would not believe how heavy such a towel can be when saturated with water. If you tried it you might agree it is a heroic act to wash such a towel using no more than a pair of rubber gloves, three washing up bowls, some liquid detergent, and copious amounts of hot water with all the work done leaning over the bath. As I say, washing a few shirts is easy by comparison, but leaning over the bath as you wash, wring out (by hand, obviously), rinse, wring out, rinse, wring out (repeat until the water runs mostly clear), soak in fabric conditioner, wring out, take deep breath, and relax, does take it's toll on your back. So it was also quite heroic that a little while later I washed my hair - which I also do by leaning over the bath (even when the next thing I do is have a shower). Those are the heroic acts I performed last night.......unless you count trying some more of Dave the drummer and bass guitarists Mad-Ass chilli sauces ! The star of last nights tasting was "Eve's Downfall". Their website describes it as very hot (9/10), but I found it almost mild, but very tasty. If I remember at the right time, it's one I will definitely be getting a big bottle of. I must find time to get over to Croydon's Surrey Street market to see Dave's stall, and spend some money there, but I fear it won't be for a few weeks yet. ![]() |
Sunday 21st October 2012 |
10:45 BST The sunshine did not last all that long yesterday, but it stayed close to being warm until after dark. By the afternoon it had returned to being overcast, but only enough to be grey rather than gloomy. Sometime around sunset the rain started. Initially it was very light, but later it became a little heavier. Today has started out overcast. It's currently grey outside, and looking rather damp without it actually raining. It's not much, but the temperature is an almost comfortable 13° C. I would not be surprised if there was some rain today - the weather forecast suggests light rain from about 2pm onwards. After Friday nights gig I wasn't feeling exactly full of beans yesterday, and the prospect of travelling all the way to Croydon did not appeal. Just to make it even less appealing there were no tram services into Croydon from Elmers End station. Nevertheless, I gritted my teeth and set out with a grim determination (as they would say in the boys adventure books from my childhood). With no trams I had to endure a tedious bus journey to Forest Hill station, and when I say tedious I mean bloody annoying - at least the small troupe of incredibly noisy and excitable girls at the back of the bus were. When I got to Forest Hill station I found that someone had forgotten to touch in their Oyster card when they had travelled from some other station. This was the reception they got.......... ![]() I had about a 10 minute
for the next train to East Croydon. Travelling on the train was far
more comfortable than the mobile lunatic asylum that had delivered me
to Forest Hill. I guess it was something like a 15 minute journey
before I arrived in Scumtown
I thought that it was going to be a long walk to The Oval Tavern, but
to my surprise it didn't seem that far at all. Through random chance my
arrival time was just about perfect with the band on before Chain just
The curious thing about The Oval Tavern is that it suffers from the inverse TARDIS effect - it's smaller on the inside than it looks from the outside. It made photography a bit tricky in such a cramped area, and a couple of pillars were a continuing annoyance. However I managed to get a selection of good pictures. Chain's performance was not up to their usual standard in my opinion. I don't think that Jamie, borrowed from Kimera, who played keyboards added much to the performance. Dylan, also borrowed from Kimera, who was the drummer was both good and bad. On songs he was unfamiliar with he sounded a bit strained, but on one song, Whole Lotta Love, he excelled himself with a brief improvised drum solo. Well maybe not totally solo, but it was his contribution to the song, possibly unexpected by the others who skillfully went along with it. Kimera were a bit of a surprise. Jamie as a keyboard player was uninspiring, but as a singer he really lays into it. Maybe he still has to learn some finesse, but he certainly has a style. When playing their own stuff, which presumably they had rehearsed (unlike Chain who essentially made it up as they went along) they sounded pretty good even when tackling some quite "advanced" songs such as Niel Young's "Rocking In The Free World". The one very curious anomaly was when they covered "Sweet Child Of Mine" - which was also covered by Chain. I'd swear that Dylan's drumming on that was far better than when he did it for Chain. While the drumming was better, the vocals were far worse. I think the song was outside Jamie's range. It was much nicer listening to Jo who was by the bar, and just in earshot singing along to it as well! ![]() This pictures shows some of Kimera........ ![]() ....and this picture adds a guitar player. I'm not including any
pictures of Chain playing here, but I have uploaded some to my alter ego's
Myspace account. Instead I have a couple of other pictures.....
![]() On the left is Chris, and on the right is some handsome looking chap (cough) !! (Thanks Jo for taking the picture on my camera) ![]() Here's the lovely Jo and the lovely (but not in the same way !) Chris ;-) It must be the season, or
maybe it was the red trousers I was wearing yesterday, but I met
another strange lady yesterday.
Her name was Sarah, and she earlier been to a Zombie training class (or
something like that). She arrived at the pub looking suitably blood
stained, but had picked off most of the fake scabs on the way there.
![]() Sarah was most
weird, probably quite toxic, and even in (fake) blood splattered
clothes (or maybe because of it ?) very attractive. I had a couple of
very entertaining interludes chatting to her in the pub beer garden. I
think she implied she is a regular at The Oval Tavern, but sadly it's
not a pub that I frequent (yesterday was the first time ever) becuase
I'd like to see her again. I wonder what she looks like when not
splattered in blood ?I wonder if she would even recognise me again when
she was sober ?
It was most definitely worth fighting off the fatigue to go to The Oval Tavern yesterday. There was good beer, great company, and great music. By itself that would have been enough, but collecting my selection of chilli sauces from Dave Etheridge (bass player and drummer, as well as purveyor of Mad Ass chilli sauces) was an added bonus, and meeting Sarah was a delight too. It felt good to finally wear my red jeans too. Those jeans are "built" to the same specification as any other of my trousers/jeans but have always seemed to be very tight. I wasn't sure if I would survive OK wearing them, but in the end I hardly noticed I was wearing them. Jo commented that they looked good, and maybe being similar to the colour of blood, they inspired Sarah to talk to me as well (it was she who made the first approach if you discount me saying "after you" as we crossed on the stairs). It was raining when we left the pub. I was specially privileged to be offered a lift back to West Wickham station by Jo and Chris, and that made my journey home so much easier. Jo, who was driving, has exquisite timing. We arrived at the station just as a train pulled in, and within seconds I was on my way back to Catford. It was still raining when I arrived, but it was ignorably light, and arrived home no more than very slightly damp. Once I had got changed I grabbed some sandwiches that I had bought from the supermarket in the morning, and tested some of those chilli sauces. There was one, described as apple and chilli ketchup that was quite mild, and went wonderfully with a BLT sandwich. I'm glad that when I came to try some "Dare Ya !" chilli sauce it was on a cheese sandwich. That sauce is described as rating 11 out of 10 for heat. Initially it had a very pleasant tangy flavour, and then my tongue caught fire !!!! The rest of that 35ml sample bottle is going to have to be treated with respect ! I have no idea what time I went to bed last night. I don't think it was particularly late - maybe not that much after 9pm, and possibly before then. I slept solidly until waking up absurdly early - about 4.30am. I wanted to get back to sleep, but I seemed to be really bunged up. It was like being back with the cold I had the previous week. After loads of snorting, coughing and spluttering I managed to get back to a state where I could get a bit more sleep. Maybe I got and hour, or maybe I got two, but I woke up feeling dreadful like I had some sort of delayed hangover. It's taken many hours before I now feel OK.......or mostly OK, but I do feel pretty fatigued after two days of gigs. I think I'm going to have a very lazy day today ! |
Saturday 20th October 2012 |
13:06 BST Yesterday was a very soggy day. It wasn't until mid to late evening before the rain stopped for any length of time, and even then the air, and everything else was cold and damp. It's all change this morning. At first it was a bit overcast and misty, but now the sun has burnt a path through the misty sky, and we have some sunshine. It's almost getting warm too, with the temperature now up to 16° C. That may be the best it will manage, but it's not bad compared with recently - and three degrees higher than the current forecast says it should be. There might be some rain after dark, and tomorrow is forecast to be cloudy again. Work was a mixture of frustrating and amusement yesterday. Without giving much notice, one of our departments was desperate to set up some tests to run over the weekend (and beyond). We had enough test jigs for 5 units, but they wanted to test six units at first, and then changed their mind and wanted eight units on prolonged test. So there was a lot of flapping about, and it came down to me to build another three test jigs. It is somewhat ironic that it was the same department who wanted the testing done that instigated the massive clear up recently. It seems that during that clean up some vital parts for the test rigs were thrown away, or if they weren't thrown away they were "tidied up" to a place that no one can find ! Prior to the great tidy up I could have found them instantly using "my" filing system ! It was nice to get home again after that, but I wasn't home for all that long.......although initially I would have liked to have been. Last night saw Chain playing in The William IV pub in Elmers End. It's a nice easy place to get to by train on the way there, and easy to get home again by very late running busses. The only trouble was that I allowed myself to get too settled, and it took a lot of will power to get dressed up, and out into the rainy evening. Fortunately the promise of beer and great music was a strong enough lure last night. It was an enjoyable evening. It's a shame that carol was not there last night, but I expect I'll see her at some other gig later on. Last night another woman provided a few minutes of amusing diversion. I have no idea what her name was, but I do know that she lived locally, and was quite drunk. Now I don't know if I was just indulging in nostalgia for the 1960s, or if I have an undiscovered sexual fetish, but I found her shiny black PVC coat to look really nice. Shame I didn't get a picture of it. I did take many pictures, but I've only edited one so far. ![]() This is what happens when you
play Smoke On The Water in the William IV
I think last night was my second favourite combination of musicians. Jo and Chris' guest musician were; Ravi on bass guitar, Dave Griffiths on keyboards, and Dave Etheridge on drums. Only one change would have made it better - Matt Hemsley on bass guitar instead of Ravi. I love Matt's in-your-face bass playing, although someof it could be attributed to a more powerful bass amplifier. I shot a bit of video last night
as well.
Closing time at The
William IV
is midnight, and I caught a bus soon after midnight. Unlike the 208 bus
from Orpington, the 54 from Elmers End Green does not hang around, and
it didn't feel like it was long before I was back in Catford. I was
feeling rather tired, and also rather peckish. So once again I found
myself lured into the fried chicken shop for some of their absurdly
spicy grilled chicken wings. I munched those while watching "Sounds Of
The 70s" on BBC4. There were some great bands, singing great songs in
the 1970s. It is a bit of a shame that I don't think that we ever
realised what a golden age for music we were living in at the time.
After that programme there was a documentary programme about Ray Davies of The Kinks. It was very interesting, but I could hardly keep my eyes open. In fact I fell asleep for a few seconds while watching it. That was my cue to go up to bed. I was very surprised to see my clock saying 02:18 when I got into bed. I slept really well for maybe 4 hours, but it was difficult to stay asleep much past my normal waking hours. I think I managed to force myself to keep sleeping, albeit a bit intermittently, until 8.30am. Since then I've been shopping in Aldi, edited and uploaded the video from last night, and generally done little else aprt from writing this. I now feel I want to lay down, and maybe catch up on a bit of sleep, but there is no sleep for the wicked, and I guess I must be wicked in some way. In a little over an hour I am off out to see another Chain gig in The Oval pub in Croydon. This one is in aid of Croxjam - a charity event in Croydon in aid of Oxfam. Gig are taking place all day in many different venues in Croydon. Usually most of these venues are free entry, but today there is an entry fee of a couple of pounds, or for £5 you can get a wrist band that gives entry to all the participating venues (mostly pubs as far as I know). I'm just going to see Chain, and the band that follows them. That latter band is Kimera, and Chain are borrowing their drummer and keyboard player for their set. The drummer is Dylan who has played with Chain on a number of occasions, and the keyboard player is Jamie who played with Chain at their gig in The Crown at leaves Green a few weeks back. Being a fan I obviously want to see Chain, and I am curious to see Kimera, but there is one other reason I have to go. Dave, who played drums last night, will be playing bass guitar today, but more importantly he will be bring me some chilli sauces made by his Mad-Ass chilli sauce company. £15 will be getting me 10 little sample pots of his hotter ranges of sauces, and some of them are described as excruciatingly hot ! I'll be quite keen to get home again after the gig to try some of these sauces. It's quite possible that I'll regret it in the morning, but as they say, no pain, no gain ! |
Thursday 18th October 2012 |
08:07 BST I'm not sure if the temperature hit 16° C yesterday, but it did trigger some memories of what not cold was once like in the good old days before autumn started. Sometime after dark there was some rain, but I'm not sure exactly when, and how much there was of it. I do know that it was nearly 13° C when I left to come to work, and that there was some light rain as I walked to the station. By the time my train arrived it had all but stopped, and I haven't seen any since. There could be the odd shower later, but I believe today should be mostly dry, and there is an equal chance of a sunny interval now and then. I think about 15° C is the very best we can hope for today, and even that might be optimistic. Just before 3pm yesterday, I received a text message wondering if I fancied a pint on the way home. I felt a bit tired and wanted to go straight home, and yet I still fancied a pint, but only on the understanding that it was qoing to be a quick one. Such understandings usually fall by the wayside, but when Kevin, who I was drinking with, heard how croaky I was, he realised that it would be unfair to try and detain me too late. I was home soon after 6.30pm. It was nice having a couple of pints even if it was in the worst pub in the world. OK, it's cheap, but that just attracts cheap people, and the atmosphere suffers because of it. I'm not sure if there was ever a time when I have actually liked The London And Rye pub in Catford. I think my feeling about it have always ranged between neutral and hate. Last night was particularly irritating for three reasons. First of all they hadn't taken off the pump label for the Dragons Revenge beer from the Nelson Brewery in Chatham near the historic dockyard. I strongly felt that I wanted to try it, but when I was told that it was finished I felt a strong wave of annoyance. Then there was the bloke sitting outside the pub with tinny reggae music blaring out of his mobile phone. That seemed a good enough reason to imagine new and novel ways to painfully kill someone. Back inside the pub they had the sound up on one of the TVs, and it was showing a football match that was inciting some to get noisy. Even a Hydrogen bomb seemed lacking for my purposes there. Of course as I grow older I follow the tradition of getting grumpier. Last night gave me great cause to feel grumpy, but then again so did my commute to work this morning. To my dismay I couldn't help but noticing how many traitors were wearing items of clothing with North America place names on them. Don't these sad people realise that we are at war with North America, and have been since 1776. If I were in charge I would have them all lined up against the wall to be shot ! The walk from work to the station yesterday was not pleasant. I was feeling less knackered than previous days, and I was attempting to walk faster. All my effort succeeded in doing was to stir up all the mucus in my lungs, and leave me coughing and wheezing. It took some time to recover from that. Maybe it was a hangover from that, or perhaps the cool damp night air when I walked home from the pub that triggered a relapse of my illness. When I went to bed, a little after 8pm last night, I couldn't get to sleep because of coughing and sinuses block with gallons of mucus. It didn't feel good at all. The cure was to switch on my fan heater at half heat. I didn't feel cool before that, and maybe I even felt a little too warm when I attempted to pull the duvet over my whole boday, but once the room started to warm up I began to feel better. I left the heater on low all night, and I seemed to sleep practically non stop all the way through to within 2 minutes of my alarm sounding. It was quite a good sleep. It even contained an almost soft porn dream ! I seem to feel an awful lot better for it. It is almost as if I might have finally killed the virus that was wreaking havoc with my body. Perhaps all I need to do now is to repair my ravaged body, and I be back to feeling fine. There is quite a bit of repair work to do. All the coughing has left several sets of muscles feeling strained and abused. My lungs feel like they have probably been tenderised, and my sinuses have been stretched beyond belief. All these things will heal to some extent, and maybe now I just have to be patient, and try not to overstress the already overstressed bits. That probably means I shouldn't attempt to lug home 4 (or more) litres of diet cola, and perhaps some other heavy stuff, from the supermarket on my way home. Maybe tonight I shouldn't attempt to wash, amongst other stuff, a big(ish) towel because it will be incredibly heavy to manipulate when wet. The trouble is, I think I will be attempting these things tonight, and I want to wash my hair tonight as well. The final thing I should do, but will anyway, is to stay up very late (by recent standards) to watch tonight's episode of Red Dwarf. I'm sure it is of some significance, or would be if the writers realised it, but like the tenth version of the Mac operating system is called OSX, the tenth series of Red Dwarf is shown as Red Dwarf X......or RDX ------- a powerful explosive often favoured by terrorists as well as for industrial and warfare applications. By the way, now you have clicked on the link to RDX, which shows how it is made, you are now officially a terrorist suspect. Please remove your clothes, and put on the orange boiler suit. Now stand motionless in a cramped position as you await your free trip to a heavily sound proofed interogation suite followed by a long holiday beside the Cuban sea. |
Sunday 14th October 2012 |
15:23 BST The weather followed its expected path yesterday. It was bright and sunny until half way through the afternoon when it got progresively cloudier. Around sunset it started to rain, and within an hour or two it was falling quite heavily. I think it stopped a few hours after that. This morning was bright and sunny, and even now there is still plenty of blue in the sky, although the sun appears to be behind a rather dark looking cloud as I write this. The next rainfall is not forecast to happen until later tomorrow night. For all this sunshine it remains rather cool. This morning came perilously close to being frosty. I measured just 5° C early this morning, and it's only 11° C now. The movie Aleemah brought yesterday was Prometheous. I didn't realise it at first, but by half way through it I had worked out that it was a sort of prequel to the Alien trilogy. That sort of explained why I didn't like it that much. Like the Alien trilogy it was a very loose random plot to stitch together some action sequences. After it had finished I felt very tired from the effort of trying to be interested, scared, and excited, or whatever else it was the film's producers were hoping I might be ;-) On a more positive note, Aleemah was sort of impressed with the improvements I've made to the living room. She actually declared it looked quite tidy........although I think she may have forgotten to add "by comparison" ! After Aleemah had gone home again I rested on my laurels, or maybe I just rested. While the worst of my cold is now behind me, I'm still not exactly bubbling over with health, and I wanted to recharge my batteries as much as possible so I could go out in the evening. Later on, as evening approached, I discovered that my friend Kevin had also been suffering fromm the same bug through the week, and he had doubts about going out in the evening. The last I heard was that he was going to pop out to Tesco and see how that felt before committing himself to a night out. I suspect he didn't go, as I didn't didn't. I think that it was four separate things, in variable proportion, that kept me in. The most obvious was that I was still not feeling 100%, and together with the second reason, that it was pouring with rain outside, made up most of the reason why I didn't go out. To go out in that pouring rain would have been foolish in the state I was in. The other two reasons were really conditional on the first two being valid - as they were. I found myself involved in a long and interesting conversation on the phone. If I had been confident that I was definitely going out I could easily have stopped that conversation well before it was time to go out, but time was slipping past in a most comfortable and agreeable way. The final reason was not really a reason, but it did add some weight to the others. During the afternoon a menu dropped through my letterbox, and it aroused my curiosity - a lot ! The menu was for a small corner shop in catford called The Taj. It's been there for quite a number of years, but I had never tried it before. One reason for that was I couldn't quite work out what sort of cuisine described their food. The peri-peri grilled chicken had a sort of Portugese ring to it. The nan bread, pillaw rice was Indian, but the few curry dishes they did sell did not seem to coincide with anything from a typical Indian restaurant menu, and the kebabs suggested middle eastern influences. The menu that dropped on my door mat had all these things, and more, but also had a set family meal on it for £24.99. It seemed to include many of these types of food, and would be a good introduction to what to expect of the place. It was a bit expensive for a whim, but I assumed there would be enough left overs to feed me today. I was not wrong ! If I make use of all the rice there is still plenty left for dinner tonight, and part of tomorrow's dinner as well - and that's after having a big breakfast of it this morning ! It was all rather nice, very nice in fact, and my only complaint would be that the meat curry was a tiny portion. As was the potato baji. However there were heaps of grilled chicken, and more nan bread and rice than you could shake a stick at ! I went to bed late for a weekday, but early for a Saturday night, feeling rather good. It seemed to be reflected in the way I initially slept. I had little trouble getting to sleep, and slept solidly for at least 4, and maybe 5 hours. After that sleep became a bit sporadic for the next three hours. I was probably awake for most of that three hours, but after that I seemed to fall into another good sleep for a couple of hours. I finally awoke feeling rather groggy, but I seemed to get my act together well enough to tackle washing a duvet cover. It was one of my older ones, and so was big and heavy - unlike the brand new one on my bed that seems little thicker than tissue paper. I don't think I washed the duvet cover that well, and it could probably have done with another rinse, but I reckon it will do. I hung it across my two clothes horses in my back garden where it could drip away to it's hearts content. I notice now, quite a few hours after putting it out, that the dripping stopped long enough ago that the ground has now dried out under it, and the wind is begiing to move it. It won't be dry when I bring it in within the next hour or two, but I think it will be halfway there, and mostly dry by the morning. If I feel OK when I get home from work tomorrow I might tackle the sheet or pillowcases. I'm not sure how I feel today, and this afternoon in particular. As far as my cough goes, I am now going for long periods with no more than just the occasional singular cough, but also, like happened twenty minutes ago, I get the occasional period of a really tickly cough that it is hard to stop until my throat is almost feeling raw. Apart from the cough I have been feeling OK most of the time, but about an hour ago I came across feeling dreadfully tired, and I needed a lie down for 20 minutes. I sort of fell asleep, and I either got woken up by, or waking up resulted in, my last particularly vicious spell of dry coughing. These periods of good and bad do make me wonder what my day at work will be like tomorrow. I have horrible visions of almost turning blue with a fit of dry coughing on the train. Such a thing is most often triggered by a change of air quality - going from cold fresh air outside to hot and humid inside. I'm also not looking forward to a spell of extreme fatigue like I had a bit earlier today while I am trying to work. The only reason for optimism is that every day sees a further improvement in how I feel. As I sit here writing I feel almost, but not quite, rather good. Having said that, I do feel I have a slight yearning to lay down and do some reading, but that may be because I can't think of anything better to do right now ! |
Thursday 11th October 2012 |
13:12 BST The weather followed the predictions for yesterday fairly well. The temperature hit 14° C, and the sunshine continued until mid afternoon. Then it got cloudy. This morning it was supposed to be very wet, but in fact it was sunny for a little while after sunrise. Then the clouds got thicker and thicker. The first rain to fall was several hours late, and even then was more like a fine mist. It may have been nearly midday before it got intense enough to call it light drizzle. Towards the end of this afternoon it may get heavier. Currently it is only a few tenths of a degree below the forecast 15° C. Tomorrow is forecast to be very sunny, but paradoxically a few degrees cooler. My breakfast was so late yesterday that it was to all intents and purposes, lunch. It took me some time to steel myself to get out to Aldi to buy the ingredients. I didn't feel all that good walking there, and pretty crappy walking back again. I arrived home puffing and wheezing almost in a state of asthmatic collapse, but I had the eggs and bacon that I desired. Poaching the eggs in the microwave almost worked OK, but I'm sure I can alter the technique to make it more successful, or it might be simpler to settle on scrambled eggs. The ironic things is that for all the effort of going to buy the eggs and bacon, they tasted really bland. Walking to, and more so, walking back from the supermarket really stirred up my cough, and to a lesser extent, my runny nose. Even so it was not the cough, or runny nose, that was most directly debilitating, but the lack of sleep caused by them. I felt tired all yesterday afternoon, and didn't feel inclined to do anything apart from watching TV and reading. At 7pm I decided I would just lay on my bed ready to get into bed once I felt I would be able to fall asleep. For the first few hours I had Radio Caroline on. Some of the music being played was good stuff (but a few tracks were really crappy !). As I lay there, sometimes reading, and sometimes not, I realised that my cough had improved a lot in some respects, but also how inconsistent it was. Sometimes I would cough up a lump of mucus that felt as big as a golf ball, and it was no big deal. At other times I would cough up something the size of a pea, and it was really tickly. I have this fantasy that like many small recesses in this house, there are still pockets of cat fur laying around, and that I have fur balls in my lungs :-) One other distraction, apart from the music and the book I was reading last night was to refine some thoughts I had towards the end of last week (or maybe at the weekend) that I don't think I mentioned here. Those thoughts were about what a complete and utter failure my life has been. It's probably best to pick up the story starting 29 years ago. The end of this month sees the 29th anniversary of buying my house. As I said my farewells to my mum's house I looked forward to new freedoms, and confidently predicted I would be dead within 5 years from an overdose of sex and drugs and rock and roll. It was a poorly thought
idea for several reasons, but most of all was the failure to take
finance into consideration. Back in the early 1980s mortgage rates were
high........very high. At one point the mortgage rate was an eye
watering 17%. For a time I could hardly afford the wear on my shoe
leather to walk to the pub, let alone drink anything more expensive
than nothing at all.
Drugs were completely out of the question, and sex............well it's not easy to make up for a lack of prettiness with hope, enthusiasm, and bullish optimism whenever you open your wallet and a moth flies out. At least I had my record collection to keep me warm on those cold lonely nights ! In time things eased, but it was too late. I was a broken man by then. My chance to die young and stay pretty had passed. Years passed, and maybe
opportunities passed too. I don't know why I didn't pick up the thread
again when, perhaps 10 years later, I was, in a very moderate way,
wealthy again. Maybe it was because the next girl I was serious about
was not into sex* and drugs and rock and roll (she was a Cliff Richard
fan !).
* For the sake of consistency in this tale I may have not told the absolute truth here. So I missed the boat. I didn't die before I got old. Now even more years have
passed, and apart from next month where the four days of time off work
sick is going to leave me short, I have a moderate amount of money to
spare. Things should be looking up. I've gone to more gigs to see more
rock and roll in the last couple of years than I did in the 20 years
preceeding that, and yet it is all a failure still. Apart from alcohol,
I guess I feel too old for drugs, and sex may still be interesting, but
it's terribly hard work ! Even going to gigs can seem too much like
hard work sometimes (although actually being there is always easy !).
It was about midnight before I felt like I should be able to sleep last night. I was both right and wrong. I did get to sleep very quickly, but it lasted less than an hour before I woke up coughing and spluttering. Until I gave up at about 6am I estimate that on average I was sleeping in 15 minute segments with periods of 5 - 15 minutes of being awake between them. With so little sleep I didn't even consider going back to work today. I do feel dreadfully tired today, and I am sure that this tiredness is hindering my recovery. It seems I am caught in a feedback loop. At some point it will flip, and the more sleep I get the faster I will recover, and the more I recover the more sleep I'll be able to get. I have managed a few short naps today. Hopefully they will help, and there seems no reason why I shouldn't be able to have a few more this afternoon. Somehow I've got to feel refreshed enough to get to work tomorrow, but if I feel like I did after going to Aldi yesterday morning I'll have to almost crawl all the way from Earlsfield station to work where, if TV is to believed, I will collapse. |