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My Diary/Blog For the Month of February
2013 |
Saturday 23rd February 2013 |
14:59 GMT Yesterday was bloody cold !!! There were also a few very light flurries of snow. During the evening the wind dropped, and it didn't feel quite as cold (unless it was the beer !). This morning started off below zero, and there have been some more serious flurries of snow. For a few moments it even started to settle. It seemed to stop around midday, and now it's just a miserable cold and grey sort of day. Tomorrow the temperature could reach the dizzy heights of 3° C, and there could be a sunny interval or two, but there could also be a few periods of sleety rain. ![]() This rather fuzzy pictures shows new formed icicles hanging from the platform canopy of Earlsfield station on my way home from work last night. It seemed to take forever
my office to warm up yesterday, and it wasn't until after lunch that I
felt comfortable. Then I got frozen on the way home again. I partly
thawed myself out with a can of mushroom soup, and then warmed myself
up properly with pints of Guinness in a warm pub when I went out again
to watch Chain playing in The Catford Ram. It was a most enjoyable
night !!
![]() Dave Griffiths always brings
that something extra when he is there with his keyboards.
![]() Either Dave Giffiths or Cousin It. ![]() Ravi provided bass guitar for the evening ![]() Chris Mayer getting lost in the music. ![]() Dave Etheridge on drums. ![]() Jo Corteen on vocals ![]() Everybody on stage at The Catford Ram ![]() The song "Maggie May" always gets the girls dancing ! ![]() Sarah Etheridge and Katherine Apart from great music,
lashings of beer, and good company, there was also another bonus last
night. I got a new consignment of Mad-Ass
chilli sauces kindly
supplied by Dave Etheridge. Sarah Etheridge, in the picture above is
Dave's wife, and sitting with her is the rather lovely Katherine who is
a recent recruit to the Mad-Ass kitchens. As well as two full sized,
paid for, bottles, I was honoured to be given three small bottles as
free samples.
One of the small bottles was of "Dare Ya" - the hottest sauce in the range.......until "Double Dare Ya", an even hotter version came along ! The third was a smoky version of "Dare Ya" made with some smoked chipotle chillis. I haven't tried the smoky one yet, but I did try the "Double Dare Ya", and it has a wonderful flavour - provided you use it very sparingly !! A curious thing happened during the evening. Most probably fueled by beer, I jokingly asked Dave Etheridge if Katherine was free and single, and like men with big guts. He laughed and then wandered off. A little later he came back and said yes, Katherine was free and single, and said I should definitely chat her up ! (No mention about the big gut bit though). Later on, I didn't chat her up, but I did relate the tale to Katherine, and how I had sort of embarrased myself. She thought it was amusing, but I had rather given the game away. I spoke with her briefly a few more time during the evening, but it wasn't exactly chatting her up. (How do you do that anyway ?). At the end of the evening, after I had helped lug some gear out to the bands cars, I said goodbye to Dave, and thanked him for the sauces, gave Sarah a peck on the cheek, and thanked her for the sauces, and then I did the same to Katherine - and got a hug in return. I wonder........... After only eating a few bits of fruit during the day, and the can of soup before going to the pub, and after all the beer, I was feeling more than a bit peckish ! So I thought to hell with my diet, and went to the kebab shop. I started with very good intentions and ordered a relatively healthy chicken shish kebab. Then, as I salivated, I also ordered a portion of chips to go with it. In a final desperate act I also ordered two battered sausages. There was a microscopic bit of reason to my madness. I reasoned that the kebab would be fine cold, and that I would have it for lunch today. When I got home I tucked into the sausages and chips, and they were like nectar from the gods ! Of course some chilli sauce added to that ecstacy. Well, mostly it did until I added just a bit too much Double Dare Ya. Boy does that burn !!!!! Once I had doused the flames in my mouth I went up to bed, and was soon fast asleep. I am not sure just what time that was, but I am fairly sure it was before midnight. Maybe even as early as 11pm. I slet well until 4am when I awoke needing a pee, and with a hangover. I couldn't sleep again with my head aching. So I stayed up for a bit reviewing all the pictures, and video I had taken earlier. I did make one feeble attempt to do some editing, but soon gave up, and went back to bed again. It didn't feel like I was sleeping that well, and woke up a few times. Each time I woke up it felt like I would not be able to get back to sleep again, but evidently I did because a lot of time passed without me realising it. Once I finally got up and had a shower, I went to get some shopping in Aldi. Now that was a revelation. Despite battling through swirling snow, and icy air, I felt wonderfully well, and it felt like I could have almost run there (of course I couldn't actually have run that distance, and I don't think I could ever in living memory have run that sort of distance). Apart from two indulgences, I was very good at not buying anything that would spoil my current diet. One thing I couldn't resist, even thought it was about the very worst thing I could buy, was some (allegedly) Guinness flavoured mixed peanuts and cashew nuts. I really wish I hadn't given in to them because they were well below my expectations - not actually nasty, but not very nice. The other indulgence was a packet/bag of Italian oregano and tomato flavoured little hard biscuits. I can't remember exactly what they were called, but they are like a cross between biscuit and a sort of hard bread. Whatever they are, they are very munchious* and I am eating far too many of them. * munchious - the quality of being munchy !! Apart from going shopping, and eating all that's bad for me, I seem to have done nothing today except for photo, video, and word wrangling on my PC. Now my bottom hurts, and I think I might put my feet up, or more likely, have a lie down and read or snooze for a while. After that, I have no idea what I will actually do. I ought to do some laundry, and I could go to a gig tonight (I have some partial transport arranged if I need it - but I don't fancy being dropped off in Bromley at 1am, and having to wait for a night bus in sub zero temperature). What I think will actually happen is that I shall stay warm, and be thoroughly lazy !! |
Monday 18th February 2013 |
08:03 GMT Unlike how the BBC's weather forecast seemed to suggest, the sky remained fairly clear overnight, and this morning started cold enough for a frost. There was also some mist patches on the way into work - particularly where the railway runs alongside The River Thames. As my train pulled into Earlsfield station I could see a big red sun rising over Earlsfield Cemetary. Now it's a matter of waiting to see if the sun can burn off the mist before the forecast clouds appear. Even if we do get a lot of sunshine this morning, it seems unlikely that the temperature will rise very far - maybe to 5 or 6° C at best. I hope the forecast for the week ahead is very wrong because it suggests that by the end of the week we will be lucky to see the temperature higher than 2° C ! I was in two minds about whether I should have any dinner last night. I thought I could probably manage to convince myself I didn't need any, but the reality was that I had to cook the salmon that I had allowed to defrost before it went off. What I did have in the end was a very healthy dinner with all sort of alleged health benefits. It was simply the salmon steamed in it's own juices, plus raw broccoli. The salmon has lots of fish oil which is good for all sorts of things, and the broccoli has properties that if you believe all you read about it, that are good enough to ward off anything from an ingrowing toenail, to an Earth destroying meteorite. Some of what is said about is nothing but lies. For instance, they say that the more it is cooked, the less it's magical qualities. That is obviously nonsense, and the truth is that raw broccoli almost tastes nice when eaten on it's own, and tastes rather less nice when cooked unless smothered in gravy, meat juices and potatoes (when it can taste quite good). I'm happy to report that my new mattress topper worked really well. I was comfortable enough in bed that I could easily have turned over and gone back to sleep after turning off my alarm (and in an ideal world I would have done so). Despite being far more comfortable in bed, I didn't have a very wonderful sleep. It took a long time to get to sleep because of various aches and pains. The worst was from my left wrist. For some reason it was really painful. The only stress it had earlier was to hold my mobile phone while I was reading an ebook on it, and it doesn't seem like that should have stressed it much. A second reason for lack of sleep was due to one of natures cruellest tortures. I woke up at around 1am with the instep of my right foot itching. I have no idea what causes it, and it has happened to me at regular 4 month intervals in the last 11 months ! It is an impossible area to scratch as you would any other itch. Even getting up for 15 minutes and trying to distract myself from it by turning on the PC had limited success, and then just like it came, it just went away for no apparent reason. This morning I definitely feel different. I woke up without a lot of the stiffness of previous mornings, and despite getting less sleep than I wanted, I felt more refreshed than usual. It was a bit later that I started to feel some aches and pains, they were milder, and somehow different from the usual, and I had a crazy notion that they were "anti-creases" as all the tension of sleeping on an uncomfortable mattress were slowly unwinding after sleeping on my new comfortable mattress topper. Even my walk to the station felt slightly different. It was still quite painful, but the pain developed a bit later during the walk, and was not so severe at the end. I seemed to recover faster as well. It doesn't sound like much of an improvement, but I was expecting things to be a lot worse considering how cold the air was, and the fact that I hadn't managed to leave home early enough for a very slow walk like I did last Friday. It is possible that I have found a potential reason for some of the pain and discomfort I have been experiencing this winter. Rather than the more sinsister sounding, but still very possible heart disease and/or lung cancer, it is possible that I simply have rheumatoid athritis. I do seem to lack the crippling knobbly finger joints usually assosciated with athritis, at least I do for now, but I have enough assorted joint pains from time to time to make up for having OK fingers and hands (although my painfull left wrist is getting worryingly close). There are plenty of other symptoms that I match closely, and there is a family history of it to the limited extent that my mum had it. The good, or maybe the bad thing about it, is that it is not fatal in itself, but does increase the risk of a heart attack depending on where the inflammation is at the time. It is an auto-immune disease, and apparently vitamin D (produced in the body from sunlight) is thought to help regulate the immune system. It could explain why I suffer increasingly more every winter, and so far I haven't suffered during the summer months. With last year being so crappy, with loads of grey days instead of hot sunshine (or so I seem to remember) it may explain why I am suffering so badly this winter. So having come to a tentative diagnosis of what could be wrong with me, I shall do what I always do in these situations - try to avoid letting any doctors or nurses know about it. I shall just proceed as normal for spring. Try to lose some weight in preparation to try and get some exercise in once the sun comes out, and warm days finally arrive. It is possible that my diet yesterday was light enough that I may have lost more weight than just from clipping my toenails. Another week of that and it will be a greater loss than cutting off a finger. Ideally I ought to lose weight equivalent to one of my legs, but that would be a very long term project, and so highly dependent on my mental state that the odds against it happening are pretty high. Meanwhile, I am sticking to just a bit of fruit until I get home again today. In the highly unlikely event that I am not desperate for a hot meal when I get home, I could eat just canned tuna and raw broccoli (with a generous amount of chilli sauce), but that is probably just fantasy thinking ! |
Sunday 17th February 2013 |
16:32 GMT I can't recall any sunshine yesterday, but it was still surprisingly mild with the temperature staying up at almost 12° C for much of the day. It was also dry. Today it started off cold enough for a frost because the sky was clear, and it has stayed clear with loads of sunshine. Sadly the temperature never warmed up beyond a cool 8° C. If it were like this tomorrow I could look forward to a bright and sunny, but rather cold journey home from work, and daylight for as much as half an hour after I got home. Sadly it seems that tomorrow will be cold and grey. Yesterday morning I concerned myself with putting a last finishing touch on the PC I was giving to my friend Lee. I also did a microscopic bit of tidying up in case he brought his new girlfriend with him. She didn't come with him in the end, but when he turned up at about midday, or maybe a bit more, he was pleased with what I offered, and rewarded me more generously than I expected. I was just going to give him the PC but insisted in rewarding me, and the original idea is that he would give me a bottle of scotch. He actually turned up with the bottle of scotch, six 2 lire bottles of Diet Coke, and a packet of fags. Nice ! With 12 litres of Diet Coke on hand I had no need to even go out to the corner shop, and I ended up having a thoroughly lazy day apart from washing 2 shirts, 4 t-shirts, and a pair of lounge pants. With few serious distractions it was hard to avoid eating too much, but until the evening I did quite well. For lunch I had a can of low salt, low sugar baked beans with 4 saveloys packed with some sort of mystery meat. The saveloys didn't seem to be fatty, but I am sure they had all sorts of undesirable stuff in them. They needed to be used up, and now they are gone. For dinner I found some fish in the back of the freezer, and I had two lots. One came with a sort of buttery glaze, but the other was just plain frozen basa fish. Basa is often sold as a more sustainable substitute for cod, but it's pretty crappy stuff. I had it just steamed in it's own juice. With enough chilli sauce it made for a reasonable dish. In theory, the two plates of fish I had should have been very healthy, and with my earlier lunch I could have claimed to have eaten healthily yesterday, but there was a problem. During the evening I watching TV and became overcome by an insationable desire for something to munch. In the end I gave in an opened up a small tin of cooked chestnuts that I had stashed away from xmas time. It was the old, old story - I thought a couple wouldn't be too bad, but like heroin they are so addictive that before I knew what I was doing I had eaten the whole tin. Luckily enough, those chestnuts represented the last of the worst food in my stores, but to avoid any further temptations I spent the rest of the evening upstairs away from the TV. I passed the time reviewing some of my old photos. They provided stark evidence that last year I didn't get out and about much compared to the year before that when I seemed to go on loads of long expeditions with my camera. That lack of exercise last year must have contributed a lot to how unhealthy I feel this year. I really hope that we have a nice spring, and a good summer this year. It is going to be really hard building up my stamina again when it seems hard just to walk to the station now. However, if I manage to bake out all the bugs in me under a blazing summer sun (or preferably a hot mid to late spring sun) then it is feasible that I might be tackling some long walks by the autumn. I have taken steps to reduce one of the ailments that reduces my mobility at the moment. Those ailments are all to do with aches and pains that I partly blame on poor sleep due to an uncomfortable mattress. I met Aleemah today, and after she had eaten her breakfast in the pub, and I had drunk two halves of a couple of quite nice beers, I dragged her into Poundstretcher where I bought a memory foam mattress topper. I seemed to recall that initially they were very expensive, perhaps in the region of £60 - £70, but they were marked down from £39.99 to £29.99, and so I bought a spare as well. I've tested one of them on my bed, and although I don't know how well it will work once I am in bed under the duvet, but it does seem to provide a nice smooth surface when just laying on top of my bed. I have high hopes that I won't have to dodge the lumpiness of the internal spring structure of my mattress that has always been there since I bought the mattress, but has been feeling far worse lately. Perhaps tomorrow I will be able to report that I slept unusually well during the night. |
Tuesday 12th February 2013 |
08:00 GMT It was pretty horrible yesterday. Either sleet, snow, or just rain seemed to fall almost continuously until quite late in the afternoon. If it had been a degree or two colder it may well have been all snow, but the snow that had settled during the night had all but melted away by mid morning. While the rain/sleet/snow stopped eventually, the sky remained very cloudy, and that probably saved us from a frost this morning, but it was a close thing. Today has started off just a degree or two above freezing with the sky looking like it has been painted with battleship grey paint. There is not supposed to be much, if any rain today, but it will stay cold, grey and thoroughly unpleasant ! Out of all the things I could have done yesterday, I only did one of them. That was to prepare one of my spare PCs for a friend. I probably didn't start doing it until gone midday, but I can't remember just when it was. What I do remember is that installing Windows XP, plus service packs 2 and 3, and then assorted drivers and software, took all afternoon. I hope that my friend will make more use of the second operating system I put on it - Linux Mint 14. Installing that took a third, or even a quarter of the time that it took to install Windows XP - and no searching for drivers ! A little of the time was taken up by my special customisations of the desktop to make it a bit more familiar to a Windows user. By 8pm I was feeling quite weary last night, and I was in bed reading soon after that. I probably should have turned off the light, and gone to sleep, earlier than I did, but I was engrossed in reading the opening chapters of Ian Flemings second James Bond book. It was about 9:15pm when I turned out the light, and tried to find that elusive most comfortable position for sleeping. Eventually I fell asleep, and although I only woke once or twice in the night, I feel I didn't sleep that well for some reason. Maybe it is because once I got showered and dressed for work this morning, I had a very strong desire to go back to bed again ! I am really hoping that once some warmer weather arrives I will begin to feel OK again. It was another uncomfortable struggle to get to work today, and going home will only be slightly better. Like last week, it still feels like I have all the symptoms of 'flu once I start walking in the cold air - I ache all over, but the worst ache, and probably the one that is most lethal, is the ache in my chest that radiates up my neck, and down my arms. It is, I think, classic symptoms preceeding a heart attack - but I don't seem to have one for some unknown reason. Oh well, I'll try harder tomorrow ! I possibly need to get some shopping on the way home tonight, and I have the dilemna of choosing to shop in Tesco or Iceland, or even ot to shop at all. I have got some Tesco Clubcard vouchers for extra points, or money off certain items - mostly stuff I probably ought not to be eating - but I haven't got them with me. So I reckon if I go anywhere after work, it will be to Iceland (the supernmarket, and not the place that is probably even colder than London !). Then I can got to Tesco with my vouchers, should I choose to use them, another day. |
Monday 11th February 2013 |
07:40 GMT Yesterday continued to be dull and gloomy with frequent light showers. Sometime during the night it got a lot colder, and at 3am there was a thin blanket of snow covering the road and cars. Although cold, it is not cold enough for the snow to stay, and now most of it has melted leaving lots of slippery patches of slush. These will continue to melt away in the drizzle that is now falling from a cold and grey sky. The forecast predicts grey skies and occasional drizzle, or maybe even light rain, all day, and the maximum temperature could be as little as 3° C. It could be said that I wasted most of yesterday afternoon and evening. I didn't do much apart from read, watch TV and have an all too short snooze. I suppose that watching a film you enjoy is not exactly wasting time, but there was stuff that I could have done that would have been more rewarding - like building the next incarnation of my server. The film I watched was "Very Important Person" starring a favourite of mine, James Robertson Justice - who, I've just found out, was born in Lewisham (possibly in Lewisham Hospital where I was born, although Wikipedia gives the location as Lee). I intended to get to sleep early last night, but whether it was the lentil soup I had eaten earlier, or something else, my brain wouldn't let me relax, and my bed felt uncomfortable. It was gone 11pm before I fell asleep, and I am sure I had two dreams involving snow before I even realised it had snowed at 3am this morning. In one dream I was standing my a river watching several animals come and rub themselves against a pile of snow on the riverbank. One animal was very peculiar in as much as it was a newly born bird (born, not hatched !). It was rubbing against the snow to try and remove loose feathers - particularly a scraggly collection of tail feathers that looked like a bushy tail. That was all pretty odd, and the other dream seems very odd now because I can't recall enough details about it. It concerned two house like structures, one in front of the other, and both set in an icy area. The closest one looked slightly dilapidated, and the one behind it was apparently mine. I think it had just been given to me or something. It looked terribly cold, and maybe unfinished, but inside it was well equipped, and it was warm despite some of the fittings being seemingly made of ice. I wish I could remember more because it all seemed to mean something in the dream. ![]() This is the view that greeted me when I went out to go to the station this morning. ![]() Things didn't get off to
a very good start this morning.
The lentil soup whizzing through my digestive system made me a bit
impatient for a smooth journey to work, and cancelled trains do not
make for a very smooth journey. The next train after the one in the
picture above did run, and I did make an attempt to catch it. Once
again things did not get off to a good start when I nearly landed on my
backside after finding my front path was lethally slippery. I obviously
wasn't wearing ideal shoes for walking on the slippery slush remaining
from the earlier snow, and after slipping and sliding around on the way
to the station I turned around before I got there and came back home. I
have now booked a days holiday for today because something seemed to be
telling me I shouldn't go to work today !
I think I have several things I will do today instead of going to work. The first might be to catch up on some sleep after my short night. Then there are three things I probably ought to do. One is to do some laundry. The other is to start work on the new incarnation of my server, and another is to get one of my spare PCs up and running for a friend of mine. I did say I would try and do that over the weekend. So I suppose I ought to give it some priority. |