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My Diary/Blog For the Month of March
2013 |
Thursday 28th March 2013 |
08:02 GMT If only yesterday had been about 20 degrees warmer, it might have been a nice day. There wasn't much, there was some sunshine, and the sun's rays did feel delightfully warm, but still that cold wind blew any heat away.This morning has started out delightfully bright and sunny, but still the temperature is below zero. There sunshine should continue, maybe on and off, until mid afternoon, but it will only raise the temperature to about 6° C at best. After dark the temperature is set to plummet to below zero again. The brown lentils I had the day before continued to work their "magic" until just a couple of hours before I was due to go home from work yesterday. Fortunately I didn't feel too uncomfortable because of that, and overall I didn't feel too bad. There were one or two occasions when I had a great deal of difficulty in staying awake, but I didn't actually feel knackered until I finally got home from work. I really wanted to eat as healthily as possible last night, but once again I was defeated by cold and fatigue, although perhaps only partly defeated. My dinner consisted of steamed salmon, which was a nice healthy option, with (alleged) tomato and chilli flavoured rice, which may not have been terribly healthy, but probably not too bad. If I had left it there I would have declared it to be part of the master plan, but I also ate a selection of nibbles including a small bag of brazil nuts. The latter, apart from being naturally radioactive, contain huge quantities of saturated fats, and hence loads of calories, but are considered to have lots of beneficial vitamins, minerals, fibre, and other stuff that vegans and the like wax lyrical over. After eating I didn't wait for the news to finish on TV before I went up to my room. I was almost considering going straight to bed, but I stayed up for a while before getting in bed to read. It was a useful coincidence that I got to the end of a chapter at more or less exactly 8pm. At that point I turned out the light, and after a small fight with my pillow, trying to find the ultimate comfort spot, I fell asleep. I think I only woke up twice in the night. One time was a little after 11pm, and it took a while to get back to sleep afterwards. The second time may have only been a dream. Eventually I woke up from a very active dream about 15 minutes bfore my alarm was due to sound. I woke up with a sore head, and stiff neck - maybe I hadn't quite found the perfect pillow position when I fell asleep ! My neck is still a little stiff even now, but otherwise I don't feel too bad, and it's nice not to feel so sleepy today. I don't think I felt quite so bad as I did when I came to work yesterday. Maybe it was the extra sleep, or maybe it the result of slightly more moderate eating last night. I suspect I would have felt even better if the sunshine had not excited me so much that I sometimes attempted to stroll a little faster than I can bear in this cold air. Every breath of that sub zero air seems to burn my windpipe and lungs. I am very much looking forward to not having to go out into the frigid morning air for the next four mornings of the long bank holiday weekend that starts tomorrow. Some, maybe quite a lot, of this long weekend may be extremely boring, but with a couple of gigs to look forward to, and even the possibility of some entertainment tonight, it won't all be all doom and gloom ! This morning I had an unusual sight when I got to the station. ![]() It must have taken a bit
of speed to
run over the small, squat, but very heavy small bollard, and to tangle
one up the upright bollards under the wheel arch. Yet the strange thing
is that there is hardly any distance for the van to have accelerated to
much speed. Behind the van is a very tight roundabout, and basically
nothing else. I think I might have overheard someone suggesting that it
was the result of someone trying to steal the van, but that might have
just been conjecture.
Saturday 23rd March 2013 |
13:55 GMT I don't really remember much about yesterday's weather apart from it being dull and cold. I think it was dry until the evening when it rained. This morning it was wet again, except this time it was big wet sleety flakes of snow. Occasionally the sleet became actual snow, and although it was too wet for it to settle in most places, it did manage to leave a slushy covering on some cars and things. It seems to have stopped for the moment, but it is looking very wet and grey outside, and it looks like it could start again at any moment. It is only 3° C now, but presumably that will drop after sunset (if the sun still exists above the thick cloud above us), and then some snow could actually settle properly. Maybe we'll wake up to a white morning. I don't know why I decided to do it after saying it wasn't important yesterday, but I washed four shirts and two pillowcases yesterday afternoon. Maybe it was because I was a bit bored, or needed to kill some time while waiting for the evening to come round. Eventually the evening arrived, and I got ready to go to The Mitre Hotel/pub in Greenwich for Chain's gig. I actually left a lot earlier than I needed to because the start of the gig was due to be delayed until after some football match finished, but if I left it any later I might have got too comfortable to go out. When I got to the pub I could see Jo and Chris' car, and I could see Ravi's van, but there was no sign of anyone. A quick phone call revealed they were in the hotel reception area. It was rather nice in there, and we treated it like the green room. Eventually the football finished with England winning 8-0 against whover their opponents were, and we lugged all the gear into the main bar and set it up. It took a few numbers before the audience warmed up, but eventually the band got a very warm reception. ![]() ![]() Paul Gunn on drums. It was Paul who got this gig, and several more for the band. ![]() I don't know who started it, but a meme went round saying that Chris Mayer, in his collarless black shirt looked like an off duty vicar. So I coudn't resist a bit of photoshoppery ! ![]() ![]() I don't know that much about Ravi, the bass player for the night, but I do know he mixes in very elevated circles - including running errands for Eric Clapton, and possibly being under study bass player at his gigs. After getting so drunk, and all the unpleasantness involved with it, at the gig last week, I took particular care not to get too drunk last night. It was quite easy to do because unlike last week I wasn't desperately trying to have a good time. It was a great gig in a nice venue, and having a great time came easily. Unfortunately, while I was only a 2 on a scale from 1 to 10 of drunkeness (with last week being a 10), I was still not sober enough to resist being forced to dance again with Chris Wells, or maybe I am slowly learning to sort of enjoy it. Unfortunately cameras were at the ready this time, and although they were just extemely poor mobile phone pictures taken with no flash, pictures exist of me dancing. ![]() I don't really know
about dancing, and I certainly know no dance moves, although I have
obviously observed others doing them. There is one dance move that
seems to involve your partner rubbing her crotch along your leg. When I
enquired afterwards if she had enjoyed it I was told yes, and that she
could feel that I had enjoyed it too ! Ahem !!
At the end of the gig I helped knock down some of the gear, and take it out to the motors. When everything was packed away I was treated to a lift home by Paul the drummer. The gig had gone on to 10 or 15 minutes past midnight, and so it was probably just gone 1am when I arrived home. It had been too late to pick up some chicken and chips on the way home, and in a way that was a pity because the alternative was to munch on a big bag of peanuts that were possibly worse for me. I was tired but running on adrenaline so I didn't go to bed straight away, but stayed up munching peanuts, editing photos, and passing messages to a few people via facebook until 3am when I just had to give up and go to bed. I woke up again absurdly early for someone who had only got to bed at 3am, but I managed to get back to sleep again for maybe another hour, perhaps two. I guess I managed to get maybe 5 hours sleep. There was no reason why I couldn't have spent all morning in bed except for my early bird instinct to be up early. I feel I am flagging now, and soon I'll probably lay on my bed and snooze for a while. I have been out in the snow to get some shopping, and that is probably the only semi-important task for the whole weekend done. If it was warmer in the back of the house I could spend a few hours re-building my server - a task I have been putting off for something like 6 weeks now. Maybe the delay up to now has been worth it because Linux Mint has just released their latest Debian based Linux distro, and I am quite keen to use Debian as a base. |
Friday 22nd March 2013 |
14:43 GMT There were a few very short sunny intervals yesterday, but it wasn't full sunshine. It was just weak hazy sunshine. Most of the day was rather cool and rather grey. Then once night had fallen it started to rain. This morning started off cold and damp, but I don't think it was actually raining. It is currently dry, and fairly bright despite no hint of any sun in the sky. It's just over 6° C at the moment, but that is set to fall to just a couple of degrees tonight when it will also start to rain. Tomorrow is forecast to be just a couple of degrees, and it might even snow in south London. Apparently there is a very good chance that it will snow in north London. I made all the right moves to go out last night. I washed my hair, and ate very sparingly, but when it came down to it I couldn't face it. Further research had shown that it would be a horrible journey to get to the venue on anything but a warm summers evening. The offer of a lift didn't come, and I didn't feel that I should plead for one. So I sent apologies, and decided to stay in the warm. One of the worst things I could have done last night was to order a Chinese takeaway. eating extravagances such as last night directly result in my decreased mobility, and although it didn't matter last night, it isn't going to make going out this evening any easier. Still, the food was nice, and although I am agonising over it now, I enjoyed it last night, and I also enjoyed the rest of it for lunch today. One strange anomoly was the use of brocolli in two of the dishes. I can't recall seeing that before, and I didn't particularly like it - though it was nicer than the bamboo shoot that was used more liberally than is to my taste. With hindsight I don't know why I ordered the dishes that I did. Lack of practice maybe, or just plain ignorance. Although I restricted the amount I ate last night, and hence why I had planty spare for lunch today, I still ate enough to make me feel uncomfortable when I went to bed. It wasn't heartburn like the night before (or before that) but just over fullness. So I didn't sleep that well until I had partly digested what I ate. Even then I didn't take full advantage of not having to get up for work this morning. I got up about 90 minutes later than usual, but ideally I could have spent double that on extra sleep. While that extra sleep, if I had got it, may have felt like a good idea, I'm not sure it would have been particularly useful to make me feel better. I still seem to be suffering from something like 'flu. I'm sure it isn't 'flu, although it could still be a long term legacy to the viral infection I got nearly a year ago (or was it two ?) that I think was glandular fever. All I know is that while I feel warm I feel generally feel OK, but a few minutes exposure to cold, such as going into my cold kitchen, starts to make my arms and shoulders hurt. It's a variation of the pains I get when walking in the cold. Right now I am in the warm and feeling fine, but ideally I want to go into my cold bathroom and do some laundry. Fortunately I have plenty of clean shirts and stuff, but I don't like to get too far behind with my laundry. Once we get some spring like weather it won't matter so much, but who knows how long this appalling weather will last ? There is some bad news about tonights gig. The start time has been delayed because of bloody football. I was looking forward to tonight. It is an easy venue to get to - a single bus with the bus stop just a few hundred feet from the pub - but I won't be very amused if it turns out to be a footballers pub like the hated Swan in West Wickham. Chain are due to appear at tonight's venue, The Mitre in Greenwich, quite a few times this year (gig list) and it will be awful if I hate the place ! |
Tuesday 19th March 2013 |
07:50 GMT It was dull, wet and cold yesterday - a thoroughly miserable sort of day ! Today might be a little better, but not by much ! ![]() There were a few small
as I made my way to work this morning, but none of the rain that is
forecast for the whole of this morning. The sky looks grey and
miserable enough for rain, so I guess it will happen sooner or later.
The wet weather made me feel very under par yesterday. It was mostly in the head rather than physical, but going home in the cold and wet appeared to provide some real physical symptoms. It crept up on me slowly, but by the time I was in bed (quite early) it almost felt like I was suffering from 'flu. I don't think my legs were affected, but all my other muscles and joints felt stiff and painful. After a fairly good night's sleep I don't feel anywhere near as bad this morning, but I don't exactly feel wonderful. I have no idea where it came from, but I developed a strange craving for a kebab while I was at work. In theory I could have ordered a nice big chicken shish with salad, and probably with a portion of chips because I was cold and wet, but it would have meant a lot of hanging around as it was cooked. Instead of going to the kebab shop I went to Tesco with an idea. I would buy some lean cooked meats, and have that with a heap of salad and chilli sauce. It would be similar to a shish kebab given unlimited imagination ! The great downfall of my plan was that I spotted something I had never seen before - chicken and chorizo paté. Most patés (as far as I know) contain a lot of fat, and are far from healthy to eat, but curiosity is curiosity, and it had to be tried. I had a chunk of it along with some other meats on a bed of salad leaves plus roughly diced plum tomatoes garnished with fresh basil. Just to make things worse I was also quite liberal with a bottle of peri-peri mayonaisse. It was very, very tasty. I later made things even worse by using the rest of the paté on a (small) fresh French stick. Tonight's dinner will be a variation on last night's, and it will be just as unhealthy. The worst ingredient will be a pack of three types of salami type meat. I can't remember exactly what's in the pack, but sliced chorizo is one of the three types, and something with garlic in it is another type. There is little doubt that I will again be quite liberal with the bottle of peri-peri mayonaisse. It won't be a complete disaster in terms of healthy living, and I think I regard it as a sort of holding option until the sun comes out, and we eventually get some warm weather. There is a possibility that I could go to three Chain gigs this week. They are playing on Thursday night in Charlton. On Friday night in Greenwich, and the latest venue, announced last night, is at the Beckenham Green spring fair on Sunday ! I've made a web page that lists Chain's gig for 2013, and you can find it here. |
Saturday 9th March 2013 |
09:57 GMT Yesterday's rain continued well into the night, and possibly into the early hours of this morning. One result of that was that the temperature did not drop too far last night, and on this grey, but dry morning, it is currently almost 10° C. The latest forecast on the BBC's web site suggests it is now the closest to warm it will get today. Then again they reckon it should only be 6° C right now, and not 10° C that my thermometer says it is. . It makes me wonder if they got the bit about it staying dry right. Time will tell. Although most major aspects of the cold I had are now in the past, it is still kicking up odd stuff from time to time, and relying on nicoteen patches instead of fags is throwing a few odd shaped spanners into the mix. As I mentioned yesterday, now I feel far less crap I can appreciate how tired I can feel after losing so much sleep during the week - or maybe it's how tired I feel I ought to feel. Last night, when I should have been getting myself together to go out, I came over feeling completely exhausted. So instead of going for a shower I lay on my bed, and it was hard not to fall asleep. After a while I forced myself to get off my bed, and to go and have that shower. On my way I glimpsed out of the window. I hadn't appreciated that it was still raining. That was the last straw, and I decided to have an early night instead of going to the gig. I was in bed before Chain would have finished setting up, and doing a sound check (if they did one). In theory I should have fallen asleep almost instantly. While I lay on my back, not my favourite starting position for sleep, but still useable, my throat and nose seemed perfectly clear, and I could breathe easily without any hint of a cough - a situation I've longed for since my cold started. There was one flaw in my plan to get my first night of full sleep - my brain would not shut up ! I have no idea what I was thinking about as I lay in bed, but there was a hell of a lot of it. I think it was 4 hours later before I finally fell asleep. I might have just as well gone to the gig, and got pissed ! This morning, after two days of suspending smoking, my lungs are finding new and novel sources of mucus, and I am back to coughing a lot. It's made waiting for a fresh nicoteen patch to kick in this morning rather a fraught time. I think it's almost there, but I still have a very strong urge to light up a fag. I can't wait for this all to be a distant memory, the sun to come out, and get back to my large stash of fags ! It must have been a good three or four months ago that I found some mechanical mousetraps in a local shop, and put a scattering of them down around the kitchen and a few other strategic places. In all that time they had only caught one single mouse, but as of this morning I can now say they have caught two. It suggests there are very few to catch here. Either that or the traps are not sensitive enough. Oddly enough, like last time, the mouse was caught by an unbaited trap. I am unsure what I will be doing today. I could probably do with going out shopping, but the only important things I want, Diet Coke, I could get from the corner shop. On the other hand, I do fancy some tasty food. For unknown reasons, all I ate yesterday was too many peanuts, and 5 little packets of Hula Hoops. I didn't really fancy anything else, and with that lot containing about 27,662,909 calories (roughly speaking !!), it is probably a good thing that I didn't eat any more than that. I might do some laundry today. That will be a good test of my lung capacity ! I don't actually have much to do right now if I conveniently ignore a few duvet covers, and a couple of sheets. While I've been slobbing about at home I have kept wearing the same t-shirts until they were too stained or smelly even for me. So I've only got a couple of those to wash, and a couple of ordinary shirts and underwear that needs washing. Tonight I have the opportunity of another gig to go to. Chain are playing at The British Oak in Blackheath tonight. It's usually an enjoyable venue, and I can usually get a lift there and back - but not tonight. I was informed earlier in the week that my seat has already been taken. That should be no worry. It is a relatively easy place to get to under normal circumstance, but maybe just now is not normal circumstances. |
Sunday 3rd March 2013 |
14:41 GMT The sun never really managed to shine on Friday, but after dull morning it did brighten up a bit. A lack of wind made it feel less cold than it has been, but it was still a long way from even being tepid. yesterday the sun did shine, and for several extended periods. It still remained chilly outside though. Today has also seen a lot of sunshine, but it looks lie the clouds are getting thicker, and there may not be much more sunshine left today. Just outside my front door, where the porch captures the sunshine, it does actually feel warm, but out in the road, or in my back garden, it remains chilly. The forecast seems to keep changing, but it is looking like next Tuesday could see a brief period where the temperature rises to 13° C, although whether it will be wet or sunny appears to be the biggest unknown. As it always is, and so is not really newsworthy, it was a great relief to get home from work on Friday. I had just a couple of hours to get myself ready to go and see Chain playing at O'Neill's in Bromley - an event I was really looking forward to. I didn't want to go there with an empty stomach so I prepared a very light meal to eat. It was steamed cod with salad. I probably cooked the cod for a little too long because it shrunk rather a lot after cooking, and my small meal turned into a very small meal. That was beneficial because I hate travelling after eating, and the cold and dark were already discouraging enough. I left home a bit later then I intended, but still go to the pub with plenty of time to spare. It was quite an eventful night, and I made two new friends - sort of ! One was a friend for a moment, and the other could develop further one day. The band were on good form even though they had to draft in an emergency drummer after Guy, who was to be drummer for the night, called in sick at short notice. He thinks a sausage sandwich he ate was the reason why he ended up chained to the toilet for the afternoon, and probably into the night. Paul who stepped in at short notice, has played with Chain once before, and is pretty solid. ![]() From left to right - Dave Etheridge (the man from Mad-Ass) on bass, peeping out from behind Jo - Paul Gunn on drums, Jo Corteen, and Chris Mayer. ![]() In the foreground of the picture is Shirley. She has been a friend of Chris since schooldays, and comes to the occasional gig, but we have never really spoken before. On Friday night we were re-introduced by Chris, and we exchanged a few words whenever the noise level dropped low enough to do so during the evening. The first time she saw my glass was empty she offered to buy me a drink ! I have a dark suspicion that I am being set up, and if it is a trap I think I will dive in head first. Shirley seems rather nice, and it seems we both like exploring, and photographing the countryside. ![]() There was some very enthusiastic dancing on Friday night, and the girl in red, and the girl in the white top were the most enthusiastic. On one occasion I was out
the "smoking terrace" and the girl with the white top came out for a
cigarette. She approached me, and most apologetically suggested that I
looked like Bill Bailey.
Apart from his hair has receded far further than mine, I guess we do
resemble each other, and I was honoured to hear her suggestion. I
hadn't drunk all that much, maybe only two pints (the bar was far too
crowded to go too often), and so I can't blame the drink when I felt in
a playful mood and asked if she fancied Bill bailey. She said no, and I
responded by saying that I would be having another lonely night then.
With hindsight wonder how I found it so easy to say that.
Her reaction was to give me a big hug while saying sorry. It was possibly about hat time that her fiance came out to find her - which was sort of well timed ! Rather then letting him feel left out I dragged in another guy who had been chatting with us about Bill Bailey and stuff, in a sort of fluid motion I grabbed the fiance with my left arm, while leaving my right arm around the girl, and she grabbed the other guy, and at my instigation we had a group hug. The whole incident probably only lasted 5 or 6 minutes, but it in a surrealistic way it was all sort of marvellous ! The small amount of booze, the convenience of the stage, and probably just pure luck, contrived to get me to line up the band for a group photo at the end of the gig. I often want to do it, but usually it is too hard to arrange. Friday turned out well. ![]() L-R Dave Etheridge, Paul Gunn, Jo Corteen, Chris Mayer, Andrew Rogers, and Liz Vass. Andrew did two guest vocal spots, and Liz did some backing vocals. By the end of the
evening I
was feeling a bit tired, and Chris urged me not to bother about doing
any roadie work, and to go and get my bus home. It was cold when I
walked to the bus stop, but not as cold as I imagined it would be.
Fortunately I only had a 6 or 7 minute wait for a bus, and I was back
in Catford before midnight. I did have the core of a potentially
healthy dinner waiting for me in my fridge, but I decidedI couldn't be
bothered to cook it. So I threw caution to the wind and bought the
traditional chicken and chips on the way home.
I ate my dinner while watching some TV, and went up to bed almost as soon as I had finished eating. Once I got in bed I fell asleep almost instantly, and slept soundly until I woke up at 6.30am. I could have tried to go back to sleep, but curiosity got the better of me, and I turned on the PC to review the photographs I took at the gig. I could have spent quite a long time doing stuff with those photos, but eventually I had to stop and prepare for a visit from Aleemah, and another episode of Dr Who that I had missed being broadcast, but was one one of her DVDs. I spent several hours during the afternoon editing and doing stuff to photographs (I was playing with both the brand new photos, and others taken over the last few years). With a few breaks here and there for lunch and dinner, plus a TV programme or two, the photography stuff ran into the evening. As the evening progressed I started sipping scotch - partly because I wanted to, and partly because I seemed to be developing a sore throat. By midnight I was probably fairly drunk ! Once again I was in bed after midnight, and once again I slept solidly until I woke up a lot earlier than I would have liked to. My throat was still a bit tickly this morning, and I had a very chesty cough developing. This afternoon I've had quite a few explosive sneezing fits. I reckon I've got another head cold. I really can't wait until the weather does a major change in direction, and I don't have to go out in freezing temperatures ! I don't know why I did it when I am feeling ill again, but I got quite busy this morning doing stuff that someone with a head cold probably shouldn't do. It started with me doing some stuff in the garden ! I spent a short while sweeping the path outside the kitchen of all sorts of debris. Apart from bits of old twig and leaves, there were also many clumps of moss that had fallen off the roof where it sometimes grows quite profusely in the winter months. I also dragged out to the wheelie bin a couple of small rubble sacks of garden debris left over from the last time I did some work out there sometime last autumn. The next little job sort of happened by accident. It started with just doing some washing up, and ended with me cleaning and disinfecting all my kitchen work tops. I also re-arranged my collection of cans and bottled food while clearing the mouse droppings of the bloody mouse that nothing can kill ! I had a suspicion that it had a nest in the corner behind all the cans, but apart from a lot of dropping there was nothing else to be seen. I feel sure there is only one mouse, but I just can't work out where it hides all the time. It's probably deep in the bowels of the under-worktop cupboards, but I can't pull them apart to find it. Eventually one of the traps, or maybe the poison will get it, but until then I just have be careful and use the bleach quite liberally wherever it's left it's little calling cards. Apart from the cough and sneezing, I don't feel too bad this afternoon, and if it wasn't so close to sunset I feel I could almost go and do some more stuff in the garden. It's probably madness brought on by all the sunshine we've had today. It feel wonderfull warm indoors when the sun is streaming through the windows, but the reality is that it is still rather cool outside. I'm not sure if hacking down vegetation in cold weather is compatible with this latest cold. On the other hand, sometime fresh air can be a good cure for a dripping nose - not that my nose is at the dripping state yet, but it certainly gets pretty full after a while. I hope that I don't feel too bad tomorrow. It is my intention to go to work as usual so I don't lose any money, but it may not be the most pleaant experience. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is the more typical 48 hour cold rather than something more virulent. |