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My Diary/Blog For the Month of June 2013 |
Thursday 27th June 2013 |
08:17 BST It seems no weather forecast can predict the fine details - like whether it will be sunny or wet - even for a mere 30 minutes into the future. Two weather forecasts for yesterday managed to give two different predictions, and neither quite matched reality. Both said it would probably rain, although at totally different times of the day. Both were wrong - yesterday, as far as I am aware, was as dry as a bone. There was some unexpected sunny periods in the early afternoon, and the evening turned out to be dry and bright. The two weather forecasts did manage to get the temperature about right. It was almost warm at around 20° C. Today started off feeling a bit cool, but at 13° C it was actually a degree warmer than yesterday. It also seemed to be very overcast when I left to get the train to work, but looking out my office window now I see lots of blue sky - lots more than forecast. It is possible that if the clouds stay broken enough, and the sun beats down for long enough, it could turn out far warmer than the 20° C maximum forecast for today. ![]() On my way home from work
last night I met up with Jodie to have a few beers in The Catford
Bridge Tavern
(previously known as The Copperfield, and before that, in the days when
I first learned to drink, The Railway Tavern). What was once a really
terrible place to drink, with ghastly beer accompanied by knife fights,
or worse, is now Camras
South East London pub of the year,
and although rather expensive, perhaps too expensive for regular
boozing, is now a pleasant place to drink a really good selection of
really well kept ales.
I think that by sticking to drinking half pints I managed to sample 6 of the beers on offer. One of the nice ones, in both my and Jodie's opinion, was blackberry mild. I can't remember the name of the brewer, but I can remember that it definitely had a nice fresh blackberry taste in among the beer taste. Jodie didn't like the Maple porter beer, and I had to finish hers for her. There was one other beer that deserves a mention. It wasn't for sale in the pub, but was a late birthday present from Jodie. It's the bottle in the really crap picture I took last night - Iron Maiden Trooper beer. The link will tell you more about the beer (and has far better pictures of the bottle !). I haven't tasted it yet, but it has a wonderful write up, and so it should be good..........except I've tasted beer that has been compared to nectar of the gods in write ups, and found it is just not to my taste.......not to my taste at all....to the extent it tasted disgusting !! I won't be tasting it tonight because I will be drinking with the Thursday evening gang in The Catford Ram. Maybe I'll taste it on Friday night, or maybe I'll wait until Sunday afternoon, or maybe.......sometime later. I rarely drink beer at home. So it could be the "sometime later" option - although curiosity may speed things up. I've tried to eat a bit more healthily recently, and to a limited, maybe very limited extent, I have succeeded. Even last night, after three and half pints of moderately strong beer, I managed to curb the worst excesses of my enthusiasm to eat. I could have done better, and if I could have made the large(ish) bag of dry roast peanuts last a fifth day, I would have done far better (although it is almost like a miracle I managed to make that bag last as long as it did). All this modifying my diet might have brought some benefits. I am an awful long way from fit still, but sometimes it feels like I have inched a bit closer to it. It is hard to tell though. I have to mainly judge myself by speed rather than endurance. A week or two ago, and for weeks, if not months before that, the walk from the station to work was a quite painful, totally knackering, on the edge of a heart attack experience. This morning it was not much better, but I did it at double the speed. That was almost normal speed. When I can do it at normal speed, and not suffer any assorted pains, then I will know I've really made a useful difference. |
Thursday 13th June 2013 |
07:53 BST I can't decide if it's still Spring, or if we are now in Autumn, but it is certainly not summer ! Yesterday was another overcast day with an occasional very light spray of rain. The only saving grace was that at around 17 or 18° C it was not cold, but neither was it warm. The forecast, which could be very wrong, suggests that today is going to be very similar to yesterday. I hope the longer term forecasts are wrong (as any weather forecast greater than 30 minutes into the future seems to be). Tomorrow and Saturday could be slightly better than today, but then on Sunday the weather could get end-of-Autumn like - wet, windy, and cooler than "mild" ! First the good news. A prototype circuit board I was building for our development department, here at work, actually worked first time - apart from one minor problem which is most probably a problem with the equipment the circuit board is connected to, and a problem I identified and corrected before handing the board to he development department. I feel rather chuffed about it because it was a complicated board to build, and it was composed entirely of micro-miniature components - each of which had to be soldered in using a microscope because I can barely see them with my unaided eye. The bad news is that my three week old cold has taken a turn for the worse. The cold has been waxing and waning for three weeks now. Sometimes it has been barely noticeable, and at other times more prominent. Mostly it has been an inconvenience rather than anything incapitating. Yesterday morning, sometime in the early hours, I thought I had blown my nose just a little too hard, and had a "blowback" pushing snot up into my right eye socket through the same internal connection which normally drains tears into the nose. Later I realised this was not the case, and it is more likely that internal connection is blocked, and that my tears are now overflowing the eye socket instead of draining away. As they dry they get quite snot like, and it looks like bogies on my lower eyelid. In the almost worst case it can leave a smeary film over the eyeball causing blurred vision. As much as I tried to use more gentle methods like washing the eye in warm water, it was almost impossible not to rub it from time to time, and it was not long before my right eyeball was bloodshot and sore. Last night it seemed like I would probably wake up this morning with my right eye glued shut. It was almost like that, but I didn't need to resort to soaking it in warm water to release it. The mucus was merely very sticky rather than set solid. It was good news that it was not as bad as I feared, and it might possibly be that since sometime in the night, it is getting better again. The less good news is that this morning my left eye seemed to be going the same as the right - although at the moment it has a long way to go before it gets even half as bad as the right eye. The surprising thing is that if I subtract the eye from the equation, yesterday was the best I've felt all week, and possibly in the last three weeks. My cough and runny nose seemed to be close to normal, and I seemed to have some modest reserves of energy. However there was one tell tale that can only point to me being seriously ill, if not actually dead and growing stiff. I bought some yummy stuff in Tesco on the way home from work yesterday, and although I could very easily have eaten far too much, I didn't seem to fancy it. I had one reduced price bag of hot chicken bits, and that seemed enough. So I have a bag spare for when I get home tonight, plus other stuff that was normally be irrestistably tempting ! I won't be going straight home from work tonight - unless I get specific confirmation that no one else is doing any drinking in The Catford Ram. Even then, I might pop in for a pint of Guinness just by myself. Maybe I ought to have many pints just to make sure my blood sugar levels are doctor scaring high in the morning. It is just possible that if my eyes are all gummy in the morning I might consider tossing a coin to decide whether to come to work, or to try and get an early morning walk in visit to my doctor. It is possible that I have a bacterial infection instead of, or in addition to a viral infection. A bacterial infection may respond to antibiotics if they have any that still work after being grossly over prescribed to anyone with as little as a sore thumb. (See Wikipedia for the bad news about antibiotic resistance - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antibiotic_resistance) |
Monday 10th June 2013 |
07:59 BST The weather has been good, but is now bad.......but not terrible. After a slightly cool start, Saturday was brilliantly sunny, and pleasantly warm in the region of 20° C. Sometime during Saturday night/Sunday morning it clouded over. Maybe it was in the early hours of the morning because most of the warmth from Saturday escaped. and it felt rather cool in the morning (maybe 12° C or even less). The cloud wasn't that thick yesterday, but it was thick enough that not a single beam of sunshine managed to push it's way through the cloud, and the temperature struggled to reach 18° C, and may have even been a degree or two cooler in reality. This morning has started out very overcast, and I think the temperature was as low as 9° C. It is very likely that today will be the same as yesterday, but a few degrees cooler. It seemed to be an intensive weekend, but maybe I was just finding it hard to handle because I still have a rotten head cold. It comes and goes with nights and early mornings worse, and afternoons and evenings better. This morning I felt terribly bunged up, but nearly 4 hours after waking up this morning it no longer feels like my face will explode in a world shattering conflagration of snot and bogeys ! Had I been disciplined, and not allowed myself to lose so much sleep over the long weekend, I might well have been feeling rather better now. I didn't see much of my friend Patricia on Friday. She went to a friends place to have an all night girly session. So she missed Chain playing in The Catford Ram, but I didn't - and I have the pictures to prove it. ![]() The drummer for the night was Dave Etheridge (also maker of Mad Ass chilli sauces). ![]() Jo Corteen ![]() Dramatic guitar player pose from Chris Mayer. I
stayed until the last song
was played on Friday night, but I felt too rough to stay any later. I
was dreadfully tired after the Thursday night edition of my run of poor
sleep, and to make matters worse I was also developing a thundering
headache. So I said my goodbyes, and headed back home where I managed
to either go to bed too late, or to get up too early. Whichever it was,
it ended with me only sleeping for 5, or less, hours again. Maybe I was
too excited about the Family Fun Day at Northbrook Park near Grove Park.
There were three bands playing in the park (as well as a steel drum band on the other side of the field), and there were other attractions as well as blue skies, and warm sunshine. It felt tiring, but I enjoyed myself even if two of the bands playing were rather mediocre. The first band, Hot Shot, seemed to be inspired by Kula Shaker, and it took a long time for them to get over first time nerves, and settle down a bit. The second band, Uniform Haze, were competent, but as far as I could tell they played all their own songs. In the right setting that would have been fine, but I thought they did a very poor job at entertaining a very varied audience. In fact they were mostly ignored. The third band were Out The Box who I saw play their debut gig at the beginning of the month. This time they were more relaxed, and sounded so much better for it. There was supposed to be a fourth band, but they didn't turn up for some unknown reason. The rest of the afternoon is best described with pictures... ![]() A World Of Wings put on a show featuring some colourful birds. ![]() Beautiful plummage, and it's not even nailed to the perch (Monty Python dead parrot sketch) All the birds on display were able to fly quite freely, but always stayed close to their trainer. ![]() While most of the birds shown ranged from pretty to very pretty, this African hornbill must rate as the ugliest bird in the world ! ![]() As well as birds, there was also a reptile display, and here's Jo Corteen (from Chain) holding a snake. That particular snake looked beautiful in the sun. It's yellow markings seem to glitter like gold leaf in the sunshine. ![]() Under a mostly blue sky, here's me and Chris Mayer (from Chain) in a picture that Jo Corteen took on my camera. At the end of the day I
very kindly driven right home by Jo and Chris. I don't know if I looked
worn out, but I certainly felt it. What I should have done was to have
some dinner with Patricia, and then go to bed as early as possible.
What I actually did, after some dinner, was to spend ages editing
photos and videos, and not getting to bed until gone midnight. That
would not have mattered so much if I could have forced myself to stay
asleep in bed until something like 9am, but as usual I was awake far,
far earlier, and once again I got considerably less than my 8 hours
Patricia went out visiting some more friends yesterday, but was back in time to come out with me to the open mic session at The Catford Ram. It was pretty dead when we got there, but eventually warmed up. I was worried that she would hate it, but she too got the buzz from watching music being played live even if it was not exactly our preferred genres. ![]() It's not one of my finest pictures, but here's Patricia sitting in an empty looking Catford Ram (the man with the tie is a member of the bar staff) Patricia stayed for
nearly 3 hours before she announced she was feeling tired,
and was going home. I said I would follow soon, but even though I
managed to get outside the pub twice, I was lured back in by the
promise of something good. Eventually one of the promises came good
when some Steely Dan was played, and Beverley made a good effort at
singing Let It Be. I am not sure what time the last song was played,
but it was 40, or so, minutes past the official deadline when I finally
left, and they were still going.
To my great sadness, Patricia was fast asleep when I got home, and to make matters worse, she was still fast asleep when I left to come to work today. So I never got to say goodbye to her in person (although I have now said good bye by phone). Hopefully it won't be too long before Patricia gets another interpreting assignment in London, and I look forward to seeing her again whenever it happens next. I also hope I will be feeling less crap than I have been this weekend when we meet next. This morning I felt truly dreadful (although I don't feel too bad now I am in the warm at work). Tonight I really have to try and get all my beauty sleep, and more if I possibly can. I think that is going to be the only way to throw off this snotty cold that seems to have far outstayed it's welcome ! |