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My Diary/BlogFor the Month of April 2014 |
Tuesday 29th April 2014 |
08:56 BST Yesterday was not the finest of days. I think it was worse than expected. It didn't really brighten up until much later than forecast, and at some time in the afternoon there was a light shower. On the plus side it may have been a degree warmer than the rather poor 14° C that was forecast. This morning has started off very dull and damp feeling despite it being bone dry outside. On the whole, I felt reasonably OK yesterday. I had no significant pains (although a few insignificant ones), and I didn't feel dead on my feet. At about midday the post arrived at work, and there was a packet from Amazon for me amongst it. I had ordered a bigger memory card for the Samsung camera I was given recently. The original memory card was a tiny 32MB "Memory Stick Duo" card, and I did wonder if the camera was capable of taking a bigger card. I am happy to report that the 1GB card, which was the smallest I could find, worked well. To make sure it worked I ventured out under the cloudy sky to seek some subjects in the park behind work. ![]() ![]() I don't know why, but I ate rather a lot when I got home from work yesterday. I seemed to be unusually hungry. I did my best to select semi-innocent ingredients, but I wouldn't be surprised if my trousers seem unusually tight when I try and put them on this morning. I haven't got properly dressed yet because I have the day off work. At 11:10 am I am due to have my yearly diabetic eye scan. This is also the reason why I am disappointed with the change in weather forecast I mentioned earlier. To take better pictures of my retinas (the area at the back of the eye) they put in drops to dilate the pupil. That makes everything seem painfully bright, and a nice dull overcast day would be much more soothing on the eyes. It now looks like I'll be emerging from the hospital into blinding white sunshine ! When I come out of the hospital I am going to walk to the Wetherspoons pub in Catford for a pint. It is possible that Kevin might join me, but he thinks it may be a bit too early for him. Jodie expressed an interest too, but it will almost certainly be too early for her - she runs in a different time zone to the rest of us ! After my one, or several pints of beer I will come home again, and lay on my bed - mostly to read, but I wouldn't be surprised if I dropped off to sleep for a bit. I initially slept well last night, but what seemed to be, but probaby wasn't the last few hours of sleep were plagued with a sort of extended dream that wasn't very nice. Having a mad scientist, apparently a friend, making highly inflammable, and highly explosive, and incredibly unstable experimental rocket fuels in your back room does not inspire confidence in your safety, or the safety of your house - no matter how interesting ! (This dream was almost certainly inspired by reading a book by John D. Clark about his research in the early days of rocket science. It is freely downloadable as a pdf file here, and is fascinating, if not rather scary !). |
Monday 28th April 2014 |
08:20 BST If I had gone outside I suspect I might have felt it was close to being warm(ish) late yesterday afternoon. Apart from the fact that I didn't want to go out, there was no real reason why I couldn't go out. Instead of the rain that was forecast it was dry, although it was very dull. There might have been rain earlier in the night, but I know that there was a very heavy downpour at approx 3am this morning. I expected it to continue, but I haven't seen any rain since getting up and coming to work. The last forecast I saw said that this morning would be dry, but very dull until about an hour before midday. It should brighten up then, and if the weather sticks to the forecast I could be going home in bright sunshine, and it could easily feel quite warm in the sunshine despite the air temperature being as low as 14° C. I did a whole lot of nothing yesterday afternoon. The tiny bit where I wasn't doing nothing was when I was setting up a back-up run on my PC, and of course while I was preparing food and eating it. After my rather extravagant bacon and beans breakfast I had more sensible food for the rest of the day. Lunch was more oats mixed with milled linseed and stuff. Supper was salad with steamed salmon. If I had not had that delicious breakfast I could have claimed to have eaten very healthily yesterday. However, maybe I feel unusually good this morning despite what I ate last night. It was my intention to be asleep very early last night, but once again I found that I felt very uncomfortable when I tried to settle down in bed. It wasn't my knee and hip like it had been on previous nights. Last night it was everything else. I was either too warm or too cool. The pillows suddenly had lumps in them, as did the mattress, and there were probably other things that annoyed me, but have escaped my memory. Once I got to sleep, at least an hour later than intended, I slept well apart from what seemed to be an ongoing dream that was sometimes difficult to tell from reality - a reality, maybe not this one we are mostly familiar with ! It's hard to admit it, but I feel unusually good this morning (not to be confused with actually feeling good). The walk to the station (where the knife I pictured yesterday is still lying on the tracks) was relatively easy. Instead of feeling like I was battling with crocked joints and muscles, it just felt like I was badly overweight (which of course I am). I arrived at the station a tiny bit faster than recently normal, and I was only very slightly short of breath - sort of breathing deep but a long way from gasping. Even the steep long walk over the link from Waterloo East to Waterloo mainline station didn't feel the killer that it often is - although I did pace myself to take it slightly easier than I used to like. There was a bit of surprise at Waterloo mainline station - on platform 5 to be precise. South West trains run 5 different types of train out of Waterloo, but until today I've only ever seen their class 455 trains call at Earlsfield station. Today, for reasons currently unknown, I had the pleasure of a class 458 "outer suburban" (i.e. very slightly posh) train to take me to Earlsfield. ![]() ![]() ![]() One other little thing I did last night that I nearly forgot about, was to finally choose, and order, a beard trimmer. Strictly speaking, it is a hair trimmer, a rather perverse instrument, but it comes with a set of combs enabling beards to be trimmed back to lengths of 1 to 3mm (if I remember correctly). This implement of hair torture is cordless, runs for up to 40 minutes after being recharged, and is made by Philips, and cost £28. It should arrive here at work in the next couple of days. Once I get it home, and give it a charge, I will experiment on my own face to see what sort of shave I can get. |
Sunday 27th April 2014 |
11:00 BST The weather didn't really follow the plan that was forecast for it - it was far sunnier, and far drier than it was supposed to be. I'm sure it was also warmer - at least it didn't feel chilly as the forecast suggested it might feel. The only sad bit was that instead of the sun going down in a blaze of glory soon after 8pm, it had actually turned quite cloudy. This morning the sun keeps trying to shine, but the sky is very cloudy. There might have been a brief, and very light shower a little while ago, and the way it seems to be getting extremely dull outside would suggest that it could well rain again. The latest forecast by the BBC, updated just an hour ago, says that until 5pm we should be getting sunshine and showers - some of them heavy. After that it will be dry but cloudy into the night. Tomorrow looks like it will be wet. Meanwhile, I've seen 15° C on my outside thermometers, and the forecast says it should be just 13° C ! It turned out that I didn't feel too bad yesterday. My legs felt a bit stiff when I started out to walk to the station to meet Aleemah, but at some point the pain faded away so slowly that it wasn't until a bit later in the morning that I realised my knee and hip were not hurting like they were the day before. I think the pain faded before we walked to the pub. So I can't really say it was the magical qualities of beer that helped, but maybe it was the spirit of Douglas Bader that helped me along...... ![]() While I was waiting for Aleemah's train to arrive I glanced down onto the tracks just outside the ticket office..... ![]() After I had drunk one and a half pints of beer in the pub, and Aleemah had drunk her coffee, and eaten her veggietarian breakfast, we went to Aldi. As usual I did my best to avoid buying too many naughty foods, and maybe I did a little better than usual. Two items I bought have potentially useful health benefits - should I care to use them properly. The first was porridge oats. I don't like cooked porridge, but I quite like raw oats with milk. It is very low in sugar, and high in fibre, and generally considered to be good for you in all sorts of ways. The other thing was similar. It was milled linseed with bits of dried berry and stuff. It is suggested it is used as a garnish for various desserts, and I tried some on oats. I guess it was quite tasty, and it could have formed a nice healthy breakfast for this morning (but didn't !). Once we got the shopping home we sat down to watch a DVD. Sometimes Aleemah brings over a good DVD, and sometimes a bad one. Yesterday it was a bad one - a movie called "A Thousand Kisses Deep". The plot could, and maybe should have been the basis for an interesting film, but I found it to be rather boring and tedious. Maybe not completely awful, but I wouldn't want to see it again. My original plan was to go out to a gig last night, and if that had happened then Aleemah was going to hang around and come along with to the gig for the first hour to see what it was all about. That plan changed when I decided it might be foolish to aggravate my knee and hip by going out in the cold and damp (not that it was particularly cold and damp) and then stand around for hours on end. I thought it might be more productive to try and rest my legs more. So Aleemah went home in the afternoon, and I got down to some intensive laying down and resting. I didn't do anything of note for the rest of yesterday, and by bedtime I had totally forgotten that my knee or hip had ever given any trouble - that is until I turned out the light, turned over, and tried to go to sleep. At that very moment my knee became painful. Not agonising pain, but very mild pain, hardly noticeable pain under any circumstances except when trying to go to sleep in the dark when there is nothing to distract your entire attention from focussing on the bit that hurts. In the end I had to get up for a couple of hours until I felt so tired that nothing could distract me from sleep. I reckon it was midnight when I went to sleep, and I slept solidly for 5 hours. I woke up feeling strangely refreshed, and I probably could have got up then. After a while I went back to bed and got another couple of hours sleep. I don't feel too bad this morning, but that's only because I don't really have to do anything - like commuting to work ! I have done two small tasks this morning. The first was to wash 4 shirts that I hope will be dry in time for work tomorrow (obviously only one will actually be needed tomorrow). The other task was to do a little bit of washing up prior to getting some breakfast cooked. Today, like many Sundays, is international bacon day ! Sunday is one day where there is a good chance I will have proper breakfast, and this morning it was bacon and beans. From a health point of view it was not ideal, and I'll probably farting look a good 'un tomorrow, but it was nice and tasty, and satisfied my cravings ! I don't know what I am going to do this afternoon. It may get boring, or it may get interestings. It is still grey and nasty outside. So I think I'll be avoiding the great outdoors, but I have a couple of computer experiments I might do. I also want to buy a beard trimmer. I am doing really well trimming my beard with scissors these days. It took years and years before I realised I could actually do it myself, but now I feel the need to mechanise the process. Amazon have a bewildering variety of beard trimmers, and sooner or later I will have to decide whether to spend £6.99 or £230. Maybe somewhere in the region of £20 - £30 might not be too extravagant, and maybe I might go for a well known brand. Maybe even Philips, but not Panasonic. I'm not really sure I like Panasonic goods. |
Friday 25th April 2014 |
08:43 BST Apart from the rain that fell in the early hours of the morning, it was a dry day yesterday. A bit more sunshine would have made it a nicer day, and a few more degrees than 15° C might have been nice too, but it wasn't too bad a day as it was. It felt comfortable to pop out to the park in my shirtsleeves at lunchtime, and to go home in just my shirtsleeves too - but only just ! Today we are back to doom and gloom. Sooner or later it is going to rain, but it has stayed dry so far this morning. There was quite a fog on the river in central London, but elswhere it has just been very grey. I think the rain is forecast to start quite soon, and it is forecast to continue until mid evening. I think the temperature is due to rise from about 10° C to a rather cool sounding 14° C - that may only be one degree less than yesterday, but it could make a world of difference - particularly when it is so grey and dowdy outside. ![]() I didn't know it at the time, and it was only while looking up a link for Wikipedia to explain how Wolfie Smith was the lead character in a comedy series called Citizen Smith that was broadcast by the BBC at then end of the 1970s, that I found that a bit of a stink has been raised about the brewery using this image of Robert Linsey playing the part of Wolfie Smith. It seems they have had a cease and desist order, and can no longer use this image. (Full story here). The beer was very nice, as were one or two others I tried last night. It might have been a 6 pint night - which I am sure takes it comfortably into an official government decreed "binge drinking session". The company was good too, but eventually I decided I had better go home. On the way I bought cod and chips. I did have a stupid plan that I might just possibly not bother to eat last night. I knew there was no way I could do that sober, and there was even less chance to do it when drunk. It was a similar strength plan to winning the lottery, or to have some stunningly beautiful woman to suddenly appear and announce that she loved me so deeply that it reached beyond the bottom of the Earth (or some such nonsense). A plan destined to fail, but all good fantasy fodder. After eating my cod and chips I went straight up to bed, and I was in bed, fast asleep, by 10pm - if my vague memory bears any relation to reality. I slept well until about 3pm when it all started to go wrong. I neded to get up several times, and after each time the bed became more and more bedraggled, and more and more uncomfortable. What I should have done is to turn on the light. Re-make the bed, turn off the light, turn off my alarm, and just sleep until I felt like it was definitely time to get up with no regard to having to come to work today. This morning I have a bit of a hangover, and I do feel a bit rotten because of it, and yet, as I predicted, many bits of me do feel better than usual. My legs are almost working well this morning, and I was moving quite a bit faster than yesterday. It is true that some bits of me felt rather uncomfortable. I had some random chest pains as well as some random gut pains, but I think the former was a result of sleeping awkwardly and stretching some of my internal scars, while that latter probably has something to do with me farting at an Olympic level this morning ! On the way to work this morning I could have stopped for a minute or two at Waterloo station to take some pictures of what was going on, on the concourse, but I didn't need to because I took some pictures last night. ![]() ![]() |
Wednesday 23rd April 2014 |
08:13 BST Once again the weather did what it wanted to do, and not what the forecasters suggested it should do. All the nasty greyness, and drizzle fizzled out by early afternoon, and although it seemed a rather daring thing to do while there was still lots of fluffy clouds in the sky, I did the second part of my journey home from work in just shirtsleeves - and it felt rather good ! It wasn't particularly warm, but neither did it feel cold. This morning most quadrants of the sky are cloudless. That allowed the temperature to drop a bit lower than recent mornings - probably around 8 - 10° C - and there was a lot of mist hovering just above the ground on the site of the old dog racing track, and parts of the park between Catford Bridge and Ladywell stations. I didn't see any mist elsewhere on my journey to work. The forecast suggests that there should be enough gaps in the cloud to let some occasional sunshine in, and that there could be a shower around midday, and then rain after dark. It's wrong so far, and let's hope that the predicted top temperature of 17° C is exceeded. It might just be a nice day today, or... It felt good to take off my coat as I waited for my train at Waterloo East on my way home from work yesterday. If I had been a bit more confident that it wouldn't rain (as one forecast sugested it might) I might have left my coat off when I first left work, but it did seem a bit cloudy while I walked from work to the station. Some bits of me didn't seem to feel too bad when I walked to the station, but two bits did - my feet. I think my feet and ankles may have swelled a bit more during the day, and that made my shoes feel a bit tight. They were comfortable when I went to Aldi on Monday, and they were comfortable when I went to work yesterday, but while they weren't agonising, they were most certainly uncomfortable going home again. That discomfort rather overshadowed most of the other things I might complain about. I did feel tired when I got home yesterday, and I was in bed, and fast asleep a good 10 or 15 minutes before 9pm. Before sleeping I had a little work to do, and some eating to carry out. Dinner, which incorporated a lot of salad and stuff, was probably the healthiest dinner I've had in some time. If I could just get myself in the right mood it could have been even better, but that right mood seems to be a bit of rare thing recently. The little jobs I had to do involved resaving the two videos I've shown on these pages in a form suitable for uploading to You Tube, and then, of course, uploading them. If you couldn't see them properly on my pages then you can see them right here - http://youtu.be/nUYlbHAvA_Y and http://youtu.be/QOJJXRNUaoI I felt quite sleepy at work yesterday. There were a couple of occasions when I actually fell asleep for a second or two while reading stuff on my PC. So it is nice to report that I seemed to sleep really well last night. Maybe it was just exhaustion, or maybe it was because the temperature in my bedroom was ideal, and I just happened to find that magical spot where all bits of me were comfortable. I can remember waking up twice in the night. The first time was around 11pm, and then I don't remember any more until almost 4am. I didn't think I would get back to sleep properly after that second time, but the next thing I knew was my alarm going off to wake me up. In theory that should have been plenty of sleep, but I think I could have slept longer if I had the chance too. There is something deeply suspicious about how it's only on days when I can't sleep late that I feel able to do it easily ! I'll find out later whether last night's sleep was enough, or if I am going to doze off at work again today. On the whole I don't feel all that wonderful today. After eating slightly carefully yesterday I do feel ever so slightly more compact today, and that sort of feels good, but much of me feels quite worn out. I sometimes wonder if those surgeons, when the opened me up last September, stole all the good bits of me, and filled me up with sweepings from the operating room floor. Maybe it is some sort of legacy from my shoes being uncomfortable yesterday, or maybe it is something to do with the damage I might have done to my knee, and the adjacent leg when I fell up the footbridge at the station last week, but this morning my legs felt really tired as I walked from the station to work (and to a less extent when I walked from home to the station). I was breathing a bit deeply, but I was a long way from being short of breath, and yet my thigh muscles were aching like I had walked 10 miles - or more ! The last, and maybe only time I walked 10 miles, was the only time that my thigh muscles started to complain - until now ! The rest of my legs were complaining too, but it was the thigh muscles that seemed worst. It's rather annoying ! I have given some thought about going out tonight. There is a gig on at The Albany in Sidcup, and I would like to see a bit of it. There is no easy way to get there. The problem is this end. The pub is right by Albany Park station, but to get on the right line for that either means getting a bus all the way to Lee station, or get a train to Lewisham and change there. Now that it is light until 8pm I ought to be considering some of these far away places, but maybe not while I still feel tired after 9pm, and it would probably be madness on an evening when I have to get up early for work the next morning. It is still not impossible that I'll go, but if I were a betting man I would put my money on me being in bed by 8.30pm tonight ! |
Sunday 20th April 2014 |
14:20 BST Yesterday's weather was bright but cold. I think my estimate of the top temperature being 14° C was probably about right. Overnight everything has changed. The patchy cloud yesterday has given over to thick grey clouds - and they leak ! I guess it was after 9am, maybe after 10am before the first rain fell. It hasn't been very heavy, but it seems to have been quite persistent. The very weird thing is that it feels like the temperature has narrowly crosssed over the threshold between cold and mild. According to my outside thermometer it is 2 degrees cooler than yesterday, and yet it doesn't feel cold. It's cool, but not uncomfortably so. Tomorrow could see the sunshine return, and it might be less cool too, but there is still a fair chance of an occasional splash of rain. How can I describe yesterday when I can barely remember it ? I guess a whole lot of nothing happened, and in a way this is true. I was editing a couple of videos - very, very simple editing, but it takes time, and then there is a whole heap of time waiting for the finished "product" to render to it's final file format. The video's I embed on these pages, sourced on my own server, need two types of video format to cater for different web browsers, and two formats needs twice as long ! Here's another video taken at Friday night's Chain gig. It's not exactly a professional video (even if you stretch the definition by the length of the galaxy), but gives a flavour of the dancing that often breaks out once enough booze has been consumed ! I did do some other stuff yesterday - both traditional evening activities. One thing was to make a second start at building my new firewall for my internet connection. The old one is still plodding along nicely, and the ancient, museum piece, Pentium 1 based Compaq PC will probably stagger on for a few more years yet, but it has a little problem. I think, although I am not certain, that I have been upgraded to 20MB/s broadband for "free" (except for the price rise that always follows a couple of months later). The only trouble is that one, or both network cards in my firewall box are only 10MB/s cards. So no matter what Vermin Media do, I can never exceed 10MB/s on my internal network. So that box has to go. The new box, using one of those new fangled Pentium II chips running at a blistering 300MHz (or is it 233MHz ?) is now built. All I have to do now is decide whether to install Smoothwall (like I am currently using), Ipcop, or Monowall. Decisions, decisions...... Maybe I might end up using Smoothwall again. If I could scrape all the cat hairs and other gunk out of the floppy drive of the current firewall I could actually make a back up to clone all the settings onto the new box, but I fear that would probably result in a lot of downtime. If I can, and it doesn't feel like it right now, I want to keep the amount of time my web server is off the air to mere minutes. The other thing I did last night was to cast fate to the wind, and blow my bank balance, and trouser waist size to smithereens by ordering a Chinese takeaway. A rather tasty Chinese takeaway as it happens. I think it turned up around 8pm, and so I ended up having a rather later dinner last night. That meant that I was also fairly late getting to bed, but it wasn't that late (although for the life of me I can't remember what time it was). My memory of yesterday is so vague that I reckon my blood pressure has blown a brain cell or a million - which would be very handy if something terrible happened yesterday. My sleep was quite relaxed last night. I think I got some extra sleep in by sleeping in blocks of about 4 hours, 3 hours and several 1 hour blocks. It was gone 9am by the time I had showered and dressed. That is unusually late for me, but I had been awake for some while before I went for a shower. I tried something new in the shower this morning. ![]() This morning I feel quite good, but only because I don't have to go out anywhere. My guts were quite explosive for a short while this morning. It was for an unusually short time, and although I seemed to be quite noisy internally, I had hardly any discomfort. In the last 20 seconds I have now changed my mind about what might have been another problem had I gone out. I now think going out could have been beneficial. I hope it is a delayed result of my fall up the stairs at the station on Monday, but the pain I'm getting in my right leg could be something to do with my cardiology problem (if indeed I do have a cardiology problem). It's a strange sort of mild pain just below, and to my left of where I grazed my knee. It feels a bit like the skin is tight there, and if it was where the graze is then there would be no mystery about it, but it's not, it's a couple of inches away. It is quite similar to the pain I get on my left leg from time to time. I am sure that is caused by what looks like an incredibly slow healing chemical burn. It is either where the surgeons started or finished extracting the vein from my leg that was used for my heart. Quite what they did to disfigure me like that is a complete mystery. Occasionally it can itch, but it rarely give any pain apart from a sort of tight feeling when I stretch my leg and foot out. The feeling I am getting near my right kneecap is similar, and with both legs, feet, and ankles swollen more than usual today, it could indeed be tight skin. Staying in and resting it could actually be the wrong thing to do. A little earlier I walked to the cornet shop. It's only a couple of minutes there, and the same coming back, but even that little walk may have improved things. Apart from buying stuff from the cornet shop, and testing new versions of shower gel, I seem to have spent a fair amount of time playing with photos today. ![]() Sometimes you take a picture and it doesn't come out quite how you imagined. Microphones can be tricky things - particularly when the zoom lens tends to foreshorten the perpective.and then there is always a chance that you'll click the shutter just as someone opens their mouth in a strange pose..... ![]() |
Thursday 17th April 2014 |
08:06 BST If the forecast is correct, today will see the peak of the run of passbly good weather we have had recently. Yesterday was very similar to the preceeding couple of days - a cold morning, and an almost warm afternoon. Maybe I could be generous and say it was a warm afternoon. It really depended on what you were doing. If you were walking fairly hard with the sun on your back it did indeed feel very warm. If you were in the shade, perhaps between two buildings that were funnelling a strong wind down on you, it could feel remarkably chilly. Today started off at about 5° C, which might be a degree higher than yesterday, and much of the sky is blue. To my great annoyance, one part of the sky that is not blue is the eastern horizon. Just a small patch of the sky is cloudy, and it is blocking all the direct sunshine ! It is forecast to be sunny for much of the morning, and into the afternoon. The top temperature could be 17° C, and that's a couple of degrees warmer than yesterday. After today things go down hill. By tradition it rains on the bank holiday Monday, and it is very likely to do it this year ! It is wonderful to go for a drink after work, but the consequences of it means that it is also pretty nice to go straight home after work, and that's what I did yesterday. Going home was not completely straightforward. Some sort of problem meant that trains from Charing Cross couldn't use platform A at Waterloo East station, and that is where I usually catch my train home. It was anounced that all trains that would normally call at platform A would call at platform C instead. So I waited on platform C, and then a train did call at platform A - just one, and going to a different destination to mine. I made the assumption that whatever the problem was had been fixed, and that platform A was now operating as usual - an opinion shared by many other commuters who know that the platform staff at Waterloo East are mainly brain dead shaved monkeys with mental handicaps. So I, and many others went down the subway, and up the other side to platform A to wait there. The indicator on the platform said a Hayes (calling at Catford Bridge) train was expected, ad the Network Rail app on my mobile phone agreed that my train would call at platform A. A few minutes before the train was due everything changed, and we all had to rush back to platform C. Well I suppose it was good exercise.... There was a bit of a delay before I had a very unhealthy dinner yesterday. Before I sat down to my dinner I had to deal with something that makes me wish I had religion, and some sort of god thing to pray to. I had to pay a slightly overdue electricity bill. Paying bills always makes my eyes bleed, and my spleen rupture. I feel dirty handing over money to these people. Nevertheless, the deed was done, and it could be several more months before they hassle me again. The precise contents of my dinner must remain a state secret, but I can reveal it involved too much rice, and too much cheese (but not at the same time). In an ideal world the amount I would consume of either would be zero, but last night I was too tired to want to bother about it. Fortunately I managed to get myself into bed fairly early, and from then on tiredness took over. I think I probably got my full 8 hours of beauty sleep last night. I think I could have fancied even more of it, but work beckoned. I don't think I feel as good as yesterday morning. It is obvious that a mild hangover suits me, or... In theory, as a result of the booze the previous night, my blood pressure should have been higher yesterday morning, and although the entire medical profession disagrees with me, I still think my body operates better with a decent blood pressure. They say it would kill me, and I wouldn't dispute that, but it is so much more satisfying to gallop to your death than to crawl there on your hands and knees ! I could be drinking tonight. I didn't think the Thursday night gang would be drinking tonight, but it seems they are. They are drinking in The Lord Northbrook pub in Lee. In theory I could get there quite simply by taking a train to Lee station, and I think I can get a 202 bus back to Catford afterwards. If it was somewehere much more local, like in Catford, I might have trouble resisting going, but I think I can resist going to Lee. Tomorrow will provide enough boozing opportunities. In the morning/midday I'll be meeting Aleemah for a couple of hours, and then in the early evening I'll be in The Catford Ram for a Chain gig. So I think I nice sober, and early night is probably the best thing for tonight. |
Saturday 5th April 2014 |
09:30 BST My thermometer said it was warmer than the forecast for yesterday. Instead of the poorly 15° C we had been lead to expect, it was closer to 20° C ! Sadly that wasn't the result of extra sunshine. There was a bit of sunshine in the last hour, or so, before sunset. The majority of the day saw a bright, milky white sky, but no actual sunshine. I thought today might be similar, but the sun keeps coming out....although the sky is far from blue ! The intermittent sunshine is in accordance with the weather forecast, but by my reckoning it is 14° C, and that's 4° C higher than forecast. Here's hoping that the top temperature will be usefully higher than the pessimistic 15° C forecast for today. It may well rain tonight, and the forecast says it is going to rain all day tomorrow ! I barely did anything yesterday - apart from photo editing. It was surprising just how quickly the rest of the day passed by. I probably could and should have done something more yesterday, but after my Thursday night it felt good to rest. I gave some consideration to going out in the evening. There was a band called The Electric Experience playing in The William IV pub in Elmers End that sounded interesting when I checked their website out. The pub is fairly easy to get to, and to get home from, but I found I had no strong urge to go out last night. Maybe I had got my kicks on Thursday night or something, but there was another, stronger reason why I didn't go out. It was only with the benefit of hindsight that I realised it was all over some time before I would have been leaving to go out, but earlier on, or late in the afternoon, I suffered what I shall simply call a dysentry attack. Of course it wasn't actually dysentry, but the end result was just as unpleasant ! Once I had decided that I wasn't going out I hardly looked at a clock, and so I have no idea what time I went to bed, but it could have been after 11pm when I fell asleep. I think I slept quite well, and I don't really remember anything until I woke up at 5.30am. I got up for a while then, but an hour later decided to go back to bed. No time seemed to pass at all, but the next thing I was aware of was that there was sunshine behind the curtains. Since than I've washed my hair, and washed my body. Now if I put some outdoor clothes on I could go out - far away, or maybe more likely just to the local shops. I think I still want to look for a new mat or two for the living room, and maybe I'll do some hoovering in there too....although I don't like to think of it in case it puts me off too much ! I guess I feel reasonably OK this morning so I should do something. About the only major complaint I have is a little spot under my armpit. It is amazing how something so small can generate so much pain ! ![]() I had forgotten that I took the picture on the left while I was in The Bricklayers Arm pub in Beckenham on Thursday night. Most of the event list looks absolutely terrible, but there is a microscopic chance that I might consider seeing The Bob Dylan Experience Tribute Band on the 9th of May. I have seen them before, and while they weren't wonderfully wonderful, they were pleasant enough for a rainy day. |