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My Diary/Blog For the Month of August 2014 |
19:06 BST Yesterday was another relatively nice day. It did cloud over a few times, but as far as I am aware it didn't rain, and the temperature rose to a comfortable 20° C. Today has been better. There has been far more sunshine, and I don't think there was any time when if it wasn't sunny, it was at least bright. It's been feeling warm too. The sun is now getting low in the sky, but it is still 19° C, and it may have been a couple of degrees higher earlier on. Sadly it all goes wrong tomorrow. The day won't be completely wet, but it is forecast to be dull with occasional showers. However.....after tomorrow we could see some very warm days coming, but how long it will last is anyone's guess. I had a quite lazy evening last night, and that was followed by the best type of sleep there is. I'm not sure what time I turned out the light, but like the night before it was late for a weekday, and early for a weekend......I think it was around 10pm, and I fell asleep quite easily. The best bit was that after some good sleep I woke up quite naturally after a little over 8 hours sleep. I think it was just after 6am when I woke up, and that was like an hours lay in compared to weekdays - although I realise that in some peoples book it was horrendously early for a Saturday. It is a bit of a shame that I didn't wake up ready and eager to do something "exciting". Like any other day, it took well over an hour to feel like doing anything at all, although unlike any other day, I hadn't travelled for well over an hour to Earlsfield to come to slowly come to that conclusion ! My only priority was to wash my work shirts. That was more a matter of convenience than a necessity. I think I have enough serviceable short sleeve shirts to last two and a half weeks, and if included my long sleeve shirts, I could probably last 5 weeks before I ran out of clean shirts, but that would be rather silly ! The main thing I've done today, apart from struggling not to eat too much bad stuff, is some photo editing. It started off with a desire to scan some old photos (traditional ones taken with my old SLR camera on chemical film) into my PC, and I then expanded it to include some photos that I had professionally transferred to Kodak PhotoCD. It was a slow job that seemed to take ages, and although I reached a natural place to stop, I still haven't scanned all the photos I wanted to do. First up, a couple of pictures from the PhotoCD. In 1995 (I think) the Bolloms paint factory in Elmers End burnt down. It was only a few hundred yards across the main road, and railway line from where I used to work. I was lucky to get to work because the railway was suspended soon after I arrived. By early afternoon the fumes blowing towards us were so severe that we insisted on evacuating our building, and going home early. There was also a real danger of underground silos of solvents blowing up, and the fire brigade were quite happy to not have too many people nearby (although the enforced exclusion zone was fairly small). The fire had started in the early hours of the morning, and gossips soon started suggesting it was an "insurance job". By the end of the day the fire was well under control, and the next morning, when I took my photos, the fire brigade were mainly just damping everything down, and keeping chemicals and solvents cool with water sprays, but some parts were still burning. Steam and occasional smoke could be seen for at least a further 24 hours, and maybe longer. ![]() ![]() Next up a few photos of
trains taken on various travels around the network.
First of all, one taken at Kensington Olympia station
(that has been remodelled since I took this picture).
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26th August 2014 |
08:23 BST The front page of this morning's Metro sums up yesterday quite adequately. Now let's never mention it again. ![]() There isn't much to say about last night, or indeed the whole of yesterday. It was dull, dreary, drab, cold, grey, boring, tedious, and double boring ! Until I cracked open a bottle of Diet Coke in the evening I had no stimulus at all apart from food - which was not ideal when I was trying to avoid it. Although I had far too many snacks and meals than my most optimistic imagination thought I should have, I did at least try to only eat fairly innocent stuff. It had mixed results on me this morning. I woke up after quite a nice sleep - although why being woken up by a noisy alarm is nice is hard to explain ! The only trouble was that I felt as stiff as a board, and my lower back, my upper back, my upper belly, and my lower belly were all rather painful until I started moving around and/or standing under a hot shower. Almost forgot - my legs were stiff and painful as well ! ![]() So this morning, with bits of my body working in varying amounts, I set out to the station wondering what the train service would be like. According the posters around the network (poorly taken picture on the left) "Southeastern will run normally, but services will be busier". A simplification of what the poster says is that this week there are no trains from the Croydon area going to, or through London Bridge station, and it suggests that people from that area may somehow get on services from Kent. In fact there is only one line that could easily be affected, and that is The Mid Kent Line - the line that runs from Hayes (Kent) through Catford Bridge (my station) to Charing Cross. People from Croydon could get the Croydon Tramlink to Elmers End station on the Mid Kent line, and then get on a train that calls at my station on it's way to London. They didn't seem to do it this morning, and if anything my train was less busy than usual. ![]() It is potentially possible that I might eat very healthily when I get home tonight. I have a shed load of vegetable to eat, and little else. It's going to be cold and damp when I get home so I nice hot stew will go down well. Maybe, just maybe, if I can include enough water in the recipe, I might be able to do what I did in the spring of last year, and at other times in the past, and that is to fill myself up with enough liquid and fibrous vegetable to feel full while consuming very few calories and stuff. The only trouble is that I don't know how well that will work without have a Bensons And Hedges afterwards. Sometimes I feel that not smoking is going to lead me to an early grave ! I'll just get bigger and bigger until I explode like Mr Creosote. |
24th August 2014 |
17:35 BST The recent weather has not been that bad. Apart from on a couple of mornings it has not been seriously cold, and it has been mostly dry. Most days have seen some sunshine, and most afternoons have been warm enough for shirtsleeves, but all this doesn't feel like August should be...and yet it was not that dissimilar last year. We had one shower yesterday, and it happened while I was having an afternoon snooze so I didn't actually see the rain falling. I just woke up and saw that there were puddles in the road outside the window. It's been dry so far today. but it is currently very grey outside, and a shower looks imminent. This morning started off bright and sunny, and it was not too cool - about 15° C by mid morning. It is currently 20° C. The new series of Dr Who with a brand new Doctor (Jim Capaldi) that I watched last night was sort of OK. Having just regenerated, the Doctor was typically confused. It's part of the standard plot to introduce the new Doctor, and sometimes it is done well, and sometimes it is very laboured. Both Peter Davidson, and Colin Baker, had very laboured introductions, and it became difficult to tell when the introduction was over, the new Doctor had settled in, and "normal service" can resume. Last night they packed it all into the first 20- 30 minutes, and I found it intensely irritating, and I wanted to turn the TV off, but I stayed the course, and maybe, just maybe, this new Doctor will be OK - if he gets the rights scripts and story lines ! With Dr Who going on to 9pm I decided I had a good reason to break open a bottle of Diet Coke. It was nice having something fizzy, but I didn't notice any effect from the caffeine (or any of the other ingredients). I still fell asleep reasonably easy - although I didn't actually go to bed until 10pm - which is later than usual for me (although perhaps not for a Saturday night). I seemed to sleep well until 4am. I do seem to have an affinity to wake at 4am, and I don't know why. I got up and pottered around for a bit, but an hour or two later I got back in bed. From then on it was a typical case of feeling like I was hardly asleep, but loads of unaccounted time. It was 10am before I decided I ought to get up, have a wash, and get dressed. I timed that about right to have a pleasant walk in the sun down to Aldi to get some shopping. I was very careful about what I bought this time, and I just sailed past the shelves with the crisps, peanuts, biscuits, and cakes on them. I don't normally buy much from those shelves, but this time I bought nothing from them. I didn't even buy any diet cola, but I did buy some other fizzy drinks. I am currently drink some sugar free (or at least very low sugar content) raspberry and mint flavour drink - which is sort of nice, but I remain unconvinced that mint goes that well with raspberry. What I did buy lots of was fruit and vegetables. That was both a good idea and a bad idea. It was a good idea because it should help healthy eating, and I getting more convinced that I need to do some very serious healthy eating soon if I am ever going to wear certain trousers again. The bad thing was that I hadn't considered just how heavy heaps of fruit and vegetable can be. It is a shame that Aldi don't sell Conference pears and apples in smaller bags. I nearly busted my something or another lugging that lot home ! I recovered from lugging the shopping home quite some time ago, but I feel quite frail again, at least I think I do, after washing some shirts and underwear. As I wrung out the shirts I could really feel the tension in bits of my body - mostly my arms and chest. It's probably good exercise when done in moderation - which is how I like to do it when I can. Maybe tomorrow, if I can't think of anything better to do, I might tackle washing a sheet or duvet cover - maybe both - I do have one of the very cheap, ultra thin material, sets that I could do, and wringing out material like tissue paper is not too taxing. I don't think I'll be doing anything more tonight...which is a bit of a shame because I feel a bit bored tonight. There are probably places I could go to, but I don't feel up to going out at the moment. One place I would like to go to, but it isn't open until 20th and 21st September, and even then I don't think I can be bothered to enter a ballot for tickets. It is the Crystal Palace subway - a beautiful leftover from the days of the Crystal Palace High level railways station, and how it connected with The Crystal Palace. There's loads more about it if you click on the link. I am indebted to Mike in Canada for the news about the subway. Quite why the news had to travel 2000 miles (or whatever) when Crystal Palace is only 4 or 5 miles from here is a mystery, but at least it got here. It's just one of the wonders of the internet - along with cat videos, porn, and intensely irritating advertising ! |
19th August 2014 |
12:20 BST I was very lucky to almost escape the rain yesterday. It stayed dry, but mostly overcast, until mid afternoon. An hour or so later, just as I was going home, the rain stopped just long enough for me to get within a hundred yards of Earlsfield station. It was fairly light rain, and I hardly got damp in the short time I was not under cover (and with my rain coat still in my bag). There was some harder rain while I was at Waterloo, but it had almost stopped in the minute while I waited for my train to Catford Bridge at my favourite waiting place on a part of the platform that has no canopy. It was sunny as my train arrived in Catford, although it didn't last long. I arrived home, still with no coat on, perfectly dry. I am not aware that it there was any more rain last night, and there did not seem to be any this morning. The main thing about this morning was the almost wintry start to the day. It was very overcast and gloomy, and the temperature was just 11° C. The sun has managed to peep out from behind the clouds a few times this morning, but only for very brief periods. That has not done a lot for the temperature. It is currently just 18° C ! There have been a few times when it has looked like it has been about to rain, but so far it has stayed dry, but if today is like yesterday, and it usually is, it will probably rain around 4pm. We do seem to be having a bit of a poor August...at least that is how it seems, but looking at my diary for this time last year suggests that this is not that different. Maybe we will see a brief revival of summer in September like we had in 2013. September is approaching rapidly now, and that brings with it some anniversaries -
I am off work again with "the runs". As is usual when this happens, it is a temporary thing, and if I had a magical way of getting to work in a few minutes, without all that mucking around on trains, I would have been fine, but I just will not set off on a long journey without feeling comfortable - comfortable that I am not about to soil my trousers. It's not happened in the last 58 years, and I don't want it to happen now. I have made good use of my time while I've been at home - assuming changing the motherboard in my PC can be classed as an important thing to do. Actually it was probably not a terribly important thing to do, but it was a useful thing to do. The old motherboard was beginning to get a bit cranky, and was starting to either worry or annoy me (sometimes it was one, and sometimes the other). I've also taken the trouble to upgrade from Linux Mint 16 to Linux Mint 17. The latter is a "long term support" version, and should be good for the next 5 years (or something like that). The only problem I had was that the connector for the power lights and power switch was wired slightly differently, and the lead was not quite long enough. I had to resort to a little bodge to get the power switch connected, and I'll just do without lights. |
17th August 2014 |
17:39 BST The weather continued to try and emulate summer, but came closer to emulating autumn yesterday afternoon. It was fairly sunny from mid afternoon until sunset, but the sun didn't seem as powerful as an August sun should be, and clouds frequently, but thankfully briefly, got in the way. This morning started off bright and cool, but there have been occasional periods when it has been overcast. At around 2pm it came over very dark, and it may have rained, as the forecast said it should, but I closed my eyes until it was all over (or dozed off). Since then it has been mostly bright, but at just the top temperature just about hitting 20° C, it has hardly been much of a summers day again. Tomorrow doesn't promise much either. A cold (12° C), but bright start, and then rain with the temperature no higher than 20° C, and maybe as cool as 19° C in the early afternoon. Then once darkness falls the temperature is going to do it's best to get into single figures ! I don't know why I got a bee in my bonnet about having an Indian takeaway last night, but I did, and I couldn't fight it. All I could do was to hand wash half a dozen t-shirts, and order the takeaway as a sort of faux reward for all my hard work. The restaurant I used last night used to have a good reputation, and maybe it still deserves it, but......There is always a but to these things ! The place had quite a good score, 4 out of 5 if I recall correctly, from the food standards agency (it's worth bookmarking that link for the food standards agency so you can check out any food establishment you might use - including corner shops and supermarkets !). They weren't let down by hygiene, and the food was delicious, but the portions were rather small, and that was the "but" that let them down. I ended up eating too many of the excess dishes I had ordered, and it scuppered my plans for a curry breakfast - almost ! I did end up having vegetable curry on naan bread for breakfast. I was hoping for something meatier though. It seems I am destined to almost be vegetarian today for reasons I'll come to soon. I had a two part night last night and this morning. I went to bed at 11pm, and I was soon asleep. I think I had a few dreams as I approached the first time I woke up at 5am, but all memories of those dreams vanished like dew on a warm spring morning. (I did wake up a few times before then, but only for a wee, and I was back asleep again so quickly that I don't count them). After being awake for a little over an hour I came to the conclusion that I really ought to have slept for longer, and so I went back to bed. It didn't feel like I had slept that much, but a lot of time passed that I can't account for, and it was about 10am when I decided that I probably ought to get up for real. In theory, with all that sleep, I should have been in a most dynamic mood, but it was a struggle to bother. I was thinking I ought to go to Poundstretcher - that being the closest, and easiest place to buy some cheap and nasty bathroom mats to replace my current ones - one of which is definitely a bit whiffy ! I abandoned that idea, but I did wash a few shirts. I probably could have dried them on the washing line, but I hung them on a clothes horse - the same one that I had hung the t-shirts I washed last night. The t-shirts weren't fully dry, but dry enough to finish drying on the banister rail. Since then the only thing of note that I have done is to go to the corner shop for some diet cola - unless you count washing my hair. I have indeed washed my hair, and in a sort of pretend spiteful way, I used the Sunsilk shampoo and conditioner that I bought and kept here for my friend Patricia. I have a feeling that I won't be seeing Patricia again, and if I was strong and ruthless I might say that I don't want to see her again. Her last text message to me, sent from the airport on 26th June, was that she would email me as soon as she arrived safely in Argentina (which I know she did from her facebook pages). I am still waiting for that email, and I feel like I have been slighted. So I will use up her shampoo, and if some strange fate causes her to ever stay here in the future she can use bloody Fairy Liquid to wash her hair ! It occurs to me that I have eaten a load of crap today, and I don't think I shouldn't have any dinner tonight, but maybe I might have some fruit. I've got some nice plums, and some nice nectarines in the kitchen....at least I assume they are nice. They've had a few days to ripen, and should be at their peak right now. So time to tuck into the fruit, and then no more food until tomorrow - possibly ! ![]() Back in the real world.......One of the "toys" I bought in the 99p shop yesterday was a battery powered mobile phone charger. I thought I mentioned it yesterday, but apparently not. Until yesterday evening I wondered if it could possibly work. I've now found out that it can - just about. It takes one single AA battery, and those only give out 1.5V instead of the 5V needed on the micro-usb connector to charge a phone. Until I take it to work tomorrow, and dissect it, I can't be sure exactly how it works, but it does have a small circuit board at the bottom, and that seems to be a remarkably compact voltage converter plus a red LED to show it is charging. I am unsure how much charge you can get out of a single AA cell, but even with an expensive "photo lithium" type battery it is probably not that much. However I guess it could be useful in emergencies. Maybe a fresh battery could provide enough power for a couple of hours of light use, and maybe more, but it is an expensive way of charging a phone ! |
13th August 2014 |
08:22 BST Yesterday's weather turned out to be pretty much as expected. There was a splash of rain very early in the afternoon, and there was some distant thunder around 7pm, but it was a fairly sunny day. It didn't get very warm, perhaps around 22° C, but it was comfortable enough. This morning has started with clear blue skies again, and once again the temperature has gone down to autumn, or even winter levels ! It was just 12° C when I walked to the station, but with luck it will creep up to at least 20° C by late afternoon. The forecast says there could be a shower or two in the middle of the day, but I expecting to be able to go home in my shirtsleeves again. I came to work in (short) shirtsleeves, and I have to confess that it was a bit draughty ! I am unsure how to describe how I felt yesterday. Sometimes I might have described it as pissed off, and at other times as being angry. Neither is quite right, nor quite wrong, and the truth lies somewhere between the two. It all concerns the recent death of the Hollywood actor Robin Williams. Note that he is described as a Hollywood actor, and that is probably why I have never watched any film that he has been in to the best of my knowledge. I can't deny that I had not heard of him before his death, but it is close to the truth. I had heard his name mentioned, but I still had no clue as to who he was. I will readily admit that it is a very personal issue that I feel that hours of news coverages, and page upon page of newsprint has been wasted from my perspective, but others, who apparently loved him and his acting, will appreciate it all, but none of this actually makes me angry. The reason for my anger is more complex. The first relevant fact is that he ended his own life when he felt that life had become worthless to him. It's not an easy thing to do, and the rage that generates in other people who believe, for some selfish reason, that they own his life is the source of my rage or anger, or depression. I personally applaud Robin Williams for taking the hard way out, not the easy way out as stupid people believe, but the hard way. It's hard to say "I'm not interested in what happens tomorrow", it's hard to say "fuck you" to people who think they own you, and will go to any lengths to prolong your suffering. Maybe when I get to 63 years old, as Robin Williams was, I'll decided that I've seen and experienced all I want or can stand to see and experience, and if anyone tries to stop me topping myself I will obviously have to kill them, and dance on their grave (as a ghost, possibly). Meanwhile, you can read a bit more about Robin William's death here http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/08/12/robin_williams_obituary/ (even though it doesn't include the latest gory details), but be sure to read the comments as well. There was probably less than 50 when I read them, and only one brave soul stood up for William's right to end his own life. Hopefully more have come forward to applaud a brave and courageous decision that a man has made about his own life. I am unsure if my, at that time, slowly simmering annoyance had any bearing on what I bought when I popped into Tesco on the way home yesterday, but I did come away with some stuff that I haven't been buying recently. There were two things that I got that were pre-meditated for unknown reasons. The first was new potatoes with herbs and butter that came in a microwave proof bag. I had never tried them before, and I have no idea why I suddenly wanted to search the store for them, but I did, and they were very nice too. The other thing that I seemed to want before I saw them on the shelf was liver and bacon in gravy (as a sort of ready meal). It was nice too, but not that nice. I seemed to pick up quite a few bargains on the reduced price shelves. They included some ready prepared packs of mixed berries (including grapes). I had that with a few spoonfuls of frozen vanilla flavour yoghurt - nice, but not worth crossing the road for. Some of that reduced price stuff has to be eaten quite soon, and I think I'll probably be having a bit of a mixed feast tonight. I must try and avoid overdoing it though. After dinner I didn't seem to have much to do, and so I tried to go to bed extra early, and by extra early I mean about 7.45pm. That was probably a mistake because there was no way I could get to sleep that early, and it probably made me stay awake even later than I would otherwise have done. By 9.15pm I sort of gave up trying to sleep until I had consumed a giant measure (by pub measurement standards) of whisky. I think that helped, and it wasn't that much later than 10pm before I was asleep. I seemed to sleep well, but I had the most perplexing dream. It was perplexing because it was erotic, and yet nothing happened, and even more bizzarely, I didn't actually seem to be in the dream ! I can only describe it as like watching a play, or maybe a TV drama. I'm sure there is a name for this type of drama where the characters sit around a kitchen table for much of the time, but I can't seem to recall that name now. If I recall correctly, and my memory of it is getting very hazy now, it really only featured two characters - one was a young woman, perhaps in her mid twenties, and the other was an older woman, perhaps mid forties. Neither was exceptionally good looking, but both were pretty, and I think they were bisexual. They were both waiting for a man to arrive, and I think the man was the husband of the older woman (or maybe it was me they were waiting for !). I can't recall any dialogue, although I am sure they weren't silent, but what I do remember was this incredible sexual electricity in the air. I have no idea what that means either, but it made for a very exciting dream - even if nothing happened in it ! It's another morning where I feel like moaning for the sake of moaning. I neither feel good, not do I feel bad, but I am sure that coming to work is not supposed to hurt. It's not an easily defined hurt (apart from the bit of gravel I got in my shoe), but consisted of a little ache here, and a little ache there. It also included annoyances such as feeling unable to walk any faster, and then there is that strange sensation I get in my chest that feels like the ribs and sternum bone are floating free of the rest of my skeleton. Certain movements cause painless clicks and pops, and grating sounds from inside me, and it is very, very weird. As I say, it causes no pain, and doesn't impede me from doing anything, and it seems impossible to properly describe in sane terms, or to demonstrate to my doctor. So I live with it in the full knowledge that one day I'll sneeze and my whole chest will fall off, or explode, or nothing at all will happen. |
12th August 2014 |
08:03 BST The weather forecast for yesterday sounded pretty dreadful, and for some it was, but the worst of the weather passed some way to the north of London. Here in south London there was some rain, and even some distant thunder, but much of the afternoon was quite pleasant and dry. It was dry when I went home from work, and as far as I am aware, it stayed dry all evening. The only thing to complain about was that it was not that warm, and that is going to be a feature of today as well. So far this morning we have had a fairly clear blue sky, but the temperature dropped to a slightly chilly 12° C, and that has made it feel like summer is over, and xmas must be just around the corner. Sadly, it is not going to warm up much today. Estimates vary, but just under 20° C seems typical. There will probably be some showers this afternoon, but they may be brief and/or light. I think there is still hope that I might be able to dodge them when I go home from work today. ![]() Some would call it Karma, and that seems like a good enough name for me to use here. Karma can work in strange ways...As home time approached I started suffering from trapped wind yesterday. In an attempt to get myself comfortable I made myself late leaving work, but I still managed to get to the station with a minute to spare before I would have been charged a full peak fare for my journay home. I felt a bit uncomfortable on the train, and so did a nearby man when I just had to fart while on the train. There was nothing for it but to get off the train at Clapham Junction, and make use of the facilities there. I was already running late, and the chances of getting to Waterloo in time for my usual train from Waterloo East station were so unlikely that I decided not to try. So I wandered over to platform 7 where there is a good view of the sidings and train shed. ![]() ![]() Having got my pictures, I wandered back to platform 10 to get a train back to Waterloo. I arrived there with ample time to wander over to Waterloo East for the next train back to Catford, and I was just in time to see that my usual train, the 16:23 had been cancelled. So everything work out OK, and all the little delays getting to Waterloo East were all meaningless because there was no train to get. That must be something to do with Karma, but it would probably take an Indian mystic, muttering away in an undecipherable heavy accent, to explain it...probably ! There were two unexpected (to me) things that happened to me when I got home from work yesterday. The first was that I had a surprisingly light dinner. It was actually that light, but by comparision..... The second thing is that I went to sleep earlier than expected. I was feeling slightly tired, but only slightly, and if I could have thought of something I desperately wanted to do it would have been no effort to start doing it, but I couldn't think of anything to amuse me, and I went to bed early. I think it was 8.20pm when I turned out the light. It was still light outside, and I don't think I expected to go to sleep as fast as I did. Of course I can't be sure of the exact time, but I am sure it wasn't that much different from 8.30pm when I fell into a deep sleep. I woke a few times in the early hours of the morning, but I managed to get back to sleep every time, and even slept right up until my alarm woke me - that was a rare occurence ! I remember a few vague details of a couple of dreams. The first dream I remember probably lasted little more than a few seconds in real time, but a lot longer in dream time. It was inspired by two things - Petts Woodstock and urine ! In my dream there were two festivals going on, and they were taking place in fields either side of a t-junction off the main road in Catford. The road was Canadian Avenue, and there is a green field on it's right hand corner with Catford Road. The left hand corner has Lawrence House on it in reality, but in my dream it was another green field. There was a music festival in the left hand field, and a sort of low key fun fair with other "family" stuff in the right hand field. I knew the organisers of both events, and they knew each other, but unfortunately neither managed to organise any toilets. Each assumed the other had organised portaloos to be set up somewhere convenient to both sites. So I was wandering around looking for a toilet until I woke up when, obviously, I needed to go and have a wee ! I cannot remember the setting of the other dream I vaguelly recall, but I do recall what I was doing in it. In simple terms I was rolling a spliff. Maybe it was lack of practice because I haven't done that in real life for tens of years, but it what I was making was the strangest looking spliff ever. I had stuck the papers together in the most strange way, but even more bizzare was that it seems I was using cooking oil in the spliff. I cannot even begin to imagine why everything seemed to be covered in cooking oil. The thing that stands out most of all though was that while I waiting for the oil to dry, and I think I expected it to only take 5 or 10 minutes, I lit up a fag....and it was the most wonderful thing in the world ! I could feel that wonderful smoke drawing down into my lungs, and suddenly the world was a better place again. This morning I am feeling like it is one of my better days. I have an extremely low level headache that I become aware of now and then, and both knees feels a little stiff and/or sore this morning (although the right one is typically worse), but the rest of my body seems to be working well enough to survive for a few more hours or years. That all makes for feeling good these days. Sad, isn't it ? I think my only plan for this afternoon/evening is to pick up a bottle or two of diet cola on my way home from work. I may get it from the Turkish supermarket, or I might get it from Tesco. In either place I might pick up some groceries too, but I could also get it from the corner shop, and apart from the odd packet of biscuits, or bags of crisps, I rarely buy any groceries from there. I can foresee that I will be in bed early again tonight, but maybe something will distract me, although with the prospect of a late night coming up on Thursday night, whan Chain play a gig in The Catford Ram, some extra sleep beforehand wouldn't be such a bad idea. |
15:27 BST Yesterday's weather seemed pleasant enough. It was comfortably warm, and there was a lot of sunshine. Most importantly, it stayed dry - something that today hasn't been ! The temperature seemed to drop a lot in the night - I'm unsure how low it was, but there was no argument about sleeping under the duvet last night ! The morning started out at around 18° C, and back by a strong breeze, it was cool enough to prompt me to close my bedroom window, and put a t-shirt on. Since then it has warmed up a little bit.....a tiny little bit. My thermometer is saying 19.9° C right now. A lot of today has been very dull, and very overcast, and so far a small part of it has been bright and sunny. It's like that now, but it may not last. During the dull and overcast times we have had some light showers, and some extremely torrential showers backed with a bit of thunder and lightning. This current sunny spell, which is the longest so far today, was preceded by one of the heaviest, and yet also shortest downpours we have had today - so far. If the forecast is correct, and for once it seems to be, we can expect more showers, and some of them may be thundery. It's also quite windy today, but that doesn't seem to be a major feature - yet ! I had a pleasant lazy evening yesterday. I passed the time quite happily reading or watching TV. Unusually for a Saturday there were things to watch on more TV channels than Dave, although most of them were on Dave - repeats of QI and Have I Got News For You. The biggest trouble with watching stuff on Dave is the adverts, and not just any adverts, but the adverts for Just Eat. Those adverts seriously piss me off. I really, really hate them. To my great shame I used to use the Just Eat website, and one day, when they did a customer satisfaction survey, I warned them that if the kept those offensive adverts up I would have to switch my allegiance to Hungry House, and a few weeks ago I did just that. So if you want to order takeaway food online. I can recommend http://hungryhouse.co.uk/. Don't ever use Just Eat !!!! I didn't rush to bed last night, and I think it was almost 11pm when I turned out the lights. As far as I can remember I fell asleep quite quickly once I had realised I had to sleep under the duvet. At 3am I woke up, and it was one of those occasions when it didn't feel like I would be able to get to sleep again. Maybe these only happen when there is no work, or any other "appointments" in the morning. So I got up for half an hour and checked my email and stuff. I think it was after I had gone back to bed, and was sleeping that I had a dream that was quite realistic , or if not actually realistic, sort of sensible. I dreamed that I was handing in my resignation at work (or maybe had just done so). It felt like a huge relief, and yet I was very aware that it introduced some strong challenges. The obvious one was surviving on a very reduced income, and only a moderate amount of savings. The less obvious challenge, and one I am quite aware of, is what to do with all that free time I would have. It could easily be an excuse to sit around slowly eating myself to death - and it probably will be, but maybe I will work something out when the time comes. I had no reason to get up this morning, and I did my best to sleep as much as possible, but eventually that becomes hard work. So by 8.30am I was up and about......well, not really, but I was out of bed, and starting to shiver in the cool air that was blowing in the window. There were two ways of warming up - either put more clothes on, or do something physical. I chose the latter and washed 4 pillow cases and a sheet. That certainly got me sweating ! It was about the only thing of note that I did this morning, and I am wondering if it will be the only thing of note I do all day ! It might be possible that I will do some computer stuff later on. The new motherboard for my main PC has been sitting here almost 2 weeks now, and at some point I ought to try it out, but.........The problem is that my PC may not be running as well as it could, but it is running well enough to do all I need. In fact since I had a fiddle with it a fortnight ago, it has started up properly nearly every time I've used it, but "nearly every time" is not actually every time, and that is what I want to cure with the new motherboard. Maybe today will be the big day.....or maybe it won't be...... |
9th August 2014 |
17:57 BST Just because the forecast said it was going to rain yesterday, it didn't actually have to rain, and until late evening it didn't ! For the most part it was actually a quite pleasant day. After the grey start it was mostly sunny, and with the temperature at 24° C (or maybe just a little higher) it felt comfortably warm. It was certainly cooler than recent mornings today, 15° C or less, but there have been plenty of sunny periods, and the temperature is now 24° C. There is a bit of a breeze now and then, but it doesn't seem to cool things down. There are some heavy looking clouds around, which occasionally obscure the sun, but they don't seem to be rain bearing - though some do look quite threatening. It seems it is now tomorrow when the remains of hurricane Bertha hit us...copious rain, and strong winds are forecast.....at least they were the last time I looked ! I felt dreadfully tired at work, and I was impatient to get home so I could put my feet up, and ultimately get to bed at some extra early hour...except it didn't happen like that. Just before I left work I received a text message from Jodie asking if I fancied a swift on in the CCC on the way home. I was in just the sort of state where beer becomes the finest medicine, and so I rather readily agreed to meet her. There was one little fly in the ointment - there were some problems on the trains from Earlsfield to Waterloo. I was only delayed by about 5 minutes, but that was enough to make me rush from Waterloo mainline to Waterloo East station, and completely forget to use one of the cash machines to extract some drinking vouchers. A desperate scramble through my pockets revealed I had £17 on me, and as it was not supposed to be a long drinking session, that was enough for two pints of ale, and a half of cider - and I still had a £5 note in my wallet. That booze set me up nicely, and I went home feeling far better for it. Although the booze had taken the edge of my tiredness, I still didn't feel like making my own dinner, and that posed a dilemna. I could have got to bed a lot quicker if I had rustled up some basic dinner for myself, and as it turned out later, it would have been a lot, lot quicker - but ultimately that didn't matter. I decided to order some Chinese food. I ordered the food online, and the confirmation email warned that it would take about an hour to be delivered. That's unusually long for a Chinese, but just about acceptable. What wasn't acceptable was that it actually took closer to 90 minutes. When my food eventually arrived I didn't seem to be as hungry as I was before, and that meant I had loads of leftovers for breakfast this morning - yummy ! It would have made sense to go to bed soon after eating, but I seemed to get my second wind, and I ended up watching TV until gone 11pm. It was a rather stupid decision really. I started watching the movie Terminator 2 because I didn't think I had seen what is, or should be, the obvious follow up to The Terminator - which I thought I had already seen. Obviously I hadn't seen the beginning of Terminator 2 because I didn't recognise it at first, but after a while it all seemed very familiar. I am now wondering if I have ever seen Terminator 1, and just to make life more interesting I've just discovered there are at least 2 more Terminator movies ! I am unsure what time I finally went to bed, but I am fairly sure that I was fast asleep very soon after my head hit the pillow. As far as I can recall, I slept quite well, and although I woke up a few times in the night, it is entirely feasible that I got 8 hours sleep. I woke up feeling unusually refreshed......although that might have been something to do with not needing to go to work, and not having anthing else that I had to do. There were some things I wanted to do, and I seem to have done most of them today. My first task was to wash the shirts I had worn to work during the week. Once that was done I had my Chinese takeaway leftovers breakfast. Once I had eaten that I lay on my bed to do some reading......and ended up drifting off to sleep for half an hour or more. The next thing I did was far more masochistic. I washed a thick double duvet cover. Those thick ones need an awful lot of manhandling, but because it was a nice day I could hang it outside and let it drip itself dry. I brought it indoors in the middle of writing this, and it is 99% dry. I'll leave it hung over the bannisters over night, and tomorrow I'll put it away ready for the winter. My next task was nice and lightweight so I could cool off after washing that duvet cover. I finally got around to reviewing and editing the photographs I took on Thursday night. ![]() On the left is Perry Ridley, and on the right, Andrew Rogers ![]() Perry Ridley, Andrew Rogers, and special guest Simon.
yet another reading session that turned into a
snooze, I did the final chore of the day - I went
to Aldi to get some shopping. Maybe it was because
I clogged all my arteries and stuff with my
Chinese takeaway breakfast, or maybe it was after
all the effort manhandling all the laundry I did
today, but it felt like hard work walking to Aldi.
It's rather curious that it seemed far easier to
walk back home again when loaded down with
shopping. I didn't buy a huge amount of stuff
while I was in Aldi, but it did include a bottle
of Scotch. Another curious fact is that I don't
feel inclined to open it this evening - at least
right now I don't - maybe curiosity will get
the better of me later !
08:39 BST Some said it was going to rain last night, but that was a forecast I must have missed, and it didn't happen anyway. Most of yesterday was bright and warm. Sometimes it was sunny, sometimes the sun was hidden by hazy cloud, and on a few rare occasions the sun went behind a big black cloud, but mostly it was a rather nice day. The same can't be said about today. Hurricane Bertha, or its dying remnants are still heading our way, but it now looks as if it will be weaker than first thought. Today started at 18° C, and the latest forecast says the top temperature today could be as low as 20° C, but the forecast keeps changing. Originally it was going to rain this morning, but now the rain is due later - just before midday, and then again just as I am going home from work. It may have been a close run thing though. It has been very overcast since sunrise, and there isn't a single hint of the sun to be seen anywhere. It could go on like this all day, and the only change will be when rain is actually falling. Although there was nothing I could specifically moan about, I didn't feel all that wonderful yesterday. I think it was just my usual Thursday burn out. It seems I can only work for three days before I burn out at this stage in my life (and by "work" I actually mean being at work rather than actually doing any physical labour !). It was mentally nice to go home, but I didn't have any great love for the tedium of all the walking, waiting for trains, and travelling on trains. Maybe the only interesting and/or exciting thing that happened during the day was a fire drill. As fire drills go it was not terribly impressive. It took us a long time to get out of the building, and if had been a real fire we would all have died ! No we wouldn't ! We would have realised that something was different by all the smoke and flames, and made a hasty exit. Now whose stupid idea was it to hold a fire drill at the exact same times as the fire alarms are tested every Thursday ? We just believed (and I still do) that someone started the fire alarm for it's weekly test, and then couldn't turn it off again ! Still, it was a nice day to wander to our rendezvous point in the park. ![]() ![]() Top picture - waiting for our names to be called by the fire warden in the lower picture. The rest of the working day was boring by comparison, and it was a joy to get home, or almost a joy. I felt a lot better than I did the previous Thursday, and I made sure I stayed that way by only having a small snack as a temporary substitute for dinner, but I did feel dreadfully tired. It was a struggle to convince myself to go out again once I was home, and I guess it was also a bit of a struggle to stop myself laying down on my bed. If I had done that I am sure I would have fallen asleep. To stop myself relaxing too much I took a calculated risk and went out a bit earlier than I was originally going to. The risk was that I would end up drinking too much. I ended up having five pints - which was one more than I was aiming for - but it could easily have been more. The first two pints were in The Catford Constitutional Club, and rather unusually they were moderately low strength session beers. We then moved on to The Catford Ram where The Carlottas were playing. Now to be honest, The Carlottas were not terribly good, but on the other hand they did have a certain amount of amateur charm. Quite a few wrong notes were played during the first set (which is all I saw) and I guess it showed a certain amount of latent professionalism that they were able to play through them without making a fuss about it. It was one of those events where you wonder why you bothered being there, and then when it ends you realise you have enjoyed yourself. I could have enjoyed myself more, but I had to come to work today, and that meant leaving the pub early, and racing to get to bed, and fast asleep, as soon after 10pm as possible. It was about 9.45pm when I left the pub, and I was home little more than 5 minutes later, but it was closer to 10:45pm before I got to sleep. That was a little late really, and even if I had slept perfectly it would still have left me with a sleep deficit for today. I slept quite well, but not perfectly, and just to make matters worse I woke up too early again. This morning I do not feel very wonderful, and that is a big understatement. It would be true to say that both eyebrows and my left earlobe are in perfect pain free condition, but I can't say the same about the rest of my body. If feel very stiff and creaky today, and I definitely do not feel like rushing around in any shape or form. To add to my woe I had that old trouble this morning - trapped wind. Going up and down the stairs 24 times (or maybe less !) first thing in the morning, to get to the toilet, is probably wonderful exercise, but it makes you late for your train. Being late for the train is only of great consequence when it comes to the price of the fare. Tapping in my Oystercard before 6.30am, as I do almost every work day, means I travel at off-peak prices. This morning I had to pay the full peak-time fare. It's not much, but it's the principle that counts, and the principle is that it makes my eyeballs bleed to waste money like that ! At least there was something new to see at Waterloo this morning. ![]()
Once I get through work today I have two choices. I could go out in the evening to see Tokyo Toys playing in The HG Well Centre in Bromley, or I could stay in and just slowly vegetate. I am feeling that the latter seems far more attractive from this end of the day. Maybe I'll get a second wind or something, and find the energy to go out, or maybe I won't. I don't think I can be bothered to waste any more energy worrying about it now. First I have to try and get through the day here ! |
6th August 2014 |
08:22 BST A fair bit of yesterday was cloudy, but there were still sunny periods, and the rain that was threatened for midday didn't happen. It did rain eventually, but not until I was in bed with the curtains drawn (sometime after 8pm, but before 10pm). Even without that much sunshine, it was still comfortably warm at about 24° C. Today is going to be a bit different, but maybe not quite as bad as forecast. There was plenty of rain during the night, but it had stopped until 18 seconds before I opened the door to walk to the station. I thought I would get away without wearing a raincoat, but it rained a little too hard for that. The rain was just stopping as my train approached the station. Since then it hasn't rained, and I've seen a few tiny little blue patches among the clouds. It might rain again. The forecast says it should rain until almost midday, but the afternoon could see sunny periods, and a top temperature of around 22 - 24° C. That should be no effort it was 18° C when I woke up this morning. I started yesterday feeling unusually good, or perhaps I should say a lot less crappy then I have almost become accustomed to. Apart from a very specific area, I stayed feeling good all the time I was at work, and, thankfully, on my way home. The one specific area where it all went wrong was my bottom. With no consideration for all that's holy (or some old spiel like that) it decided that I needed to go to the toilet about half an hour before I leave work. If that was the end of the story it would have been of no consequence, but it decided it wanted to go again just as I was about to leave. It was good that the rest of me was feeling quite good because I was able to walk to the station a bit faster than usual - perhaps shaving 30 seonds or more off the usual time. This was extra handy because I was getting uncomfortable again. It is a measure of how uncomfortable I was feeling that I got off the train at Clapham Junction to use the toilets there. That is not something I do lightly. Depending on how recent their last maintenance visit was, and how recent the cleaner has been there, they range from not terribly good to really, really horrible. Last night they had locks on the door, and plentiful toilet paper - to have both is quite remarkable ! Once I was comfortable again, I was back on a train to Waterloo. On the whole that was fairly comfortable, but once we arrived at Waterloo I decided that another visit to the toilet might be wise.....and it was ! Considering the amount of people using them, the cleaners at Waterloo do a good job, and although it is not always perfect, I think I would award the gents at Waterloo something like 9 out of 10. By comparison, Clapham Junction rarely achieves better than 5 out of 10, and 1 out of 10 is not that rare. Having said that, it is very rare that I use the toilets at Clapham Junction, and maybe I just go there on the worst days. Meanwhile, back at Waterloo, I was at the right end of the station to see what was happening at the disused international platforms. ![]() ![]() So I went straight home. When I got home I checked the fridge and freezer, and of course I had plenty to eat, but not really what I wanted to eat. Maybe that is not strictly correct because I think I wanted a salad, and what I did have was a sort of salad, but only a "sort of" salad. I think the technical term for it was crudités, and I had them with some smoked sausage. That smoked sausage probably eliminated any health benefits from that raw vegetable stuff, but at least it added enough flavour to make the meal worthwhile eating ! I think we were warned that it would be a warm and humid night, and indeed the early part of the night was like that. I think the rain eventually freshened things up, but I had to go to sleep uncovered, and still feeling rather warm and sticky. I think I was asleep very soon after 9pm, and there is a chance that it was a little before that. I slept well enough, once I got to sleep, but I did seem to wake up several times in the small hours of the morning. The first time I awoke was probably because I was feeling a bit cool, but it was actually still too hot to get completely under the duvet. I think that in the end I slept fairly well, and this morning I guess I feel OK. That's a sort of non-committal OK. I don't feel as good as I did yesterday morning, and I don't feel as bad as I did on some previous mornings. Of course having to put on a raincoat to come to work didn't amuse me, but on the other hand, being able to take it off once I was on the train, and then leave it off for the rest of my journey to work was pretty good. I hope I have a nice comfortable journey home because tonight I think I really do have to get a bit of shopping in on the way home from work. In theory I will then have a nice healthy, and fairly small dinner so I'll be fighting fit tomorrow. Then I'll be in bed extra early, and get 9 hours of solid sleep so I am fighting fit to stay out a bit late tomorrow night watching a bit of another gig taking place at The Catford Ram (it will be The Carlottas doing a semi acoustic set)..........back in the real world, I doubt either will happen. If I go in Tesco I'll find all sorts of crap that I will probably eat, and I'll be lucky to get 7 hours sleep, but we can always dream (even if it is only 7 hours dreaming instead of 9 !). |