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My Diary/Blog For the Month of October 2014 |
08:08 GMT I guess it would be unfair to say that yesterday was horrible. After all it did have one positive aspect - it was not cold, but everything else about yesterday was despicable ! It was grey and horrible all day long, although it wasn't actually wet, well not until mid to late evening. Possibly the very worst thing is that it was so grey that it seemed like the sun had almost set even as I was walking from work to the station, and of course by the time I arrived in Catford the sun had set. It was practically dark when I arrived home. This morning was the opposite. As I walked to the station it was like the sun was far from risen. Today has started off very misty and murky, but this is supposed to clear sometime this morning to leave a nice sunny day. It isn't exactly cold right now, maybe around 13 or 14° C, and by mid to late afternoon there is talk of it being at least 18° C ! Tomorrow is still forecast to be bright, warm and sunny - not bad for the last day of October ! It sounds sort of weird and twisted, but I was taking a sort of delight in being cross and grumpy about going home in light that wasn't too different to twilight. Of course in another week or two it really will be night time when I leave work to go home, and it will be very difficult to find any joy in that. I think that last night the joy came from anticipating just how bloody miserable and moody I could be if I really tried for it when going to work, and coming home again, in the dark soggy night ! ![]() I was contemplating going home via Tesco last night, but I didn't want to be too tempted to buy all sorts of stuff that I shouldn't eat. On the other hand I could have bought lots of stuff that I should eat - like brocolli, and similar nasty stuff. Instead of Tesco I went into the Turkish supermarket to get some stuff. What I mainly wanted was some cheese - two lots of it - some for home and some for work, but I was also tempted to buy some other stuff. I bought a little seeded loaf, some aubergine dip, and some really, really delicious apple juice (as pictured on the left). Duskin's website suggests that their apple juices are not available from supermarkets, but the Turkish supermarket calls itself a supermarket, and they seem to stock several different flavours of these Duskin apple juices. I may well buy another bottle tonight ! (Although I ought to be a bit careful of drinking too much because of all the natural sugar in it). In some respects my dinner was quite healthy last night, but it was actually very unhealthy for anyone trying to restrict their carbohydrate intake, and their cheese intake ! I had a large baked potato - said by some to be full of healthy fibre and stuff. All the goodness is in the skin they say ! I then ruined any hope of it being healthy in any respect by smothering it with cheese. The "stewed red beans" as it said on the tin, were probably fairly neutral in the grand scheme of things. As well as that big baked potato, I also eat rather a lot of bread last night. All that carbohydrate has probably sent my blood sugar level soaring, but it seems to have been good for both my blood pressure and half of my sleeping. I say half because for half the night I slept soundly, and then in the early hours of this morning I started sleeping badly. I was waking up at least once an hour, and sometimes sooner than that. I don't really know why I was sleeping so badly at that time. I didn't seem to wake up feeling uncomfortable, or anything like that, but when I finally did get up, and go to the toilet, I did let out the biggest, longest lasting fart know to mankind ! Last night my blood pressure was pretty good, and this morning it was a little lower than it is on most mornings. Of course that does come with a price, and the price is a bit of stiffness and mild pain from my right knee when making certain movements. Oddly enough, the rest of me seems to be working fairly well this morning, and I've had no new or stronger pains compared to usual, and maybe the usual aches, pains, creaks and groans are slightly subdued compared to most mornings. So I had a nice happy journey to work this morning.............well maybe not, but I suppose I could grudgingly admit that it was fairly neutral. Work is trying it's hardest to piss me off today by asking for all sorts of things that should have been known about days ago to be done today. This whole company seems to be defined by last minute panics. I'm sure our CEO knew he was going to America before 5 minutes ago, and I am sure he knew he would need a demo unit modified days ago, but no one told me about these things until this morning. So today I have to rush around like a blue arsed fly when I should be relaxing before a night of beer and music. I have booked tomorrow off work (which was approved at the beginning of the week when there was no panic on, nor any hint of one), and the news of this has increased the panic no end......and I do my best not to care about it at all.....although I think that this little panic will be resolved far more quickly than I have lead other people to believe it would ! |
08:18 GMT It was nice and sunny yesterday - just like it was forecast - but I'm not so sure I experienced the 20° C that was measured somewhere in, or near London. It felt comfortable but not exactly warm on my way home from work, and my thermometers there said it was only 15° C. Today should be very similar to yesterday, and once again the forecast is suggesting that the temperature could be very unseasonal - 17° C here in Earlsfield, and 18° C in Catford instead of the more usual 12° C for the end of October. Tomorrow might also be It was certainly nice going home in the sunshine yesterday, but that sunshine only lasted until I reached Catford. By then the sun was so low on the horizon that there was no sign of it any more, and four minutes later it had officially set. I took a very short detour (15 yards ?) on the way home, and stopped to buy a couple of items from the Turkish supermarket. It was starting to look dim when I came out of there, but it was still what could be called light when I got home. Maybe ten minutes after that it was dark outside. Night had fallen, and the day was over. There were three things I was considering doing last night. One of them was to cook a healthy dinner. I did that, but spoiled the effect in a massive way with some additional junk food. I blame Jodie ! She had discovered some crisps in the Turkish supermarket on Sunday that were a bit novel. They were "Lotto" brand, and Jodie, who could read the small print, said they were made in Romania. I forgot to check where they were made last night, but I can confirm they taste OK (I checked a couple of packs to be sure !). Dinner, by complete contrast, was mostly lightly boiled/steamed cabbage and brocolli cooked with too lean smoked bacon (that wasn't really smoky enough). In theory that dinner should have been packed with fibre, full of noxious cabbage based chemicals that some think are good for you, and because the bacon was so ungodly lean, low in fat. It might even have been fairly low in calories ! The other two things I considered doing were to wash my hair, and to do some laundry. I put off washing my hair because I had some fantasy notion that I might do it this morning (I didn't). I did look at the stuff, mainly shirts, that I had to wash, and then I looked at how many clean shirts I had hanging up ready to use. I think I still have enough clean shirts to last a good week still, and that's only short sleeve shirts. If I included long sleeve shirts, and t-shirts I could probably last until xmas - but would have one hell of a job catching up if I did that ! So I didn't do any laundry last night ! Considering how little I was doing I could have gone to bed extra early again, but I thought I would at least make the effort to stay awake until closer to 8pm. I forget when it was I got into bed, but I am fairly certain I fell asleep really quickly when I did. I don't remember waking up more than once or twice, but I get the impression I wasn't sleeping that well. For some reason I seemed to be having loads of dreams that included food. Another dream, which also included food, concerned me going to some sort of exhibition about I.T. arranged by the people for the I.T. website http://www.theregister.co.uk. While there I accidently stumbled up an exhibit or something that was not supposed to be revealed until the next day. To keep it secret I was told that I was not allowed to go back to the main area, and had to be ushered out of a side exit. To make up for my early exit I was given a huge goody bag of all sorts of exciting stuff (at least I hope it was - I wasn't able to check what was in there, but I believed it was stuff like books, DVDs and memory sticks plus the usual pens, paper and mousepads that are frequent trinkets given away at some events). The only problem is that the exit I left by came out into an unfamilar road at the back, and I didn't know my way back to the station (Charing Cross......I think). I then had a sort of adventure exploring bits of London that sometimes seemed not to have aged since Victorian times. The most curious sight was a tube train carriage shaped and sized bus that was painted a sort of bronzy gold colour. I woke up 20 minutes early with a it of a headache after all that intensive and inventive dreaming. I didn't think it was worth the effort of even trying to get back to sleep for just 20 minutes, and so I got up. My headache soon dissipated, and I felt tolerably well. Even my blood pressure was a bit lower than it usually is in the morning (apart from the first reading when I coughed while taking it - that was rather high !). All that makes it sound like I feel fine this morning. All I am prepared to admit is that I feel less crap than usual this morning. ![]() Of course after that it all went wrong. We were held at signals for a minute at Lewisham, and then held at signals for a couple of minutes outside London Bridge. I think we arrived at Waterloo East station about 4 minutes late. That didn't worry me, but presumably some had connections to make, and were monitoring the time more carefully. They went haring off up the link to Waterloo mainline station, and the rest of us were left in their dust. I had time to use the gents on Waterloo station, and to buy a cheap (and nasty, it turns out) manicure set from Boots inside Waterloo station, and I was still early to work. I hope I can enjoy going home in the sunshine again today, and I hope I can enjoy a pleasant evening - even if it is rather short in these currently shortened hours of daylight. I don't think I am going to bother doing any laundry tonight. Although I will almost be disappointed not to be starting the day with a hangover on Friday, I am off work on Friday, and could do some laundry then. Plus there is also the weekend when I could do it. I think there is a fair chance that I might get around to washing my hair tonight, but even that doesn't seem ultra important quite yet - however it will be very important to have done it before I go out to get that hangover on Thursday night ! |
08:12 BST Yesterday was probably sunnier than expected, but I don't think it got much warmer than the forecast of 18° C. It was pleasant without being exciting - a sort of bland pleasantness ! It was still perfectly comfortable to do a fairly rapid walk from the pub with no coat on, and wearing a short sleeved shirt at getting on for 10pm. It did get quite cool later on in the night, and this morning started off at only 14° C. The reason for the extra drop in temperature was a clear sky. Now the sun has risen properly, it looks rather nice outside. I can't see anything but blue sky from my office window, and the forecast says today should stay sunny until at least late afternoon. That may drive the temperature up to 21° C if we are very lucky. So it's a fitting end to an extended summer. Tomorrow all hell lets loose, or so we are told. It will be cold, dark and wet until next spring (possibly). ![]() Last night was rather good on many levels. I felt better than expected when I left work to go home. I wasn't exactly feeling energetic, but I seemed to be able to move faster with less physical stress than I expected. I'm not sure why that should be unless by some quirk of biochemistry and physics, I haven't failed as much as I thought I had when trying to moderate my food intake. I thought it was just wishful thinking when I thought that maybe my trouser belt was a little looser than usual. It is possible that if I keep up this eating pattern I will be able to comfortably get into my old trousers in another 17 years. Once I got back to Catford I headed straight for The Catford Constitutional Club. I found Jodie had got there first, and she was drinking lager (a continental one whose name is unspellable, and almost unpronounceable). She said that none of the ales looked that good to her, but I found a couple that were pleasant enough, and later on a new beer became available. It was an organic brew from a Liverpool brewery, and named after the hops they used - Styrian. (That link should go directly to a page about the beer, but the picture of the pump label doesn't seem to show in my web browser for some reason). Soon after 5pm all the usual suspects turned up - Chris, Dave, Alan, Andy and Paul - and we had a jolly good drink. I was still thinking that I shouldn't get too drunk, nor should I stay out too late last night, but as the clock ticked on, and the beer flowed, it became apparent that we all (except for Jodie who left a fair bit earlier) we curious about the band who were due to play in The Catford Ram. So a little after 8pm we all got up and walked round the corner to see what the band looked like, and eventually to hear how they played. They looked like this - ![]() I'm not sure what time it was when I left the pub, but I don't think it was any later than 9.30pm. Fortunately the band had started playing fairly early, and so I did get to hear quite a few songs before going home. I can definitely say one thing in the bands favour - unlike some bands who will wait and wait hoping for a bigger audience, they started almost as soon as their P.A. had been set up. I did feel guilty about leaving so early because they didn't exactly have a very big audience - which isn't surprising because there was zero publicity about the gig - not even a flyer on the outside of the pub ! However I had to go. I could have gone home via the chip shop, or even the fried chicken shop, and indeed was tempted by both, but somehow I resisted that, and I even resisted dinner when I got home. I had made a sort of dare with myself that I would not have any dinner when I got in. However I didn't mention anything about snacks, and I have to confess I ate 4 little packets of Hula Hoops before I brushed my teeth and got into bed. Before going to bed I checked my blood pressure, and it was most satisfactory. The second reading, after I did my relaxation stuff was really quite low (for me). All the beer I had drunk, and it was quite a lot, and I was definitely mildly drunk, did the necessary, and I slept rather well last night - so well that I had a very realistic dream that I had slept all night, and all through the next day ! I woke up with a bit of a headache, and a few other mystery aches, and I thought it was probably something to do with high blood pressure, but my blood pressure this morning, although always higher than in the evening, was actually fairly reasonable - particularly the second reading which would have been reasonable for an evening reading. I can't say I felt that wonderful when I started to walk to the station this morning, but I can't have been that bad because it seemed quite smooth journey coming to work. Once again I arrived earlier than I usually do. So something must have been right. Of course it did help that the 07:06 Hampton Court train from Waterloo left a few minutes late or I would never have got it. Even so, it is fairly rare for me to be early enough to get the next train after that, the 07:09. So the 07:06 was a rarity. After not eating much last night I made up for it with a bigger breakfast than usual. I expect I will have totally forgotten about it tonight, but there is a sort of fantastical theory that it might encourage me to eat less tonight - some hope ! Regardless of that, I should make some sort of attempt to eat lightly tonight so I am firing on all cylinders for my visit to the Star Trek convention with Ruby tomorrow. It's going to be an interesting experience.........but I'm not in which way it will be interesting. |
2nd October 2014 |
07:57 BST The sunshine that the weather forecasters promised us for yesterday happened early in the afternoon, and that meant going home after work was a rather dull experience. Maybe that wasn't totally unexpected. The actual forecast I saw said the sunshine would happen soon after I got home. The cloud never got that thick yesterday, and so it was never terribly dull, but dull enough at times. However that same cloud was useful overnight to keep a bit of the warmth in. I'm sure the temperature got up to 20° C, and may have even hit 21° C for a while. This morning started off at 16° C, and while that's not warm, it is still good enough to be comfortable without a coat. The forecast is quite pessimistic about the temperature today. It seems it could stay quite low - maybe just 18° C, but it should be brighter, and there may even be some sunshine. The longer term forecast says that tomorrow will be the end of this poor relation to summer, and that Saturday is going to be cold and wet. Lovely ! Just what I wanted for a day out !!! I added up all the pros and cons, and decided that it would be useful to buy a few things in the Turkish supermarket on the way home from work yesterday. I didn't really need anything last night, but I would tonight, and tonight I'm boozing instead of shopping. I got a few interesting things in that little supermarket. I bought a small tin of stuffed zuchini (or courgette as we say in this part of the world) and a little tin of stuffed peppers and tomatoes (or to be precise tomato - there was only one of them). I had those as part of my dinner. There is one thing I bought but haven't tried yet. I wonder how you are supposed to pronounce the name of this dip ??? ![]() That little lot left me feeling full, but not over stuffed, and I had a theory about how it might affect my blood pressure. I am, if I haven't mentioned it before, taking twice daily readings for a week to help my doctor decide if I am taking a suitable dose of one of my medications. As I suspected, my blood pressure was much improved compared to the previous three days. In fact the second of the two readings I take in the evening (and it's two readings in the morning - which strictly speaking means I take four readings a day, and not two) was really exceptionally low. So low it was almost low enough for the Cardiac Rehabilitation Nurse who rules Lewisham Hospital with a rod of pure tempered chromium steel ! (Fortunately I never have to see her since escaping from that rotten gym they hide in the sadist building of the hospital). Sometimes when my blood pressure reading is too high I get all depressed and seek out some comfort food. Sometimes when it is exceptionally low (by my standards) I feel like celebrating, and that same comfort food becomes celebration food. You really can't win in this game ! I would imagine that I sent my blood glucose level up quite high last night, and all the beer I will probably drink will send it high again tonight ! This left me feeling good, bad and indifferent, but also rather tired. Well, I was tired before eating all and sundry, and I had intended to try and get an early night anyway. I can't actually remember what time I went to bed, and what time I went to sleep, but it was fairly early - I think. I slept a lot better than recently last night, but I definitely did wake up in the night suffering from sleep apnea. At least I think it was sleep apnea, but it may have just been a common or garden nightmare - of a very technical variety. I was dreaming that I was forced to run the dreaded Windows Vista on my PC, and that it had caught an extremely serious virus infection. The things I did to that PC to try and get it running virus free were amazing - so amazing that even I don't understand them - and I kept on doing them until I woke up feeling short of breath. The other times I woke up were probably for a wee. After that night I woke up feeling unusually good. Some of the usual stiff and/or aching joints were less stiff and aching, and I just felt generally less crap. This was highly unusual for a Thursday. Thursday is normally my worst day of the week ! Somehow it was also reflected in my blood pressure. The first time I took it, it was high, but not as high as at the beginning of the week, and after a few more relaxation exercises, I managed to get it down to a figure that wouldn't be that bad for a carefully contrived evening reading. For all that goodness, I didn't really notice that my journey to work was any better than usual, although it was a lot better than the worst. Maybe there was one hint that it was more fluid than usual. I don't think I've ever managed to get the 07:06 Shepperton train from Waterloo before. It got me to work before 07:30 this morning ! Tonight poses a little problem. I was not aware that a band will be playing in The Catford Ram tonight. They are The Scorchers, and I've never heard of them before. I wonder if anyone else has ? There seems to be zero publicity about the gig, although I expect there is a small poster on the outside of the pub. Now the trouble is, I have already committed to an early start drinking in The Catford Constitutional Club, and it was my intention to go home from there by 7pm, or maybe earlier. Now I am curious about what will be happening in The ram. No matter what happens I can't stay out too late, or get too drunk tonight, but I have a naughty suspicion I'll be getting very close to those limits ! |
08:00 BST It was a rather pleasant day yesterday. By mid to late morning it had brightened up, and a lot of the afternoon was quite sunny. The temperature definitely rose to 20° C, as the forecast promised, and may have even reached 21° C. Sometime after sunset it became very cloudy, and that kept a little of the warmth in. This morning was a comfortable 16° C, but some of the clouds are leaking. The forecast said there would be rain early this morning, and there was. The platforms were wet at London Bridge station, and we passed through a shower on the train between Vauxhall and Clapham Junction stations. The ground was damp when we arrived at Earlsfield, but it wasn't raining - it is now though ! The rain should have done it's worst by midday, and the afternoon will be brighter - or so says the most recent weather forecast. It might even be sunny later on, but maybe not until I've got home ! Tomorrow may be dry, but probably no more exciting than light grey. I carried out part of my plan for yesterday evening perfectly. I even expanded on it, but the rest of my plans didn't fully come to fruition. The bit that worked was washing my hair before I had dinner. I managed that OK, and I added in a severe beard trimming too. Then came the matter of dinner. Part one was as planned - cabbage and leak with some diced ham. It was quite nice, but didn't really hit the spot. The plan was to have nothing more than that, but I ended up eating a not all that small bag of Marmite flavoured peanuts. They were low in sugar, which was good, but high in just about everything else. So no taking in my belt a notch in the foreseeable future then ! While I was just about relaxed, or as relaxed as can be when watching the news and seething at all those inept politicians, I checked my blood pressure. It was predictably high, or maybe not....Maybe it was actually a tint bit lower than I might have predicted. It is rapidly becoming apparent that a half dose of Bisoprolol is only having half the effect of lowering my blood pressure, but it is beneficial in reducing the swelling in my feet, ankles and lower legs. It is possible, if not probable that one of the other tablets I take, or perhaps a combination of two of them, is responsible for much of the other crap I put up with like bad sleep. I felt tired at work, but a little less tired when I got home yesterday. I was going to have another early night, but decided to get in bed early and read for a while. I think it was getting on for 9pm when I put the book down, turned out the light, and tried to get to sleep. As far as I can recall I got to sleep fairly quickly, but I didn't stay asleep for more than a few hours before waking up again. One obvious reason for waking up is sleep apnea, but I don't think it is that.....but I could be deluding myself. One thing is for sure, I had far less sleep disturbance in the last 3 or 4 days of the 7 days when I had run out of blood pressure medication, and that provides a very strong hint that it is the drugs that are causing the problem. However, on one occasion when I woke up last night, at 3am if I recall correctly, I gave the idea of sleep apnea some serious consideration - too serious as it turned out. I became so aware of my breathing as I tried to analyse how every part of my breathing system was working, that I became almost breathless. There was two things I could have done. The first was to get up and walk around for a minute or two, and the other was to treat it a bit like an asthma attack. I have an asthma inhaler that I got the doctor to prescribe for me during the early part of my recuperation. It was painful to cough on my newly butchered chest, and because I wasn't smoking, I had a bit of a cough. If it became too painful I would have a squirt from the asthma inhaler. That opened up the airways, and I could cough up all the tar and old dog ends with ease. At 3am this morning I had a squirt from that, and my breathing returned to normal. I don't think it actually did anything apart from break the cycle of forced breathing. I didn't feel quite as bad as yesterday when I got up this morning, and yesterday was better than the morning before that. For all that, I still didn't feel too wonderful, and even though I feel improved since getting to work, I would still dearly love to be back in bed, or slouching around the house. In theory I am supposed to be working myself up to peak physical condition in time for Saturday when I meet Ruby to go the the Start Trek exhibition/convention/whatever at The Excel Arena in London. I'll make it there alright, but something amazing is going to have to happen between now and then if I am going to be fit enough to rush around and swing from the rafters.......... ![]() ![]() What shall I do tonight ? Probably almost nothing apart from another attempt to eat sensibly. I don't know what else I might end up eating, but the main course of dinner tonight will be a very quickly made stew of diced skinless chicken with broccoli, cauliflower, and the remains of the bag of cabbage and leak that I used last night. If it is just that, then it is going to be low in everything except the good stuff - I think. |