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My Diary/Blog For the Month of November 2014 |
12:06 GMT Yesterday's sunshine was very welcome, and today there is even more sunshine. It's just a bit of a shame that the sun carries hardly any heat at this time of year. I'm not sure what the temperature was yesterday, but it was only in the upper reaches of the border between uncomfortably cold, and just comfortable. This morning started off rather misty, but the sun managed to see that off. Unfortunately it has only raised the temperature to a gnats whisker over 11° C, and I doubt it can push it more than a degree higher in the limited time it has to shine - which could be no time at all if the BBC's weather forecast is correct. Any minute now the sun will go in, and won't be seen again until who knows when. Fortunately it should stay dry - even tomorrow when a really dreadful day is forecast - thick black cloud, and the temperature only reaching 7° C at it's very best. Brrrr !! It might have been a shame to miss Night Owl playing in the car park of The Daylight Inn at Petts Wood, or maybe not. I've seen pictures of the event, and while the dense crowds would have been great for the bands playing there, they would have been a real annoyance when trying to move around with my camera. Once I realised I wouldn't be going I switched brain activity, and got into a very comfortable at home mode of being - which was actually a shame because I forgot that The Bromley Bastards were playing in The William IV pub in Elmers End. I was quite keen to see them, but it completely slipped my memory until it was too late. So I stayed in and wasted some hours watching TV, and eating dinner. Dinner could easily have been a takeaway, but I decided I should probably behave myself. What I actually had was a couple of small baked potatoes with a ready-mix pot of steam-cook-in-the-microwave mixed green vegetable - plus the now all too casually accepted over generous glaze of butter. Mind you, when I saw how much cold congealed butter there was on the plate when I went into the kitchen this morning, I did wonder just how much was left "glazing" those vegetables. Once upon a time I would mash the butter into the potato, but now I seem eat the potato in chunks with the butter running off it. I don't know when or why I started doing that, but when I think about it I reckon I ought to continue to eat baked potato like that. I think I had something else for dinner that would have ruined any benefits of part one, but I can't think what it was. What I do know is that in the absence of any pints of Guinness that I would have had if I had gone to The William IV pub, I had a few large whiskies as I wasted my life watching TV last night. Actually I take that back. Some of the TV was not a waste of time. There was an interesting programme about extreme trains, trains services, and train "users". Maybe most notable was probably the train surfers of South Africa. Teenage boys, who obviously have a well deserved death wish, were shown "surfing" on top of speeding trains. That was stupid enough, but these trains were powered by a 3000V DC overhead catenary, and a single touch of that wire would be instant death ! Many have been killed, and so were eligible for a Darwin Award - stupid people removing themselves from the gene pool ! It's probably the result of a defective gene to find the idea of stupid people killing themselves in ways that are perfectly obvious to anyone with more than two brain cells, funny, and if you have that defective gene as well you could amuse yourself by looking here - http://www.darwinawards.com/. After a moderately late night, and a moderately good night, and a moderately good lie in, I got up feeling moderately good. Well good enough to hand wash 7 items of clothing. I was going to do a medium sized towel as well, but I decided I would let that soak for a few hours (possibly a lot longer). I have to confess that apart from having a shower and washing my hair, that is all I have done so far today. I am currently waiting for a phone call from Jodie. She is probably popping over to do something that I can't remember on my computer that she can't do on her mum's computer (she has no computer of her own). After that is done we will go to the Wetherspoons pub for a few pints. While I was out meeting Aleemah at the station yesterday I spied some notices up on The Railway Tavern/The Copperfield/The Catford Bridge Tavern, and now possibly the Catford Tavern...... ![]() |
08:08 GMT All measurements show that yesterday was less cold than the day before, but only by a degree or so, and it still felt just as chilly. By and large it was a nasty grey day, and worst of all is that it rained on me as I walked from the station to home. It was only very light rain, and I hardly even got damp, but half an hour or an hour before I left work there was a fairly heavy downpour that left some big puddles. It rained at least once during the night, and probably many times.. I caught the tail end of a light shower while putting some rubbish out about 15 minutes before I left to walk to the station. It had stopped when I walked to the station, and it hasn't rained since. The forecast warns of passing showers at any time today, but mostly it shows the sky covered with thick black clouds. It is so cloudy now that it is not obvious that the sun has risen. Much of today is going to feel like night, but at least the temperature is going to be stable - probably no lower than 8° C, and no higher than 10° C. In other words, it's going to be a typical chilly November day. So much for global warming ! ![]() Outside Earlsfield station at approx 7.20am this morning. This is looking approx south. It was so cloudy that my journey home from work started almost in darkness yesterday. Sun set actually happened when I reached Waterloo, but the change was so small that it was hard to tell it had happened, although it was more obviously definitely night time when I arrived in Catford. Without street lighting it would have been too dark to see as I walked in the rain from the station to home. Despite that I felt reasonably OK when I arrived home. Even the rain didn't piss me off that much because I chose to view it as a good test of the newly waterproofed coat I was wearing - I think it passed with flying colours. I wish I knew the secret behind it, but somehow I ended up eating less than I might otherwise have done last night. Having semi-empty cupboards probably helped a bit ! I decided to reprise my potato baking skills by having the other couple of the very small baking potatoes I bought from Lidl. My original idea was to have them with a tin of garden peas, but I decided to have a rummage in the freezer. I found some mixed vegetables in there, and had them instead (plus generous dollops of lightly salted real organic butter). I'm not sure why the bag describes them as mixed vegetables. Lots of carrot with a few peas might be a more accurate description. I did pad the carrots out with some sweetcorn that may have been in the back of the freezer for several years. It was all rather nice, and by some peoples reckoning, sort of healthy. I slightly ruined that by having some Tesco ready made barbeque flavour (allegedly) chicken wings. They weren't the type that baste in their own fat for ages, and are bought from the hot shelf, but the cold variety served from the chiller. I gave them 3 minutes in the microwave to warm them up a bit before eating them. While eating I watched the 6pm news on BBC1, but so much of it pissed me off that I turned off the TV as soon as I had finished eating. I think I am quite pleased just how much of a grumpy old man I am (although I feel I probably still have a lot to learn). On the other hand I am getting more and more pissed off living in this tin pot country with it's petty dictators and media whores. I can't imagine any other country being better in these modern times, at least not one where the majority language is English, and the only solutions I can see to this problem is to live in outer space, or inner space, or on a different transcendental plane (the one where your teeth are in a trance). It's a shame all these things are impractical, but I doubt I can get any more than ten more years of life out of this body. The rate time flies by now it is not going to be long until, in Pink Floyd's words I have "a long cold rest". I went to bed at 9pm last night, and although I didn't feel empty, I did sort of feel like I could easily have eaten more dinner. I think that should have been a good sign that for one rare night my eating was under control - sort of. The night before I seemed to fall asleep very quickly, but last night was one of those nights where sleep would just not come. I don't know how long I thrashed about in bed trying to get to sleep, but I would not be surprised if it was getting on for an hour, although I don't think it would have been much longer than that. Even when I was asleep I didn't have a wonderful nights sleep. I woke up a few times with one or other leg going into cramp. Fortunately there was only one occasion when the cramp was bad enough to be agonising. I seemed to get back to sleep very quickly every time I woke up, and I even slept right up to my alarm went off to wake me - which is quite rare. The strange thing is that after one night when I feel I had my very worst sleep in ages, I don't seem to feel tired. I seemed to shake off the cobwebs of sleep unusually quickly after my alarm woke me up. I think I only had to complaints about this morning. The first was that I felt rather cold when I got out of bed - colder than the frosty morning we had recently. Putting the fan heater on full blast sorted that problem out, but it didn't sort out my sore knee. Now that knee is becoming something of an enigma. A few weeks back, and for quite some time before that, my right knee would start to get painful when walking up stairs, and to a lesser extent walking down stairs (both usually at railway stations). It hasn't given me any trouble like that for some time now, but it is getting increasingly uncomfortable to step into the bath, and to a lesser extent when stepping out of the bath. I fear it could be a lot worse if I was still on 10mg of Bisoprolol a day ! My theory is that it will get a lot better in the spring - particularly if it is a fairly dry and warm spring. I only have one more complaint this morning, and it is another enigma. I could swear blind that the shoes I am wearing today were very comfortable the last time I wore them. They aren't this morning ! They're not pinching or rubbing as some shoes I own can do, but it feels like they are all lumpy or something. It's not quite as bad as the agonising feel of walking over those blasted knobbly bits of pavement that are to warn blind people of kerbs or edges and stuff, but that is the closest description I can come up with. Here at working, where I am not pounding the pavements, they are perfectly comfortable, and I could probably wear them all day and more (and will do for the working day), but I can foresee it will be uncomfortable going home in them - and it should be a slightly extended journey home because I think I'll be going home via Tesco where I will look out for some decent sized baking potatoes. Whatever happened to those huge King Edwards we used to get back when I was young ? Hmm, it seems they are still grown, and wikipedia notes that it's floury texture makes it good for baking ! |
16:50 GMT We have arrived at one of those periods where describing the weather gets very monotonous. Every new day brings such a tiny change that it is hardly worth describing. To the untutored eye it seems like everyday is just dull and cold, but there are some small variations. For instance there was a bit of weak and watery sunshine yesterday, and today there has been some rain - although because I haven't been outside today, it is has been hard to tell on a minute by minute basis whether it is/was raining, or whether it just looked like it for most of the day. All I know for certain is that it looks wet outside, and that my radio connected outside thermometer tell me the highest temperature today was 10° C. As I write this it is only a chilly 9.2° C ! Tomorrow could see the temperature climb to 13° C, but the price to pay for that is a lot of rain - some of it far heavier than today's - or so the weather forecasters imagine ! My stress levels, and quite possibly my blood pressure went through the roof yesterday morning. After my ultra boozy session the previous day I wasn't really in the correct mood to have to tackle a new PC running a new, and very unfamiliar operating system - Microsoft Windows 7 ! Later on in the day I had to face the horrors of the excretable ribbon interface* of Microsoft Office 2013. I had to download and install Open Office to satisfy my peace of mind. In many instances I will have to use Office 2013 to open other peoples documents or spreadsheets, particularly if I have to alter/edit/add to them, but any media I produce will be done using the familiar and friendly Open Office. * If you have never seen the ribbon interface on the latest couple of generations of Microsoft Office you should think yourself lucky, and should try to avoid seeing it in the future. Many didn't, and many had to slash their wrists, or throw themselves from their office windows ! I think it would be true to say that I didn't do a stroke of work yesterday - at least nothing that could conceivably have earned the company any money - but I did end up with a new PC customised enough to only make me a little bit suicidal when I have to use it. Maybe it is even a little better than that, but not by much. The very sad thing is that I will get used to it, and the terrible will just become the everyday. Of course before that happens I will have to enter something into one of our quality departments incredibly complicated spreadsheets, and once again I will have a grand excuse to throw a major tantrum that hurts no one but me, and yet will be so satisfying ! It's the only way to cope with this thing we call life. Despite it being cold, dark, and bloody miserable outside (or would be about 15 minutes into my journey home) it was a huge relief to get out of work and go home. By the time I arrived back in Catford it had been night for about half an hour, and that is always a bit of a downer, but under the circumstances it didn't seem to be of great concern. There was the joy of getting away from my new poxed computer at work, and beer and music to look forward to later in the evening. For many years prior to my heart bypass operation last year I used to avoid eating too much, or if I could manage it, nothing at all, prior to having to walk to pubs and such like. It always felt uncomfortable to walk with a full stomach, and in the months prior to the operation when I was suffering from angina, it would bring on the angina pain very quickly. I wish I had heeded the lessons of that last night. I have got used to doing some short walks, such as to The Catford Ram, after eating a small amount, although even moderate amounts of dinner beforehand can seriously effect my beer drinking. Last night was something else. I have no idea why I was lured into buy a couple of small ready meals that were reduced price in Lidl when I went there on Wednesday morning. That reduced price obviously overrode any form of being sensible because those ready meals were spaghetti Bolognese, and I don't really like "Spag Bol". These particular specimens of it tasted not just "meh !" but almost unpleasant. Eating two was obviously a big mistake too. It didn't feel like a big meal as I ate them, and if I didn't have to go out I could easily have fitted in another plus a big desert after, and maybe a starter beforehand too. So I didn't actually feel over stuffed, but I did feel nauseous, and wondered if I was going to vomit it all up again. I didn't, but it all made for an unpleasant walk to the pub, and I had to be careful about how much, and what I drank. Despite the difficulties of having a stomach that threatened to rebel, there was also the traditional difficulty of overcoming the strong desire to not go to bed, but to go out. I actually left my house at about the same time that I would otherwise have been going to bed, but it was all worth it in the end. The band who were playing in The Catford Ram, International Rescue II, had a few rough edges, but played some excellent music. It's difficult to pick a highlight, but their cover of The Sex Pistols song "Pretty Vacant" was most enjoyable. It's a great song in it's own right, but last night it earned extra credit for being such a totally wrong to play. It could be said that it really jarred when played before (or was it after) The Eagles song "Take It Easy", on the other hand you could say it was the perfect sweet and sour combination. There was also the sort of strange sight of a whole double table load of mostly elderly West Indian guys sitting in the corner of the pub playing dominoes completely unperturbed while this loud aggressive song was sung. A few of the younger ones did actually dance a little bit to some of the more bluesy songs. ![]() International Rescue II - Geoff, Gavin and Tony ![]() Out of all the pictures I took last night, this is one of my favourites. The lighting just seemed right by pure chance. ![]() Almost the same picture but with some flash to provide some direct light. It was disappointing that so few people came to see the gig - although that did make it easier for me to move around with my camera. Geoff Paice, who played lead guitar, and did over half the vocals (and who was easiest to photograph) normally has lots of followers, and I was expecting the place to be fairly full, but no. A Thursday night, with work again in the morning for most people, is probably always going to limit the amount of people who will come out to a gig, but there was another problem....International Rescue Full Force (the same as last night but with more musicians) are playing again tonight in Keston, and it is also Gavin, the drummer's, birthday bash. I expect that The Greyhound in Keston is going to be pretty packed tonight. In theory there is a semi-reasonable way to get to the Greyhound - the 320 bus goes within a 12 minute walk through dark country lanes to the pub. If tonight was a warm summers evening, with a late sunset, I could be tempted to go, but I don't think I will tonight. I left the pub at about 11.30pm, and by then I was feeling a bit peckish. I don't think I wanted anything as big as cod and chips, but the chip shop was the easiest place to get something, and I was offered cod and chips as soon as I went up to the counter. I'm not sure what I might have had otherwise, but it felt rude to turn down what was offered (or something !). So I got home and tucked into my fish and chips - and it was very nice too ! It was getting on for 1am before I was in bed and fast asleep. I felt pretty rough when I got up this morning after a nice long lay in. Two days of drinking seems to take a great toll on me these days. So I wasn't keen to do that much, and in fact I have done very little today. I did finally finish the laundry that had been soaking in bio detergent since Wednesday morning, and apart from photo editing , I have done nothing else of any note. I even had a nice afternoon snooze to make sure I did even less ! I could go out again tonight, but I think I can foresee an early night coming on ! |
08:27 GMT I shouldn't complain that yesterday was like a typical mid-November day, but I will anyway. On the plus side it didn't rain, and the sun did make a couple of attempts to come out, but overall it was a rather cool and overcast day. The top temperature was around 12° C. The temperature fell quite a lot in the night, and it was only 6° C when I woke up. The sky was very overcast this morning. The clouds and mist may be thinning now, but it made it seem like sunrise had been delayed by half an hour or so - and a very dull and almost depressing journey into work. It may lighten up to show a bit of sunshine today - if we are very lucky - but it is going to be a rather cool day. The pessimistic view is that the temperature may not even reach 10° C today. The more optimistic say 11° C might be possible. Kevin finally read the text message I had sent him Tuesday afternoon in which I invited him to come for a swift pint in the Wetherspoons pub yesterday afternoon. I was half expecting him to say no, but he was actually quite keen to go - too keen it would later turn out. We arranged to meet at his suggested time of 2pm. I was a little early, and he was a little late getting there. So I was finishing my first half pint when he arrived. We had a nice drink for a couple of hours, and that would have done me just fine, but as so often happens, it was almost another 4 hours before I went home. I have a feeling that Kevin may have stayed for another one in Catford, and possibly went on to the Lewisham Wetherspoons after that. As usual, my hangover started about an hour after my last drink, and I was unable to do almost anything at home. I had some laundry soaking in a bowl up in the bathroom, and I didn't feel like doing anything with that. I could hardly raise the enthusiasm to make any dinner. At another time I could have easily opted for a takeaway, but I heated up a couple of soups and a can of meatballs in mushroom sauce, and had that for dinner. I finally started going to bed a little after 9pm, but all that hot soup stirred up my guts, and I had to make several trips to the toilet, each one being quite explosive, before I felt able to get into bed and relax. Even then I was unsure if I would get to sleep because I was feeling very hungover, but it wasn't long before I was fast asleep. I seemed to sleep well, but I couldn't stop yawning when I got up. My hangover had long gone then....or at least the most obvious form of it had gone, but I still felt a bit fatigued, or sluggish, or creaky, or.............well, it turns out that I was also feeling quite irritable - and I still am ! A couple of Ibuprofen tablets sorted out stuff like the pain in my right knee (which I hope will improve soon now I am on a lower dose of Bisoprolol), but they did little for what I had to face when I got to work ! Here I am at work, and I am having to use my new PC, and it is pretty damn crappy ! The problem is that it is brand new, and is running Windows 7 (that I am unfamiliar with), but there is worse. The IT technician who was doing the changeover used a Microsoft tool to migrate much from my old PC to my new PC. The trouble was it only migrated stuff like pictures and documents. It also migrated a few settings for Microsoft programs, but it completely ignored any open source stuff like Firefox, and loads of third party applications. So I was not happy when I logged into my PC this morning - not very happy at all. In fact I was bloody pissed off big time. I have started the customisation of this new PC, and slowly, slowly, slowly it is becoming more usable. I've got it looking a bit more like Windows 2000 - nice and flat looking without too many garish colours. I've managed to install Winamp 2.95 (the old 2 series which doesn't include all the crap that modern version have), and so I've got my radio back. I've installed Sea Monkey, and I'm using the composer part of it to write these very words. There are loads of other programs I still need to install, but at least it is starting to get usable now.......except I have a load of password that I need to try and remember. Overall though, I would give Windows 7 0 out of 10 ! If I make it through the day without slashing my wrists I do have something to look forward, something even better than my nice Linux PC with the Mate desktop at home. Tonight I'm going out to see International Rescue II playing in The Catford Ram. Once again I will probably drink too much, but I will not have anything I need to do, but will be incapable of doing when I get home again. I can go straight to bed (although I probably won't), and the best bit is that I don't have to get up in the morning ! |
08:23 GMT I can't remember how much sunshine there was yesterday, but there definitely was some - even if it only lasted 2 minutes (although I feel sure there was more than that). Apart from the cool start to the day, the temperature only changed a degree or two from about an average of 12° C. The temperature today is going to stay remarkably constant from pre-dawn, to a long time after dusk - maybe even through the night. It is going to be 11 or 12° C constantly because of the thick clouds that have gathered over us. Many of those clouds are leaking, and right now it is still like night outside as the rain comes down in torrents. With a bit of luck, the forecast that says most of the rain will have fallen by early afternoon, and that it might be dry around 4pm as I travel home from work, will be right. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed after getting soaked walking from the station to work this morning ! I was definitely feeling a lot better as the day passed yesterday. As I made my way back to Catford I was almost feeling normal - i.e. slightly crappy instead of terribly crappy ! I didn't go straight home. As planned I met up with the Thursday night guys in The Catford Constitutional Club. I thought it would be nice to just have a few beers and go home early, but the beer seemed unusually good, and the company was very good. So I stayed a lot later than intended. I can't actually remember what time I left the place, but I am fairly sure it had gone 8pm. After not having eaten anything since 8am I was feeling too hungry to be patient enough to cook some dinner when I got home, and that seemed to be a good enough reason to buy cod and chips on the way home. I got home just in time to watch one of Michael Portillo's "Great British Railway Journeys" episodes on one of the Freeview channels while I ate my delicious cod and chips. Once that had finished I went up to me bedroom, and checked a few things on my computer before I went to bed. I am reasonably certain I was in bed by 10pm, and I think I might have even been fast asleep by then. With all the booze in me I slept like a log until about 2am when I woke up with agonising cramp in my right leg. It seemed like my whole leg was really painful, but it was really more a mixture of the calf muscle, and my sore right knee. I'm not sure why my knee gave me so much aggro yesterday night - and this morning - but it did. It feels like I hardly slept after 2am, but I know I did for some of the time because of all the dreams I remember having. One bit of one dream sticks in my mind. In this dream I woke up when someone came in my bedroom. For some reason I think that someone was my sister, but I didn't really see here because I reached over to grab a packet of fags and a lighter. I can't remember if I lit a fag before the dream stopped or changed (or maybe I woke up for real). It was definitely a case of the dreamworld being better than the real one. Back in the real world I was having trouble finding a comfortable poition to lay in. I couldn't work out if I was feeling hot or cold, and my right leg felt quite sore in some positions. Eventually I made through to almost 5am, and I got up. I definitely had a hangover. It was a relatively painless hangover, but still most definitely a hangover. However it was all perfectly natural, and thus of no further concern. In a small way it was useful in that it covered up, or distracted away from some of my more daily moans and growns, but it couldn't cover up my sore leg - or knee - or both. It was really rather painful to lift my right leg over the edge of the bath to get into for my morning shower, and it seemed rather painful to lift it out again. Soon after taking my blood pressure tablets I decided that I ought to take a couple of Ibuprofen tablets. I thought that would help a bit with the hangover, and maybe reduce the pain from my knee and some of the muscles around it. Those tablets seemed to work remarkably well. Far better than I expected. By the time I had got to the footbridge across to the up platform at Catford Bridge station, the pain had all but vanished, and walking up those steps, which are often a sorce of discomfort when my kneecap is playing up, was 95% painless. Maybe I could have chosen more comfortable shoes this morning, but the rest of my journey to work was mostly painless. Of course it's not just aches and pains that can make my journey to (or from) work a miserable process. Rain does not cheer me up, and while I make have walked to Catford Bridge station without meeting any more than the occasional rain drop that must have got lost when it's mates were falling a bit earlier in the morning, I got bloody soaked as I walked from earlsfield station to work. The rain was torrential, and I was only wearing my not-really-waterproof-anymore-after-all-these-years hooded rain jacket. Getting almost soaked through to the bone should really be a wake up call to get some Scotch Gard spray , and re-waterproof my coat. I hope that is what I want because I've just ordered some ! I felt a bit miserable getting to work slightly dripping, but it is nice and warm in here, and it didn't take long to dry out. What perpetuated the misery was that it seemed so dark outside for so long. The sun is still rising early enough that it should be daylight when I arrive at work, but this morning it was still incredibly gloomy, and perhaps being in a brightly lit office made the outside seem even darker when viewed out the window. The good news is that a fair amount of time has passed since I first arrived, and it is now reasonably bright outside - just ! Even better news is that I do feel reasonably OK at the moment. I have a suspicion I will start to feel sleepy sooner or later, but I guess I can cope with that until I get home where an early night beckons (because I can;t seem to do late mornings). On my way in to work things were happening on the concourse of Waterloo station..... ![]() ![]() ![]() Tesco were handing out free Spanish oranges (probably satsumas) - and if they are the same as the ones I bought in Tesco earlier in the week it is no wonder they have so many to give away because they are not very nice - not actually horrible, but just not terribly appealing. I always find that anywhere but Spain does the best oranges of all varieties ! |
15:32 GMT It really poured down in the early part of the evening, and the rain could have continued well past that, but from about 8pm I just ignored the outside world. Despite the showers, it doesn't feel like yesterday was such an awful day - which seems incredibly generous, and I have no idea why it should deserve such generosity. Today is a far nicer day. The sky has been mostly blue, the sun is shining, and it is little more than 10° C as I write this. That should feel very cold, but maybe the lack of wind is helping. The forecast is for some rain after dark tonight, and it will continue to rain into tomorrow morning (just as I am going to work maybe). Much of tomorrow is forecast to be sunny, and the temperature could be as high as 13° C, but there will probably be a few showers during the day. I seemed to be in a very "can't be bothered" sort of mood yesterday. I couldn't be bothered to do any laundry, and I couldn't be bothered to go out in the evening. I did manage to raise the enthusiasm to order a takeaway for dinner, and once again I ordered the mixed grill value/set meal (or whatever they call it) from the local fried chicken shop. I don't know how or why, but I managed to eat even less of it than last week. So I had a small, but tasty breakfast from the leftovers this morning, and I still have a big bag of grilled stuff for dinner tonight. If I could get into the same state of mind, or whatever it was that I had last night, I could end up with some stuff left over after dinner tonight. There could be a potentially to make a sort of leftovers stew with the meat and some added vegetables. Ideally I would use a big slow cooker to cook it instead of the microwave, but, alas, I don't have a slow cooker. Maybe I should invest in one. ![]() Today I have tested the drink I mentioned yesterday. I note that it is just 1% lime juice, and 1% cranberry juice. The rest is apple juice, and as such it is less toe curlingly astringent than I thought it would be. It is fairly pleasant to drink, but not so great that I will seek out any more of it. The picture on the left is a screenshot from a really, really terrible flash based, animated website (with bloody sound !) from the makers of this drink. If you are feeling really masochistic you can visit them at http://www.feelgooddrinks.co.uk/, and if you are feeling criminally insane you can actually "like" them on Facebook (and probably subject yourself to an endless torrent of spam). This morning I could be bothered to wash some shirts, all 5 of them, and it is possible that I might wash a few odds and sods more before the day ends. Other than that, and a very brief walk to the corner shop, I have been nowhere, seen no one, and done nothing ! There was a possibility that I might have met Jodie for a beer this afternoon, but I didn't have any great enthusiasm for it, and Jodie was still feeling a bit off colour after the cold she had last week. She was saving all her energy (and quite possibly her beer money too) for a whole string of gigs she is going to - she goes to gigs like I go to work, and derives much more enjoyment from it ! Not going out, and not having any contact with other people are, of course classic signs of growing psychopathia.....aren't they ? Well I hope they are (assuming psychopathia isn't some sort of super hot Persian curry based on lentils, lime juice [or vinegar] and chilli). Some sort of advanced mental aberration is definitely part of the recipe for my plans to slaughter half the population of the world, and enslave the rest from my (yet to be constructed, but I'm saving hard to raise the money for it to be constructed) secret underground lair in the hollowed out volcano. It's also rather a restful way of spending Sunday prior to yet another tedious week at work. The good news is that there are only 6 more of those dreadful weeks of work until work shuts down for the winter break. It's not quite two weeks long, but it makes for a great extended weekend. Of course is also quite an isolated time with hardly anybody available to do anything - so it is even more like an extended weekend, but worse - or better, depending on which way you choose to look at it. When looked at from the right angle, I fare far better than some people - people who have to put up with tedious visiting relations and their obnoxious children. For some it is a chance to re-inflame their dislike for the mother-in-law. It took a little time for it to dawn on me, but once the great realisation came, it wasn't hard to learn how to feel terribly smug about having no one to dictate your routine. To get up and got to bed any time you like, to wander around the house half naked and unwashed, and indulge in the great hedonism of doing whatever you desire (subject to the tools and materials, etc. being available). One more photo before I finish. ![]() |
08:16 GMT The sun wasn't really shining when I left work to go home, but it had been shining earlier in the day - I think there was probably a couple of hours of it in total, but not continually. Even if the sun had been out when I went home, it would be so low on the horizon that trees and houses would easily obscure it, but at least it would be bright, and some of my journey home from work was under a bright(ish) sky. Unfortunately the sun had officially set while I was about halfway between London Bridge and Catford Bridge stations. I'm not sure what the temperature was when I got back to Catford, but I'm guessing it was in the region of 10° C. That is the top temperature forecast for today too. It was a bit different this morning ! A clear sky during the night meant that we had our first frost this morning. The temperature was just 2° C on my thermometer. So it wasn't quite cold enough for a ground frost, but all the cars were twinkling with it. The clear sky allowed the sun to give a dazzling display as it rose over the misty cemetery by Earlsfield station. It should stay sunny for much of the morning, but the forecast is for a lightly overcast afternoon with a temperature of 10° C. I had one of those strange cases of synchronicity on my way home from work yesterday. I was planning on buying some dinner from Tesco on the way home, and I suddenly had this idea that I would like to buy some beer as well. I was just considering what to buy when I received a text message from my friend Kevin asking if I fancied a beer on the way home. It wasn't exactly what I was planning, and I knew it would end in a sort of disaster, but I don't see much of Kevin lately. So I said yes, and we agreed to meet in The Catford Constitutional Club at 5pm. From that point onwards the mild disaster started to unfold very slowly. My train arrives in Catford in time to get into the CCC at 4.45pm, and so I was well into my first pint when 5pm arrived - and Kevin didn't ! I didn't realise that he had been in Forest Hill, and was getting the bus to Catford. At 5pm the South Circular gets pretty busy, and no more so than between Forest Hill and Catford, and until the bus gets on the bus lane about two thirds of the way to Catford, it can make very slow progress. Kevin eventually arrived as I was getting to the end of my second pint ! I didn't really want to drink any more than two pints because I still wanted to go in Tesco on the way home, but it would have been impolite to walk out on Kevin just as he arrived. So I stayed for another pint and a half. By the time we left the place Tesco was about to close, and it was too late for me to buy any dinner. I could have doubled back via the chip shop, but I knew I could rustle up a simple dinner quite quickly even if it was not what I had been looking forward to eating. I actually had a curious dish of smoked pork sausage, baked beans, and two little packets of Hoola Hoops (potato rings) all warmed up in the microwave. It was actually rather nice even if it wasn't low in all the bad things you can eat, but it was better than the chocolate covered peanuts that I had for sweet. They were very naughty and very nice ! I went straight to bed after eating them (plus my second Bisopropol blood pressure control tablet of the day). I don't know if it was the beer, the chocolate coated peanuts, the smoked pork sausage, or even the tablet, but while I fell asleep quickly, and slept well until the early hours, I was plagued with cramps in my calf muscles, both left and right, in the last few hours before getting up. I only had to move my legs in a certain way and one or other of those calf muscles would start to spasm and cramp. While it was still quite painful, it was fairly mild compared with some agonies I've suffered in the past, and I didn't need to jump out of bed to stop it. So that's another night where I've had less than the amount of sleep I feel I need, or I am entitled too, and I'll probably be dozing off at my computer here at work like I did yesterday ! Those cramps may have gone, but I still don't feel that wonderful this morning. Quite a lot of bits of me are complaining about the cold. It is amazing how the cold seems to be able to creep into the bones with feeling obviously cold. I wore my nice warm gloves while I was walking on the way to work (I didn't need them on a warm train), and yet even my fingers feel stiff and creaky this morning. If it got a hundred times worse I would start to have difficulty holding a pint glass, and if it got a thousand time worse I would not be able to handle a pint of beer at all ! Actually....when I consider how many joints and muscles ache this morning, it is almost like I have a very mild case of 'flu, but it can't be that because I've no other symptoms. Even my hangover is no more than a sort of painless fogginess. On many Thursday nights I would either be meeting the Thursday night guys for a beer, or going to a gig, or both ! Not tonight though. The guys are drinking in Beckenham. It would be easy enough to get there, and get home afterwards, if I had a strong desire for a beer and some company, but I had my session last night with Kevin. There is nobody playing in The Ram tonight (as far as I can tell), and so I can proceed with plan A. That is to go home via Tesco. Wash my hair once I've warmed the place up a bit, and then go to bed as soon as my hair is dry enough. In the meanwhile, here are some recent photos. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
07:53 GMT I expected it to be raining when I left work to go home yesterday, but while there were plenty of big puddles around where it had rained a lot since the morning, it was not raining as I made my way home, and for some of the journey the sun was doing it's best to shine. It did feel rather cool when I left work, and when I got home, after the sun was set, I am sure my outside thermometer said it was just over 10° C. Today will be no warmer, and actually started a lot cooler, but it should be far brighter with many hours of cool winter sunshine. It was just 7° C in Catford as I walked to the station, and it may have been a bit cooler than that here in Earlsfield. Some more rural areas may have had a frost this morning, and it is feeling like it won't be that long before we get one inside London. The maximum temperature today is predicted to be just 10° C, perhaps 11° C if we are very, very lucky ! I didn't hear from Jodie yesterday, and so I didn't go for a quick beer after work. I did go in the Turkish supermarket though, and I bought a couple of bottles of the Duskin single apple variety apple juice that they stock. One of them was made with Discovery apples, and was very nice, and I think the other was made with Braeburn apples, but I haven't tried that one yet. I also bought some bread, some cheese, and a couple of dips - one was olive humous, and the other was made with chargrilled peppers. A lot of my dinner was just plain bread dipped in those dips. While I ate I watched the TV news, and I became quite annoyed about a murderer who was described as cowardly. It seems to have became a common trend in news stories about murderers being cowardly. To me that seems to fly in the face of what cowardly actually seems to mean. It's derived from the noun or adjective "Coward", and an online dictionary defines coward as - noun 1. a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person. adjective 2. lacking courage; very fearful or timid. 3. proceeding from or expressive of fear or timidity: That doesn't strike me as the sort of person who could commit a murder, or if they tried and their intended victim shouted "BOO" the murderer would just run away in fright. Until I looked it up I didn't realise that "Cowardly" apparently meant the exact opposite of being a coward.....but maybe only in special circumstances like murder. adjective 1. lacking courage; contemptibly timid. 2. characteristic of or befitting a coward; despicably mean, covert, or unprincipled: adverb 3. like a coward. In fact, even after reading this definition, I still can't quite relate it to the example given - "a cowardly attack on a weak, defenseless man". To my mind you have to be quite brave to murder someone, or alternately so thick that you are unaware of the consequences of doing so. The other alternative is that you are possessed of pure evil (as the Bible bashers like to say). None of these seems to equate to being a coward to my simple mind. Last night I felt I had to vent my spleen by mentioning this on a well known social media website. I made the mistake of adding some dark humour instead of quoting dictionary definitions, and was immediately shot down in flames. That made me feel very angry because I felt that I had been misunderstood, but rather than attempt to defend myself I deleted the posting in a cowardly way (which I suppose means I murdered it - groan !). I was seething about it for much of the night, and it ruined my sleep. So this morning I feel rather tired. Rather surprisingly, the rest of me feels almost, but not quite, good. I don't think I have any aches and pains worth moaning about today, and my legs seems to be working well again this morning. As every day goes past I become increasingly sure that I have found the maximum dosage of one of my blood pressure control drugs - Bisoprolol. At the dosage I am currently taking I can move freely most of the time, and the ache in my right knee feels to be hovering right at the point of becoming painful (usually when going up steps). It is still not an ideal solution, but it seems a fair compromise if it keeps the doctor off my back. Maybe she will be happy to experiment with the dose of one of the other drugs, or even try a different one when I see her in a fortnights time. I rather think that I will be doing very little when I get home after work. I feel tired already, so home time can't come soon enough today. Once I'm at home I think I'll try and have a small warm dinner, and assuming I have calmed down from my apoplexy about things cowardly, and assuming I don't feel pissed off again, I think I'll be trying for an absurdly early night. Maybe I'll try to be in bed, and fast asleep, by 7pm. It will be nice if it happens, and even nicer if I can have a nice trouble free sleep, and no more nightmares about dodgy plumbing like last night ! I was hoping to have dreams about murdering people, but it seems it is just not in my nature to murder people - well not in the common ways. Now if I could instantly teleport people, like in Star Trek, there are quite a few people I could imagine teleporting into the heart of the sun - and not all of them are politicians ! Instead of the joys of sending off the useless third of humanity into space, a la The B Ark, I had a seemingly rather long nightmare about a builder wrecking my new plumbing. This builder was the foreman of a building site that was apparently on the other side of the road to where I live, and his duties included looking after some huge earth moving machinery. One of the huge machine had damaged the water pipes in the road, and the foreman arranged for them to be fixed by one of his incompetent workers. The water came back on OK, but the pressure was huge, and it started blowing out all my new plumbing. Eventually, with the foreman's help, we reconnected everything, and all the water leaks stopped. The most surprising thing was that having dreamt about all this water coming out of everywhere, I didn't wake up busting for a pee (nor had I peed myself !)! |