There was a
frost this morning, and that suggests
the temperature was even lower than the
3° C shown for 8am above. The good news
is that the latest revision to the
forecast hasn't changed a thing. There
should be glorious sunshine from dawn to
dusk. The only catch is that the sun
rose nearly an hour ago, but it is has
yet to rise high enough to clear the
roofs of the houses over the road. The
highest temperature predicted for today
is 8° C, but that may only be for a
single hour. Behind glass, or under a
dark coat, it could feel much warmer in
the sunshine. Tomorrow could be a re-run
of today, but the day after, Friday,
could start with a freezing fog.
I can't really say why, but
yesterday almost felt like a busy day,
although I was probably busy achieving
nothing except eating naughty things.
When I think back to yesterday I can't
really remember doing anything "solid"
until the afternoon, and yet I don't
remember feeling bored. I think I spent
a lot of the time just reading, and a
lot of that was online rather from a
One reason for reading a lot of
stuff online was that there were many
websites I often read to pass the time:
That is four of the most common. The
first is a serious, with humorous
undertones website about computer and
other technology. The other three are
just humorous with slants on the real
world. One reason for doing so much
reading online is that unlike reading a
book, the online stuff is just small
bites, and so I can come away at any
time without losing the plot. This was
important because I was expecting an
order from Amazon yesterday, and I
didn't want to be too distracted. That
order arrived at about 4.30pm if I
recall correctly.
It must have been late in the
afternoon, maybe 3pm (which is only late
in the afternoon when the sun sets just
over an hour later) when I set up an old
PC to try and install Devuan on it - the
operating system I had been playing with
in a virtual machine the day before.
That "old PC" was not very old at all
when I salvaged it from a skip when I
was at work. It was an attractive find
for two reasons. One was it was very
small, and the other was that it was
powered from 12 volts. It could have
been very useful if I had a car or van,
but I have neither....
The other thing about it that
makes it "modern" is that it has a
locked BIOS, and while installing
Windows on it is easy, installing Linux
can be very tricky. I installed Devuan
on it several times, and while s failed
because I did something stupid, like
choosing it all being in Ukrainian,
which I can't read, the big problem is
that I just can't get it to boot. Some
later research suggests the boot loader
needs to be installed in it's own small
partition which needs to be formatted
into FAT32 - a windows disk format. I
can make that disk partition easily
enough, but I am not sure I can force
Devuan to use it.
Playing with the computer was
frustrating, and I ended up munching on
some, and any is too much, choc chip
buns. I had been limiting myself to no
more than a couple every other day
(well, sort of). Yesterday I convinced
myself that if I didn't use them all up
they would go stale. The rest of what I
at was more sane. I had sausages for a
slightly late breakfast, and then I had
some well cooked (so the fat was
crunchy) pork belly strips with
cauliflower. I thought the cauliflower
was a sort of healthy touch. Oddly
enough it was almost tasteless compared
to the pork.
I read a fair bit when I went to
bed, but I think I had put the book
down, and had fallen asleep not long
after 9pm (but it could have been 10pm).
It was one of those nights where I both
slept well, and I didn't sleep well.
There were several times when I woke up
not feeling good. The first time, maybe
around 1am, I could taste some acid
reflux at the back of my throat after
burping. I had to take some time to have
a couple of antacid tablets.
Another time, maybe 3am, I could
not decide if I was hot or cold. With
the duvet over me I felt a bit sweaty,
but without it I felt just a little too
cool. I think I did fall asleep again
mostly uncovered. I seems to be
constantly dreaming, but there was no
dream long enough to form some sort of
describable narrative. For instance one
dream was set in a classroom. I have no
idea where, or even what age I might be,
although there was no feeling of being
young. The teacher, if indeed it was a
teacher said she would print out a
travelcard for someone else, and I said
I would like one too because I didn't
drive. I think it was just before the
start of of the Xmas holidays, but the
dream was over in mere seconds, and I
can't add any more information.
There was one other dream that
impacted the real world, and as such it
disturbed my sleep. I was in a car
driven by a woman, and it was an
enjoyable experience, although she did
tend to drive down the middle of two
lanes - presumably to stop anyone
overtaking her. We reached what ever the
destination was supposed to be, but
couldn't park where we wanted because
there was someone else parked there,
although it did look like they were
about to drive off. We were still moving
at that point, and I suddenly felt the
calf muscles on one leg start to cramp.
I said to stop the car so I can get out
and stretch my legs, and as the car
stopped I got out.....of my own bed !
One calf muscle was cramping in the real
world, and standing up is usually the
cure for me.
In reality I probably had a lot
of good sleep, but somehow it didn't
feel like it, and so when I woke up at
7am I decided I may as well get up. Ten
minutes later I had confirmed that
eating those choc chip buns yesterday
were very bad for me. My blood glucose
had shot up to 8.9mmol/l, and in doing
so it messed up the downward trend of my
running average for the month. Oh
I haven't been out to do any
shopping this morning, but I still have
a busy morning. It's Wednesday, and I
hope I'll be meeting Angela for a couple
of pints of Guinness at lunchtime. Prior
to that I need to go for the whole none
yards, or whatever the saying is - a wet
shave, shampoo and condition my hair,
and have a good shower. I will then be
fit to face the world. I think I am
going to make some effort to go out a
bit early today to allow time for some
picture taking.

I mentioned this old digital
camera a couple of days ago. It is a
Toshiba PDR-M61, and it was first
released in 2001 - which makes it
over 20 years old. I bought it in a
Salvation Army charity shop for
£4.80. I reckon that for an old
timer it is a good camera. Under
fair conditions, like a sunny day,
such as today, it can take excellent
pictures if used with care and
common sense. It's shutter speed is
not very fast, and that rules out
taking pictures with fast movement -
such as trains. I am hoping for some
nice bright landscape pictures
today, and maybe the odd squirrel.
You can read the full spec of the
camera here -
It may be the case that I won't be
getting this camera out again this
year, and so I hope I'll have
something good to show from it