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Diary/Blog For the Month of January 2022 |
Monday 31st January
2022 |
10:40 GMT
Yesterday was gloriously sunny, and with hardly any wind it didn't feel particularly cold despite an afternoon temperature of only 6° C. ![]() Today could be as
nice as yesterday, or even nicer considering the
afternoon temperature could hit 8° C briefly,
according to the latest revision, but at least
this morning there is a viciously cold wind that
gets into, and chills every crevice ! If it is
as windy this afternoon it will still feel
bloody chilly to anyone who ventures outside in
anything less than full Arctic clothing.
Tomorrow clouds take over again giving both
light and dark clouds at different times, but
the temperature could reach 12 or even 13° C.
The important thing about yesterday was that with hardly any wind there was less wind chill, and in the sunshine even 4° C didn't feel that awful. I was so slow getting ready that it was gone 1pm before I finally went out, and by then the temperature may have been approaching 6° C. Something, maybe some weird supernatural sixth sense, made me think I could get away with a slightly light coat, and I didn't even do the front of it up. I was feeling very comfortable warm before I had even walked a quarter of a mile. I have written more about this walk, and show some of the better pictures I took in my full archive page for today. It also includes stuff about eating, sleeping, and what I have done, and what I might do today. |
Sunday 30th January
2022 |
10:09 GMT
There was more sunshine than any revision of the forecast said there would be yesterday. There were still odd times when the sun disappeared behind a very dark and threatening sky, but just as it looked as if the heavens would open the sun came out again. It was surprisingly mild yesterday - according to the thermometer, but it didn't seem to feel anything like the 13° C forecast. I have a picture further down the page that shows what the sky looked like just before sunset. ![]() The weather forecast
got off to a bad start this morning. The
temperature was not 4° C, but 2° C, and it was
very frosty. However, the prediction of a sunny
morning was spot on, and the latest revision
says the sunshine will continue right up to
sunset now. It still says that it will only
reach 7° C today, although maybe that might not
feel too bad in direct sunshine, but it all
depends on how the wind feels. Tomorrow may not
start so cold, but the afternoon high may be no
more than today. It should get off to good sunny
start, but the current prediction says the sun
will be clouded out by 2pm, but that could
change in either direction when tomorrow
I guess I will have to admit that I wasted the sunshine and 13° C yesterday. I couldn't raise the enthusiasm to go out, or to do all that much indoors. Maybe the reason for not doing much indoors in the afternoon was the result of going out for a bit of shopping around midday. I guess I had already decided I wouldn't go further than the shops before I went to the shop - the little supermarket on Catford Bridge. You can read how the day developed in my full archive page for today. It also includes some descriptions of dinner, the evening, my sleep, plus thoughts and stuff this morning. |
Saturday 29th
January 2022 |
09:03 GMT
Yesterday morning started dull, but by 11am the sun broke through the clouds to give a day featuring some long spells of sunshine, and some shorter spells. The temperature rose to 9° C, and possibly 10° C. Thicker cloud after sunset "sealed" the warmth in to give an almost warm start to today. ![]() It was good to wake
up with the temperature between 10 and 11° C,
and there has even been some sunshine, but it is
quite cloudy. The latest revision to the
forecast has removed the sunny spells shown on
the screenshot above. It should still make 13° C
today, and although some cloud could look very
dark, there is only a 10% chance of any rain.
Tomorrow could feature a lot more sunshine, but
it will be a very cold day.
It's lucky I had no special plans for yesterday because the days turned out different to how I might have even imagined. It was not a very dynamic day, but I did do all the piled up washing up. That included cleaning and polishing all the beer and other glasses that I just left on the dining room table after the Thursday beer session. I also hammered in a stake to help keep my new bird feeder upright. While in the garden I also pointed the new solar powered spotlamps down toward the ground so they didn't shine up at the neighbours back upstairs windows. The rest of my day, including stuff about eating and sleeping, plus notes and speculations this morning can be read in my full archive page for today. |
Friday 28th January
2022 |
08:27 GMT
The weather forecast insisted there would be sunshine yesterday, and there was. The first sunny spells may have been soon after midday. By 2pm the sky was mostly clear, and the sunshine mostly continuous. That drove the temperature up to 12° C for a while, and it felt mild enough to leave the kitchen window open to air the room for an hour or two. ![]() The latest revision
to the forecast says there will be sunny spells,
and even non stop sunshine at some random hours
today. The first sunny spells should be in the
next hour, but the sky looks a bit too cloudy
for that, and a pink sunrise predicts bad
weather for today. With luck the sunny spells
will start before the morning is over. Today
will be cooler than yesterday. The best we can
hope for is a rather cool feeling 9° C. Tomorrow
may be dry, but it will mostly be very murky. In
compensation the temperature could rise to 13°
I had a
moderately active day yesterday. I wrote
yesterday that I was out to collect my latest
repeat prescription from the pharmacy. It was
all complete when I got there, but it did seem
to take a minute or so to find it. After that,
and after writing yesterday's stuff, I slipped
into lazy mode for a while, but not for all
that long. What happened next, and for the
rest of the day, night, and this morning, can
be read in my full archive
page for today.
Thursday 27th
January 2022 |
09:53 GMT
Some sunshine was promised for yesterday, but each revision of the forecast kept showing the sunshine appearing later in the day. The early version said 9am,reality said about 1.30pm ! The sunshine and sunny spells only lasted a couple of hours, but it was very welcome after so many dark and gloomy days. Even the temperature perked up. 7° C was forecast for the afternoon, but it may have briefly hit 8° C. It still felt cold though. ![]() It is very dull right
now, but it is around 8° C. It feels no warmer
than yesterday, but it might warm up to 11° C
this afternoon. The latest revision to the
forecast moves the first sunny spells to 1pm,
and from 2pm it will be full sunshine until
sunset. It feels encouraging that the latest
revision has moved the first sunshine earlier
instead of later. With luck it will be mis-timed
to the same extent as yesterday, but in the
better direction. Tomorrow could start very cold
because of clear skies that will bring sunshine
from sunrise. There won't be sunshine all day
tomorrow, but the current prediction is for a
few sunny spells in the afternoon. The
temperature may be a little cooler - just
9° C.
Yesterday was
a good day, albeit with a few negative
aspects. One strong negative aspect was the
gloomy morning, and the long wait until the
sun finally broke through. The other negative
aspect was that I didn't feel all that great.
Too many days of laying on my bed reading left
lots of muscles and joints feeling rusty. When
I went out it felt like it would be an almost
painful walk to the pub. The rest of the
story, and other stuff from yesterday, last
night, through the night, and this morning can
be read in my full archive
page for today.
Wednesday 26th
January 2022 |
09:14 GMT
Yesterday can be described quite simply as cold and dull. The sun never appeared, and the temperature was little more than 4° C. ![]() The latest revision
to the forecast has put back the first sunny
spell to 11am, and I have a dark feeling that
with subsequent revisions the time will keep
being put back later and later until if there is
a break in the clouds it will be after sunset.
The only very small hope at the moment is that
the clouds are currently lighter than yesterday,
and while it is still rather dull, at least it
is not gloomy like yesterday. Maybe it will rely
on the sun breaking through, but today could see
the temperature rise to 7° C. That is still
cold, but not as cold as yesterday. Tomorrow may
start dull, and even gloomy for a while, but the
sun may break through by 2pm, and the
temperature could rise to 11° C.
I felt very
depressed yesterday, and that made me feel
"off colour" physically. If you asked me why I
felt off colour all I could say was "assorted
aches". No ache was particularly significant,
and all were far from painful, but together
they added up to not much, but enough to not
like. I did do one thing that takes a few
short paragraphs to describe in my
full archive page for today.
It also includes the usual stuff about eating
and sleeping, and plans for today.
Tuesday 25th January
2022 |
08:37 GMT
I think it was at least a degree warmer than the 4° C forecast for yesterday, but 4 or 5° C is still bloody chilly ! The forecast was 100% correct when it said there wouldn't be a dingle ray of sunshine yesterday. It was very dull all day. ![]() The forecast for
today is uncannily like that for yesterday, and
even the day before. It will be very dull and
gloomy all day. The latest revision says that 9
and 10am will feature lighter cloud, but there
is not a hint of that happening yet. It is
currently dull enough outside that it could be
called twilight ! There is a 10% chance of rain
at any time again. A brief splash of rain might
be good for the garden, but I wouldn't really
want to make a depressing day even more
depressing. The top temperature today should be
right now, and it should be 4° C, and that is
close to being right. However I suspect there is
no wind at the moment, and so the air is not
being stirred up. According to my thermometers
the air is a while degree warmer about 12 to
15ft off the ground. Tomorrow may see 6° C, but
otherwise it will probably be the same as today.
Apart from
doing one thing, that took a little physical
effort, I was mostly very sedentary yesterday.
As I mentioned yesterday morning, I wasn't
feeling all that good yesterday. Some of it
was the lack of sleep after a bad night, and
some was just the depressing grey sky outside.
Maybe there were other things, but basically I
just felt like resting a lot. Everything I did
yesterday, including eating, plus how I slept,
and how I feel this morning, is described on my
full archive page for today.
Monday 24th January
2022 |
09:57 GMT
The weather forecast was very close to being correct yesterday. It got the gloomy skies all day spot on, but it may have stumbled on the temperature prediction. The forecast said it would be a very constant 6° C almost all day, but three of my outside thermometers said the temperature was between 8 and 9° C in the afternoon. ![]() As I write this my
outside thermometers are reading 5.3, 6.1, 6.8
and 6.9° C. I doubt the calibration on any of
them is that good, but they hint very strongly
that the forecast 4° C is too low. Some of the
discrepancy between the reading can be explained
by the placing of the outside sensors. The 6.8
and 6.9° C readings were from sensors that are
high up (maybe 12ft off the ground). The 5.3° C
is at chest height, and almost in the garden.
While the 6.1° C is outside my bedroom window on
the south side of the house. It is just possible
that some infra red heat radiation is getting
through the thick clouds from the sun. Those
thick clouds are the more important weather
feature today. Like yesterday, it is going to be
very dull all day, and there is a small, 10%,
chance of rain at any time. Tomorrow is
currently predicted to be almost like today, but
the morning temperature could be low enough for
a frost.
I don't have a
lot to say about most of yesterday. The most
exciting thing I did in the morning was to
wash my hair. A bit later on I got all my
computer stuff off the dining room table. I
then cleaned the table top and then washed and
polished the glasses for another beer session
with Jodie. She was joined by Alan for the
last three quarters of an hour. The rest of my
day, and the rest of the beer drinking
session, plus details of a dream during an
awful night's sleep, plus plans and thoughts
this morning, can be read in my
full archive page for today.
Sunday 23rd January
2022 |
10:04 GMT
The weather forecast kept being revised yesterday, and each change put the expected sunshine later and later. It would be charitable to say that I remember a few rays of sunshine sometime before the morning ended, but 99% of the day featured the same grey sky. It was a most depressing day. The temperature did seem to reach the predicted 7° C, but it still felt cold. ![]() The peculiar thing
about the early morning weather forecast for
today is that the BBC said it would start
cooler, and then get warmer than the almost
constant 6° C predicted by The Met Office. The
BBC predict light cloud, and The Met Office
predict mostly mid grey cloud. The latest
revisions to these forecast now give the BBC
predicting a constant 6° C, but the Met Office
say it will be 7° C from now until sunset. Both
say no rain, but the Met Office's 10% chance is
higher than The BBC who says just 1 or 2%.
Tomorrow may be very cold, just 3 or 4° C, and
it may be very grey. Both tomorrow and the day
after will be very cold, and there will be a lot
of heavy cloud. The chances of rain are still
shown as just 10%, but if it should rain I think
it could fall as sleet or snow.
Once again I
seem to have little to write about yesterday.
The very dull weather didn't inspire to do
much - either outdoors or indoors. I hardly
did anything in the morning, but just before
midday I went out to get a bit of shopping in
Tesco. I was mainly after topping up my soup
stocks, but I also fancied something nice.
With my blood glucose so low (or normal) I
thought I at least deserved a packet of
crisps. I did have some crisps, but much later
in the day. On the whole, I didn't enjoy a lot
of what I ate yesterday. I write more about
it, plus other stuff from the day, the night,
and this morning, in my full archive
page for today.
Saturday 22nd
January 2022 |
08:30 GMT
Yesterday was supposed to be nice and bright, but it seemed like the last of the sunshine ended around midday, and the afternoon was mostly dull. It was definitely a cold day. The temperature only reached 6° C, and it seemed to be hard to get my bedroom, and dining room up to a comfortable temperature. ![]() This morning we
missed a frost by only a degree or so. At the
moment there is supposed to be just light cloud,
but the sky still looks very grey, and the
chances of the sun breaking through by 9am look
slim in the extreme. The latest revision to the
forecast has already started retreating from the
early forecast. The sun shown for 9am in the
screenshot above has been replaced by just sunny
spells, and I have a strong suspicion that the
sunny spells will be put back to 10am in the
next revision when they don't happen at 9am. If
we do get the forecast sunshine it will still
probably end at midday, and then there may be a
few hours of thin cloud until that cloud
thickens and darkens at 3pm. No rain is
specifically forecast for today, but there
remains a 10% chance from 2pm (according to the
latest revision. The afternoon temperature could
make 7° C. Tomorrow is currently shown as
overcast all day. The temperature will be 6° C
almost all day except for some of the afternoon
when it will be 7° C.
Yesterday was
a very unexciting day, but most of it wasn't
boring. I didn't really do much until just
after midday when I went out to do some
shopping in the little multicultural
supermarket on Catford Bridge, and also in
Poundstretcher. My principal purchases from
the little supermarket were garlic sausage,
and more instant noodles. I bought two lots of
garlic sausage. One of them was an extra
strong version that is for Michael (and I hope
he uses it all up before coming round for a
beer session on Thursday !). My
full archive page for today
tells the continuing story of yesterday, plus
the usual stuff about eating, sleeping, a
pleasant surprise this morning, and my non
existent plans for today.
Friday 21st January
2022 |
08:09 GMT
Yesterday was another day that featured blue skies, brilliant sunshine, and frost ! The frost took a fair time to melt, and in the shadows it probably didn't melt until at least 10am. The temperature rose to about 5° C by midday, but stuck there until it started to fall around sunset. ![]() Sometimes it may be
just sunny spells, but once again the day should
be nice and bright, and bloody cold. My
thermometers agreed it was bloody cold just now.
One said minus 0.5° C, and the other
said plus 0.3° C. The temperature could
rise to 6° C, which is a degree better than
yesterday. This evening thick cloud will stop
the temperature falling very far. About this
time tomorrow morning it may be 4° C, and by 1pm
it should make 6° C. It seems unlikely we will
see any sunshine tomorrow, and there is a 10% of
rain through the whole day. That might mean at
least one shower.
I started
writing so late yesterday that I covered all
my morning activities yesterday, and I now
resume from the afternoon. Only one thing
happened in the afternoon, and that was a beer
session with Jodie and Michael. Michael was in
fine form moaning about this that and the
other. He was very much cheered when I plugged
in my amplifiers to his mobile phone. He then
played us a several songs he really liked, and
which had zero impact on Jodie and me ! The
rest of the story of yesterday, last night,
and this morning can be read in my
full archive page for today.
Thursday 20th
January 2022 |
11:52 GMT
The weather drifted away from the forecast rather sharply yesterday afternoon. The morning, and later in the afternoon featured sunny spells, but between 1pm and 2pm there was quite heavy rain. Fortunately I was under cover, in a pub, and only realised it when I came out to find the road wet with puddles. By 2pm the temperature had slowly risen to 9° C, and while I wouldn't go as far as to say it was mild, it was noticeably not bloody chilly ! ![]() It was cold enough
for a frost that took until 9am to thaw - except
where the full power of the sun fell on it. With
the sun very low in the sky there were, and
still are plenty of dark shadows, but the sky is
a brilliant blue, and the sun will shine all
day. Sadly the temperature may only reach 5° C
today. Tomorrow should also feature sunshine
from dawn to dusk, but the morning will start
even colder, although the temperature may peak
at 6° C for just one hour at 3pm.
The main thing yesterday was going to meet Angela for a drink at lunchtime. I left home at about 12.30. That was almost as late as I dare leave it in the hope the postman might arrive before then with a small packet for me. Unfortunately he came later, and and that meant some exercise this morning to collect it from the sorting office. However, it was still early enough to not have to rush to the pub, and to go via the cash machine by the hospital, and several squirrels ! The longer version of yesterday, with pictures, plus last night, and this morning, also including pictures, can be read in my full archive page for today. |
Wednesday 19th
January 2022 |
08:52 GMT
The weather was better than the revised forecast for yesterday. It was actually more like the early morning forecast said it would be. In reality there was plenty of sunshine, sometimes as sunny spells, right up to sunset with just one time, around 2pm, when it did get very gloomy for 30 minutes. It was still a very cool day with the afternoon temperature only reaching 7° C. ![]() The latest revision
to the forecast has moved the sunny spells for
11am to 10am, and now there is a gap of 3 hours
before the sun comes out again at 2pm. With luck
it will turn out closer to yesterday which was
sunny almost all day. This afternoon the
temperature should reach 9° C - which may feel
almost OK when in the sun. Clear skies tomorrow
will bring non stop sunshine, but the maximum
temperature may only be 4° C !
Yesterday felt like it was a good day. I was productive enough to believe that, although I will admit I also enjoyed a lot of laziness. The fact that it was mostly a sunny day helped a lot, although being a very cold sunny day it didn't lure me to do anything outdoors except a brief shopping trip. I write more about my shopping trip, plus everything else I did yesterday, my poor sleep, and all that has happened so far this morning, in my full archive page for today. |
Tuesday 18th January
2022 |
08:22 GMT
The weather was very good, but also bad yesterday. The good was that it was sunny all day, but the bad was that it was a very cold day. The temperature peaked in the early afternoon at 7° C, but it was just 2 or 3° C at the ends of the day. ![]() Last nights weather
forecast for today warned of freezing fog, but
today has dawned bright and clear. The
latest revision to the forecast shows the last
sunny spells at 1pm, and after that it will be
mostly bright, but no sunshine. It will also be
as cold as cold as yesterday with a mid
afternoon high of 7° C. As I write this
there is a thick frost, and the temperature is minus
1.1° C ! Tomorrow may start at 6° C, but it will
be grey until 2pm when there will be sunny
spells until sunset. At that time the
temperature could be 9° C.
Yesterday's glorious sunshine should have inspired me to do something or another, but I actually had a mostly lazy day. Maybe going out shopping in Aldi in the morning drained any desire to do anything physical, but there was more to it than that. The problem was that I didn't feel good, and the problem with that is that I think it was just imagination. It's all terribly complicated. I felt fine when I was out shopping, and then one of three things, or possibly a combination of things conspired to reduce my feeling of well being. I do my best to describe these things, and also the rest of my day, my night, and this morning in my full archive page for today. |
Monday 17th January
2022 |
10:03 GMT
The weather forecast for yesterday got the temperature about right, 9° C, but the rest of it was quite wrong. The morning was indeed very dull, but the sun broke through the clouds earlier than midday, and there were sunny spells almost right through to sunset. There was very little wind, and that 9° C felt OK to work in the garden. ![]() The latest revision
to the forecast doesn't change a thing to the
early forecast in the screenshot above. Today
started very cold, cold enough for a frost, and
the best we can hope for is 7° C this afternoon.
However there should be non stop sunshine until
sunset, and the sky will stay clear after that
leading to the temperature dropping very low by
tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning will start
with a freezing fog ! There may be some sunny
spells from late morning, but it will be as cold
as today.
Yesterday turned out to be different to anything I could have imagined. Before doing anything I sent Jodie a text message to ask if she was coming over for a beer in the afternoon. She replied to remind me that she was having a dirty weekend in Brighton, although the words "dirty weekend" are mine, and probably not right.....but you never know ! At that point there was only one thing I thought I might do, and that was to hand wash a large bath towel. I did much more than this, and I describe it, with pictures, in my full archive page for today. It also includes stuff about this morning, and what I might do today. |
Sunday 16th January
2022 |
08:49 GMT
Yesterday was mostly horrible, but not entirely horrible. As the morning mist and fog lifted the sun broke through for 10 minutes or so. After that the day was horrible ! The cloud cover ranged from light to dark in some random pattern, and I think there may have been a brief bit of drizzle at some point. There was evidence of some rain during the hours of darkness. I think the temperature may have hit the forecast 7° C for a brief time, but 6° C or less is more representative of the day. ![]() The forecast has been
revised since taking the screenshot above. It
now admits that the clouds are a dirty grey now,
and have been since sunrise. Those clouds should
be turning almost white soon, and stay like
through the day. However 2 and 3pm are now shows
as featuring sunny spells (but none for midday
and 1pm now). This morning the temperature is an
almost, but not mild 6° C, but it could rise to
9° C for a few hours this afternoon. It looks
like it will be an almost mild night, but the
temperature may drop to just 3° C by 9am
tomorrow morning. From 9am the sun may come out,
and stay out all day. That will take the
temperature up to 6 or 7° C until it starts to
plunge down cold enough for frost, and a
freezing fog the morning after.
It feels like yesterday was a successful day, and yet not a lot happened. Two important things did happen, and I'll describe those soon. I was very lazy for a lot of the day. The big problem was that I wasn't feeling good, and I don't know if it was physical or mental. In all likelihoods it was a mix of both, with each aiding the other in a negative direction. It didn't feel like I had slept well the night before, and yet in all the opportunities I had to have a snooze, I hardly snoozed at all. The long version of this, with lots of added stuff about the day, last night, and this morning, can be read in my full archive page for today. |
Saturday 15th
January 2022 |
08:51 GMT
It was gloriously sunny yesterday, but it was still very cold - particularly in the shade, such as my back garden at this time of year. There was still frost on the grass (and weeds) at 1pm ! Behind glass, such as my bedroom windows, that sun was lovely and warm, but outside the air temperature struggled to reach 6° C, and the ends of the day were a lot colder. ![]() The day certainly
started foggy, but by now I think I could only
describe it as mist. The temperature at the
moment, based upon an average of my outdoor
thermometers is 4° C, and that would seem to be
an hour earlier than predicted. A day or two ago
the forecasts were saying it might be sunny
after the mist or fog had lifted, but this
morning, the early and later revision is pretty
sure that the mists will be followed by thick
dark clouds all day. There is a 10% chance of
rain at any time, and I think there may well be
some light drizzle now and then to top up all
the dripping condensation from the mist and fog.
Add the temperature being no more than 6° C, and
it seems it is going to be a pretty miserable
day. Tomorrow could hardly be worse, and
fortunately it won't be. The clouds will still
cover the sky all day, but they will probably be
much lighter in colour, and the temperature
should reach 9° C.
I achieved two useful things yesterday, although I will admit I had a mostly very lazy day. I wasn't feeling all that good after my bad sleep, and maybe I had a mild touch of Covid, although 3 years ago I would have described it more like man-'flu. I felt tired, unmotivated, and a few joints ached like they would with 'flu, but these days don't need anything more than a cold damp day to ache regardless of anything else. To read what I did do yesterday you can read my full archive page for today. It also includes details pf a dream last night, and what I might do on this grim looking day. |
Friday 14th January
2022 |
10:00 GMT
The weather continued to be cold and sunny yesterday. I'm not so sure the sunshine made it all the way through to sunset, but on the other hand I do remember that the sky was clear as the sun set. It wasn't a dramatic sunset, or if it was I must have missed the best bit. All I saw was a sort of pinky orange haze just above the horizon. The peak afternoon temperature was forecast to be a brief 8° C, but I have a feeling it didn't quite make 7° C. ![]() This run of cold but
sunny days continues today. There is still a
thick frost outside, and while the forecast says
2° C, my garden thermometer says it is just ½° C
right now. The latest revision predicts the
temperature should rise to 6° C by 3pm.
Soon after that it will start to fall, and
tomorrow may start with a frost again, and
possibly freezing fog in the early hours of the
morning too ! Any fog or mist will probably have
gone by sunrise, and then the day will be just
cold, and mostly dull, although there could be a
couple of sunny spells in the late morning.
Apart from doing a bit of tidying up, not much happened yesterday until Michael, and then Jodie turned up for our beer drinking session. I worked out a new scheme for these sessions. Michael is really a lager drinker, and doesn't care for some of the exotic beers Jodie likes, and so I now offer him some basic lager, and he just has a small splash of the exotic beers so he can say he has tasted them. That leaves a bit more of the exotic stuff for me and Jodie - which isn't always a good idea. I try to say why in my full archive page for today. It also includes what happened after Jodie and Michael left, and what I bad sleep I had. I also mention a couple of ideas of what I might do for some of today. |
Thursday 13th
January 2022 |
08:23 GMT
It was lovely and sunny yesterday, but it was also very cold. The afternoon temperature may not have quite reached the forecast temperature of 7° C, but it is safe to say it was 6° C. There wasn't much wind so at least there was no wind chill. ![]() There certainly is a
thick frost this morning thanks to a clear sky
last night. The sky should remain clear all day,
and the resulting sunshine should warm things up
to 7° C. It is a shame that the sun is so low in
the sky, and carries so little heat at this time
of the year. Tomorrow will feature freezing fog
before sunrise, and maybe just mist after
sunrise. The mist is not expected to lift until
later morning, but once it does it should be
another cold sunny day.
Yesterday was a good day. The sunshine made it more cheerful, but I still had to wrap up warm to go out. I achieved my aim to go out early enough to take a very leisurely walk through the park so I could take some photos along the way. The ultimate goal was to have a drink with Angela in the pub. I did indeed meet Angela in the pub, and I took some pictures on the way. You can see the picture, and read more about my day, night, eating. sleeping, and my thoughts and plans for today in my full archive page for today. |
Wednesday 12th
January 2022 |
08:49 GMT
Once again, yesterday was a sunless day, but unlike the day before, it was a rather wet day. I don't think there was any heavy rain, and for a lot of the time, maybe most of the time from early afternoon until 9pm, it was just persistent very light drizzle. The only good thing was the temperature reaching 10° C, but that was only good for using less heating indoors. During the night the temperature fell enough for a frost this morning. ![]() There was a frost
this morning, and that suggests the temperature
was even lower than the 3° C shown for 8am
above. The good news is that the latest revision
to the forecast hasn't changed a thing. There
should be glorious sunshine from dawn to dusk.
The only catch is that the sun rose nearly an
hour ago, but it is has yet to rise high enough
to clear the roofs of the houses over the road.
The highest temperature predicted for today is
8° C, but that may only be for a single hour.
Behind glass, or under a dark coat, it could
feel much warmer in the sunshine. Tomorrow could
be a re-run of today, but the day after, Friday,
could start with a freezing fog.
I can't really say why, but yesterday almost felt like a busy day, although I was probably busy achieving nothing except eating naughty things. When I think back to yesterday I can't really remember doing anything "solid" until the afternoon, and yet I don't remember feeling bored. I think I spent a lot of the time just reading, and a lot of that was online rather from a book. What there is to describe of my day is described in my full archive page for today. I have also written a fair bit about my sleep and dream, and also about my plans for today. |
Tuesday 11th January
2022 |
10:25 GMT
There was no sunshine yesterday, but at least the clouds were a very light, almost white colour. The afternoon temperature didn't seem to rise above the forecast 7° C, but at least it was dry. ![]() The weather forecast,
shown in the screenshot above, has been revised
a little since this morning. The first change is
a prediction for mist at 11am. That seems almost
possible - the air does seem to have a soft
quality about it. The rain has now been pushed
back to 1pm. Most of it will be light rain, but
once it starts it will probably rain until 8pm,
and maybe later. Some of it may be in the form
of passing showers. It already feels mild now,
and the temperature should reach 10° C for all
the afternoon. Tomorrow should see the return of
sunshine, but the temperature may only peak at
7° C.
I didn't really expect it to be, but yesterday was a fairly productive day. The two most tangible things I did were two lots of laundry. The first was the larger amount - some underwear, a hand towel, and t-shirt. The second lot was an experiment that worked quite well. It was to wash two heavily stained tea towels. I say more about this, along with other stuff I did yesterday in my full archive page for today. As usual I also mention what I ate, and my resulting health this morning, plus stuff I have already done this morning. |
Monday 10th January
2022 |
10:07 GMT
The weather forecast for yesterday was a bit unsure as to when there would be sunshine, or sunny spells, or how long they might last. There were a few hours in the morning that featured non stop sunshine, but otherwise it was long sunny spells. If I remember correctly, they lasted for most of the day. The morning seemed to start 1° C lower than the forecast 4° C, and I tend to think the afternoon was a degree less than the predicted 7° C. It did seem to be a rather cool day. By midnight the temperature had fallen low enough for a frost on the cars outside. ![]() After the frost in
the night the temperature had risen to about 3°
C at sunrise, and apparently it will continue to
rise, even after sunset, to 8° C. Today we
return to cloudy skies with a 10% chance of rain
at most times today, but rising to 20% by 8pm,
and rains seems very probable just before
midnight. The cloud will be thicker tomorrow,
and there could be a fair bit of rain, but it
could also be 9° C - which will only be useful
to slightly reduce my heating bill.
Once again I didn't feel inclined to do that much yesterday, and I achieved very little. I did spent a little time doing some housekeeping on my main PC - backing up some files, and tidying the files system up a bit. I also managed to finish part one of the job I was doing in the dining room. All the rest is described in my full archive page for today. It also includes stuff about eating and sleeping, plus what I have done already, and what I may do today. |
Sunday 9th January
2022 |
10:22 GMT
Yesterday was awful, but it could have been worse. The forecast said heavy rain from morning through to sunset, but the rain didn't seem to be "heavy" at any time, and there were breaks when it was not raining, but the day could still be classified as bloody wet ! The only positive, albeit useless, was the afternoon temperature was 10° C, but it soon fell as the clouds finally started to thin. ![]() The weather has
changed today to a bright sunny day....or maybe
that should be morning, and not day. The latest
revision has the sun giving up at midday, but it
might breakthrough the clouds to give a few
sunny spells at 2pm. The temperature dropped a
lot once the sky became clear last night.
Despite what the forecast may say, I don't think
it has actually made it up to 4° C yet. The
afternoon may be no more than 7° C. At least it
will be dry today. The clouds return tomorrow -
light cloud in the morning, and medium grey in
the afternoon. The temperature should peak at
about 9° C.
I can't say that yesterday was a very productive day, but I think it was almost enjoyable. Any lack of enjoyment could only be guilt from being mostly lazy. I am almost forgetting I was briefly busy when I went shopping in Poundstretcher early yesterday morning, but I wrote about that yesterday. There was one other thing I made a start on, and I describe that, and other stuff from the day, evening, night, and this morning in my full archive page for today. |
Saturday 8th January
2022 |
10:16 GMT
The weather forecast for yesterday was very close to being right. It only failed in a few small details. There was possibly more sunshine, and a few less sunny spells between sunrise and early afternoon. For some reason I think there was a light splash of rain sometime in the early evening that wasn't shown in the forecast. On the other hand, the sky must have been clear to allow the temperature to dip to just 1° C by 11pm. I did notice there was already a rime of frost on the cars outside as early as 9pm. The afternoon temperature was just 6° C - almost forgiveable in the sunshine. ![]() The weather forecast
doesn't tell the whole truth this morning. It
has been raining since the early hours, but I
wouldn't describe any of it as heavy rain - so
far. It has been more like passing showers with
as much as half an gaps in them. The
latest revision to the forecast hasn't changed
the above screenshot much, but it has added rain
for 6pm. The thick cloud is the result of warmer
and wetter air coming out way, and it has made
quite a change. At midnight it may have been as
low as 0° C, is now 7 or 8° C, and it should
reach 10° C by midday - not that it will do any
good except lower my heating bill, but going out
in it would be stupid unless you have a wet suit
and water wings. Much of tomorrow could be
sunny, and the temperature back to about 6° C in
the afternoon.
I predicted a few possibilities for yesterday, but also said I had doubts I would do anything (although maybe not using those exact words). My doubts were well founded - I did almost nothing all day (although for this argument I am counting quietly reading, book or online, as nothing). I did do some very light tidying up. I also had a long hard look at what I should do next to make further progress rehabilitating my dining room. I may have ended up doing little, but I seem to have written quite a few words about it, plus stuff about eating, dreams, things I have done this morning, a laughably bland few words about what I might do today, all in my full archive page for today. |
Friday 7th January
2022 |
09:03 GMT
Yesterday's sunny morning lasted longer than forecast, although it was often just sunny spells. By about 3.30pm the first rain fell, but it was very light. A few more very light passing showers continued until the rain really started in earnest at about 9pm - when it was originally forecast to end. I am sure there was more rain through the night. The morning was very cold - as low as minus 1.5°C at sunrise. From then on the temperature slowly rose until it was a still quite cold feeling 7° C for the rest of the day. ![]() Apart from the
temperature at sunrise being higher, at about 3°
C according to my reckoning, the forecast for
today looks a lot like should have been forecast
for yesterday - except for one important detail.
No rain is forecast for late afternoon, and the
sky will/might be clear giving rise to the
temperature dropping to 3° C after 9pm. The
afternoon high will only be 6° C. The
temperature will probably fall to around 2° C in
the early hours of tomorrow, but then the
temperature will rise to 10° C by midday. This
will be at the expense of it being a mostly wet
and rainy day.
I don't think I actually mentioned it yesterday morning, but I did my shopping in Tesco without wearing a face mask, and no one said anything, I didn't get lynched, and I noted that there were many people in there without a face mask - maybe something like 1 in 3. I'm never sure if it would be ethical to say I should be exempt. There are no published targets to say whether you are, or are not. I present several arguments for an against this in my full archive page for today. I also describe the afternoon beer session - which was better than expected (with photographic proof of it). As usual, it also contains some writings about food, digestion, and thoughts and plans this morning. |
Thursday 6th January
2022 |
09:56 GMT
It was most definitely bright and sunny yesterday, and most of the afternoon seemed to have almost continuous sunshine instead of sunny spells. Unfortunately it was freezing cold, although maybe not literally, but even 6° C feels bitter with a bit of light wind. After dark the temperature started to fall, and I think it got nearer zero by midnight than the forecast 3° C. ![]() I almost agree with
the forecast minus 1° C, but two of my
thermometers said -1.5° C. There is some lovely
sunshine this morning, and the latest revision
to the forecast shows full sunshine at 11am, but
it seems the clouds will quickly draw in after
that, and initially cover the sky with white
clouds. By 4pm the clouds will be thicker, and
if there was any daylight left they would be
medium dark grey. Rain may fall at 5pm, and
continue until 9pn. Of course no forecast more
than an hour or two ahead, and often not until
after the event, can predict the exact timing of
these things, although the temperature forecast
is often correct even a few days ahead. Today,
once the thick frost has gone, the temperature
will soar (!) to 7° C. Tomorrow should see thin
enough cloud for some more sunshine in the
morning, but the highest temperature may be no
more than 4° C.
Yesterday was basically centred around seeing Angela at lunch time. Apart from having a wet shave, washing and conditioning my hair, and having a shower, I didn't really do anything else before or after seeing Angela. I made the wise decision, albeit partly in hindsight, to not go out too early. Even with one of my warmest coats on I still felt cold, but also hot. I'll explain: The sun was feeling hot on my back almost all the way to the pub, but my hands, and face were going numb in the cold. Seeing Angela was a delightful and happy session, but I felt depressed for the rest of the day. You can read why, if I have explained it in a way that makes some sort of sense, in my full archive page for today. It also includes a description of the rest of my day, may crap sleep, and plans and thoughts this morning. |
Wednesday 5th
January 2022 |
07:58 GMT
Yesterday's morning rain was less heavy than the forecast suggested, and the hail,originally forecast for 10am was almost sunshine. For a time the sun was trying to break through, and some of the sky was definitely blue, but then the clouds thickened to make it very over cast again. The afternoon temperature was only 4° C, and clear skies after sunset allowed the temperature to drop even more. ![]() All my thermometers
agree that the temperature this morning was just
over 1° C, and the car roofs and shed roofs are
covered in frost. All being well it should warm
up to 6° C this afternoon. The day has started
with a clear sky, and once the sun has risen
high enough to clear the nearby houses, it
should be brilliantly sunny, but from 1pm a few
clouds will reduce that to just sunny spells.
Once again the temperature will drop down to 3°
C by the end of the day. Tomorrow may start with
a very cold sunny morning, but clouds will soon
intrude. The temperature will rise to about 6° C
again, and be accompanied by rain.
I guess I had a hangover yesterday, and that made it hard to get into any mood to be creative, but I did manage to be a little creative. You might notice the new purple icons on this page. I was hoping for something a lot better than these, and I don't think I really like them. It was soon after finishing them that I came up with a better idea, and I may spend a bit of time and get the ready for next year.....or maybe I might do a switchover in summer or something. The rest of yesterday, and maybe a bit of a couple of previous days, is described, along with stuff about my diet, sleeping and dreams, plus events this morning, and plans for the day in my full archive page for today. |
Tuesday 4th January
2022 |
08:56 GMT
The weather was very uniform yesterday. It was 10° C almost all day, and that was because the heat was trapped by the mid grey cloud cover. There is nothing else to add to that. ![]() The forecast rain
arrived an hour late this morning, but I
wouldn't say it was heavy rain, although having
said that, it did make the road outside very wet
quite quickly. The hail shown for 10am in the
screenshot above has now been replaced by just
more heavy rain in the latest revision to the
forecast. By my reckoning the temperature was 9°
C at about 8.30am, but it is probably dropping
now. If it has gone down to a wintry 3° C by
midday, then the midday rain could fall as
sleet, although the forecasters don't agree with
me. The rain is supposed to stop after 1pm. The
rest of the afternoon will be cloudy, and the
temperature will continue to drop. Clear skies
after sunset will allow the temperature to drop
to just 2° C. If the forecast turns out to be
correct, tomorrow may be a bright and sunny, but
also very cold day. The afternoon may see a peak
of 6° C, but most of the day will be in the 2°
and 3° region.
The highlight of the day, but also the lowlight, was the beer session in the afternoon. I'll explain that later. Before everything else was a shopping trip to Aldi, but I described that yesterday, including the fact that I bought, and ate for breakfast, some beer battered cod - and it was very nice. The rest of yesterday, including the fact that yesterday I wrote 2075 words in this daily diary, is described, along with other stuff like eating and sleeping (or lack of it), plus thoughts and observations from this morning, in my full archive page for today. |
Monday 3rd January
2022 |
09:58 GMT
The weather forecast said that yesterday morning would feature sunny spells and even sunshine. That was rather too optimistic. The sun did manage to break through the clouds for a few minutes once or twice, but basically it was a grey morning, and a grey afternoon. Later in the day there was a weather warning for a band of thunderstorms heading this way. That would have tallied with the heavy rain, followed by light rain that was forecast, except there was no thunderstorm, and a lot less rain than expected. There was a fair bit of cold wind that made the afternoon high of 12° C still feel chilly. ![]() It's looking like the
weather will follow the forecast all day today.
There was a bit of open sky at sun rise, but it
was quickly filled in with light grey cloud, and
it seem it will stay like this all day. One
change in the latest revision to the forecast is
that the afternoon temperature is now predicted
to be just 10° C. Tomorrow will see the return
to more winter like temperatures. There could be
some rain in the morning, but once that has
passed the temperature will drop to about 4° C
in the afternoon, but there could be an hour or
two of sunshine in the middle of the afternoon.
Wednesday could start with a frost, and if it
doesn't then Thursday will have a go.
Yesterday was a far more productive day after a very lazy day the day before. It started with the high blood glucose reading I got yesterday morning (10.4mmol/l). I had to do something about that. The first thing was to try and set my mind on the idea of fasting until dinner time. I also had to get my mind set on a walk despite the unpleasant weather. The full story, with picture, about my walk, and everything else I did yesterday, plus stuff about finally breaking my fast, sleeping, and what I have already done this morning, and what I expect to do later, can be read in my full archive page for today. |
Sunday 2nd January
2022 |
09:00 GMT
The weather forecast for yesterday almost got it right. The morning did feature sunshine or sunny spells, but probably more of the latter. They seemed to fade away as 1pm approached. At 2pm, when rain was predicted, the sky did go very dark, but I don't think any rain actually fell. The rest of the afternoon, and then into the evening, just featured light clouds covering the entire sky. There may, or may not have been rain late last night. It was forecast, but I was not watching outside. The early afternoon temperature was 15° C. ![]() At the moment the sky
is a fairly dirty colour, and the idea that the
sun will come out looks remote. If anything it
looks like it might rain ! The latest revision
to the forecast still says sunny spells, and
even sunshine, between 10am and 1pm. The rest of
the day, starting at 3pm, is still shown as in
the screenshot above - heavy rain followed by
lighter rain until 7pm. It looks like a rather
cooler day today, with the temperature only
reaching 12° C. Tomorrow may feature just light
cloud with the possibility of a few sunny spells
in the morning. The temperature may only reach
11° C.
There isn't a lot to say about yesterday because I was too depressed to really do anything. It didn't start like that. I was optimistic about the morning sunshine, and I went for the extended morning routine of a shower, washing my hair, and having a wet shave - although I did it all in the reverse order. The only fly in the ointment was that I hadn't managed to go to the toilet (for number twos !). Then I checked the National Rail web site....and that deeply depressed me. I explain that, and describe the rest of my day, night, and this morning in my full archive page for today. |
Saturday 1st January
2022 |
10:42 GMT
After some early morning drizzle it was supposed to brighten up, and the afternoon was predicted to be sunny. I seem to recall there was some periods of sunshine, but I can't seem to remember when, and how long they lasted for. I suspect there was less sunshine than hoped for. A lot of yesterday's weather seems to be the type that just doesn't leave a mark on memory, or to put it another way, it was bland - neither good, nor bad. At least the 15° C was, or should have been good. ![]() Yesterday, the
advance forecast for today was not as optimistic
as the early morning version today. The latest
revision doesn't change much, but one small
change is that 1pm may just light cloud, and the
rain at 2pm is now shown as light rain. 3pm is
now shown as sunny spells. Today should see the
temperature rise to 15° C by midday, and with it
being 14° C now, according to my own
thermometers, 15° C should be easy to achieve.
The only fly in the ointment is rain tonight.
Once again the forecast for tomorrow looks like
a pure guess. It currently features some hours
of sunny spells, and some hours of rain at
assorted strengths. The temperature may be no
more than 12° C. However, I am expecting reality
to be a fair bit different - just like today is
turning out rather different to how it was
predicted yesterday morning.