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Sunday 8th October 2023
 08:03 BST

  Yesterday was another day when the BBC's cheery "loads of sunshine" trounced the Met Office's some sunny spells at moveable times. All the sunshine easily took the temperature up to a summer-like 23° C, and possibly 24° C. It certainly warmed my bedroom up to almost toasty.
some, maybe
                                    lots. maybe less sunshine today 
  Once again the BBC has stuck it's neck out with an all full sunshine day. The met Office is more cautious again. They say just sunny spells with a gap at 5pm when it will be cloudy. The Met Office say 23° C, and the BBC say 24° C today. Tomorrow may be another very sunny day if the BBC have got it right, but the Met Office say tomorrow will be mostly dull (but with some sunny spells). The BBC say a high of 23° C, and the met Office say 23° C as well. After tomorrow the weather may return to more like early autumn again, but it is all in a state of flux, and bother forecasters have very different forecasts for the day after tomorrow.

   Yesterday was a day that I expected to be awful. The morning was little more than halfway through when I concluded that while I could technically go out, I just didn't feel like it. There were a few things I thought I would do, but I predicted a very boring day.
thinking of
                                  getting blotto
  It was 4:52pm when I was thinking of getting blotto, but maybe by the time I had finished this "exciting" graphic demonstrating it all, I seemed to go off the idea. There were other reasons as well, but I am getting ahead of myself.

  I did end up having a shower yesterday, just in case I ended up going out. once I was out from under the shower I started the process of laundering two t-shirts, one pair of underpants, and a pair of lounge pants. When I had finished it all, which was a few hours later, I had completed a back log of laundry - but only in terms of what was in the laundry basket. I have a few more t-shirts that out to be washed, but have only been worn for a few hours for one reason or another, and they too should be washed sooner or later.

  I was trying to be a bit careful with what I ate yesterday, but not 100% careful. My lunch was cheese and salami slices on toast, and a bit later I followed it with a sandwich also with cheese and salami as a filling. The bread was the small slices of Polish sourdough bread that I know to no affect my blood glucose to much.If there was anything particularly wrong with this, it was in the cooking process.

  I am not exactly sure how it happened, but.....I think it was when I took the foil lined tray out of the mini oven/grill that one piece of toast, made from the crusty end of the loaf, which had a sort of domed end, rocked onto it's side, and some of  the melted cheese stuck to the back of the oven. The best was to clean it was while it was very hot, but getting my hand through the quite small opening to clean the back of the oven, would have been too perilous to contemplate.

   Of course once everything was cold enough to be safe the cheese had solidly stuck to the oven wall. I may see if I can remove any today when I might be in a better mood, but I think I might just have to leave that coating of cheese there until it slowly burns away. I haven't tried using the oven since, but I suspect it is going to be a smelly affair next time.

  By late afternoon I was very bored, and feeling miserable. I cheered myself up a lot by thinking of getting very drunk on vodka and Diet Coke. The peculiar thing is that such positive thoughts, and the pleasure of designing the very weird graphic, as shown a bit further up the page, further reduced my desire to drink to excess. I think I still had three large vodka and cokes, but I slowed right down when my phone rang, and got into a very long conversation with an old mate.

  I missed dinner time while talking on the phone, and it was gone 8pm when I used dinner as a suitable excuse to end the call. My dinner was a rather greasy, and so not exactly healthy in that respect, but a very low sugar stew of diced lamb and broccoli. I am not sure just how nice it was, but more than just pleasant, and it was quite satisfying. With no other distractions it was probably not much more than half an hour after finishing dinner when I went to bed.

  As I laid down, initially to read, rather than sleep, my guts started rumbling away. I delayed trying for sleep until I had tried to go to the toilet several time with no result beyond a very weak fart. Once I got to sleep the problem no longer bothered me. I still didn't seem to sleep very well on account of the temperature in my bedroom. It was warm enough to sleep with the duvet kicked aside, but sometime after midnight it cooled down.

  It cooled enough to put a limb or two under the duvet. The full duvet seemed suffocatingly hot. Eventually my bedroom cooled enough to make sleeping under the duvet a very good idea, but the periods of change meant some short-ish periods of insomnia. Maybe that broken sleep was ideal for some good dreams, although maybe "good" is not that apt. The one dream I remember enough to describe was neither pleasant or unpleasant, but matched how I think about things now.

  I dreamed I was back in college, and I had been study either maths, or some science. The dream was about the day when we all got the results of the end of year exam results. I predicted I had come last, and the lecturer asked why I thought that. I said i was only doing the course as an amusement. I explained that I had retired 5 years ago, and so the results of the test were only of interest to me.

  The lecturer quizzed me more, but all I could say was that the course was more interesting than TV. He confirmed that I did get the lowest score, but it was still 65%, and that was a pass score. That was very good, but in a meaningless sort of way. The peculiar thing is that back in the real world I could almost imagine doing this for real. I do have a lot of time on my hands, and with a good lecturer it would be quite fun, and fun that could be enjoyed more knowing that it wouldn't matter if I failed, or even just walked out mid course.

  Maybe my cheese on toast lunch was not as innocent than I thought (or I ate something I have forgotten about) because I didn't get very low blood glucose readings this morning. However I did get good readings. Two of the blood glucose meters gave a reading of 8.3mmol/l, and that is below my typical average, and the older meter actually gave a reading of 8.0mmol/l. That is rather good. it is just a shame that no reading went below that into the sevens.

  I suppose that with todat probably being warm and sunny (even if it is just the Met Office's sunny spells, and not the BBC's day of full on sunshine) I ought to have another go at getting out for some exercise, and to top up the fading tan on my face and arms. In theory it is going to be hot enough for shorts today. Wearing shorts would limit where I could go - definitely no stinging nettle smother paths alongside the river !

  I have realised there is a strange, but possible reason why I may end up not going out today. Even though it is supposed to be principally exercise, I tend to think of it also as a photographic expedition. It was some time yesterday that I realised that after taking the pictures of Angela's wedding I have partly lost interest in photography. I hope it is a temporary thing because I have invested so much in camera equipment. One result of this loss of interest is that I barely gave any thought to going to any gigs in the last 3 weeks.
my special
                                  heavy metal look
  While I may have lost some interest in going out with a camera, I have been doing some tidying up of my picture files on my PC. For some time I have has separate folders for copies of stuff from my old work PC. Mostly it is photos I took while commuting, and my lunchtime walks and stuff. The picture about was taken in 2007 on my old O2 "Ice" mobile phone camera. It was quite a good camera for it's time, but would be rubbish compared to what modern mobile phones can do. I was posing for a selfie of my "heavy metal" look. I found this picture among the work PC photos that I was moving to my main photos folders. In those days my hair was a bit thicker, but no longer, and I had a thin, but full beard. The t-shirt, which I think I still have in almost serviceable condition, was a tour t-shirt for Ian Gillan (singer from Deep Purple).