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Sunday 29th October 2023
 08:23 BST

  I was not paying much attention to the outside world yesterday, and so my memory of the weather is very hazy. I do remember some sunny spells, probably a lot more than were forecast, and I can remember some heavy rain in the early evening. I think, but I can't be sure, the rain stopped for a while in the evening, but I do remember the sound of heavy rain on the roof as I laid in bed trying to get to sleep. I think the maximum temperature was around 14° C.
bright start
                                    after rain during the night 
  The weather forecast seems to have got off to a fair start. As I write this, at almost 8.30am, there is some watery sunshine seeping through cracks in the clouds. If the latest revision to the forecast is correct there will be heavy rain starting to fall from a still bright sky at 9am, and then the sky will darken for the next 5 hours as potentially torrential rain falls. It seems hard to believe that the next hour after that, 3pm, will feature full sunshine ! There could be a light splash of rain at 4pm. Now the clocks have changed, the next hour will be after dark, and some of the time after that will feature clear skies, but fortunately it doesn't seem the temperature will fall below 11° C from an afternoon of just 12° C.  Tomorrow could start dry and bright, but there may be rain later in the day. The temperature could reach 15° C.

   I felt quite ill yesterday, but I find it hard to define what I mean by "ill". It was a mix of little things with no overall thing to define it. Whatever it was it did raise my blood glucose level to dangerous levels, although I feel sure that was a symptom, and not a cause of my feeling rather under par.

  I opted to do the correct thing, and stay in with enough heating to feel comfortable. The one thing I didn't seem to do, except maybe once was to have a snooze. After my very poor sleep the night before, I expected to sleep a lot. Even if I didn't sleep I did spend a lot of the day laying on my bed, sometime reading, and sometimes with my eyes closed hoping for more sleep.

  After my very high blood glucose readings I didn't have any breakfast, and I waited until midday before checking my blood glucose again. I only used one meter just to give me a fair indication of what was happening. It said my blood glucose had dropped to a more respectable, but still a bit high, 9.2mmol/l. I was feeling starving at the point, and that sort of confirmed my idea that I hadn't eaten all that much the day before.

  I thought I could stand just one packet of instant noodles, and I chose the biggest of them - a 135gm pack of Kimchi flavoured noodles. (Most packets tend to be in the 70 to 100gm range). Unfortunately, the flavouring for these noodles was from something like syrup instead of dry powder. An hour or so after eating those noodles I checked my blood glucose, and it had shot up the a very dangerous 13.6mmol/l.

  What I didn't realise, until I checked the packet, was that syrup like flavouring was most probably syrup. The sugar content of most instant noodles is usually less than 0.5gm - it is why I eat them a lot these days. The sugar content for the Kimchi noodles was shown as 5.19gm, and that was for just 100gm. That multiplies up to 7gm of sugar ! I am going to have to be very careful how I finish the last couple of packets of them.

  By early evening I was feeling very hungry again, although some of it was caused by boredom. I decided that at first I would have some beef salami  with sliced tomato on rice crackers. I then decided to use up the ready sliced beef salami on the rest of the rice crackers. That should easily have been enough to satisfy, but of course it wasn't. I then used up the last of the cheese I had, just a small block that was drying out, sliced on sugar free, high fibre, biscuits. I think that just about satisfied me, and although it was quite a lot, it should all have had a fairly low sugar content, and maybe not that many calories.

  I think it was as early as 5pm that I checked the TV for possible entertainment. I did see a couple of things I could have forced myself to watch in a rather masochistic way, but I opted for some stuff off my stash of recorded TV for some entertainment. I watched a couple of episodes of Bottom (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bottom_(TV_series)) plus one of their long stage shows. I rounded it off with one (or was it 2 ?) episodes from the third (and best) series of Blackadder (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackadder).

  After that I went to bed. I am unsure when that was, but at a guess it was not much later than 9pm. I sort of assumed I should be so tired that I would fall asleep minutes after my head hit the pillow, but it took a bit longer than that, maybe half an hour longer, but once I was asleep I slept really well. Maybe it helped that I had taken a couple of Paracetamol tablets before going to bed. I was almost pain free before taking them, and maybe a complete lack of pain helped me to sleep quite solidly almost all night.

  I can only remember waking for a pee once or twice, and that was quite encouraging because I hoped it signified that my blood glucose was a lot lower than the previous night. I can only remember a single dream, or a series of short "episodes" of a single theme. Most of what I remember is just snapshots, but I also remember some longer snippits. The dream started at work, although I have no idea where it was, or who I worked for.

  The basic premise of the dream was that I saw someone eating sandwiches he had bought from Asda. I can't remember why, but they looked wonderful, and I wanted some. During my lunchbreak I searched for the nearest Asda supermarket, and got on a bus to take me there. The only trouble is that I had no idea where the bus was going, and I had no idea where to get off the bus.

  It seemed like I must have got off the bus, and then got on one going back towards my workplace. I got off that bus where I thought work was, but it seemed it was like the wrong side of a big mixed retail and industrial estate. I found myself standing outside a CoOp store, and I was about to go inside to see what sandwiches they had when I was distracted by a bright red helicopter that came swooping out of sky, and seemed to manage to thread itself through gaps between buildings to land just on the forecourt of a big industrial building.

  Of course at this point things should have been getting interesting, but maybe I had run out of imagination, and I woke up. It was one of those sometimes rare morning when I felt i had had a good sleep, and getting up was no trouble at all. After a visit to the toilet for a pee, and nothing else, I washed my hands free of any possible contamination that might affect my finger prick of blood to check for it's glucose content.

  It was one of those morning when my three blood glucose test meters gave quite different figures, but that had in common the fact my blood glucose was back down to sane figures. The very best reading was from my new meter, and it was a rather good 8.1mmol/l. The older meter said 8.5mmol/l - a figure I was still very happy with. The oldest meter was disappointing with a reading of 9.1mmol/l. That is quite a range of figures, but they average to 8.57mmol/l, and that is very close to my average over the year.

  My plan today is to wash my hair, and have a shower. I then hope to go to Tesco to stock up on more food. Jodie is up to something this Sunday, and I won't be seeing her today. That leaves me free this evening to go to The Catford Bridge Tavern to have a few more beer festival beers, and watch some of the open mic session there. I will take my camera, and get the first music session photos I have taken for weeks and weeks now.

P.S. Just to confirm that I have been eating rather less than usual for some days now - this morning my weight was about 2kg less than when I saw the nurse a week or two ago. I am wondering if I can keep this up somehow.
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