As far as I was aware, yesterday was
completely dry. It was also a moderately
sunny day with plenty of sunny spells, but
they didn't heat outside up beyond 12° C.
The latest revision to the weather
forecast lines up seven hours of full
sunshine starting at 8am. As I write this
there are some streaky clouds on the
eastern horizon that could attenuate the
sunshine unless they lift or otherwise
disperse soon. All that sunshine will only
warm things up to 13° C, but it could be
significantly warmer behind the glass of
my front room windows ! Tomorrow could be
dry with a fair bit of sunshine, but clear
skies will mean a rather cold morning.
Just 7° C is forecast for early morning,
but it should warm up to 12° C - which in
full sunshine could feel OK.
Yesterday featured a few very
depressing hours, but most of the day was
moderately OK. Overall it did feel like a
lot of yesterday was wasted. I had a very
slow morning, maybe slowed by writing just
over 2000 words yesterday morning - enough
for a short story !
It was gone midday before I was
washed, dressed, and ready to go out for a
double shopping trip. As now seems
traditional, I first did some shopping in
Savers, and then crossed the way to
Poundstretcher. As I mentioned yesterday,
I was particularly after a big jar of high
strength (1000mg) cod liver oil tablets.
like many things, they are getting very
pricey, but I feel they are an essential
to help my legs keep moderately supple -
As usual I bought some bleach and
toilet cleaner. I also bought a couple of
scented candles. It seems Savers is the
cheapest place to buy smelly candles. They
were still knocking out Xmas themed ones
in July or August. Of course any left
after that would probably be made more
expensive as they came into season again.
One thing I bought two of is hardly
seasonal. They were cheese flavoured rice
crackers. I have no idea if they were
cheap or expensive because I have never
seen them elsewhere.
Over the way, in Poundstretcher I
bought an assortment of stuff. First in my
shopping basket was a 6 pack of sugar
free, apple flavour, Fanta. Unfortunately
I later found I didn't really like it. It
does taste of green apples, but it may be
a little too tart for my liking. I will
finish all of them, but it may take
several weeks of more until they have all
gone. Also from Poundstretcher was an
assortment of instant noodles.
I think I found a new flavour,
"special chicken", whatever that may be,
that comes in the same black coloured
"mug" that the Firepit noodles that I gave
some praise to a month or more ago. I have
yet to try the "special chicken". What I
have tried was a couple of 60gm packets of
instant noodles. I had them for breakfast,
but they weren't terribly exciting. On the
other hand they are very cheap - just
£1.50 for a pack of 5.
I have a theory about how
Poundstretcher have them, and why they are
so cheap. Unless arithmetic has changed
since I was at school, it would seem the
manufacturer has completely ballsed
up the nutritional panel. There are
two rows of figures. One gives the usual
quantities per 100gm, and the interesting
figure of the sugar content looks to be
low for 100gm, and so obviously even lower
for a 60gm packet.
The next column of figures is for
360gm. Now that is very weird because to
get 360gm of product you would need one
multipack of 5 plus one from another pack.
The sugar content shown for 360gm is
considerably more than 3.6 times the 100gm
figure. If 360gm was a misprint for 60gm,
the size of individual packs, it would
make the sugar content on par with a Mars
Bar ! I think they just made a great
cockup, and sold the mislabled pack off
cheap. It is probably illegal, but I can
stand a bit of illegality for £1.50 a pack
of five.
When I got home there were several
things I could have had for some lunch,
but I chose to eat the potato and leek pie
I had found with a reduced price sticker
in Tesco the day before. I cooked it as
per directions, and I presume that gave
the ultimate taste, but the taste was
quite disappointing. I think the
pastry taste over rode the taste of the
filling. I guess I should have realised
that it would be like that when I bought,
and not bought it.
In the early afternoon I did a few
things to get ready for a beer tasting
session with Jodie, but I forgot that we
were supposed to be meeting in The Fox And
Firkin pub in Ladywell. I think it was
shortly before 3pm that I decided I had
enough time to go to the toilet for my
second poo of the day. I only had my
trousers half down when the phone started
ringing. It was Jodie to remind me of
where I was supposed to be.
I went back to the toilet where I
was surprised at how much I needed a poo.
The worrying thing was that I wasn't 100%
sure that I had finally finished for the
day. Nevertheless, I had to put on outdoor
clothes, and go and get a bus to the pub.
I got the first bus, and it was both good
and bad. It was bad because there are two
bus stops near the pub, and my bus stopped
at the one furthest from the pub. The good
was that it was right outside Cash
Converters, and I could look through the
window and drool at a couple of cameras,
and a very professional looking camcorder
made by Canon. All were out of my price
When I got to the pub I was
shocked. It had changed a lot since I last
went in there. I am sure the wall had been
retiled, and the ladies and gents had
changed places. There was a mainly brass
band setting up on stage, and that gave me
a very bad feeling. As some have told me,
the garden is far bigger now. It seems
that have bought, or rented the land
behind the adjacent shop, and the garden
could be called huge now, although it has
few living things for a garden.
It was in the garden that all the
stalls were set up, and where Jodie was
hiding somewhere. I went once around it,
allowing 5 seconds to see what was being
sold, and decided there was nothing for
me, and I failed to spot Jodie. When I got
back to the bar the "orchestra" had
started tuning up, and were making a hell
of a racket. I went to the bar to order
two halves of beer. Despite obviously
holding out a £10 note I was told no cash,
cards only AFTER my two halves had been
poured. If I had been told earlier I would
have walked out the pub !
Pictured above were the two half
pints of beer I ordered. Both were fizzy
keg beers, and one of them wasn't too bad,
and the other was mildly unpleasant. They
may say they were from The Firkin Brewery,
but the David Bruce, the man who invented
the original Firkin pubs, most of which
brewed on premises, would be spinning in
his grave (if he is dead) if he knew what
they were brewing in his name.
I say down at a ricketty table to
call Jodie, and subsequently wait for her
to emerge from the garden. By that time
the orchestra had struck up at about 150
decibels with some godawful racket. By the
time Jodie appeared, probably no more than
5 minutes after I had sat down, I had
drunk all of one half pint, and was
halfway through the next. I basically told
Jodie that I hated it there, and would be
going home once I had finished my second
half pint - which took two mouthfuls.
I assume Alan met up with Jodie a
bit later, but I was across the road, and
waiting at least a 5 minutes for any of
the half dozen bus back to almost the end
of my road. I felt thoroughly cheesed off
when I got home, and I felt so bad that it
even affected my eating. I had a snack of
some sugar free, high fibre, biscuits with
some cheese as a snack to keep me going
until dinner time. I should have started
to prepare dinner soon after that, but I
couldn't be bothered.
I had a flick around the TV
channels, but nothing seemed worth trying
to watch. In the end I watched another
live stage show of the hit TV series
"Bottom" with all it's fart and knob gags.
i did pause it after 20 minutes to make a
more snack-like dinner of rice crackers,
corned beef, and some of the cabbage and
onion salad I had made for my intended
home made shish kebabs. It did go quite
nicely with corned beef and rice crackers.
I think Bottom finished between 8
and 9pm, and I headed straight to bed
afterwards. I read a couple of short
articles in the copy of New Scientist I
had bought on Saturday, and then went to
sleep. I didn't fall asleep straight away,
but I don't think it took that long. After
my second night of bad sleep, I took a
couple of Paracetamol tablets last night,
and seemed to sleep a lot better with only
a short period of insomnia in the night.
I had two dreams I can remember
just enough to describe. One started off
being on what I think was a District Line
tube train. I think I was probably going
to work, but it could have been school, or
something completely different. The train
reached my stop, but it seems the driver
only released the doors for a few seconds,
and I, and many other people were annoyed
that the train started off with us missing
our station.
At the next stop we all got off,
and went to the platform to go back to the
station we wanted, but I noticed an extra
platform. It had a squareish looking train
in a blue and yellow livery waiting at it.
I decided to get on it to see where it
went because I had never seen a train like
it before - in my dreams. In reality I had
seen a train like it because during the
day I was looking up where a station was
on the Merseyrail network - a city rail
network in and around Liverpool, and
analogous to The London Underground,
although maybe closer to the new London
Overground network. I think I woke up
before the train went anywhere.
Another dream was rather less
pleasant. I was in some sort of big
building, possibly a shopping centre, and
needed the toilet. I seemed to know where
to find one that probably worked. It was
where expected, and unlike some less
pleasant dreams where I find nothing but
broken toilets, this one was intact and
working, but far from clean. I managed to
get through a lot of toilet paper cleaning
the seat, but is seemed usable, and I sat
down to do my stuff. That seemed like an
excellent time to wake up !
It was almost precisely 6am when I
woke up, and after seeming to sleep
reasonably well, I got up. Oddly enough I
barely had a desire for a pee, let alone a
poo when getting up. I did go and have a
small pee before washing my hand, and then
checking my blood glucose reading. There
was a bit of an oddity about it. Both my
new, and older meters agreed on a fairly
nice figure of 8.3mmol/l. The oldest meter
gave a very much higher figure of
10.3mmol/l. I could almost worry about
that except there is a probable reason for
it. Yesterday I dropped what the very last
test strip, and I suspect it may have
picked up some contamination when I used
it today.
With my blood glucose readings done
I dished out my pills for this morning,
and also for later this afternoon. While
doing that I felt a certain pressure
building, and before I did anything else I
went to the toilet and did a most
satisfactory poo. After that seemed a good
time to weigh myself. It seems I am still
700gm short of being a full 3kg lighter
than when I saw the nurse three weeks ago.
It is still a useful loss, and done with
almost zero effort. If only it was summer
I could probably put some effort in and do
even better.
Today is mostly controlled by a
delivery from Amazon. In today's delivery,
which I was forced to accept as a premium
delivery (costing £4.95), probably because
I still continue to refuse Amazon Prime
with free delivery, I will be getting
another 100 test strips for my oldest
blood glucose meter. They seem moderately
cheap. I just hope that they are still
within their use by date. Also, to pad the
order out, a rather nifty looking multi
memory card reader that can be connected
to both PC and mobile phone using a USB-A
to USB-C adapter.

I should have shown this further up
the page. It is some good news from The
Black Cat. On my way to Savers and
Poundstretcher, yesterday morning, I
noticed a poster on one of the support
pillars outside Tesco. The top of it had
been pulled off, but I could still see
mention of The Black Cat pub. I walked to
the pub to get a better look at it. There
was no comparable poster, but a simpler
poster near the entrance, and a chalkboard
version on a sandwich board outside.
It seems The Cygnet Committee band
will be playing in The Black Cat from 8pm
to closing on the 25th November. A bit of
research show they are a covers band with
a slight bias towards some milder punk
music, and classic rock. I am going to do
my best to go along, tooled up with my
best camera and a flash gun in case the
lighting is poor. I just hope they manage
to pull in enough people to make the pub
want to hire more bands in the future (but
maybe not too crowded to make photography