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Diary/Blog For the Month of November 2023 |
Thursday 30th
November 2023 |
Yesterday had some very nice sunny spells, generally in the morning, but it was still a bitterly cold day. The temperature may have hit 5° C briefly, but 4° C was more representative of the day. By 11pm it had fallen to just 1° C. ![]() Yesterday was quite a good day, although it didn't end that well. I shall describe the gruesome details about that later. The morning sunny spells were a good source of inspiration to do a bit more than planned. Once I had had the full trio of shave, shampoo and shower, I felt fine to meet the outside world. The story continues in my full archived page for today, and it includes a couple of picture, plus an account of my night and this morning. |
Wednesday 29th
November 2023 |
There was some lovely sunshine yesterday morning, and contrary to what the forecast predicted, there were occasional spells of watery sunshine in the afternoon too. It was a cold day with the temperature only reaching 8° C (actually 7.9° C) according to my thermometers, and that was a single degree above the forecast value. ![]() I seemed to be quite busy yesterday, or at least I didn't seem to have much time to spare for getting bored. However in terms of actual stuff done, I don't have a lot to show for it. Maybe the most productive thing I did was to hand wash three t-shirts and three pairs of underpants. The rest of my day, night, and this morning, is described in my complete archived page for today, and once again it includes a handful of photos. |
Tuesday 28th
November 2023 |
Yesterday started off at 9° C but the temperature started to fall after a few hours, and fell to 6° C by 3pm. It stayed there until the end of the day. It was, as forecast, a grey day, but I don't remember that much rain falling. It certainly seemed to be a lot less than the forecast seemed to say. ![]() Yesterday was another pleasant day, or to be less positive, it was a day when there were few negatives. One such negative was my Amazon delivery not arriving until 7.30pm, but at least it was before bedtime. A positive thing was that I did finally get out to get some shopping, although I did spend rather a lot of money in Tesco. My day, once again with a selection of pictures, is described along with my night, and this morning in my full archived page for today. |
Monday 27th November
2023 |
Yesterday was very cold, and there was no sunshine at all. The day started with a frost, and then gradually warmed all day to reach9° C by midnight. The forecasts and their revisions, for rain got it right some of the time, and wrong some of the time. The first drizzle started at about 2pm, but then there was an hour or two with only passing showers before heavier rain. Even that was intermittent when the forecast seemed to say it would be continuous. ![]() Yesterday was a pleasant day, although I never seemed to find the time or inclination to go shopping. Luckily I seem to have quite sufficient food in the fridge and larder to not need any more food for a while, but maybe today I ought to make the effort to go out and get some fresh food. My day is described, and illustrated with a dozen or more pictures, along with some notes on my terrible night, and great surprise this morning, in my full archived page for today. |
Sunday 26th November
2023 |
Yesterday was a gloriously sunny day, but it was still bitterly cold, 2° C, 6° C in the middle of the day, and back down to 3° C by midnight. ![]() Yesterday was quite a hectic day, but I did manage to do one small task before I got on to the hectic stuff. I collected and posted off a poo sample to the NHS bowel cancer screening labs. Between collecting and posting I had a shower, and got dressed ready to face a long afternoon standing around in the cold. The rest of my day is described in my complete archived page for today. It includes some pictures taken yesterday, plus some notes about my night and this morning. |
Saturday 25th
November 2023 |
Once again there were some nice sunny spells yesterday, generally, but not exclusively in the afternoon. All that sun should have warmed the place up a bit (it did indoors, behind glass), but the clear sky was also leaking more heat than was coming in. Yesterday started at 9° C, but gradually cooled down to a very cold 4° C by midnight. ![]() It would be close to the truth to say that absolutely nothing happened until 8pm yesterday. Then, after 8pm, a lot happened and it was better than expected. Two smallish things did happen during the day. One was cooking and eating, and the other was some very light laundry. The main event was a gig, and there are details of it and the rest of my day, night and this morning, plus some pictures taken at the gig, in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 24th November
2023 |
Yesterday had some nice sunny spells - rather more than early forecasts predicted. However, a lot of the day was dull, and it was cold. Maybe half the day was 11° C, and the other half was 12° C. The breeze was sufficiently strong to make it feel cooler than those figures. ![]() I'm not sure why, but yesterday was one of those days when I seemed to have very little get up and go. Eventually it did turn into a good day, but it was very slow to get there. About the only thing I did prior to going out at 3.30pm was to finish the laundry that had been soaking in detergent for almost 24 hours. The rest of yesterday is described, and amply illustrated by many pictures taken last night, and also the day before, in my complete archived page for today. It also includes stuff about sleeping and dreaming, plus the start of this morning. |
Thursday 23rd
November 2023 |
Yesterday seemed very cold and grey. There was a forecast for sunny spells at 11am, and maybe there was one that didn't last very long. There were some more sunny spells around 12:30 that made photography tricky with the sun so low in the sky. The temperature did peak at 11° C, but that wasn't until late evening ! ![]() Yesterday was good, but it was also bad. That contradiction will be explained with a lot of pictures, as I gradually explain my day yesterday. One good thing was a hot shower. Yesterday I decided to turn up the gas to the water heater because the hot water was getting very tepid as the outside continues to cool as we plunge into winter. The description of yesterday, last night, and this morning, continues on my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 22nd
November 2023 |
Yesterday started very grey, but it was a lighter grey in the afternoon. For some bizzare reason, the BBC revisied their forecast just before 4pm, and it declared there would be sunny spells - and this was 10 minutes before sunset. There were no sunny spells ! It was just 11° C at best, yesterday. ![]() There were really just two notable things yesterday, but somehow it didn't seem to be a boring day, although to say it was exciting would be to exaggerate things. I thought I made a large eating mistake yesterday, but I seem to have got away with it. All these things, and more are described in my complete archived page for today, which also includes stuff about my night and this morning. |
Tuesday 21st
November 2023 |
There were a few bursts of sunshine, during an otherwise grey day, that the forecast didn't predict. The prediction for sunny spells for 2 and 3pm did happen, but were better than I expected. However, it was still a very cool day with the temperature peaking at just 12° C, and that for maybe just a single hour. ![]() I had a major achievement yesterday, and maybe a few minor achievement, but the major achievement sticks out like a sore thumb in my mind - even if it seems petty to you. The key thing was washing my hair and having a good shower. After a day or two of being a complete slob, it felt great to be clean again. The few notable things about yesterday, last night, an, as usual, this morning, are all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 20th November
2023 |
Yesterday was very grey, although there was some glorious sunshine in the first half of the morning. Light rain was forecast for 4pm, and it did indeed fall spot on time ! I wasn't really checking, and so all I can say is that the forecast for 13° C was about right. ![]() Yesterday was another day that seemed to pass smoothly by, and yet it is hard to recall just what made it so. I can remember the important stuff, but there were lots of little, generally inconsequential, things that mopped up useful amounts of time, that I would have to strain my brain to remember. All I remember about yesterday, last night, and this morning, is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 19th November
2023 |
Yesterday was very grey, although it was mostly dry except for some early morning rain. Curiously enough, it was almost mild with an afternoon temperature of 15° C. ![]() First things first: The final result of the great experiment was that washing a grey t-shirt with a brand new black sheet (see yesterday's picture) was not entirely worthless. The grey t-shirt is still a grey t-shirt, but if I stare at it hard I can make myself believe it is a very, very slightly darker shade of grey now. Another hundred washed with another hundred new black items should do the trick ! All I can remember doing yesterday, last night, and this morning is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 18th
November 2023 |
There was some nice sunshine yesterday, including several hours of uninterrupted sunshine, but most of it was just sunny spells. Standing in full sunshine, behind the windows of my bedroom, felt very hot, but it did little to warm things up outside. The highest termperature yesterday was just 10° C. ![]() Yesterday did not turn out as hoped, but it had it's moments. My hoped for plan of going out in the evening was scuppered by two things - a very minor stomach upset, which was no more than a slight feeling of queasiness, and the other thing was that it was, predictably enough, cold and dark ! I did manage to do a couple of notable things yesterday, and my night was also notable, as was this morning. It is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 17th November
2023 |
Yesterday was one of those days when the weather forecast kept changing. Very early versions predicted a lot of rain, but by about 9pm they were saying no rain. At midday they had decided it would rain during the afternoon, and it did, although it was never what you might call heavy rain. Of course the whole day was very dull, with not a glimpse of the sun (although I seem to think that there might have been a minute or so of watery sunshine sometime in the morning. It was a fairly cold day with the temperature only reaching about 8° C ![]() Yesterday was quite a good day. I was generally feeling ok, and some of my bruises had changed to a nice yellow colour. That was good only so much that I could easily see them instead of feeling for tenderness, or earlier, obvious aches for some places. My full day, or as much of it as seems describable, is described along with my night, plus the start of the morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 16th
November 2023 |
There was some very nice sunshine yesterday, but it remained a very cool day, and a stiff breeze made it feel even colder in the afternoon. The highest temperature was 11° C ![]() Yesterday everything was almost back to normal. Most of my injuries gave little or no discomfort despite some bruises looking slightly worse. The only sore spot that really mattered was my tailbone area, and while it is still quite sore if provoked, I seemed to have adapted to doing things/ways of sitting down that avoid provoking it. My day (mostly good), my night (mostly terrible) and this morning (OK-ish) are described in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 15th
November 2023 |
All the warnings of thunderstorm from both forecasters were obviously for somewhere else, or maybe they didn't happen at all. It was all quiet in these parts, although it did get wet around midday. There was some very heavy rain for a short period, but the rest was light to medium rain. It all finished at about 2pm, but it was another hour before we had some watery sunny spells. The warmest time was in the middle of the rain when the temperature rose to 13° C. The rest of the day was 11 or 12° C
The sun is shining as I write this, and
should continue for the rest of the day - except
for possibly 2pm. All that sunshine, and the
temperature may only rise to 11° C. Tomorrow could
see heavy rain all day, and it will be cold. Just
8° C is expected.
My "tailbone" injury was usually comfortable yesterday, but a nudge in the wrong way could still be very uncomfortable. The rest of my injuries had settled down well, and apart from being careful how I sat down, I had a fairly usual sort of day, or it would have been usual/normal if I wasn't waiting on Amazon to deliver a parcel. MY whole day, night, and also this morning is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 14th
November 2023 |
Yesterday started with some quite heavy rain, but the clouds thinned and faded towards the end of the morning, and the rest of the day was bright with either sunshine or sunny spells. It was a very slightly warmer day than recently with the afternoon temperature reaching 14° C. ![]() Yesterday was yet another day when very little happened. For a while I was tempted to go out, but in the end I stayed in and did very little except playing with a couple of cameras, and doing some maintenance of a few camera accessories. It all started when I tried to take a picture of the still rather faint bruise on my upper right arm. All this is sort of explained along with other stuff that I did yesterday, last night, and this morning in my full archived page for today. |
Monday 13th November
2023 |
Yesterday was very dull. There was rain in the morning, and again late in the evening. There may have been a brief light shower at other times, but they would be difficult to spot without staring out the windows all day ! I don't recall seeing a single ray of sunshine. On top of all that it was a cold day with a maximum of just 9° C, although as midnight appraoched it actually warmed up by a degree or two. ![]() Yesterday I reverted to intensive resting and laziness to help the healing process of all my injuries - mostly just bruises and scrapes, but I am still not completely sure I didn't break a bone in my "tail area". The short version of today's stuff is that I did seem to heal further. The slightly longer version, that includes stuff about my night, and this morning, can be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 12th November
2023 |
There was lots of lovely bright sunshine yesterday. It didn't do much for the air temperature, which barely reached 10° C, if it even managed that, but it did warm up my bedroom a treat ! ![]() Yesterday was good in some ways, and bad in others. The day started off quite productive, and at other times that would have been good, but maybe it was bad yesterday. I felt quite good yesterday morning, but it wasn't long before the first warning signs that I might be undoing some of my recent healing. This and much of my day, night, and also this morning, is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 11th
November 2023 |
I didn't pay much attention to the weather yesterday, but I seem to have the impression, rightly or wrongly, that it was not as wet as forecast. I do know that it was a very cool day, and the forecast for for a high of just 9° C seems right. ![]() Yesterday was another day of rest and healing, and not a lot happened - except healing. Which was a very good thing. I think I probably have more to say about my night, and this morning, than about yesterday, but there are a few notes I can make. They, along with some notes about my sleep and dreams, plus how I feel this morning, can all be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 10th November
2023 |
Yesterday's weather forecast didn't get it quite right, although I guess it came close. In the end there were more sunny spells than forecast, and there was more rain than forecast. The one bit that was right, albeit maybe an hour later than forecast, was the heavy rain with sunny spells originally forecast for 2pm, but actually at 3pm. It was quite a short fall of rain, but it was indeed heavy ! I think it might have been a bit warmer than forecast, 11° C instead of 10° C. ![]() I started yesterday feeling very fragile. I began to find bruises and scrapes that I had not been aware of earlier. I think I can safely report that I did almost nothing of note in the morning except for a lot of resting. While I was warm, and resting none of my aches and pains was too bad, and so I decided to not take any painkillers at that stage. More of yesterday, last night, and this morning, is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 9th
November 2023 |
There was a lot less rain than early versions of the weather forecast said there would be yesterday. I think I can even remember a brief sunny spell. The forecast said we wouldn't see the sun at all yesterday. There was rain in the morning, and some more in the middle of the afternoon, but otherwise it seemed dry. The temperature did seem to peak at the forecast 12° C. ![]() Last night was a bit of a disaster, but most of yesterday was a great day. After my morning writing I had a shower, and washed my hair. Once that was dry, and I was dressed, I headed to the station to pick up two copies of the Metro newspaper, take a couple of train pictures, and then get the 12:34 train as far as Ladywell. I describe as much as I can remember, and what turned a great afternoon into a disaster in my complete archived page for today. It also includes a few notes about my night and this morning. |
Wednesday 8th
November 2023 |
Yesterday was a mostly sunny day. There were a few clouds up in the sky that occasionally blocked the sun, and one lot actually made it seem very dull outside for 15 minutes or so. It was, as expected, still a cool day despite the sunshine. The highest afternoon temperature was forecast to be 12° C, and I think it was just that. ![]() Yesterday saw a departure from most days recently, and by recently I may mean since last July ! I did say I was going to try and go out while writing yesterday morning. It wasn't long after that I made up my mind to do so, and I was out unusually early for a medium length walk. It was a very tiring walk, but I have a selection of pictures to illustrate some of it. Those pictures, and description of my day, night and this morning can be read in my full archived page for today. |
Tuesday 7th November
2023 |
It was nice to see some sunshine yesterday. It kept my front rooms warm even when the outside temperature only reached about 13° C. ![]() Not a lot happened yesterday, but a few things did happen. One such thing was a bit of laundry that included a very heavy when wet, and hard to wring out, pair of sweat pants. It raised my body temperature a couple of degrees working on them. Other than that, there was a lot of waiting. The few describable bits of yesterday, plus how I slept, and a bit about this morning, can be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 6th November
2023 |
As far as I was aware, yesterday was completely dry. It was also a moderately sunny day with plenty of sunny spells, but they didn't heat outside up beyond 12° C. ![]() Yesterday featured a few very depressing hours, but most of the day was moderately OK. Overall it did feel like a lot of yesterday was wasted. I had a very slow morning, maybe slowed by writing just over 2000 words yesterday morning - enough for a short story ! All I did that was easy to describe during the day, how my night went, and a few results this morning, is all written up in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 5th November
2023 |
There was less, or lighter rain than forecast for yesterday morning. At about 11am, when heavy rain would fall, according to the early morning version of the forecast, until it was later revised, the sun was making a valiant effort to shine through any crack in the clouds it could find. There were sunny spells for the first half on the afternoon, and as far as I can remember, it stayed dry until almost midnight. The afternoon temperature only rose to 12° C. ![]() I had several good triumphs yesterday, but sadly none of them were anything to do with mending dripping taps... One good triumph was some cooking for my dinner, but more about that later. My day, after having a shower, and putting some laundry in to soak, started with a shopping trip to Tesco. My day, my cooking, my night, and also my morning are all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 4th
November 2023 |
It was nice to see some occasional sunny spells yesterday, but not as many as the forecasts predicted. The other main failure of the forecast was the heavy rain in the afternoon. Light rain was forecast for 5pm, and maybe that fell as well, but that was after sunset. The heavy rain fell while it was still light, and for a short while it was very heavy rain ! It was a coolish day with the temperature peaking at 13° C. ![]() I did not do all the things I hoped to do yesterday, and yet it was quite a satisfactory day. One important thing I did was to finish washing the white hand towel and the white t-shirt. They seemed to dry quite quickly with a fan on them. The very important thing I didn't do was to try and fix the dripping hot tap. As usual, most of my day, night, and this morning, are described in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 3rd November
2023 |
I think we were only touched by the edge of the storm yesterday. We did have some heavy rain, but it wasn't non stop all day as forecast. Even the forecast very strong winds didn't seem as strong as the forecast suggested. For a lot of the day it almost seemed calm. The forecast predicted just a single hour at 11° C, but I think it was probably a few degrees higher for a lot of the afternoon. ![]() Yesterday was one of those good and bad days, although maybe it was all weighted toward the good end of the spectrum. The lousy weather dampened my spirits as well as the world outside, and so I stayed in and tried to ignore what was happening outside. The good, bad, and indifferent are described for yesterday, last night, and also some of this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 2nd
November 2023 |
The weather warnings in yesterday's forecast didn't really come into play until very late at night. Apart from the low afternoon temperature of 14° C, it wasn't that bad a day. The forecast early morning heavy rain was mostly light rain, and I don't think the afternoon rain happened. The afternoon featured several sunny spells. ![]() Yesterday was one of those good and bad days, and on reflection it was mostly good, with some slightly bad mostly towards the end of the day. Probably the best thing was that the weather was kinder than earlier forecasts predicted it might be. The full details of my day, with pictures, plus my night and this morning can be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 1st
November 2023 |
Some of yesterday was nice and bright, and the early afternoon featured some sunny spells. There was some light rain just after dark, and some moderately heavy rain in the late evening. It seemed almost mild, but the temperature was only 14° C. ![]() Yesterday was a good day with several triumphs. Those triumphs were with man against machine, as I shall explain not much further down the page. My morning involved a lot of waiting, but I used some of that time preparing stuff for the triumphs to come. All this is explained as I describe my day, night, and this morning in my complete archived page for today. |