Yesterday may have started sunny, but
not enough to provide much warmth, even
behind glass. The real feature of the day
was the rain that started in the afternoon.
Sometimes it was very heavy, and sometimes
just light rain, but it continued seemingly
non stop into the early hours of today. It
was a fairly cool day yesterday with the
temperature only reaching a mere 9° C.
Today the weather is described as
overcast - a specialist name which I don't
seem to know the rules of use. I regard
any day, or even part of the day where the
clouds block the sun as being overcast,
but apparently some times that is
incorrect. Today clouds, some dark and
heavy, and some light and white, will
cover the sky, and today we can call it
overcast ! It is not only going to be a
completely sunless day, but it is is going
to be cold. The latest revision says the
temperature will only reach 8° C for a
single hour at 4pm. Most of the day will
be 7° C. Tomorrow could be even more
overcast, and the maximum temperature may
only be 6° C.
Let's start with some
good news. My cold, of which there will
follow some commentary, seems to have
dried up this morning. It either wasn't a
very good cold, or I treated it correctly.
Some of that correct treatment started
many months ago when I added Vitamin C
plus Zinc to my daily collection of pills.

As I noted yesterday, I woke up
with a sort of peppery feeling up my nose,
and my nose started to fountain ! In the
first hours of yesterday morning I was
getting through a man sized tissue every
minute or two. That was obviously starting
to make the end of my nose feel sore. I
rubbed on Vicks "vapourub" because I
thought that the menthol might help. It
may or may not have done, but I am sure
the Vasoline base of "Vapourub" helped to
moisturise my nose, and helped stop it
getting too sore.
Being ill meant I had to suspend my
intention to reduce my electricity
consumption, and keep a heater going
almost all day. By using my warmest indoor
clothes I did have the heater on low for
most of the day. Oddly enough, the cold
didn't make me seem more sensitive to
cold. I monitored my body temperature many
times during the day, and never saw a sign
of any fever. In fact my temperature
seemed very normal.
Maybe it was fortunate that I
didn't feel cold because I wasn't tempted
to start eating anything, probably hot
soup, to keep warm. I did eat quite a lot
of peanuts over the course of the
day, but spread out over the day with some
now and then. I was aware that even a
simple cold could make my blood glucose
level go up, but that didn't seem to be
the case - maybe because peanuts don't
seem to effect my blood glucose even if
they do contain a lot of calories.
Having to constantly blow my nose
was obviously an annoyance,but oddly
enough it didn't seem to annoy me. Maybe
it was because I had a sort of good
feeling that it might just be a 24 hour
cold, and even if not that, then I was
very optimistic that I would not develop a
bad cough after not smoking for ten years.
Maybe it was also a great excuse to have a
few whiskies later in the afternoon, and
more in the evening.
One thing I was not looking forward
to was spending much time in the cold,
unheated kitchen. It could have been early
afternoon that a seed was planted in my
mind that came to fruition in the early
evening. I had a yearning for a hot
dinner, and by hot I meant hot, steamy,
spicy ! The idea that grew in my mind was
for a Vindaloo curry - the second hottest
curry that most Indian restaurants sell
(the hottest being a phall).
I decided to use one of the local
Indian Takeaways directly - not going via
Just Eats. I hoped, and I think it was the
case that I saved a bit of money because
obviously Just Eat didn't skim off their
fee. The restaurant would also have gained
too. I used the restaurants website to
make my order, and to pay by credit card.
The only thing which worried me was that
there seemed to be no way to say I didn't
want my card details to be saved for use
on future orders. That could be a bit of a
security risk. Hopefully the card payment
facilitator they use practices good data
As usual I ordered enough for two
dinners, and although the second dinner
might be a bit thin, the total cost was
only £23. That included a small discount
for ordering over £20 worth of food. I
think it took about 30 minutes before it
was delivered, and that seemed very
reasonable. I can foresee me using the
place more in the future, and with good
reason. That reason is not that it is
moderately economical, but that it seems
what I ate last night was kind to my blood
glucose - an important factor in my
It was about 6pm when I started
eating while watching Star Trek:
Enterprise. I didn't bother watching Star
Trek: The Original Series because the
Electronic Programme Guide description was
of an episode that seemed to have only
been screen a month or two ago. I watched
a really stupid documentary style
programme about mad Nazi, and Russian,
science. It was one of many sensationalist
documentaries where (possibly mad) people
explain their theories without offering a
shred of evidence.
By the time I came to eat my dinner
it seemed my nose was getting less drippy.
That was a good thing because my steaming
hot Vindaloo would cause my nose to run on
the best of days, but if anything it
seemed to make it run less, but maybe that
was after I had eaten, and thoroughly
enjoyed it. If there was one bad thing
about it, it was that it had less meat and
potato in it that I seemed to remember
from days, many, many years ago when I ate
them more frequently.
I watched more TV, including an
episode of The Simpsons, but I drew the
line at watching QI because one of the
panellists was Johnny Vegas. I can't stand
that thicko. It seemed a bit early to go
to bed, and so I looked at some stuff on
the internet for maybe half an hour, maybe
a bit longer. I then went to bed. That was
good because it was nice and warm under
the duvet, and I could keep the heater on
low (I had been turning it to full now and
then during the evening).
One of the good things about my
nose starting to dry up, was also that my
eyes were starting to dry up (and most of
the liquid for snot comes via a tiny
little tube from the eyes). During the
afternoon I was unable to read while
laying on my bed because my watery eyes
made reading the print difficult (although
it would have been OK if I had been
sitting up). Yesterday evening I could
read OK while laying in bed. I took the
time to catch up with some of my missed
reading, but ultimately the weight of the
book was making my arms and wrists ache.
It took some time before I managed
to fall asleep. One problem was that my
right elbow, which is giving me a lot of
trouble now, was aching. The only position
it didn't ache in was too uncomfortable as
a sleep position. Then there was the old
problem of my bedroom being warm enough
that I felt too hot under the duvet. later
in the night as everything cools down, it
is less of a problem, but at the start of
my sleep I had to get the proportion of
body covered to uncovered just right.
I think it was around 3am when I
had to make a decision about the heater.
It was then almost cool enough to sleep
under the duvet, but only
I could have turned the heater off, and
fallen asleep with maybe an arm and a leg
uncovered, only to wake up an hour later
feeling cold, or I could turn the heater
up full, and kick off the duvet if needed.
I chose the latter. One good thing about
the night was that I can only remember
having to leave my warm bedroom, to go the
the very cold toilet once in the night.
The lack of night time peeing was
reason to hope that maybe my blood glucose
was still fairly low, and it turns out it
was. My now favourite blood glucose meter,
the Bayer Contour, which can still show a
dangerously high reading if that is the
case, was actually showing a nice low
reading of 7.9mmol/l/ The GlucoRX meter
was in close agreement at 8.2mmol/l. The
Sino Care meter, on a second attempt with
a fresh blood sample, showed 8.9mmol/l. I
fear I can't trust that meter, and maybe
once the several months of test strips I
have for it run out, I may well retire it.
It is most encouraging that in the
last 3 hours since getting out of bed, I
have only needed a single man sized tissue
because I have produced only an odd rip of
snot. It is as if I am fully cured !
I must admit that I have been looking for
any lingering symptoms, and the only one I
can find is probably more
cowardice/sensible, and is a desire to
keep warm today, and rest while I can. If
it were sunny out, even if still freezing
cold, I could have been tempted to put on
my thickest coat and go for a mile or two
walk in the park. I might even have gone
shopping in Tesco, but I don't think I
need to do that, and so won't. Today I
will enjoy being lazy without any qualms
about it.....but than again, I rarely have
any worries about being lazy - I didn't
when I was a working man, and I am
certainly not going to be when I am