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My Diary/Blog For the Month of October 2013 |
Friday 25th October 2013 |
18:33 BST The temperature rose to a surprising 19° C today, and it was fairly bright a lot of the time. Yesterday was a couple of degrees cooler, and damper with an occasional splash of rain. It seems that my visit to work on Tuesday was more taxing than I thought - or more likely I was just being lazy ! After doing practically nothing on Wednesday I wanted to do the same yesterday, but I couldn't. In the morning I went to the surgery to give a blood sample. On the way home from that I did some shopping in Aldi. Then in the afternoon I went back to the surgery to see the nurse, and get the dressing on my leg changed. If that wasn't enough excitement for the day, I also went to The Catford Ram for some Guinness with the Thursday gang. I had 4 pints before coming home again. I could have stayed a bit later because I seemed to be in far less pain or discomfort than recently, but I thought that 4 pints was about right. The night air felt a bit cool and damp as I walked home, and soon after I got home I started coughing and sneezing. For a moment it seemed like I had gone down with a cold, but both the coughing and sneezing stopped after a while, and didn't come back. I guess it was just one of those things. For some uknown, but probably stupid reason, I thought I might sleep well last night, and in a way I did, but.............As usual I was in bed ready to go to sleep by 9pm, but nothing happened (which is also annoyingly usual). It wasn't until about 2am this morning that I started sleeping for longer and longer periods, and it wasn't until 9am, after a particularly long period of uninterupted sleep, that I decided it was time to quit trying to sleep more. I am unsure why I couldn't sleep a lot earlier, but I don't recall being in any particular discomfort apart from some sometimes feeling a bit too warm or cool. It was this morning that I developed quite a bit of discomfort. I slept on my side for quite a large part of my sleep last night, and that left my chest feeling a bit sore. It might also be responsible for my left hand and arm giving me a lot of grief today. It is one of those days where half my hand is very oversensitive to touch. When even a brief brush across the little finger fingertip feels like fire, and it is quite difficult to ball my hand into a fist. There has even been some lack of sensitivity from my index finger. It's not much, but it is noticeable. One of the worst aspects, apart from how painful it can sometimes be, is how lack of use is making my left hand get weaker and weaker. There was plenty of stuff I could do with half my hand that is now difficult due to lack of strength. If there is not a big improvement by Monday I think I will have to have a serious word in the ear of my cardiac surgeon when I see him for a check up/follow up at Kings College Hospital on Monday. Tonight I was hoping I would feel adventurous to try and get to a gig. The gig is in Chelsfield, Kent, and would be a bit of a challenge even if I was in A1 condition - or at least getting home from there would be. To get there I would have to get a train to Bromely South where I would change to a train to Orpington. Then from Orpington I would have to get a bus to the venue. The band I was hoping to see are called Dupe. They feature Dave Griffiths - an excellent keyboard player who occasionally plays keyboards for Chain, and just for tonight, special guest vocals from Jo Corteen from Chain. I reckon I will be missing a really memorable gig, but with my hand aching the way it is, and the complicated travelling, there is no realistic way I could go tonight. Dupe playing at Party In The Priory 2012 |
Saturday 19th October 2013 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15:22 BST Until the last few minutes it has been a very dull gloomy sort of day with the ground perpetually wet from drizzle. Sometimes the rain may have been heavier, but I've done my best to ignore the outside world today. It didn't last long, and maybe it will never be repeated, but a few minutes ago the sun came out - which was rather nice. The current temperature is a surprising 18° C. It would be fairly accurate to say that I am not at my happiest today, and yet there are reasons why I shoud be feeling good. Maybe the dull gloom just rides roughshod over any minor positives. I don't think I felt that bad last night, and my sleep last night was not terrible. If anything it was microscopically better than recently - once I managed to actually get to sleep properly. The most positive thing happened this morning, and yet it seemed so brief that I find it hard to believe it really happened. For little more than a second I realised that I was able to feel the texture of my trousers using the little fingers of my left hand without having the sensation completely overwhelmed by painful tingling. Nothing as good as that has happened since, but indescribable changes to how my left hand feels do continue to hint that change is happening. Maybe one change that is slightly more obvious when I come to think of it, is that it seeems much easier to calm my hand down when it gets painful. The same is not so true for the rest of my left arm, but maybe I've had hints that is to come soon. It is entirely possible that all these feelings about improvements to my hand and arm are mainly delusional to counter the depression I feel today. The core of it is undoubtably impatience. It feels like all these aches and pains have gone on far too long, and that I should be doing something useful or exciting...or both ! There is also the feeling that with yet another drug being prescribed to attempt to control my blood pressure I am, once again, moving from being a patient to being a guinea pig. This last happened in 2009, and I was not happy about it, not happy at all ! Back in 2009 I collected some records of my blood pressure. My worst figures were always when I was at the surgery, and the best were quite often after commuting home from work.
It was in July 2009 that I said (to no one in particular) to hell with it ! I stopped taking all the pills, and decided to do something useful. That was the start of my long coastal walks (and some pretty long inland walks too). My first trip was to Rye Harbour, and although it wasn't a very long walk, it felt wonderful to complete it. Over the next few years I felt fitter and healthier than I had ever done before. Whether or not I was actually damaging myself doesn't deserve consideration. I saw stuff, and did stuff I would never have done otherwise, and that was priceless. If we were heading for summer instead of winter I could easily see myself turning my back on the doctors again. One of the frustrations now is that I find it very difficult to enjoy walking in anything but bright warm (preferably hot) sunshine. Somehow I have to find a balance, if there is one, where I can try and keep the doctors just happy enough to keep off my back until next spring comes around. In the meantime I've got to get through the rest of today. In theory I could go to a gig. It's only a bus ride away (not that I've been on a bus or train in something like 7 or 8 weeks now), but I would have to raise a huge amount of enthusiasm to get me out of the front door. Maybe it will happen, but I doubt it. |
Friday 18th October 2013 |
14:08 BST It's 18° C right now, and I guess that means today is milder than yesterday. It didn't start out like that. It was quite chilly at daybreak, but occasional sunny spells seem to have worked wonders. I think it would be true to say that I am not happy today, but my optimism levels are stupidly high right now. I tried my new pain killer drug, Amitripyline, last night, and it was useless ! For about 5 minutes I did feel a little drowsy, and maybe, just maybe the pain from my right hand was reduced. Unfortunately those 5 minutes were not the same time as I was planning, or ready to go to sleep. When I did want to go to sleep I was not very drowsy, and the pain from my left hand/arm was as lively as ever. Several hours later I took some paracetamol, and while that has only a limited effect, it helped enough to get to sleep eventually. As usual I slept in blocks of 45 - 75 minutes until about 4am when the pain became less controllable, and I slept a lot less until I eventually gave up any serious attempt at trying to get back to sleep at about 5.30am (although I did get a few minutes here and there). Waking up early was no bad thing, and indeed at some time in the future, when I eventually return to work, I'll have to get used to getting up even earlier still ! This morning it was handy because I had an appointment with the nurse at 8.45am to have my remaining bit of wound on my leg assessed, and the dressing changed. That bit of wound has still not healed, but it has shrunk by half in the last week or so - in my humble opinion. The nurse seemed more impatient than me in this instance, but while it is not painful, and not actualy leaking any blood, I am happy with it to close at it's own rate - I have other worries. After seeing the nurse I went to Aldi where I desperately tried to only buy wholesome foods like fruit and fish, but inevitably a few naughty things slipped into my basket. I should have bought a lot less because it was a real bugger lugging it home - all thanks to only having half of my left hand able to support any weight. I must say that my left hand is being rather beastly today, but for some strange reason I feel quite optimistic about it. As well as the strong tingly senstation that I get instead of touch from the two little fingers, I am now also getting completely random stabs of pain. Fortunately they are rare, and very brief. To my simple mind they are evidence of nerves regrowing, and an indicator that there will be an end to this major annoyance. It's a shame that the Amitripyline is not providing any useful analgesic action at this time. I notice that the web page I've linked to says that the effect on sleep is almost immeadiate, but as a pain killer it can take 2 - 6 weeks to work ! Now that is completely stupid. I sincerely hope that the worst of this pain will be completely over in far less than 6 weeks without any aid from analgesics. As an experiment, because I had nothing better to do, I took another tablet at about 11am this morning. It didn't give any pain relief, but it did make it is a few percent easier to doze off to sleep for the rest of the morning, and into this afternoon. It wasn't a very good test because there are plenty of examples of me sleeping much of the morning, and into the afternoon without the help of any drugs, but I'll be ultra generous and say it must have helped a bit. My chest continues to provide pain when stimulated the right way - which includes many common movements. Sometimes it can be bloody annoying, and at other times merely slightly irritating. I think I may have commented in the past that the worst pain occurs in a small area, and that area is slowly getting higher and higher up the scar. In the past I have suggested that once it gets to the top of the scar the pain will sail off into outer space, never to bother me again ! Perhaps that is a bit fanciful, but today some of the pain almost feels like a shaving rash under my chin (quite a long way under, and essentially at the neckline). I reckon in a day or two I'll be finding out if there is a significant improvement in my chest pain. Some bits will obviously stay sensitive for a while - there is obvious bruising to show where that will be. For much of the time it is now just the surface sensitivity, that makes wearing a shirt unpleasant, that annoys me most, and the other pains I can easily live with and/or work around. As I sit here with my left hand tingling, and my left arm feeling like it's been over exercised tenfold, any small pain from my chest is quite ignorable ! This afternoon, tonight, and tomorrow feel like they could be excruciatingly boring. My friend Aleemah is busy tomorrow, but I will be seeing her on Sunday instead. Ideally I'd like to go to a gig tonight, but I don't think there is anything suitable, and I am not completely sure I am up to it anyway. As it is, I feel like another snooze coming on :-) |
Wednesday 2nd October 2013 |
17:07 BST Some of this afternoon has been quite bright, but the day started off damp and gloomy. Fortunately the heaviest rain probably passed to the west of here. The current temperature is just under 20° C, and that is higher than I would have guessed. It seems tomorrow will see similar temperatures, but it will be the afternoon when it is wettest. Yesterday morning I went out for a walk in the park. I was not particularly keen to do it, and it took a lot of effort to get out of the front door. Maybe I knew that it would be far harder than the walk in the park I did the previous day. It was definitely a longer walk, but not by a great deal, and my sat-nav application reckoned my entire walk was only 1.25 miles. That sounds like it should have been a ridiculously easy stroll, but it floored me for some reason. It was a huge joy to get back home and put my feet up ! I felt knackered for the rest of the day after that. One possible explanation is that despite being on anti-biotics, I have picked up some sort of cold. I'm not aware of running a temperature, but I must admit that I was genuinely surprised to see how high the temperature was today. I thought it was far colder. This lack of energy, plus a lot of aching here and there, has continued on to today. This morning I was coughing a lot, and although most of it was mostly painless, some was definitely not painless ! I seem to be going through a phase where lots of me is getting better, but other bit's aren't. My left hand is a good example of this. This morning I seemed to be getting about 33% normal sensation masked by 66% tingling from the small fingers of my left hand. I rate that as an improvement. It hasn't lasted all that well through the day, but I choose to believe it as a good omen for continued recovery. In a similar way, I am getting far less severe pain from my chest......most of the time. Washing my hair this morning was not exactly painless, but probably less painful than last time, and the slight increase in sensation in my left hand made the experience less of a chore too. Overall, it was a fairly good start to the day, but it didn't last long. I saw my friend Aleemah this morning, and that meant walking to the station. It wasn't hard work, or painful to walk to the station as it was before my operation, but it was not a trivial thing like it should have been this morning. I deliberately arrived at the station 7 or 8 minutes early so I could take a breather before Aleemah's train arrived. Once it had we walked down to the Wetherspoons pub. Oddly enough, that walk, although something like one and a half times as long as home to the station, seemed easier. My main complaint during that walk was my chest feeling sore where my shirt was irritating the still crusty (in places) wound down the front of my chest. My chest also felt cold. Aleemah assured me that it didn't feel cold in the pub, but it did not feel that warm to me, and I thought it felt very slightly warmer when we left the pub. Even with a pint and a half of beer inside me, I didn't feel that wonderful on the way home, and it was nice to get inside and sit down again - for a while. After watching two story lines of The Tomorrow People on DVD I was so uncomfortable sitting down that I had to have a lie down on my bed. After 15 minutes we resumed watching the DVD for the final story (on that disk - one of three). At about half past two Aleemah went home, and I had a nice long rest on my bed. I don't feel too bad at the moment, but that is largely reliant on my doing practically nothing. Hopefully I'll feel a bit more lively tomorrow, but there is no special need for it. Chain are playing a rare Thursday night gig at a venue I can't really get to. The significance of that is that Chris won't be attending any Thursday Night Gang drinking session in Catford (or anywhere else). So I can be as lazy as I want all day long !! It would feel nice to feel a bit better though, and fingers crossed, I will ! |