15:29 BST
Yesterday was like a watered down version of summer. It was
sunny, and just about warm. Today is not exactly cold (16 -
17°C), but
it is grey, grey, grey ! It seems tomorrow could be almost warm
eventually (21°C) but the morning, while staying dry, is going to be
greyer than grey. Only late afternoon might have a brief bit of watery
On Thursday morning I went out to post my sick certificate off to
work, and to pick up fresh supplies of Diet Coke from the corner shop.
When I got back I found the district nurse had finally turned up, just
a week late, to change the dressings that the nurse at the the practice
had changed the day before. She had the briefest of looks at my wounds
before declaring everything was OK, and going on her way.
Early in the afternoon I was visited by my friend all the way
from the
other end of the country, Barbara (otherwise known as Ruby). She
brought me a little present of chilli sauces made in her home town of
Keswick. The timing of her fairly rare visits to London, and my
hospital treatment, worked out rather well, and she was able to see me
pre-operation, and now back at home on the road to recovery. It
was a
pleasure to see you Barbara.
Yesterday was a wholly different sort of day. In the morning I
another visit to see a different nurse at my doctors premises. She was
very pleased with the healing of the very long scar on my left leg, and
re-dressed the wound is a couple of places with little more than a
large sticking plaster. Walking to the surgery, and back again,
still slightly taxing, but not too bad. However, compared to what I did
in the evening it was probably rather simple.
At a little after 5.30pm I set out for what was possibly my longest
walk since getting out of hospital - but only longest by a handful of
yards - all my common destinations all seem roughly the same distance.
I walked non-stop all the way to The Catford Ram to see Chain play an
early evening gig. I wasn't sure it was the wisest thing I've done, but
I was determined to do it, and for the most part it was very enjoyable.
It was the first time I've had any booze since before the
beginning of
this month, and it was the first time in countless years (probably over
40 years) that I've been to a pub with no sources of nicotine. I did
have a few cravings for a fag, but somehow, much to my complete
surprise, they seemed easy to overcome.
It was a long night out, and ultimately I found myself feeling
exhausted towards the end, but I very much enjoyed it. The curious
looked at the metal staples in my chest, and Chris dedicated the
Fleetwood Mac song, "Don't Stop" to me. Naturally I took my camera

Jo and Chris (not performing "Don't Stop")

....and Jo doing a solo number (Gold Dust Woman maybe).
I faced a slight dilemna
the end of the gig. I had been almost ordered to hang around so that Jo
and Chris could give me a lift home. If I hadn't waited, and had left
very quickly, I might have been home an hour earlier, but I was feeling
pretty tired, and gave in to the offered lift. Perhaps the worst thing
about waiting was that it was starting to get very chilly - and I had
come out in just my shirtsleeves.
I probably slept better last night than since getting out of
and if I had drunk more than 3 (or 4) pints of Guinness I may
slept even better. It still wasn't what I would call a good nights
sleep, and today I've been feeling it after last night.
Today I had a visit from my friend Aleemah, and this time I
promised I
would meet her at the station like I would usually. I left with loads
of time to spare, and initially started walking far too fast towards
the station. Things became a little easier when I slowed up a bit, but
at no time did I feel any particular strain. I still feel something
like a bit wobbly, but not actual dizzyness when walking, but it's
probably getting better day by day.
We walked back from the station at a slightly more sedate pace,
but I
was still very happy to get home again. We watched a DVD and had chat,
but I was not a very good host today. At one point I dozed off !
Aleemah seemed to take that in her stride, but around 2pm I suggested
that maybe she would like to go home - which she did, and I lay on my
bed and snoozed for a bit.
Today I am obviously tired, but I continue to heal. The scars on
leg are a lot less red, and the same is so for the scars on my chest.
My main area of annoyance is the lack of feeling, or tingly feeling,
and lack of strength in my left hand. It is made worse when sitting
here typing. So it's lucky I have little more to say except that I
think that the hand is still improving - just that it's in bloody small
increments !