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My Diary/Blog for the Month of December 2014 |
25th December 2014 |
GMT After getting soaked in the morning it was hard to believe the forecast for the afternoon could be anything close to being right, but yesterday afternoon was often sunny. By the time I went home the sky was practically clear, and that made the daylight last a bit longer than expected. The temperature did drop a lot during the day, but I don't recall my journey home from work being particularly chilly. Later in the evening the temperature had dropped to 4° C, and it was similar to that all night. This morning started really chilly, but beautifully sunny with a clear blue sky. There seem to be first clouds gathering in the sky right now, but so far they are thin and sparse, and the sun continues to shine. It could be a spectacular sunset tonight, and a rather chilly one, although the temperature has risen to 6.4° C. Tomorrow is forecast to start very cold, maybe just 2 or 3° C with no sunshine at all, and after sunset it will rain. By then the temperature will have risen to 5° C, and so we will escape any snowfall by the skin of our teeth ! I was not happy at work yesterday. For one thing I didn't feel that good. There was nothing I could actually lay my finger on to say this is wrong, but just a general feeling of something not quite right. That was quite minor compared to other problems. The job I had busted a gut to finish, and had me leaving work over half an hour late turned out to be not quite the panic that I had been told it was. Worse than that was that this year we didn't get a single tangible xmas thank you. Most years we have been given a bottle of champagne, and last year we got a xmas bonus for the first time in years. We didn't get anything at all this year, and the final kick in the balls was that we weren't told to go home early ! Maybe those who tend to stay up to three hours later than I do might have got away an hour or two early but I just sneaked out 2 minutes, yes just 120 seconds, earlier than usual ! I was not happy ! Last night I continued to feel a bit strange in a way that I can't describe in any meaningful way...except maybe in one sort of way. As I have done for many years, I ordered a huge Indian takeaway last night. I carefully researched the Food Standards Agency website to make sure I was ordering from an establishment that observed some sort of reasonable hygiene (although for some reason it seems rare to find any Indian restaurant that scores better than 3 out of 5). Then I spent £38 on a huge takeaway. As in past years, the idea was that I would have a slap up meal last night, and then breakfast, lunch and dinner out of the leftovers. Well it's far simpler than cooking a turkey - which would be a complete and utter waste of time just to serve me, and no one else. The one single tangible clue that I was not feeling my best was that I didn't eat as much as I thought I would. During the evening I didn't do anything more exciting than watch a bit of TV - that include the James Bond film "Skyfall". It didn't take long for that to appear on TV - it was only released in 2012 ! I think I must have watched something after that, maybe an old, much repeated episode or two of QIXL on Dave perhaps. It was about midnight when I went to bed. As far as I can recall I didn't feel particularly bad in any concrete sort of way, and nothing that stopped me falling asleep quite quickly. At 2.20am I woke up needing a pee. As soon as I pulled the duvet away I started uncontrollably shivering. It was like I had a fierce fever, and maybe that is what I had, but I didn't actually measure my temperature. With arms and legs vibrating like a hummingbirds wings, I managed to have my pee, and I also managed to turn the heater on. Then I jumped back into bed, and pulled the duvet tightly around me. I think I managed to get back to sleep for nearly an hour before I woke up feeling terrible. Everything seemed to ache, and that included my chest. That was quite worrying because is was a feeling that was sometimes a bit like, but not exactly like one of my presumed heart attacks. One big difference was that when I had to call the ambulance 15 or 16 months ago, I could still move my arms and legs quite freely. In the early hours of this morning it was like I was in the middle of a really bad bout of 'flu. Everything hurt ! It was difficult getting back to sleep because of that, and also because I also seemed to choose that moment to have some gut ache, and had to make several trips to the toilet. Quite how all those things tie together is a complete mystery to me. I started to sleep fairly well again by a little after 5am, and managed to stay in bed until just gone 8am, but I decided to get up then. I still had some chest pain, and I decided I had better have a good shower just in case it got worse, and I needed to seek help. Unlike that last time, at the start of September 2013, having a shower didn't start the pains off, and this time left them about the same. One useful thing was that I noticed the chest pain was more to do with posture than what I was doing. That seemed to me to indicate that it was just an extension of the muscular pains afflicting other bits of me. Having convinced myself that I was unlikely to die I decided to go out for a walk and see how that felt. Apart from it being a bit finger tingling cold, it actually felt good. I was only walking slowly because I was using my camera a lot, but it all felt rather good. I think I probably walked about a mile, but it felt easy, and I arrived home looking forward to a bit of breakfast. All traces of the chest pain had gone......until I slumped into a chair and relaxed. That brought them back until I sat up straight again. It was an awful lot like having back ache at the front ! The purpose of my walk was to photograph how bleak Catford is on Xmas morning, and with a couple of exceptions I think I made quite a good record of it. So here is just a small selction of my contribution to human misery - Catford on a day that is like Sunday, but far, far worse ! ![]() When this place says it is "24 hours open" it obviously means it - 365 days a year ! ![]() The London And Rye - not open for breakfasts today, but may have opened at lunchtime. ![]() The Catford Cat was open for whatever it's business is. Look at that clear blue sky ! ![]() The Catford Ram - I suspect they may not have open for a couple of hours at lunchtime as they traditionally did years ago, but maybe I am wrong. ![]() It's rare to see these painted shutters. At night, about the only time they would be down, you tend to rush past them without looking about too much. ![]() The entrance of The Catford Constitutional Club - they are definitely closed all day today. ![]() Another shop that boasts it is open 24 hours a day - including bank holidays. ![]() No buses or trains are running through Catford today (and no trains tomorrow either !). One of the problems of these
Sunday like days is that there is a high possibility
of them being very boring, but I don't seem to have
felt bored yet. Maybe it's still too soon after being
at work, and the mind numbing boredom will set in when
I have finished relaxing and recuperating - maybe
tomorrow, or the day after. Right now I think I am
happy just to vegetate. The only thing to occupy my
mind now is to see how long I can hold out before
having my next portion of curry !
GMT I don't know whether to say that yesterday was not bad for the time of the year, or just to say it wasn't the worst of days. The thing that saved it was that it didn't rain, and perhaps the fact that it was a fraction less cold than expected went in it's favour. This morning, the first of a potential new year (explanation later), got off to a good start in as much as it was almost 13° C, and a bad start because it was raining. It seems the weather forecasters have changed their mind, and there is a chance of a light shower, or a bit of drizzle at any time today. To make matters worse it is going to be a very, very dull day, but there is even more that is worse than that. It is going to get colder as the day progresses - although only by a degree or two. By Thursday, the day many will be celebrating as some sort of xmas thing, the temperature will be down close to zero in the morning, and 7° C at best, but it will be bright and sunny - at least that is what is forecast now, but a weather forecast more than 56 seconds before the event is likely to be completely and utterly wrong ! I think I would have been quite content to stay in last night, but it was also nice to meet Jodie and Mark in The Catford Constitutional Club late yesterday afternoon. I have to confess that the beers they had on hand pump were not that nice, but we finished off with some nice bottled beer. Mine was a German dark lager, and at £4.90 a bottle it should have been nice. If I were a rich man I could happily drink quite a lot of it, but I think it has to stay as a treat in this lifetime. Over the course of my entire lifetime I have only received a few notable Xmas presents. Of course the majority were when I was a kid. As an adult it has usually been a case of "it's the thought that counts". I don't blame people for this. I find it incredibly hard to think of gifts for people, and I think I must prefer to be branded as a miserable tight arsed scrooge rather than break my brain trying to think of a nice gift for someone. Sometimes inspiration strikes, and usually it doesn't. Inspiration must have struck Jodie because she gave me a nice xmas present this year. It was two portions of cheese. Both look to be very tasty, but one in particular looks as if it could be really nice. It is tomato and basil flavoured ! I think I forget to mention that kevin gave me a nice present too. It was three half pint bottles of specially brewed beers. You can't go wrong with beer....or cheese...or It was getting on for 7pm when I got back from the pub. I had already prepared some dinner before I went out, and it was just a matter of heating up a baked potato, and some mixed vegetables cooked in beef stock. That made for an almost filling, tasty, and almost healthy dinner, although my dessert was not so good. The cherries were fine, but the plain cheddar cheese I had with them spoiled things a bit (or quite a lot). I was quite pleased with the baked potato though. I was going to buy another little bag of unusually small baking potatoes from Aldi last Saturday when I noticed that they had bags of red potatoes next to the baking potatoes, and that some of the red potatoes were bigger than the baking potatoes. My example of one suggests that red potatoes bake just as well as the potatoes marked as baking potatoes. I think if I tried hard enough I could imagine that the red ones were actually nicer ! While I ate my dinner I watched some of the film "Space Cowboys". I've seen it before, and I think I might own the DVD of it, so it wasn't too hard to switch it off mid film and go up to my bedroom. After 10 - 20 minutes of checking for email, and checking other stuff on the internet, I decided I would go to bed. Maybe it was not one of my better decisions. I was in bed at around 8pm, and it took over two hours before I could fall asleep. I was sure I felt tired, but evidently not. Even after I fell asleep I didn't seem to stay asleep for that long, and I got very little sleep from 2am until 5am when I had to start getting ready to go to work. I didn't feel too good this morning, and I think it was more than just the stress of having to go to work. In an ideal world I think I might have managed to sleep much later than when my alarm went off. It felt like I was just getting the hang of sleeping again after a couple of hours of forgetting how to....or maybe that is just pure madness. All I know is that I didn't start copiously yawning until I had got up. If I had the time to slowly come to grips with the real world, and I didn't have to force myself to travel all the way to work, it is possible that I wouldn't have noticed, or paid any attention to all the creaks, groans and moans from assorted bits of my body, but I did, and suffered all the way to work as a consequence of it...well maybe it wasn't quite that bad. The most important things, my legs, seemed to carry me to work without too much bother, but from my hips up to the split ends of my hair I was not fully comfortable. Now I'm at work, and the room is slowing warming up, I am not in any discomfort worth noting, but I can't stop yawning. I think I am really beginning to miss those missing hours of sleep last night. Oh well, not long to go now for a few more days off work, and while I wait the days slowly get longer. Today is the first day of the new year in a pagan calendar that might not actually exist, but should do ! In my new philosophy, yesterday, the longest day of the year, and the winter solstice, was also the last day of the old year. From today the year is reborn So I would like to wish Ruby and Mike and everybody else a happy new year, and because it may, or may not be a pagan new year, some sort of pagan wishes would seem appropriate. So may all your cows yield plenty of good milk, may all your cheeses mature nicely, and may all your wines and ales ferment properly. In researching about today as the first day of a new year, and mostly reaching a blank, I did come across other useful/pointless information. On this day in....... 1965 – In the United Kingdom, a 70 mph speed limit is applied to all rural roads including motorways for the first time. Previously, there had been no speed limit. 1888 – J. Arthur Rank, patron saint of masturbators, was born. He founded the Rank Organisation (d. 1972) 1941 – Jose Duval (who ?), Belgian pornographic actor was born 1997 – Sebastian Arcos Bergnes, Cuban-American dentist and activist died (b. 1931) In India today is National Mathematics Day ! |
GMT Today is the winter solstice.
From today the days will start getting longer !
Hurrah !!!! As expected, the temperature didn't drop below 6° C last night. In fact it might have been slightly less cool than that at day break. Contrary to expectations there has been some sunshine this morning. It wasn't much, and if you blinked you would have missed it. The sky is now rather more uniform grey than it was earlier. Earlier on it was quite a patchy grey with exciting looking bright bits in it, and even tiny little gaps where blue could be seen beyond (and where the sun managed to sneak through on at least one occasion). It's currently 11° C, and that's two degrees warmer than forecast. Apparently the temperature will continue to rise, albeit slowly, and when I get up at 5am tomorrow morning it could be 13° C - which is not far short of t-shirt with gritted teeth weather ! The cloud is forecast to be black by then, but like today, it should be another dry day. There seems to be a lot of obituary programmes on TV recently. I mentioned the one about John Le Mesurier yesterday, but there was another one that I got into watching last night. It was of an actor/comedian who couldn't be more different to John Le Mesurier, but was just as enjoyable - Rik Mayall. What was sort of strange about it was that being a modern man he had written and filmed part of his own obituary. I must confess that Rik Mayall was not one of my favourites. He was good, but it was his frequent collaborator (or whatever you should call him) Ade Edmondson who I thought to be funnier. It was quite late when I went to bed last night. For some reason I seem to recall it might have been around midnight, but I can't imagine that I was watching TV that late, and I'm sure I didn't do anything else to pass the time. Anyway, I seemed to sleep well, and although I did get up for a while around 5am, I went back to bed, and had a few more hours sleep. With all the sleep I seem to have had over the last couple of nights, it is no great surprise that I woke up feeling fairly good. Of course not having to go to work this morning did mean that I didn't have to look for weaknesses like I would on a work morning. It is possible that while I didn't have any physical ailments of any great concern, I may have suffered some sort of mental trauma....some sort of brain death or something. The only reason I think this may have happened is that for some utterly stupid reason I thought I could hand wash both a sheet and a duvet cover this morning. The even stranger thing is that I did do just that ! The sheet was hanging on a clothes horse in front of the heater in the living room, and the duvet cover was hanging on a clothes horse in the bath where is was copiously dripping. Since then the sheet has dried enough to be put away, and the duvet cover has stopped dripping, and is now draped over the two clothes horses in front of the heater in the living room. This is rather convenient because one of the things I didn't do before washing that bed linen was to wash myself and my hair. Until an hour ago that didn't matter. I was not expecting to go out and see anyone, but now I will be meeting Jodie and Mark for what should be a quick drink at about 5pm. It would be polite not to be too smelly when I see them, and now the bath is free I can wash my hair and have a shower - which I will be doing right now ! |
17:10 GMT Today has been a beautiful day - blue sky all day with plenty of sunshine, and a nice pink sunset, but it's been cold, ever so cold ! The forecast said it should have reached 4° C this afternoon, but the best I saw on my thermometer was 2.8° C, and the lowest I saw was 0.6° C at sunrise this morning. I think it's going to be a mighty cold night tonight !Although having said that, the BBC forecast says that the temperature will have risen to to 7° C by 5am tomorrow, and it will be raining. The rain will continue until late morning, and then the sun will come out. The highest temperature will be 9° C. We'll see ! My day continued to be unproductive yesterday, although I did go out shopping. So at least I got to stretch my legs. I bought some ever useful underpants from Peacock's, and all sorts of good and bad things from the 99p shop. Some of what I bought will slow the potential shrinkage of my waist by a week or two, and some of what I bought will keep my hair clean and shiny........and interestingly flavoured with assorted fruit and berries ! I just need to get some rice pudding flavoured conditioner to go with the fruit flavoured shampoo now ! I found it rather strange that I was quite keen to go out to a gig last night. It was dark and incredibly cold when I went out, and that usually puts me off at the best of times. It's difficult to know whether to credit a small, hardly measurable, weight loss, or just the recent lower dose of Bisoprolol for this unusual enthusiasm. It may well be both, with the latter responsible for the former, or it may just all be in my head. It was a 40 minute bus ride to The Kings Arms pub (right at the end of runway 21 of Biggin Hill airport, or so I am lead to believe) in Leaves Green where Night Owl were playing. It's one of those rare long bus rides that is not always that tedious. Much of the route of the 320 bus parallels the really tedious route 208, but the 320 always seems faster, and once it heads into the countryside it can travel quite excitingly fast, and all that makes for a far more agreeable ride home after drinking lots of beer. Oddly enough I didn't fancy that much beer on such a cold night. That cold night air, and it was damn cold last night, maybe just 1° C, can have undesirable effects while waiting for the bus home ! I ended up only drinking two pints of beer, but that was partly because I didn't stay to the end. I caught the next bus that came after the end of Night owl's first set. I think the bus came at about 10:40pm. That seemed quite late enough to be out in the country on a cold dark night ! I enjoyed what I did see, and of course I took a few snapshots. ![]() Jo Corteen under a green stage light. ![]() Dave Griffiths at his keyboards. One of the reasons for it being so cold was that the sky was almost perfectly clear, and it just happened to be a full moon last night. I couldn't take this picture while I waited for the bus home because I was shivering so much I could hardly keep the camera steady, but after a brisk walk from the bus to home I managed to warm myself up just enough to take what must be my best picture ever of the moon, and for the first time ever, a full moon ! ![]() When I got off the bus I
was greeted by the smells of a couple of fast food
shops, and on a freezing cold night, with some
beer inside me, they were amazingly tempting, but
somehow I managed to ignore them, and went
straight home to heat up, and eat a far healthier
meal. It was the smoked haddock with cauliflower
and broccoli that I had cooked for the night
before, but hadn't eaten. It was not a typical
post-pub meal, but it warmed me up, and filled a
spot - but not over filled.
I think I only managed to sleep for 6 hours last night, and it could have been less, but I had to get up and straighten the place out for a visit from Aleemah. I wasn't feeling terribly wonderful first thing this morning. I can't recall if I mentioned it earlier, but for the past couple of days I've had a slightly sore throat. This morning, perhaps after all that icy air last night, it was really very sore. On top of that my legs felt like stiff cardboard when I walked to the station to meet Aleemah. By the time I got to the station my legs were starting to move quite smoothly again, and at some point my sore throat started getting better - but it was such a slow fade out that I am unsure when it started, and when it finished. It never finished completely because it is still very, very slightly sore even now, but for the most part it is completely ignorable. After not having much beer last night, it was nice to grab one more pint this morning when we went in the pub so Aleemah could have her breakfast. Then it was back here via Aldi where I did my best to shop for purely sensible items, and failed miserably as usual ! Aleemah brought over a rather good DVD to watch together. It was a 1963 British sci fi film called "An Unearthly Stranger", and I found it rather enjoyable. It was a very British film - quite laid back, no guns, no explosions, very little high drama, no one panicking, and no Americans ! What it did have was a good, but maybe rather thin plot. This afternoon I have been very lazy, and that is something I think I will be tonight too. I thought there was a gig on that I might have been considering going too, but probably wouldn't go to - although the idea is mute now because I can't remember who it might have been, or where they were playing - if indeed anyone was playing in the first place ! Such brain fade suggests I would be better off just watching some TV or reading tonight. It's certainly the warmer option ! |
07:58 GMT It seems that the BBC's weather forecast for yesterday was far too pessimistic. There was far more sunshine than forecast. As I recall, the forecast said that the afternoon would be very cloudy, but there was far more sunshine than clouds. It might even have nudged the temperature up half a degree - I didn't check my thermometer, but it didn't seem to feel as cool as I was expecting. I fear that the forecast for today may be correct. What I see outside my office is consistent with the forecast - thick, heavy clouds ! No rain is forecast for today, but those clouds are going to keep the sun out, and the temperature low ! I may have measured 8° C this morning, but the forecast says it will be just 7° C all through the day until 8pm when it will drop to 6° C - and stay that way through the night.....and maybe even through the whole of tomorrow ! I had a pleasant afternoon yesterday - after the plan finally came to fruition. I thought I was supposed to be meeting Jodie in The London And Rye Wetherspoons pub, and that is where I went. It was my belief that we had boycotted The Catford Constitutional Club on Sunday afternoons because of all the prams and kids in there. The noise level and lack of seating was really annoying. For some reason Jodie decided that she would go there instead, and it turned out her decision was right. Now it is so cool, and gets dark so early, all the mums (and some dads) seem to have given up on using the place like a kindergarten, and so sanity has prevailed. So after waiting a long time for me to appear, Jodie called me, and found out I was wondering where she was ! I had to bolt my remaining half pint of beer, and with the beer swilling around inside of me, and furiously burping, make my way as quickly as I could to where Jodie was waiting for me. The Catford Constitutional Club didn't seem to have any exceptional beers on, but a few of them were nice - not that were rushing to drink them. We had a far more serious mission ! I took my little laptop along so that I could attempt to guide Jodie through booking a railway ticket - the catch was that it was for use on Irish railways. Prior to yesterday Jodie had been on the Irish rail website, and had planned her journey from Belfast to Dublin, but could not find any way of booking a ticket in advance. The trouble was she was trying to book a ticket for not only the mainline part of the journey, but some local service, which I think equates to little more than a tram, as well. As soon as I tried to book from mainline station to mainline station it all went through OK. The only slight problem is that they won't mail the tickets to her home, and she has to collect them at the station. It does seem that Irish rail can be quite cheap. As I recall, from Belfast to Dublin takes almost 2 hours, maybe it is just a very slow train, but a single ticket is just 19 Euros (which must be in the region of £15 - £16). In case you are wondering, Jodie will be flying to Belfast to see one of her (many) favourite bands play there. She will then get on the train to Dublin to see the band again, and then will fly home from there. (Note: the more I think about it, the more I seem to fail to remember if she starts in Belfast or Dublin, or the other way round !). We had just finished ordering the ticket when we were joined by Kevin. Weeks can go by without seeing Kevin, and now I've seen him twice in one week (he was at the gig last Thursday, although with the band playing we didn't get a chance to chat). He only stayed for two pints, and I just couldn't seem to twist his arm the way he seems to twist mine for "just one more" or "one for the road". Oh well, it was a pretty good time for all of us to go, but Jodie and I did have one special beer to finish with. It was a bottle each of Samuel Smiths "Organic Cherry Beer". It seems that Samuel Smiths, who make some rather fine ales, have repurposed some of their old brewing equipment to make comparatively small batches of speciality beers now. The cherry is just one of them, and it seems just as nice as some of the fruit beers that come out of Belgium. I think it was a little after 6.30pm when I got home, and I was feeling rather peckish. I had eaten a sort of brunch earlier in the day, and now it was time for dinner. I hadn't been out drinking I would most probably have had another baked potato with steamed vegetables and a butter glaze, but I wanted something faster to prepare, and even more tasty. I had a small minced beef hotpot ready meal in the fridge that was up to, and possibly just passed it's use by date, and I popped that in the microwave as a first course. I followed that with a can of bacon and lentil soup, and because I still wanted more I heated up some pre-cooked chicken thighs. Then I went up to my bedroom, and very slowly prepared myself for bed. I didn't go straight to bed because it was still rather early. So I pondered the meaning of life, as one does, and then pondered the meaning of baked potatoes. Since eating baked potatoes quite frequently I do seem to feel better in some ways, but that also coincides with taking smaller doses of Bisprolol, one of my blood pressure controlling drugs. It could be either or both that makes me feel a bit better - mostly in terms of not feeling so knackered rather than lack of aches and pains, but maybe less of the latter too. The trouble is I am not convinced it is doing anything for my waistline. No matter what people say about potatoes being low, or lower in calories than you might expect, they are still full of carbohydrates, and it is those that cause me most trouble. So I am thinking of giving up baked potatoes, and going back to stews of lean(ish) meats with lots of leafy vegetables. It takes a lot of willpower to enjoy meals like that, but past experience shows that they are quite helpful in going down a trouser size - given an infinite amount of patience ! Before I really got down to the serious business of going to sleep I took another look at one of my cameras. Before getting in bed I had been looking on the internet about cameras. It seems that it may be possible to hack my Canon camera to save images in the RAW format. That has some useful advantage for doing certain types of image correction after the photo is taken - such things as noise reduction, and colour correction. I didn't look into it too deeply last night, but it seems that it maybe be possible, depending on the firmware in the camera, to boot the camera from a memory card with a hacked operating system on it. The hack is completely reversible just by using a memory card without the hack on it. That sounds like a nice safe hack to me. I wondered if any hacks might also be available for my seldom used Panasonic camera. That camera has many nice features, but suffers from two annoying habits. The first is an annoying habit of over exposing pictures taken in bright light, and the second is that it does not seem to like opening the aperture wide enough on dimly lit pictures. For those it relies on long exposures, and it's rather effective image stabilisation to stop blur from camera shake - which is great for static objects, but no good for guitar players (for instance) who tend to move around a lot. As I lay in bed I had a play with that camera using various settings. It can take some quite reasonable pictures in very low light, but I'm not sure if I can bully it into using a faster shutter speed for moving objects. I think I'll take it to the next gig I go to, which should be this coming Thursday evening, and take a few more test shots to see what I can get out of it. After I put the camera down, I turned the light off, and pulled the duvet around me. I fell asleep pleasantly quickly. It was probably closer to 9pm that 10pm when I fell asleep, and I slept soundly until 01:40am when I woke up needing a pee. I don't really know why, but it seemed to be a bit of a jolt when I realised it was 01:40 on a Monday morning, and that meant in 3 hours and twenty minutes I had to start getting up to go to work. I think that prior to that moment I was still in weekend mode. I didn't feel any worse, or any better than any average sort of morning this morning. I would have preferred to go back to bed rather than endure the commute into work, but I made it here in one piece, and now I look forward to going home where I have a towel halfway through being washed waiting to be finished, and I've got some dinner to cook and eat. Other than that there is nothing of any great importance to look forward to. There was some very mild entertainment on the way into work - so mild as to hardly be entertainment at all - except for a few brief milliseconds as the eye worked out what it was seeing. It was LG showing off their new TVs on the concourse of Waterloo station. ![]() |