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My Diary/Blog For the Month of February 2014 |
Sunday 23rd February 2014 |
14:57 GMT After all the sunshine yesterday, it was a quiet and dry night. Sometime during the night the cloud came back, and today has been rather dull. The sky is horizon to horizon a sort of burnished aluminium grey. Sometimes it seems to thing out a bit, but never thin enough for the sun to break through. By was on compensation, the temperature has soared to almost 14° C. I wouldn't like to stand still outside in just shirtsleeves, but it is definitely not cold. Having said that, it is a bit breezy outside, and that is making it feel a bit cooler than it actually is. Tomorrow is forecast to be a couple of degrees cooler, but the sun may break through during the afternoon, and we may be treated to a few shorts spells of weak sunshine. I was in the curious state last night where I had plenty of potential food for dinner, but I didn't fancy any of it. What I did fancy was a kebab or two. So I spent quite some time on the UK Food agency hygiene ratings web site until I found a local kebab shop that had a 5 star rating (the best there can be). From them I ordered a chicken shish with salad, and an alternative chicken shish with grilled onions, peppers and mushrooms (and chilli sauce). It was rather nice, and of course rather filling, but in theory it was about the nearest thing to a healthy meal you can order around these parts. The meat is skinless, low fat, and grilled rather than fried, and the salad is.........well, it's salad, ain't it ! I stayed up extra late last night. I think it was close on midnight when I went to bed. It was one of those nights when I tried to watch both QI and Top Gear at the same time by flicking between the channels. It is a completely crap idea, but I sort of got the gist of both programmes. When I finally got into bed I tried to read for a bit, but after just a couple of pages I put the book down, turned out the light, and fell asleep almost instantly. I didn't sleep that well, but it wasn't bad, although I would have been happier if I had slept a couple of hours longer. The day is by no means over, and things could still change, but I've had another lazy day. Just before midday I went out and bought some shopping from Aldi. So far that stands as my only major achievement for today. I was very conscious to be very careful about what I bought today, and mostly it is all good stuff, but a proportion was less healthy stuff......and I seem to have eaten most of that already. It would probably be better if I skipped dinner tonight, or at least just had a small snack, but if I feel so inclined I might have what could be a very nice steak with some salad. I would be hoping that 6 months after smoking my last cigarette the steak would taste as wonderful as the smell of cooking steak, but I dodn't feel that lucky. It's probably a good thing too because if steak tasted as wonderful as the smell of it cooking I would be wasting huge amounts of money by having steak obscenely frequently. Talking of money........it's only 5 days until pay day now, and I think my current account is going to have an unprecedented amount of money in it at the end of the month. That surplus should make a very useful improvement to my saving account, and bring forward the day when I could just about scrape by without and income from work. The only problem is that there may be a fly in the ointment, and that fly is my Creatine Kinase level. It all concerns the recent blood test I had. I've been looking up what it is all about. There is one of several differently worded, but basically the same explanations here. When muscle is damaged it releases various chemicals, and if I understand it correctly, one of these chemicals is associated with the heart muscle. It may be possible that my heart muscle sustained more damage than thought, or it may just be a more long term healing effect, but my CK level is moderately high. The only trouble is that there is little explanation about how it may be reduced. The least intrusive would be more, or different drugs, and the most intrusive could mean another stay in hospital. The very, very least intrusive would be to do nothing except monitor it, and see if it is just part of the healing process that is quietly carrying on by itself. I could almost enjoy a couple of weeks in hospital.......well, it would be better than being at work....assuming the hospital treatment didn't include anything too unpleasant. As enjoyable as it could be, it is an option that would disrupt my cash flow too much to be acceptable - so too would be loads of non consecutive days off work as an outpatient at the hospital. I am definitely not a keen taker of pills, but unless doing nothing is an option, the pills would be acceptable, and maybe they would also cure the fatigue that is also an indicator of heart muscle damage. That would make me a bit happier. It is strange what you find out when following links on medical web pages. I can't remember how I got to one particular page or I would provide a link to it here. It concerned another test that could be a follow on to the CK blood test if certain other symptoms were found. It was another blood test, and the results could be skewed if certain drugs were taken. It gave a list of drugs that included cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, alcohol and statins.......yes statins, those pills prescribed to me, and millions of others, to lower cholestrol levels, and in a rather different category to heroin, amphetamines etc ! |
Saturday 22nd February 2014 |
17:48 GMT It seems many hours and many pints have passed since yesterday, but I remember it as a mostly splendidly sunny sort of day. It's just a shame that it was not a little bit warmer. The top temperature was probably quite close to the forecast 10° C. Today has also been very sunny, and the curious thing is, it didn't seem to feel quite so cool despite the thermometer saying otherwise. this morning. This afternoon the temperature was back in the region of 10° C, but this morning we may have come close to a frost. Tomorrow may be wet, but I don't think it will be a total deluge - just odd showers now and then, although having said that, The BBC reckons tomorrow will be grey all day, but dry, and perhaps a degree less cool. Work was almost not stressful yesterday. I was only subjected to a few minutes of nonsense, but it was mostly ignorable. Of course the commuting remains a touchy subject. I can't really say it is stressful, but it always seems to take up so much of my day. One on-line article from the BBC claims the average commute is a mere 54 minutes per day. Mine is closer to 140 minutes, and although I can't remember the exact quote, it said that every minute over 54 makes you even more pissed off. Maybe I am doing quite well to hold on to my sanity faced with such an awful truth. I have to travel by fixed train times so I can't exactly rush home after work, but it sort of felt like it. Once I got home I had about an hour to get myself ready, and to my doctor. As it happened I didn't need to rush that much. My appointment was notionally for 5.45pm, but my doctor told me not to worry if I was late, and 6pm would do fine. I got there on time, and was seen at 6pm ! I think he did it on purpose. My visit to the doctor was partly routine, and partly to get the results of my recent blood test. Two blood samples were taken, and I can't remember what each one was for (even if I did understand the tests). I do know that one test gave some sort of measure of how well my heart muscle was working. The answer was not 42, but it was 70, and that is high. Apparently not desperately high though. Normal is 47, and my doctor says he has seen many people with scores in the hundreds. My score may have been high enough to automatically trigger a request for an ultrasound scan of the heart to see what is going on. My doctor suggested that I could cancel the test if I had any problems getting time off work. In the meantime he will be consulting a cardiologist to see if a scan is really needed, and what further treatment may be needed. He didn't say what such treatment might be, but I would guess it would either be a change in medication, or maybe another operation. I reckon the surgeons left something loose inside - it even feels like it sometimes. Still, at least it explains why it always feels like I am walking slightly uphill all the time, and also why I tend to get slightly swollen ankles - which was actually the diagnostic clue that something was wrong. ![]() After I had seen my doctor I rushed to The Catford Ram to see Chain playing an early evening gig there. I guess it would normally be a 7 or 8 minute walk, perhaps a little more, but last night I arrived there almost puffing and panting in about 6 minutes flat ! It's always a joy when they play there because it is so local. They were on good form, and played a couple of new songs along with a selection of the regulars. Chris often steps down from the stage at the beginning of a gig to get some idea of what the sound is like. Recently he has been doing it in the middle of gigs too. Sometimes it is to interact with the audience, but last night it was to prop the bar up, and play in the most relaxed manner possible ! Still sounded good ! Maybe it was the rush to get there, but I semed to feel rather thirsty last night, and the Guinness was going down very smoothly. I think I managed an official government binge drink before the gig ended, and I didn't stop there. After we had done our stint as roadies, and waved the band off, Kevin and I decided to pop around the corner for a quiet drink in The Catford Constitutional Club pub.....except it wasn't so quiet ! The most important reason to leave The catford Ram was that they seemed to be setting up a karoake session in there, and some truly terrible singing had started. I was expecting the CCC to be fairly quite and civilised. Well it was sort of civilised, but it definitely wasn't quiet. The place was packed, and the noise level from a million and one conversations was almost deafening ! Luckily we managed to grab the very last table, and had some quite pleasant beer to drink. I think it was just after midnight when we left the place, and I headed for the kebab/chip shop for cod and chips to take home. That cod and chips was the fist substantial thing I had eaten since the morning, and I was feeling rather hungry, and, as you can probably imagine, after drinking on an empty stomach, I was feeling quite, quite drunk ! Fortunately I somehow managed to avoid writing anything too outrageous on Facebook, and by 2am I was in bed, fast asleep. I slept solidly until I woke up just 5 hours later, and couldn't get back to sleep again. In a way it was just as well that I didn't fall asleep again. I saw my friend Aleemah this morning, and needed plenty of time to get ready for her visit. As usual we had breakfast in the Wetherspoons pub, and I had intended to pop into Aldi on the way home, but I had a more important task to attend to first. I had received a call from the doctors surgery asking if I could pop in before 11am to sign a form for my free prescriptions. I got there on the dot of 11am, and happily I was just in time. If I had been too late I would have had the bother of going there after work on Monday. I've felt rather tired today, and I've done very little. One of the best things I did was to snooze for half an hour or so this afternoon. I also seemed to spend quite a fair amount of time editing photographs of last night. Here's another of them. ![]() Tomorrow I had better do some of the things I was going to do today. I need a bit of shopping from Aldi, and I ought to wash a few shirts. After that I can probably put my feet up, and be as lazy as I want. If it is as grey as the forecast says it will be tomorrow, I'll have very little inspiration to do anything except slouch around doing nothing of any use for the universe. |
Thursday 6th February 2014 |
08:08 GMT They forecast it would rain yesterday afternoon, and it did. However, by some miracle, it stopped by the time I left work, and I don't think it has rained since then. If the weather forecasters continue with their lucky streak of forecasts I will not be so lucky when I leave work today. There is every chance it will be lashing down, although if I still have some residual luck it will be merely raining. The rain is supposed to continue, with a few breaks, for the next couple of days. Yuck ! ![]() While I didn't have to worry about the rain as I came home from work, the trains were a source of worry. I wasn't affected by the tube strike, although some trains seemed to have more people aboard than usual, but I thought I might be affected by a points problem at New Cross. Once I was on my train at Waterloo East I took a screenshot of what Network rail were saying about my train on their Android app on my phone. The little yellow warning symbol says the train has been delayed, but it left London Charing Cross on time, and it left London Waterloo East on time too. If the naming convention for Charing Cross and Waterloo East were continued I could say that it also left London London Bridge on time as well as from London Ladywell and arrived at London Catford Bridge perfectly on time ! I arrived at Catford Bridge feeling quite good, but also feeling that going to Tesco, with all it's temptations, would be a mistake. I still wanted a few bits and pieces, so I went into the Turkish supermarket and couldn't resist the temptation to buy different stuff that I probably should not have. What may have been the worst thing I bought was some Turkish sausage. The wikipedia article that I have linked to suggests it has a very high fat content - which is one of the things I try to avoid when it is feasible to do so. I grilled my the sausage last night and didn't notice that much fat coming off it - very little in fact. Maybe I got lucky. Nearly everthing was written in Turkish on the packet, and maybe hidden in the description were the Turkish words for "low fat". I had a bit of a mixed up sort of dinner last night. There were a couple of things that I decided had better be used up because they had been in the fridge for too long. One was an alleged low calorie chicken tikka masala with rice ready meal. I'm sure the only reason it was labelled as low calorie, despite having 550 calories in it, which I regard as high, was that it was so small. So I didn't feel too guilty about having some steamed salmon for a second course, and the grilled Turkish sausage with raw tomatoes and peppers for a third course. I have to confess it was a bit extravagant, but I did do my best to limit the damage, and it didn't seem to have any adverse effects on my guts - which is a huge plus point ! I didn't feel I would have to go to bed early last night, but 8pm approached and there didn't seem to be anything better to do than go to bed. So I was in bed at 8pm, and I laid there thinking I would never get to sleep. The next thing I knew was it was 11.30pm ! I don't know why, but that seems to be a very popular time for me to wake up when I've got to sleep early. It didn't take long to get back to sleep again, and I seemed to sleep quite well (but not 100% soundly) until about 10 minutes before my alarm was due to wake me up. It seems I really do need loads of sleep at the moment. I don't know how much of it is due to my continued recovery from heart surgery, or how much is just due to it being winter. The chances are that it's a bit of both. I thought I was feeling reasonably OK this morning until I got to Earlsfield station. I came bounding down the stairs, through the ticket barriers, and out on the road when it almost felt like I could go no further. I really wanted to sit down, or ideally lay down, but there was no chance of that. So I continued walking, and within 50 ft (maybe 50 yards) the feeling had passed, and I just felt the usual creakiness, and instant fatigue that is the fault of the blood pressure tablets I take. Tonight, assuming I manage to avoid drowning in the tumultuous rain that is forecast, I'll be going for a few beer in The Catford Constitutional Club pub with the usual Thursday gang. This means I have to pass the Star Kebab fish and chip shop on the way home, and I'll will probably end up having fish and chips for dinner tonight. If they were taking bets about it you could say it was a certainty. I suppose it is theoretically possible that I might have a last moment feeling of guilt and have the bread and cheese that is waiting for me back home. For instance, I could convince myself that it could make some sort of difference when I see my doctor tomorrow, but if I went down that route I may have to take my beer consumption into account as well, and I can't do that. I haven't had a beer since 1am on last Saturday morning, and I am very much fancying one now......right now !!! Oh well, in 8 hours time then ! |
Tuesday 4th February 2014 |
08:23 GMT I thought I had seriously overslept this morning.........When I got on the train at Waterloo it was more or less daylight, and when my train reached Earlsfield it was almost like night outside. Of course I hadn't overslept, and it was just the weather changing once again. Yesterday, although remaining very cool, perhaps around 7 or 8° C, was very bright with blue skies and frequent sunshine. ![]() As I waited for my 16:23 train at Waterloo East station
yesterday the sky was very blue in most directions, and if the
temperature had not been in single figures, I could easily have
described it as a very pleasant day. Today we are waiting for a big
swirl of cloud coming all the way from Canada - according to the
weatherman on the BBC news yesterday. That's going to bring some very
wet, very windy, but slightly, very slightly less cool weather. The
temperature could leap up to a whole 10°
C ! We had a little foretaste of the rain this morning, but most of
today should be bright, and there should be some sunshine. Then, after
dark, perhaps some time after 7pm, the rain will start..........
I felt good enough to be lured out into the sunshine yesterday lunchtime. I did a brief walk to the park followed by a brief walk around the business estate here. I only walked for 10 minutes, but if I had more than the 5 minutes left of my lunchbreak I may have walked a bit more. There was very little, if any wind, and that helped to make it feel less chilly than it actually was. The bright sunshine also made it feel like it should be less chilly than it really was. Providing I kept walking I was able to convince myself it was like a nice day. My legs and feet complained a bit, but otherwise I felt quite good going home in daylight - it was close to sunlight, but the sun, although not set, was too low on a cluttered horizon to be seen. As planned, I popped into the Turkish supermarket for some of their delicious seeded bread, and some cheese and vegetables. The vegetables were a couple of those long pointy peppers - like bell peppers, but pointed. I also bought a couple of "white cup" peppers. At least I think they were called white cup, but I can't find any reference to them with a brief google search. The closest I could find is here - at least they look similar. The second part of my plan for last night was to eat a simple dinner of dry bread with cheese, tomatoes and peppers. If I had stuck to that, and not had some bean salad and lentils with couscous as well, my guts may have been perfect this morning. As it was, they were merely greatly improved, but not quite perfect. Maybe that will come tomorrow because I have more bread, cheese etc to eat, and no more bean salad, nor lentils and couscous. The final part of my plan for last night was to get to ed early, and I certainly did. I was fast asleep at 7.45pm last night, and I slept rather well ! I slept solidly for three hours, and then for another couple of hours. At 1am I was awake for 20 minutes, but after that I slept well, if not solidly, until my alarm woke me up at 5am. I think I probably needed all that sleep. As well as eating a similar dinner, I'll also try and get to sleep very early tonight as well. It won't be quite as early as last night because I want to wash my hair, and I'll need some time for it to dry, but hopefully it won't be too much later. |