My Diary/Blog For the Month of January 2014 |
Thursday 23rd January 2014 |
07:57 GMT Yesterday's grey morning gave way to a few sunny periods in the afternoon. They didn't last that long, and contributed no heat. Worse still - they had ended as I made my way home from work. However it was still acceptably light when I got home - just ! There might have been some rain during the night, but it was dry as I came to work. It may not stay that way too long. A few hours of rain are forecast for this morning, but it should brighten up after that. It may be a couple of degrees cooler than yesterday when it was reported to be as high as 10° C in some parts of London. Some even cooler weather is forecast to be on it's way as remnants of the icy air that froze most of north America starting getting blown across the Atlantic ocean. Fortunately the worst of the icy sting will be taken out as they cross the water. Attempting to wear a pair of trousers that were obviously too small for me was probably not a brilliant idea for the whole of my day at work. They weren't that uncomfortable, but it was a definite relief to change out of them when I got home yesterday. I don't think any long term harm was done, but I decided not to repeat the experiment today - although I almost did until I remembered that I needed to have a decent pair of drinking trousers on today. I don't think I felt good or bad last night - just sort of average. I felt good enough to make another attempt at healthy eating - more steamed vegetables and fish - but ultimately failed with an excess of cheese and crackers. After I had finished eating I watched a bit more of the news on TV, and then went up to my bedroom where I spent an hour or so on the internet. I think it was more boredom than feeling tired, but once again I went to bed quite early. I fell asleep quickly enough, and for a while I seemed to sleep quite soundly. During the second half of the night I may not have slept that well.........but it is a little difficult to tell when dreams and reality get mixed up. I had this wonderful dream that was probably set as much as 30 years ago, and it featured a very beautiful young quasi-girlfriend. Back in the day she was unfortunately just friend rather than girl friend. My dream took a departure from reality, and what was once reality fantasy became dream reality. As can be imagined, there was a strong element of eroticism in this dream........or was there ? Did I wake up before things got "really interesting" and lay there awake mentally writing the script for what should be part 2 of the dream, or was it happening in the dream ? I really don't know. It felt like I was awake, but there were hints that I can't quite recall now that suggest I was still dreaming. Perhaps the fact that I cannot recall those hints confirms it was all a dream, and thay maybe I slept a lot better than I thought. I know I was most definitely awake some time before my alarm went off, but I don't think I feel tired this morning. Maybe it will catch up with me later today if I really did sleep poorly last night, but I hope not. I made mention of drinking trousers earlier, and they should be needed for tonight. It's Thursday, and tonight I shall start drinking with the gang (except Andy who is on holiday in Cuba) in The Catford Ram. That place is going downhill lately, and if their beer is not up to scratch we will most likely end up in The Catford Constitutional Club. |
Sunday 19th January 2014 |
11:41 GMT I'm not sure if we did get the heavy rain that was forecast for last night. There may have been some lighter rain, and at one point I did feel a couple of very light drops of rain hit my face at around midnight. The forecast for today seems about right. It was just short of being sunny up to 30 - 40 minutes ago, and now the sun is shining. It's just a shame it is only 8° C outside. There are still some big fluffy clouds in the sky, and a few of them look fairly dense. So I don't know how long the sunshine will keep shining, but it looks very nice right now (and it is warming up my front rooms very nicely). The forecast for tomorrow is not looking too good. The day will start close to freezing, and then either mist or sunshine will raise the temperature to a marvellous 6° C - if we are lucky ! Something beyond my comprehension is happening to me. When getting ready for last night's gig I tried on all my favourite gig trousers, and none of them would fit me. Now I know I put back on all the weight I lost back last summer when I was trying to avoid the need for heart surgery (or death, or whatever), but I didn't think I had put this much on. So far this is all easy to understand, but the weirdness comes in when I consider that I have been wearing shirts to work that last summer I deemed to small to wear because they were too tight around the gut. So if I can wear those shirts comfortably now, why can't I wear the trousers ? My body shape must have been changed radically by the surgery in some mysterious way. Last night I had to wear just an ordinary pair of jeans, one of the few pairs that I can still do up without bringing in industrial earth moving machinery, and a t-shirt that seemed to fit extremely well. Having got washed, groomed (?), and dressed I walked to the bus stop to get the 54 bus to the far side of Blackheath (almost Charlton). To my great annoyance I found that I had just missed a 54 - the "Countdown timer" on the bus stop said I had a 14 minute wait for the next one. So I waited while a whole host of other buses passed me by until the 54 eventually turned up. It's a good 5 minute, maybe even a 10 minute walk from the bus stop to the pub, and until last night I had never noticed that it is uphill. It's not a steep climb by any means, but the slope is enough to account for how much quicker it always seemed when going to the bus stop on the way home. Until last night I just thought it seemed quicker because of the beer. The last time I walked from the bus stop to the pub was a month or two before my quad heart bypass, and I had to do it is 2 or 3 stages because of the chest pains. Last night it left me breathing rather deeply when I got to the pub, but I did it in one stage, and without any chest pains. ![]() Here's Chain playing at the pub (L-R Jo Corteen, Ravi Sharman, Guy Harris and Chris Mayer). This photo does look a bit less than perfect, but it was taken on my Moto G mobile phone camera. I've never been that happy with the pictures that phone takes, but it rather exceeded my expectations for this picture. I think I prefer a real camera though...... ![]() It was a pretty typical Chain gig last night - It was difficult to wrench myself away from my warm house, and go out into the cold dark night, but very enjoyable once I got there. I get the impression that I was not expected to make it there last night. So it came as a nice surprise to everyone, and I almost immeadiately got offered a lift home. One small variance on it being a typical Chain gig was that the pub had an early curfew. Previous gigs there have gone on to midnight, and even a few minutes beyond, but last night the pub imposed a 11.15pm finish to the music, and closed the bar 15 minutes later. I can only imagine they have had complaints from a neighbour or something (usually in these cases it is a new neighbour who didn't realise there was a huge great pub next door when they moved in !). I'm not sure that we actually left the pub all that early. I'd guess it was past midnight before we had lugged all the gear out. I declined to carry the heaviest speakers, but I was more than happy to carry lighter stuff while my chest is still mending itself. I don't know what time I was dropped off at home, but I know it wasn't until 2am that I got to bed. I think I fell asleep easily enough, but I didn't sleep all that well, and gave up trying to sleep after as little as 5 hours sleep. Today I ought to be running on a treadmill drinking carrot juice for hours on end, or out gamboling in the cold sunshine, but I can't be bothered (plus I don't have a treadmill or any carrot juice). I've spent quite a lot of time playing with all the photos I took last night (probably show more tomorrow), and I've had the most decadent breakfast ever - probably - Lamb Pathia curry on Naan bread ! It is just about possible that I might do a bit of laundry this afternoon, but mostly I am going to be lazy for the rest of the day. |
Tuesday 7th January 2014 |
08:17 GMT Joy of joys - it's a dry morning ! It was also dry when I left work to go home. There were a few flashes of sunshine yesterday afternoon, and there were enough gaps left in the clouds to make the brief evening a little lighter than recently. Sometime during the hours of darkness there was some rain, and the forecast said there would be rain this morning. It does look darker outside than when I got into work, so either it's been a very short day, or it will soon be raining. With luck it will be a dry, and possibly sunny afternoon. The temperatures today should be at least 10° C for most of the day, and may even hit 12° C if the Gods are pleased with our human suffering. It might be premature to say it, but it seems as if I am finally starting to reap the rewards of being back at work - rewards more than just getting a reasonable pay packet back. I thought I might be feeling a bit tired yesterday afternoon, and if I was at home I would almost certainly have laid on my bed, and probably snoozed, but there was no opportunity for that here at work. When I left work at the end of the day I suffered what seems to be the usual while I am on my blood pressure tablets. By the time I had walked to the main gates of the premises I was 95% knackered. By the time I had walked all the way to the station I was 96% knackered, and by the time I had walked up the 30 steps to the platform (for the first time in what may be 12 months !!!) I was 97% knackered. By the time I had walked all the way to the far end of the platform I was 97.5% knackered. That may be rather knackered, and I was breathing a bit hard at the end (although far from gasping), but it represents a serious improvement compared with anything in the previous 12 months. It is just really annoying that I did 99% of the journey feeling 97% exhausted/knackered. I didn't feel as tired as I expected to when I got home. That may have been a good thing because I had my new toy to play with, or maybe having a new toy to play with distracted me from feeling tired. The new toy was my Moto G mobile phone. The most nerve wracking bit of my "playing" was doing a sim swap. The Moto G takes a micro sim card instead of the more common mini sim card. So I had to go online to giffgaff.com to activate a new sim, and swap all my details to it so I had the same number and account as before. Fortunately it all went smoothly, and I am now actually using my new phone. Transferring all my contacts from one phone to the other is done automatically via my Google mail account, and google automatically installed all my favourite apps as well (possibly with the aid of some migration software in the new phone - never seen it happen before).I am not sure why I like to do it, but I also transferred all my txt messages from the old phone to the new using a free app from google play store. The only problem is that new Android phones don't seem to want to provide the option of mounting like an external drive on a PC. On a Windows XP PC, like my one here at work, the only option to transfer files is via Windows Media Player, and then only media files. There is the option of setting the phone to pretend it is a camera, but then it only presents a small sub section of it's file area. On a Windows 7, and fortunately for me, any new Linux distribution, the phone can be mounted as a sort of psuedo hard drive. That was good enough to copy the SMS txt message back up file from the old phone to the new, and to then restore all my txt messages going back a year or two to my new phone. Generally speaking I am quite happy with the new phone. It is nice and fast - the prime reason why I wanted to upgrade - my HTC Desire C was very sluggish, and some applications would do peculiar things. The only thing I am not so sure about is the camera. I've only taken a few test shots so far, and they are not that wonderful. It may be that I have to do a bit more experimentation. Here's a picture I took this morning at Waterloo station. ![]() It may be that the exposure time was a bit too long in the low light level, and I didn't hold the camera steady enough, but this picture looks very soft to me. The other significant thing about this picture is it shows Waterloo station taking great chances. It is said to be bad luck to leave xmas decorations up past 12th night, and 12th night was either last night, or the night before if you are a very conservative Christian type weirdo. Hopefully I won't feel too tired when I get home from work tonight. I have a feeling that I'll feel reasonably OK, and that I am getting back into the swing of work again. I haven't got much to do when I get home. In fact there is nothing I need to do at all apart from cooking, eating and sleeping, but if I feel up to it I might wash a couple of shirts. Although, when I come to think about it, I think washing my hair probably trumps washing shirts. After getting it soaked in the rain yesterday, my hair does feel a bit unpleasant now. |
Monday 6th January 2014 |
09:04 GMT By comparison with some of the violent weather they are getting in Canada, and the north of the USA, it may be wonderful here, but it still seems pretty lousy to me ! Last night there was a big rumble of thunder that took me by surprise. There was just the one that lasted a fair time as it echoed around the sky, but I didn't see any flash, and until I pulled the curtains aside to look outside I didn't even realise it was raining so hard. The rain continued right through the night, but it was patchy and very light until I was on the last 6 or 7 minutes walk from the station to work - when the rain became torrential and soaked me ! It has brightened up a bit now, but it is still raining. I can see a small coin sized patch of blue sky through my office window. It seems it is possible that there could be a momentary flash of sunshine if another patch of blue sky should form in the right place to let the sun through. The weather forecast, which did sort of prepare me for all the rain today, did allow for the occasional sunny spell. It's a shame there wasn't one when my train pulled into Earlsfield station. Last Thursday, I think it was, the eastern sky was showing plenty of light when my train pulled into Earlsfield station. It was light enough to see individual gravestones in the cemetary. This morning, when sun rise should be 10 - 15 minutes earlier, it was so dark you could even see there was a cemetary there !. I had a quiet evening last night, and I went to be nice an early. Unfortunately that didn't translate into getting to sleep nice and early. I guess it was closer to 10pm before I fell asleep. I slept well, and I only have a vague recollection of getting up once or twice for a pee. When my alarm sounded at 5am I felt fairly bright, and, just for a change, an absence of bloat and wind made me feel quite optimistic about today. That optimism took a bit of a blow when I found my eyes beginning to close a few times while on the trains to work. I'm not too sure of the ultimate outcome of sitting in my cold office in wet clothes will be, but hopefully it will be nothing. So day one of a full five days at work has started. I'll have to see how I feel tonight, but if I get through today, and can make sure I get enough sleep tonight, I reckon there is a fair chance that I'll survive to the end of the week. Whether I'll be OK to anything apart from sleep for half the morning next Saturday may well be another thing ! Meanwhile there is stuff to look forward to - which sounds plural, but is actually singular. Today or tomorrow my new mobile phone should be delivered to me here at work. It is a Moto G, and although another budget phone, it costs a little bit more, and all the write ups suggest it should be far better than my HTC Desire C. |
Sunday 5th January 2014 |
16:20 GMT In a rather pleasant change, it has been dry, and almost bright today. I wasn't sure if there was a frost this morning, or whether it was just heavy condensation on the roofs of the cars outside. The temperature now is almost 10° C, and that seems quite typical for the last few days or more. It seems that there is some warm wet air heading our way, and the temperature will rise to as high as 13° C in the small hours of tomorrow morning. The penalty is that it will rain for most of the morning. I felt rather good last night. Plenty of rest enabled me to recover from the rigours of work, and I ended up staying up far later than I intended. This was mostly brought about by some rather good stuff on the TV last night - all of it on BBC2. The jewel in the crown was a documentary about the comedian Dave Allen which included loads of his material. I don't know if he was my favourite comedian, but he would be a good contender for it. His trademark, at least during his earlier shows, was to be almost chain smoking, and sipping from a glass of whisky (whether it was truly whisky was never revealed). I couldn't join in with the fags, although I was tempted, but I did keep a glass of whisky by my side that I sipped from as he did. It's nice to have a laugh now and then, and that programme inspired a few chuckles from me. Later on there was a documentary about the 1970s British rock group Mott The Hoople. That was pretty good....not as good as Dave Allen by a long way, but good enough to keep me up until 1am this morning ! With a fair amount of whisky in me I fell asleep easily, and had another rather good nights sleep. I didn't sleep as long as I might have liked, but six and half hours sleep felt pretty good to me. I woke up with no obvious trace of a hangover feeling pretty good this morning. It is often the case that on a Sunday morning I like to treat myself to a nice breakfast, and this morning was no exception. I had smoked gammon steak on tinned tomatoes on the last of the Turkish bread I bought on Friday night. The tinned tomatoes moistened up the bread that was just starting to get a bit dry and stale, and did it rather well. It was a rather substantial breakfast, and I am trying to watch what I eat for the rest of today. One important thing I did once my breakfast had settled down a bit was to trim my beard. I'm not sure what is going on with my beard. I have no idea when I last trimmed it, but it doesn't feel like it was all that long ago, and yet it was getting rather long. It was almost as if my male hormones were raging - which I could understand if it felt anything like spring, but it is nothing like spring yet ! If I have the time and inclination I might need to touch up a few loose ends tomorrow morning, but it is OK for now. I also did a bit of laundry this morning - just a couple of shirts, a pair of socks, a t-shirt, and a pair of lounge pants. I came to the conclusion that somewhere on my body must be some muscles that are getting big and strong from all the exercise they get when wringing out my laundry, but I don't know where those muscles are. There doesn't seem to be any rippling muscles in my arms, but that is where it aches after doing my laundry (but only a bit). Tomorrow sees the start of a huge trial for me - a full five days at work. I hope I am getting used to being back at work now, but last Friday didn't seem to be a very good example of that. Maybe I'll be a bit luckier with the weather because that will help. Tonight, with the sky only covered in very light cloud, it seemed to be almost still light at 4.20pm. If the sky is as bright tomorrow as it was tonight (and it could have been even brighter) then I'll almost be starting the second leg of my journey home from work on the 16:23 train in sort of psuedo daylight. That would feel pretty good. |
Saturday 4th January 2014 |
weather continues to be dull and wet. The only good thing you can say
about it that it is not terribly cold.....just sort of unpleasantly
cold. After a day that has been really gloomy most of the time, and
frequently wet with drizzle or worse, it is 10° C. Sometimes it might
be worth the pain of frozen hands to have a bright frosty day. At least
the days are getting longer now - although on some days it doesn't seem
like it. Last Thursday it was still quite light when my train home from
work got to Waterloo. Last night it was barely daylight while I waited
for the Waterloo train at Earlsfield. ![]() I had to lighten
this picture a lot so that the name "Earlsfield" was
![]() It seems everyone is doing them. So here's a selfie of myself looking quite haggard at work. I have to admit that being back at work is harder than I imagined it would be, and it was really nice to get home again last night. Starting the day with a hangover, no matter how small, was just another burden laid on top of the stomach upset I had, plus all the energy and stuff being diverted to continue the process of healing all my wounds. As is usual, I did perk up a bit when I left work to go home, but it did feel like hard work walking to the station. However there is another "but" to add to that - but I think I did it a lot faster than I have done for ages. It may be that silly thing where I am pushing myself to the edge, and that is why it was hard work. It certainly caught up with me by the time I got back to Catford. I had been intending to get a bit of shopping at Tesco on the way home, but I could not face it. It was easier to go into the little Turkish supermarket near the station. I bought some very nice (very nice indeed !) Turkish bread and some cheeses, and a few other bits and pieces. My dinner last night, or the core of it, was just bread, cheese, and tomato. For afters I had some brown lentil couscous. If it wasn't so loaded with carbohydrates I could recommend it all as a tasty and filling meal. I was too scared to measure my blood sugar level this morning, but I feel it was probably a bit high after all that bread. One good thing that meal may have been good for, but I am unsure why, was to give my digestive tract a bit of a rest. This morning I didn't wake up bloated with wind, and visiting the toilet every 5 minutes. Well maybe it didn't feel like I was bloated with wind, but I did notice that it was almost impossible to do up a pair of jeans this morning. I can't recall this particular pair being any tighter than usual in the past, so it must be me. It seems a shame to have wasted all that effort I put into debiggening my waist before I went into hospital. I guess I've got to start all over again now - and that's not easy in the middle of winter. At least it is not easy for me. The caveman in me says to pile on the calories to keep warm, and build up fat for the spring when food is scarce. I am so primitive sometimes ! Today I had the most wonderful lie in. I went to be before 9pm last night, and apart from about 30 minutes at 5am when I briefly got up to go to the toilet, check my emal, etc, I didn't really get up until gone 9am. That's around 12 hours in bed, and I must have been asleep for at least 9 of them, and possibly more. I do feel so much better today, but I still don't feel terribly active. I have been out twice today. The first time was to Aldi where I seemed to buy an awful lot of stuff. I think it was because I haven't seen my bank balance so high since last August. 4 months of sick pay took their toll......... I've also splashed out to pay off my electricity bill. It was not all that long ago that the meter was read for the first time in a couple of years. In all that time I've been paying for estimated bills, and in the grand scheme of things they have been fairly accurate, and the amount I needed to pay today was just a small percentage of the total of the last couple of years, but even a small percentage can be a fair amount ! The second time I went out also included some gratuitious spending. I went to the corner shop - mainly to see if they had a magazine in - and while I was in there I topped up my Virgin media mobile PAYG phone with a £10. It was a total waste of money in some respects because I never really use that SIM card in whatever spare phone it happens to be in. It is now in my original Android phone that is a sort of museum piece in this day and age. Surprisingly it all still works despite the software being several generations old. Don't ask me what I'll use it for because I haven't a clue - it's just nice to see it all working. |
Friday 3rd January 2014 |
GMT There
was a splash or two of rain while I was going home from work yesterday,
but on the whole the evening seemed dry. This morning it was obvious
there had been a fair amount of rain in the small hours, but it was dry
when I walked to the station. Once I got to the station it started
raining again, and although it was not heavy rain, it was still raining
when I arrived at Earlsfield. It has finally stopped (I think), and the
sun has come out. It is going to be a fairly cool day today, but at
least it is forecast to be dry until after I get home this evening. I felt a lot more tired at work than I expected yesterday. I did perk up a bit when I left to go home again, and by the time I got back to Catford I wasn't feeling that bad. My first port of call was Tesco where I wnted to buy a combined xmas, new year and birthday present for Chris (and also for Jo too). It was a big bottle of brandy - which I know they both like. I also got one of those fancy bottle bags to put it in. Then I took it along to The Catford Constitutional Club to give to Chris, and to have some beer with the rest of the Thursday gang. There were several beers to taste in The CCC, and I think I tried all of them - on an empty stomach. I think I ended up fairly drunk with hindsight, but it all seemed normal to me at the time. I'm not sure how long the drinking lasted there, but I left before the end, and started walking home.......right past the chip shop who, I discovered, had some freshly cooked cod ready to go. I think I must be becoming a traditionalist or something because I now feel that it is time for fish and chips to beome the traditional meal after beer again instead of a kebab ! I'm ot sure what time I got to bed last night. I don't think it was that early, nor too late - perhaps just a little after 9pm. As far as I can remember I fell asleep very quickly, and slept well until 3am. From then on it seemed like I didn't sleep at all - something I know to be wrong because I had a dream in the middle of it. I was awake well before my alarm was due to go off, and I felt pretty rough. The more sadistic would say it was a hangover, but while that was a small element of it, it was a lot more than just a hangover. Like most mornings now, I was full of wind and farting away like a whoopee cushion, and once again I had diahorea - although not as bad as the day before. My stomach felt quite tender, and for some reason my chest felt quite sore - mostly around the big scar, but in a few other places too. I also had some wet, cold and windy weather related aches and pains too. My lower back felt a bit stiff, and my right leg did too. Ideally I should have gone straight back to bed, but I feel I have to persevere going to work, and getting my stamina back somehow. It was a rotten journey into work this morning, and I am feeling rather glad it is Friday today. I've written to Aleemah saying I would prefer not to see her tomorrow so I can luxuriate in bed far as long as I feel like it tomorrow morning. I don't think I am doing anything tonight, and I wonder if I would even have the energy and enthusiasm to do anything if there was anything to do. Having said that, with no work tomorrow, I could probably push myself if there was something important happening tonight. |
Thursday 2nd January 2014 |
It got pretty wet last night - which was rather worrying for this
morning, but the weather forecast assured me that this morning would be
dry, and it was (and still is). After not having gone out so early in
the morning for ages it is a bit difficult to tell, but it does seem to
be rather on the cool side this morning. The forecast temperature was
just 3 or 4° C, and that is something like how it feels, but the BBC
reckon the temperature will be up to 9°
C in an hours time, and there will be bright sunshine. That might be
possible, but it is not looking likely from what I see out of my office
window. I decided that I was becoming far too reclusive yesterday, and that I wasn't bothering to interact with anyone via any internet channels. One possible reason for it was lack of booze. I estimated that I had only drunk about 8 pints in the previous 10 days ! I made sure I had written an important email before doing something about the low level of alcohol in my blood. A couple of large whiskies did something or another, but maybe too for anything exciting. I was in bed by 9pm, and I did my best to get to sleep as soon as possible, but it was probably closer to 10pm before I was asleep. I hadn't been asleep all that long before my phone bleeped with an incoming email. Quite early in the email there was an apology in case it woke me up........No need to apologise on this occasion because it was an interesting email, and I specifically leave my phone on in case anything interesting is happening. What was both good and bad about that email was that it got me thinking - quite a lot of thinking that kept me awake for another hour or so, but was worth it because I think I have answered a question that I didn't really think was a question beforehand. Maybe I might elaborate on it more another day, or maybe not, but it all boils down to the fact that it seems I like a challenge, but not just any old challenge. There are two types of challenge - the carefully selected ones, and those that are outside of your control - like having to have open heart surgery. These challenges make me feel good. Having open heart surgery, although I was obviously unable to watch it or take part in it, was really rather exciting and hugely enjoyable. All the recovery, which is still ongoing, allowed for plenty of challenges, and these were more of the self selected type. Going to a gig just 14 days after being operated on was a bit of a challenge, and one that was immensely satisfying to overcome (even if it was a bit painful from time to time). I didn't think it would be so easy to explain how challenges make me feel good, and maybe I haven't explained it that well to everybody, but a few will know where I am coming from. I now don't think I need to elaborate on it any further, but perhaps now I understand it a bit better I can make use of it.........unless being concious of it destroys it's magic. That will have to be seen, or not seen later. Tonight I should be topping up my booze levels after work. It's Thursday night, and the gang will be drinking in The Catford Constitutional Club - which, being in Catford, is rather handy for me. I don't think I want too much booze tonight, but on the other hand it is Chris' birthday (plus or minus a couple of days), and we will need to see he enjoys it :-) Hopefully all the beer will be in excellent condition. I don't want anything that will upset my stomach. One of the drugs I am taking seems to do that quite well enough on it's own. This morning was yet another morning when I had a bad stomach. I lost count of the amount of times I had to go to the toilet before I could go out to get my train to work, and even then I was far from comfortable. Fortunately it was just a residual discomfort from overworked muscles around the digestive tract. I visited two toilets during the journey to work as a precaution, but it seems I was empty before I left home for work. I do hope my changed diet as a result of spending all day at work, will eventually go some way towards curing this affliction. I'm not expecting any miracles from just the two days at work this week, but next week should see me at work for a full 5 days, and that ought to be enough to make some sort of change. Time will tell. |
Wednesday 1st January 2014 |
2014 has started off wet and soggy ! It rained most of last night too.
The current temperature is 10° C, and I expect it was the same at dawn,
and will remain the same by dusk (plus or minus a couple of degrees on
both occsions). Tomorrow may be cooler by a degree or two, but there
may some sunshine, and it should stay dry until I am just about home
from work. Last night was quite a good night. In fact for a new years eve night it was rather excellent. I achieved something I don't think I have ever managed before in such a complete way. I managed to sleep soundly right through the midnight celebrations. The only problem with that is that I was going to have a fag at midnight. Now I'll have to wait another 365 days for another opportunity. I actually went to bed at 9pm last night. I didn't really expect to sleep, and it was gone 9.30pm before I fell asleep. I awoke very briefly around 11pm when an incoming message caused my phone to bleep. Within minutes I was fast asleep again, and the next time I woke was just after 1am. I probably woke up every couple of hours after that until I decided to get up at 8am. The first couple of times I woke was for a pee, but later on it was increasingly because of stomach pains. Initially it was just wind, and then at 5am it was considerably more. I thought that was it all over, but just after getting up at 8am I really went into super dysentry mode. I'll leave the details to your imagination because it was not pleasant. I think I am more empty than over it now. I still have a rather undefined odd feeling low in my stomach that is not causing any specific discomfort, but is still worrying. There does seem to be an awful lot of this stomach bug around, but considering I have hardly seen anybody for the last 8 or 9 days, I wonder how I seem to have caught it. Of course one of my blood pressure drugs (I have no idea which one) does seem to leave my digestive system close to volatile all the time, and it doesn't need much to tip it over the edge. Hopefully I'll be OK tomorrow morning when I have to go back to work. I don't know if I'll complete it, but today I have started a little job that I've been meaning to do for the last 3 or 4 months of sitting at home partly bored. Leaving it so late to start is probably just another sign of madness ! This job is totally unneccesary, and madness in itself. It is to resurect my (almost) museum piece iMac computer. If my 2 year old diagnosis is correct it just needs a new hard disk, and the operating sytem installed on it. It is a slightly tedious job delving into it's bowels to change the hard disk, but infinitely easier than another possible failure point - the power supply. If it is the latter then it is a bin job ! So far I have cleaned and washed the shelf it sits on. The shelf was covered in all sorts of detritus - books, bits of paper, odd tools, floppy disks and CDs, and, worst of all, fur and slobber and stuff left by Smudge before she died 18 months ago - hence the need to wash the shelf as well as dust it. It is, more or less, all clean now, and I can get on with the task of cracking open the iMac - sometime soon - maybe.........Meanwhile, the rain has just started beating against my windows in a most violent way. Maybe it's time to hide under the duvet again ! |