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Wednesday 25th March 2020
09:16 GMT
  It was rather a gorgeous day yesterday. The wind was mostly low, the sky was blue, and the sun was shining. The temperature reached 14° C (although I confess I didn't check that personally), and in direct sunshine it did feel quite warm (not so much in the shade though).
another cold start to another sunny

  Maybe today will not be quite as good as yesterday, but according to the forecast it will only be a solitary degree less. The sun has been shining since it first rose, and it should stay shining until sunset. The wind is still from the east, or it could have been a bit warmer, but it would probably have been wetter if it were from the west. It looks like the next two days may be very similar to today and yesterday, but it all changes to less pleasant weather for the weekend.

  While there are many people who shriek "stay at home, stay at home" with all the enthusiasm of those at a Nazi rally, I followed the actual government guidelines and went out for my solitary exercise yesterday. I suspect this annoys many people because apart from trying to keep some distance between myself and other filthy, disease laden people, I didn't really have to change my routine at all. Most of my days are spent in solitude. The obvious exception to this is when I meet Angela in the pub at lunchtime - something we may not be able to do again for months now.

  It was nice being out in the sunshine, but I found my energy lacking, and I was getting a few annoying aches. I definitely wasn't running at 100% efficiency. A few indicators suggest I may be fighting an infection, but one strong one doesn't. I think much of it may be stress. It is one thing to naturally learn to embrace solitude if that is how life deals the cards,  but it is another when Big Boris, in his daily hate broadcast, screams at you to keep away from others. It is a classic trick to start totalitarian regimes - no opposition meetings = no opposition.
roadside tree in
  Whether I am fighting a virus, or not, there is another source of irritation. It is one I have been aware of in a milder form for many years now, and it is tree pollen. This tree, by the entrance to the park, seemed to make my eyes very mildly sting as I neared it on the downwind side. It is only a very, very mild stinging, and probably only just over the limit of detection, but the cumulative effect is another to make my eyes water, and for my nose to drip. Maybe fighting this and the virus at the same time is putting an extra drain on my resources. In some way it will be annoying to have the virus, but in so mild a form that I will probably never know for sure if I did or didn't get it.
by Ladywell Road
a short walk today

  The picture above was taken at the halfway point, by the Ladywell Road entrance to the park. I was feeling good in the sunshine, but it was about this point when I decided that I didn't fancy doing any more than walking back home again - on the other side of the park.

  There were definitely fewer people in the park yesterday, but the joggers were still out, and there were 6 people defying government edict by playing together in the basketball enclosure. I did see a few couples - one pair seemed to make a big thing of kissing each other. Nothing like making isolation seem worse for some people guys !

 Government guidelines, which are completely optional apart from the possibility of fine or fines or arrest, are that people should stay 2 metres (approx 6ft) from each other. In the park this was very easy. The usual isolation was probably well in excess of 10 metres. The exception to this was the joggers. Once they have their blinkers on, as the concentrate on their "fitbits" or whatever they do, it sometimes only seems like pure chance that they don't run straight into you. I always gave their backs a good hard stare as they passed with a whistle of wind.

home strait with
                          people in the way
   This picture shows some of the problems of keep the official distance from people. I've already slated the jogger, like the one on the left, but I had problems with the guy on the right. There is not a lot of width between the two fences, and the guy on the right was possibly pissed. He meandered about a bit as he very slowly walked along with a couple of bottles clinking together in his blue carrier bag. I may not have felt in top form, but I found it really hard to slow down enough not to crowd him.

  I guess it possibly felt like I had walked double the distance when I got home. In other words nowhere near knackered, but still glad to sit down. If I recall correctly I was thinking that I could have easily pushed myself to add an extra half mile, but it would have been hard to think of a simple, and clear route to add that small amount. I think I gave up so easily because my original thought was that maybe I could cross the railway (via the footbridge), and do a circuit of the west side of the park, but that would add much more than half a mile, and maybe more like another mile and a half (although there are lesser options).

  I think I mostly resisted the idea of eating as soon as I got home from my walk. I probably did nibble on something, but I can't remember what, although I am sure it would have been something fairly innocent. After that I was shocked when I checked my blood glucose before dinner time. It had gone up since the morning, and it was very high. What was worse, and also rather mysterious, was that I didn't believe the first reading, and did another from (I think) the other hand. It was higher still. Something weird is going on. It has echoes of last August when my blood pressure and blood glucose peaked quite high after my mini heart attack. I am as certain as is possible that I have not had another heart attack. That leaves fighting infection as a likely answer.

  The curious thing was that for someone fighting infection I was feeling quite good for the rest of the afternoon, and through most of the evening - except for one thing. Sitting at my PC for hours and hours at a time is making my buttocks ache ! To try and control my blood glucose a bit better I had a dinner that only had one bad ingredient in it - raw onion. Onions are sweet, but they don't usually effect my blood glucose noticeably (in the wider picture).

  It was either while making this dinner of red cabbage, red onion, lean(ish) ham, and a few tomatoes that were just about to go furry, that I came up with to my little brain seemed like a good idea. The thing that really concerns me is the way the government is using all stick and no carrot to encourage "social distancing". If I were in charge I would put out positive messages like "now is the time when you can eat raw onion, lots of garlic, really fishy fish, because no one will be coming close to you to be offended. It's a bonus. Enjoy it while you can, and fill yer boots !".

  At this time of social isolation Whats App is becoming more handy. Patricia has been taking to sending me audio messages because it is quicker than typing long news messages on a phone, on screen, keyboard. It is also useful for when her internet is a bit touchy. The audio message is not send until you have finished it, and then when you press the send button it is quickly squirted through the internet as a quite small packet of data. I am starting to use it more.

  I had one big audio message from Patricia, plus a few text messages to add a bit more information. I also heard from Angela again yesterday. It was a reply to a message I had sent in the morning. The reply came through just after 3pm, and it seemed a very warm reply. During our exchange of messages I said how much I was missing her, and the pub at lunchtime. She agreed, and when I said that once this was all over we really had to get together for a proper boozing session. Angela seemed very enthusiastic about that. I just hope it happens. It gives life some extra meaning when all around is doom and gloom.

  My evening seemed to pass quite painlessly, and before I knew it, it was getting quite late (which can be around 9pm sometimes, but I think last night it was closer to 11pm). Once again I seemed to sleep far better than expected. I even seemed to wake up fewer times than normal - which is the opposite of expected when suffering from high blood glucose. The worst thing is that I woke up (and by this I mean the type of waking up you do when actually getting up) earlier than I would have liked. I did initially get back to sleep for another half hour or so, but I was having one of those dreams where you might, or might not be awake. The dream was about being in bed reliving, or trying to work out, or remember an earlier dream. I think I did this while asleep, but who knows.

  This morning I can only say I have felt worse than this, a lot worse, but I do feel under par. My blood glucose is not quite as shockingly high, and after three attempts, my blood pressure was only slightly above normal (or my current normal for most of the last couple of years). These things still point to fighting infection, but another possibility comes to mind. It is possible the same could happen when fighting depression. I most definitely feel depressed about the current situation. In my mind I can't help but see parallels between those with the most strident "stay at home" screams, and those who so enthusiastically supported Hitler as he rose to power. It is a shock to find that scratch the surface, and underneath some, and sadly probably all of us, are just irrational savages.
Low temperature
  One thing is for sure, I am not running a fever. 35.5° C is slightly low and actually more typical of my normal temperature. Despite the many reasons to be depressed, not having a fever is good news. Another bit of good news is a message I got from Angela a little while ago. I tried my first What's App audio message to her. It is a bit hard trying to think what to say when confronted with the equivalent of a blank page, but there was one thing I definitely wanted to say.

  At 4am this morning I woke up, and needed to go for a pee. Fortunately it was not a desperate need, because there was a delay. As I put my left foot on the floor I put it down a a bit of an angle, and my foot/ankle went straight into a painful cramp. Now I know that Angela is suffering from what may be gout pains in one of her ankles, and what I wanted to say was that I was sharing some of her pain. It is little gestures like this, that I seem to do without thinking when it comes to Angela, that get really heart warming responses. Just the words "That was so lovely Xxxxx" were all I needed to hear to send my spirits soaring....well for a while, but then there is the thought it could still be months before we can hug each other. That rather drapes a wet blanket over life.

  I am not sure what I really want to do today. I feel I ought to push myself to go for another walk in the sunshine, but the idea seems like hard work. I think I would prefer a snooze. On the other hand a walk could make one specific malady better or worse. I am going through another phase where my chest is being very temperamental again. Provided I keep certain poses I feel fine, but one  wrong twist, and it can be painful as one or other of my ribs does something stupid.

  As I look around for excuses not to go out I find one that is a bit lame, but might have to do. I feel starving at the moment, and even if my blood glucose is high, I don't fancy fasting at the moment. I almost have a sort of acidy feeling in my gut. I think I am going to have breakfast - if a meal at (checks clock) 11:06am (that late already) can be called breakfast. Maybe it is time to have one of my very precious portions of bacon, and seeing as it doesn't matter how badly I fart in these isolated days, maybe some baked beans too.
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