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Wednesday 1st April 2020
08:31 BST
  Yesterday still felt very cool despite there being a mix of sunshine and sunny spells. The morning and evening were particularly cold, but the afternoon, where the temperature rose to 10° C for a few hours, was merely cool.
very frosty start
  Today started with a thick frost that is now only melting under the clear blue sky and sunshine. The latest revision to the forecast says the sky should stay clear, with non stop sunshine, until 11am. After that there should be a few hours of sunny intervals, until a veil of clouds turns the sky grey. For all that sunshine the afternoon temperature may only reach 9° C, but the afternoon should stay dry. At the moment the prediction is that tomorrow could get almost warm with an afternoon temperature of 13° C, but it will come at the expense of grey skies, and no sunshine at all. There will be a very small (8%) chance of a shower sometime in the afternoon. It seems we have to wait until Sunday for a run of good weather.

  I started yesterday not knowing quite how I felt. This is not unusual, and could be said to be very normal now. On the other hand to say I didn't have a clue how I felt was not strictly true. I did have a sort of unquantifiable feeling that maybe I was feeling better, as in not so ill. The best indicator for this, although it took some time to realise it, was that I became a lot less sensitive to cold. For instance, the day before yesterday, spending any time in the kitchen was painful. It felt like many muscles were going stiff and contracting. The weirdest thing was that it felt very shivery, and yet I didn't seem to shiver. All that happened without apparently showing a fever. Yesterday the kitchen was probably no warmer, and being in there was just merely cool feeling.

  There were two other things that were better yesterday. The hay fever-like itchiness in my nose seemed to have become ignorable much of the time. I can't remember when it might have been noticeable or not there yesterday when I think about it today. It seems hard to remember a negative. Another thing that was almost not there was the feeling, but strangely not always actual, wheeziness. I particularly noticed that had changed when I went up the stairs while chewing on a chunk of cheese. I was able to keep chewing, and do all my breathing through my nose. Normally I would be taking in a little extra air through my mouth at the top of the stairs (but only a tiny extra - I would be a long way from gasping).

  I had contemplated going to buy more from a shop yesterday, but in the end I decided I needn't do that until today (and maybe tomorrow). I still have quite sufficient food to feed me, although not always in the variety I prefer. For instance my lunch was stewed steak with broccoli. It was pleasant, and quite healthy, but less enjoyable because I felt like I wanted something else. I didn't know what that else could be. It was case of using what I had in a logical way - for instance using the broccoli before it started to deteriorate.

  I did allow myself one treat....well a sort of treat, yesterday. I thought I had better try and find the back of my small freezer to see if I had any fish fingers hidden at the back. There were none, but there were two packs of "Ice Popsicles" - alcoholic ice popsicles !

  The trouble with these popsicles are that they contain a lot of sugar, and it is best if I use them really sparingly - maybe just one a week. In consequence they were not forgotten, but conveniently ignored. Yesterday I decided to treat myself to one - a Prosecco and Peach flavoured one as pictured on the left. After being in the freezer for possibly 18 months they are deteriorating. Not actually going off, but they contents are separating into different layers.

  I have three more Prosecco based popsicles, and I think I have a box of 4 gin based popsicles (I didn't open the box to check if one or more had not been used already) to use up one day. There are two problems with this. The first is that they are not that enjoyable because of the missing ingredient - hot summer sun - and the second is all that sugar. Yesterday turned out to be a day where it was very unwanted.

  My social isolation continued yesterday. I have had no word from Angela for a few days now, and I didn't even hear from Patricia. I did sent Patricia an audio message with what limited news I could think of, but I didn't get a reply. The lockdown in Argentina, where Patricia is, is being very strictly enforced by the police, and it appears that even leaving the home for exercise is forbidden. She does have a very big garden (it is in a very rural area), but faced with the same view day after day, and nothing happening, it is hard to think of things to say.

   I did hear from my friend Lee yesterday - another long rambling phone call. He thinks he has definitely caught a dose of coronavirus. He lives with his elderly parents - both very high risk people by age and infirmities. His answer is to confine himself in his bedroom - except when he is staying at some mysterious friends place - friend who is not his official girlfriend ! He doesn't actually sound very ill, but maybe that is because he tells me he now regularly baths in Dettol !

  Last night I carried out my "threat" to treat myself to a takeaway. For health reasons it had to be a shish kebab - grilled meat with salad - but I still had a yearning for fish that fish fingers would have satisfied if only I had been able to buy any. The kebab restaurant was one that had probably started life as a chip shop, and they still sold fish and chips - proper chips - not "fries". I could not resist ordering cod and chips (as well as kebabs for later). It was about 6pm when I placed my order, and the delivery time was estimated to be 7pm. I was rather pleased that they still offered free delivery, and their prices had not increased. I did note that many places have increased their delivery charge a bit, and possibly increased their prices, but I didn't check their menus to confirm this.

  It was actually 6.50pm when my delivery arrived. My cod was huge, and my small portion of chips would have fed an army. The cod was delicious, as were the chips until it got to the point that I tried to force more down when I became satiated. I finished all the fish apart from some small bits among the chips, but I left a lot of chips. I threw them onto the garden after I had eaten enough. This morning there is not a single chip or bit of cod left. I suspect a fox may have had a nice dinner in the night.

  Predictably enough, those chips, once the enzymes in my digestive system did their business, caused a huge spike in my blood glucose level. Having that popsicle earlier on just made things worse. That sugar spike may have been the cause of another night where my pillow got soaked in sweat. I can't offer any reason, but I don't think it was a fever this time. This morning all my indicators, including my weight, were good except for my blood glucose. That hit 10.5mmol/l - well into the danger zone. I am going to have to do something about that today. I need to fast for most of the day, and I need to do some physical work. It doesn't feel like a good day to do a walk around the park, although that would be the simplest way to burn off a bit of energy. Maybe I will, or maybe I'll choose the more productive option of doing some work in the garden. The trouble with the garden is that in the cold and damp I tend to end up with aching muscles.

  During the course of writing this I took some time to reply to an email from my sister. Like many, she and her husband have been taking this enforced leisure time to do some home improvement. Out of all possibilities for calamities during this pandemic, their one is running low on paint. I can tell my sister is from the same stock as me - it is best summed up by the cliché - "keep calm, and carry on". It could also be written "if it happens, it happens, but until then nothing changes". I would add my own personal feeling about these things - things that are different are interesting. It made going through my quad heart bypass good entertainment - a point of view that most can't believe, but it probably speeded up my recovery a great deal according to one of my doctors. Well speeded it up until I got cocky and damaged the repair/healing of my rib cage in some unknown way.

  It is now getting quite late in the morning, and I think the thing I'll do next is to have a nice shower. After that I think I may do what little laundry I have.  It is surprising how few clothes I get through when not going out or seeing anyone. What happens after that is anyone's guess, but I have a definite plan for tonight. I shall separate all the meat from the salad in my kebabs, and give the meat a zapping in the microwave before combining it with the salad again. It is not going to be perfect, but it should be quite sufficient to thoroughly enjoy kebab for dinner !
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