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Wednesday 8th April 2020
08:59 BST
  Yesterday's weather forecast seemed to overestimate the amount of sunshine we would get yesterday. The day started sunny, but before midday, and maybe even before 11am, a lot of clouds appeared in the sky, and they kept getting in the way of the sun. It was still a warm day, although it might have taken a bit longer to get there. The temperature was supposed to hit 19° C by 3pm, but I think it was possibly closer to 5pm, although I will admit I was not really watching the thermometer that much - it just seemed to feel warmer as the the afternoon came to a close.
sun at first, but myabe some showers
  The weather seems very volatile lately. The forecast can easily change in a few hours. So far this morning I would describe it as sunny, albeit sometimes hazy sunshine, but enough to be "sunshine" instead of the sunny spells shown in the forecast. The light rain showers, shown in the screenshot above, which I was relaying on to water my plants, now seem to have disappeared from the latest revision of the forecast. About the only constant we can rely on is that the sun should make an appearance, for variable lengths of time, every hour until sunset. The temperature prediction of 21° C seems to be very likely. Tomorrow is currently predicted to be a sunny day, but a degree less than today, 20° C. It will probably snow.

   I was hoping it wouldn't be the case, but I continued to feel rough until at least mid afternoon, yesterday. I can cope with lack of sleep when there is a good reason for it (usually one involving a woman friend), but apparently not one caused by what could be called medical conditions. The trapped wind that, was half the reason why I could not sleep the night before, didn't fully resolve itself until maybe 10am, although the worst was over at 2am. It did leave a slight tenderness. The other half of the problem, straining something when moving the still rather heavy drinks cabinet, was still a problem for at least half of yesterday, although during the day it was only a problem if I made a bad move.
fish eye lens view of my resited drinks
  The end result was that I felt pretty yucky yesterday. Rest and an occasional snooze eventually sorted things out, although even today I feel I have to be a bit careful to not "twist my ribs" again by taking on more than I should. One big consequence of feeling bad was that I could not face going for a long walk, although it would probably have done more good than harm. It meant my hope that I could have a brief chat with Angela, at a distance of 2 metres, in the park came to nothing.

  I only did one thing in the late morning, and that was to wash my bath towel, and a hand towel. The bath towel is small compared to most bath towel, and could almost be a gigantic hand towel. The hand towel was fairly large for a hand towel. Washing those two by hand was quite a physical exercise, and I think I did it as a test of how well I was working. It did tire me out a bit, but didn't cause any extra pain, and maybe it might have even been beneficial.

  With my guts no longer hurting, but still slightly tender, I went for a fairly light lunch. It was a ham salad  or ham added to a Tesco ready prepared salad. I did give it a generous squirt of mayonnaise, but I didn't adorn it with extra pickles and olives.

  After lunch I spent much of the afternoon resting, reading, and snoozing. As the afternoon came to a close I started to feel like I really wanted to do something productive. It was time to get back to work rehabilitating my back room. As I suggested yesterday, I wanted to put a shelf up over the drinks cabinet so I could continue it's function higher up the wall. Thanks to a packet of Poundshop cup hooks, bought ages ago because "they might come in handy" I was able to extend the usefulness of that shelf by putting in hooks to hang some of my beer mugs underneath. You can see them dangling from the shelf in the really terrible crap picture above taken through a fish eye lens.

  At 6pm I sat down to eat dinner, and watch Star Trek - first an episode from "The New Generation", and then an episode of "Voyager". The only problem is that both episodes were not really attention grabbers. Add to that the fact that my dinner was a fairly light dinner of grilled chicken legs, and runner beans, and instead of wanting to vegetate, I found myself itching to do more. There was one thing I could do during the commercial breaks, and that was to rush downstairs to wash glasses. I still have plenty more to do today, but slowly I started re-stocking my drinks cabinet with clean, sparkling glasses.

  Eventually it felt a bit too late to keep rushing down to the kitchen to wash more dusty glasses, and ended up in bed reading well before 9pm. I must admit I lost track of time, but once I turned out the light, I fell asleep easily last night. I doubt it was any later than 10pm, and probably a fair bit before that. On the whole I slept quite well, but I did find that I seemed to have some lower back pain if I laid in the wrong position. I am sure it was the result of bending over to wash the bottom of the drinks cabinet, and also to wash the cobwebs, and a strange stain off the wall where the drinks cabinet was originally standing.

  My dreams seemed to involve lots of train, but none rushed into tunnels like some Freudian subconscious sex fantasy ! I can't really remember much of those dreams at all, but I do remember that the theme was similar to another dream many nights ago. It was that during the Covid-19 pandemic many old slam door trains were put into front like service for reasons that weren't ever explained. Last nights dreams also featured a few steam trains. What I can't really remember is whether I was travelling on those trains, or just taking photos. I would guess it was a bit of both.

  This morning I think I feel mostly OK. All my health indicators are looking good. I even seem to have taken back control of my blood glucose level - or maybe I am no longer fighting an infection. Even my weight seems like it has the potential to go down if I do the right things. This morning it was hovering just 300 grammes above a particularly low weight that happened just over a week ago. If nothing else, I seem to have it under better control than I would predict when I am doing very little walking exercise.

  Maybe today I will do that walking exercise, and maybe today I will finally wave at Angela if she is sitting on her favourite park bench at lunchtime. Hopefully such a walk will not wear me out, and I'll find a bit of energy to do more work in the back room/dining room - even if it is just washing the rest of the dusty glasses.
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