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Saturday 11th April 2020
Lockdown day 19

08:26 BST

  Yesterday was another day that could be mistaken for summer. It was dry with almost non stop sunshine, and the afternoon temperature reached 20° C (and possibly a tiny bit higher).
maybe an even hotter day
  The forecast has been slightly revised since I took the screenshot above. The latest revision show non stop sunshine until sunset, but the temperature forecast has been reduced to a high of 23° C. It should be a slightly warmer version of yesterday. Tomorrow brings some unknowns. For the last few days the forecast for Sunday has alternated between rain and no rain. The latest prediction is no rain, and a day not too dissimilar to today. By comparison, the day after, Monday is currently looking like it will be feeling quite cold compared to the last few days, but even that could change in the next 48 hours.
not as long as it seems  With the forecast for hot, or maybe medium-hot sunshine, I just had to force myself to go out for walk yesterday. My right leg was feeling stiff and painful again - probably as bad as the day before, and possibly worse. I started out with a bit of a limp, and I expected to have to turn back well before I reached the furthest point of my intended walk. Unlike the day before, the more I walked the less my leg hurt, and it was getting to the point where it was starting to get ignorable after about half an hour.

  If you take the GPS trace of my walk at face value it was a very long walk - longer than I have walked for quite some time - 4.72 miles, but that figure is very wrong. In reality I estimate it to have not even been 4 miles, but maybe not that much less than that. The errors are easy to see - the big spikes sticking out of the main trace. I might finally have an explanation for the two pairs at the bottom of the trace, but the big one, halfway up the map, remains a mystery.

  The two spikes where it says "Waterlink Way", and the two spikes near the bottom of the trace almost coincide with pole mounted PTZ (pan, tilt and zoom) CCTV cameras, and my theory is they communicate via microwave link. That microwave link seems to interfere with my phone, causing it to lose track of the GPS satellites. On my next walk in that area, which might be today, I will take a backup mobile phone, and see if that gets a better reading.
the new mantra of the age
    This is the new mantra of the age we currently live in - allow 2 metres spacing between yourself, and the person in front of you. In fact that should be at least 2 metres from any side of you. I work on the self preservation principle - I assume that everyone else carries horrendous diseases, and so do my best to give them the widest berth possible. In some places even that 2 metres is really difficult, but I think I managed at least 3 metres spacing from anyone on my walk most of the time.
more innocent times
  I liked this reminder of the innocence of days past. I am not sure I was ever able to do this as a kid, but I certainly would have wanted to. I wonder if he managed to scoop up anything of interest in that net. Of course there are some on a certain social media web site who would scream blue murder at someone enjoying themselves outdoors. Braying that it is not essential. Those people are utter idiots who fail to realise the purpose of the lockdown. It is to stop people congregating together, and cross infecting each other. Keeping your own isolation is safe for the person doing it, and for everyone else.
river bed exposed
                          while the river runs low
   After no rain for several weeks or more, the river is running very low at the moment. In places large tracts of the river bed are now exposed and dry. If my walk had been a bit more relaxed I would have had time to explore this more - walking out on the shingle to see what photo opportunities were possible.
sun bather
  Here's another photo that would enrage the self righteous (and probably get me labelled a pervert). This woman was at least 3 metres away from the path. She was inconveniencing no one, and obeying social distancing correctly. She was doing no harm, and yet there are people who would advocate the police fining her, and some would suggest the army shoot her - just for enjoying the sun in a way that endangers no one.
Duck and ducklings
  I can't recall seeing a sight like this on the river before - a mummy duck and 13 ducklings. I've seen places that look like they could be duck nests, but I've never seen any eggs. I think I have seen an occasional duckling, never this amount before. I am unsure if it was the same family, or not, but a little later I was walking on the other side of the river, and there was a duck and ducklings trying to navigate past a fallen tree in the river. The sun was behind me at that point, and if must of the ducklings were not obscured by the tree, I could have taken a far better picture.
CCTV camera
  I went for a long shot for this picture. Just above the centre of the picture can be seen the black blob of a CCTV camera at the top of it's pole. It is near this one, and another half a mile behind me, that my GPS tracker "hiccups", causing the spikes on the trace of my walk. My suspicion is that the camera is radio linked to somewhere, and it is the radio transmitter that causes the problem - maybe just to my Huawei phone - something I intend to check today.

  Towards the end of my walk I didn't really have any significant discomfort from my right leg, and while I was getting tired, I seems some way off being knackered. That is a significant improvement. I seem to recall that the first time I walked this route I was really knackered at the end of it. Not yesterday though, and I felt perfectly fine to make a very small detour before heading home. The detour was to the Sainsbury's Local shop by Catford station.

 At the start of my walk I noted there was a queue of at least a dozen persons waiting to get into the shop. On my way back I noted just one person waiting outside, and he was let in just as I arrived there. The door was guarded by a very jovial guard. I am not sure if he was brought in from a security company, or if he was Sainsbury's staff. He indicated the place to wait (more tape stuck on the ground). Then he said wait a minute while he had a quick count of how many were in the shop. He re-appeared moment later to say that once someone came out I could go in. It was a refreshing change to have someone so helpful.

  I doubt my wait outside was more than a few minutes, and then I was in with a few specific things in mind. I bought three ready made Greek salads, 3 reduced price ploughman's rolls, and a 4 pack of Guinness. Five minutes later I was heading for home again. It was all very civilised, although I think my timing was very fortuitous. The last bit of my walk, just under half a mile, still felt fairly OK. I was looking forward to getting home, but I definitely feel I was on my last legs.

  I did treat myself to just one can of Guinness when I got home, but I was feeling in the right mood to avoid eating anything until dinner time. Before I drank my can of Guinness I weighed myself, and I was down in a good area. If I could do what I did yesterday every day for the next week or two I could not just drop some whole kilogrammes, but the tens of kilogrammes digit my fall by one as well. I very much doubt it will happen like that, but now that summer is here (or as good as summer) I should be able to force myself out for a lot more exercise - although it will be at the expense of doing stuff indoors.

  I only did one thing of note while I waited for dinner time to come around. It was to do a bit of laundry. I thought it was going to be more, but it was only one t-shirt and 5 pairs of underpants. I should have washed the t-shirt I wore yesterday because it got a bit sweaty, but I didn't put it into the laundry bag. I probably should have put that washing on the line to dry, but I hung it on a clothes horse to dry. At least I didn't need a heater to speed things up, but I did use a fan to get some air blowing past the clothes. It uses considerably less electricity than even a fan heat on low.

  I had a three part dinner. Parts one and two were Greek salads. I almost had them as they came, but to one I sprinkled on some hot chilli sauce, and the other had some mayonnaise. Part three were a couple of grilled chicken legs - grilled with some added spices. They seemed really tasty. Maybe a few extra days in the fridge had tenderised the meat more. Many say that supermarket meat is too fresh, and benefits from a bit more ageing.

  Before eating I checked my blood glucose level, and it was nice and low again (6.7). I had hoped it would still be quite low this morning, but I was slightly disappointed. It was not terribly high, but I was hoping it would be less than 8.3. The strange thing is that it seems those Greek salads have a moderately high sugar content, and I am not sure why. I know tomatoes can contain a fair bit of sugar, but those salads only have 3 or 4 baby tomatoes in them. I am wondering if it is the dill dressing that is to blame.

  Last night I seemed to remember what time it was when I turned out the light. It was 9 minutes past 10pm. I think it was possibly less than 10 minutes later before I was fast asleep. Last night was one of those nights where apparently I was sleeping really well until 1am (on this occasion). I woke up and could not get back to sleep again for nearly an hour - and there was no apparent reason for it. Once I got back to sleep I seemed to sleep quite well until the first light of dawn. That felt too early, and after a bit I managed another hour of sleep.

  In theory I got sufficient sleep, but for the first half hour or so I couldn't stop yawning. Having now reminded myself about yawning I can feel one coming on any minute ! At the moment I seem to have a split personality. One half of me is still excited about my nice walk yesterday, and the other half of me says "oh no, not again" ! I do feel a bit creaky again - particularly my right leg - but I think I have to work on the assumption that once I get moving in the warm sunshine I will feel OK again.

  It is my intention to duplicate much of my walk yesterday, but with two small changes. Firstly I think I am going to wear shorts to get a bit of sun on my legs, and secondly, if I am wearing shorts I will be more wary about going down some of the narrow paths by the river. Some parts or getting to the point where the growing vegetation rubs against your legs, and I am not sure I would be happy with that with bare legs. I guess that it is a third change that I am contemplating trying to extend my walk by including a bit of Ladywell fields in it.

  The real disaster today is that I will be eating, probably for dinner, the ploughman's rolls I bought yesterday. All that bread will send my blood glucose level soaring. I sort of wish I had never bought them now, but I am not going to throw them away, and I fully intend to enjoy them - and that enjoyment is the reason I bought them in the first place. I'll probably have to walk 6 miles tomorrow if I can - it's possible, but unlikely.

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