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Tuesday 21st April 2020
Lockdown day 29

09:20 BST

  Yesterday was warm, but it wasn't warm ! There was more or less non stop sunshine all day, but the temperature only rose to about 15° C. That was according to the forecast, but I didn't really check it. The trouble is that all the sunshine made it feel like it should have felt warmer, but then again 15° C is really no more than "mild" or "tepid".
lots more sunshine
  Today, according to the latest revision to the forecast, should be very sunny, and maybe the temperature will flatten out to 16° C this afternoon - sadly not the 17° C shown in the screenshot above, although another revision might bring something more optimistic. Tomorrow could see another day of non stop sunshine, and the current prediction is that the temperature will rise to 19° C. Thursday might have just as much sunshine, and the temperature might rise to 21° C. That would start to feel very warm, but considering the forecast for just a few hours ahead can end up very wrong, I choose not to really believe Thursday will turn out anything like is currently forecast.

  I started out the day thinking I was going to go out for a walk, and to get some shopping yesterday, but when it came down to it I found I couldn't be bothered. It was another touch of depression brought about by still not getting any response to my messages to Angela. I am unsure why she is ignoring me. I have a horrid feeling that she has some sort of troubles that is bringing her down. Back in the real world she would reveal some of it over a lunchtime drink, but we can't do that now, and even then any information trickles out at her own pace. It 's just not the sort of thing you can do over the phone. Either that or for unknown reason she now hates me.

  Instead of going out I contented myself by doing two lots of laundry by hand. The first was a t-shirt, a pair of lounge pants, a hand towel, and some tea towels. The latter I had only used for cleaning and polishing glasses. The second bit of laundry I did was the hand towel from the kitchen. It was just getting a hint of being smelly. I also washed a tea towel I had used for drying the occasional plate or knife, but most messily to take stuff out of the oven. It had some greasy stains as a result of that.

  The first bit of laundry I hung up to dry on the clothes horse indoors, and with a fan on it to speed up the drying. Everything from that seemed more or less dry by late evening. The second lot I hung on the washing line to dry. That was the first time I have used the washing line since the weather changed last year. There seemed enough wind outside to dry the towel and tea towel very quickly, but the hand towel was still slightly damp when I checked it just before 6pm. I left it outside overnight, and I expect it will be dry by the time I am up and dressed.

  Apart from the two bursts of physical activity when doing the laundry I did nothing more strenuous than read - either magazine or from my PC. I was probably getting ready to snooze away the afternoon when I got a phone call from Jodie. She is still quite mobile, and goes out far more often than I do. Yesterday she suggested that she might come to Catford for an arms length meeting where I could hand over some things I had bought from Amazon for her. The timing was such that they arrived just after the lockdown, and poor Jodie had finally run out of patience.

  The original plan was for her to get the train, and I would meet her at the station, but all the trains were cancelled because of a reported fire on a train at Lower Sydenham. I suggested we should try again today, but she opted for the slower way of getting here - the 54 bus. We arranged that she would call me as she neared Catford, and I would meet her near the Poundshop. I suggested the Poundshop because I still wanted to buy some plant food from there.

  I left home as soon as Jodie called me, but she reported that she was actually a bit further away than "just outside Catford". That gave me time to cross the main road, and do a little bit of shopping in The Catford Food Market. As usual there was a very minimal queue, and once a couple of people had exited the shop I went straight in to grab a couple more bottles of Diet Coke, and another bottle of sugar free orange squash. Then it was back over the main road just in time to see Jodie's 54 arrive.

  I thought my first face to face (with a decent gap between us) might feel a bit odd after not having a face to face chat with anybody for so long, but apart from keeping our distance it seemed surprisingly normal. There was a fluctuating queue outside Poundland. When I first got there I think there was only one person outside. After Jodie arrived there seemed to be quite a few people, but at least a couple of them were just waiting for friends to finish shopping in there. By the time Jodie and I had swapped what very little news there was to swap, there was just one person ahead of me. A minute or so later I was in the shop, and Jodie came in about 30 seconds after that.

  There were very few people in the shop, but a few were really annoying, and none more so than one person who decided to start talking on her phone right in the middle of one of the aisles. The second most annoying was some bloke shopping with a female partner. He insisted on standing in the middle of an intersection, blocking 4 aisles at once, to guard their shopping while his partner carried on perusing what was on the shelves. I had no option but to ignore the 2 metre spacing.

  I bought quite a few things in the Poundshop. As well as two small bottles of plant food I bought a couple of bottles of bleach, 2 large cans of sugar free Irn Bru, and some Lavender and Camomile fabric conditioned. I also bought some nuts too. It was quite a heavy bag to carry around. I did take my rucksack, but that had the bottles of Diet Coke and orange squash I had bought earlier. Jodie went round the shop a lot slower than I did, and my bag seemed to be getting heavier and heavier as I waited outside the shop. I was starting to think that maybe she decided not to buy anything, and had left the shop before me, and was on her way home again when she finally emerged with a bag stuffed with all sorts of weird stuff.

  We said our goodbyes, and I headed home. I think Jodie was heading to the Polish shop almost opposite the Poundshop to see if they had any interesting beers before getting her bus home. Going out was a pleasant interlude to make the afternoon feel a bit shorter, but it was still nice to get home and unload all the heavy bottles (and cans) of assorted liquids. It was because so many of the things that I bought were liquid that my shopping was so heavy !

  As dinner time approached I cooked two dinners. The fresh chicken I had bought the day previously was not frozen, and nor was it packed in a "protective atmosphere". I thought it wise to not keep it, even in the fridge for too long. Even after that short time I thought I could detect a bit of a smell from it (but not a stinky smell). I cooked one of the fillets in the oven/grill over a selection of diced vegetables - including some diced chillies.

 The last fillet I sort of stewed, with some other vegetables, in the microwave. The vegetables included more chillies, spring onions, and a head of pak choi that was just starting to wilt. It was good to use that up before the leaves turned yellow (as part of one leaf already had). I also chucked in some Chinese 5 spice powder to give a sort of Chinese-ey sort of taste. Once it was fully cooked I sealed the container, and it had cooled off I chilled it in the fridge ready for a microwave zapping for dinner tonight.

  There was one trouble with my oven/grill cooked dinner, and it must have been one or more of the chillies. The previous time I used the same chillies they just gave a nice warm tang to the meal, but last night one of them, or maybe more, seemed to be really burning hot ! I finished that meal with a few bits of chilli still on the plate. My mouth was just burning too much to eat those last couple of bits.

  Compared to the first meal I cooked that featured 3 of those fillets, last nights meal was a lot smaller, and I topped it off with some sugar free vanilla wafers. I thought they might be OK in my burning mouth, and on the whole they were. Later on I would snack on some sugar free digestive biscuits with some sliced Gouda cheese. That cheese was interesting, by which I mean the label was interesting.
made in Holland,
                              packed in Greece, sold in England
  The cheese was produced in Holland, but the slicing and packing was done in Greece, and the final thing was sold in England. That was a rather long round trip. The amusing thing to me is that I know there is a lot of prejudice against that shop because it was once a Turkish shop, and Greeks and Turks are at loggerheads with each other over Cyprus. I have no idea what the nationality of the owners, or operators of the shop are, but it would seem that have put their differences aside, and get their produce from anywhere that produces good stuff. I think the shop could now be called a European Shop instead of Turkish.

  Before I had even started eating my dinner I had that feeling that all was not right with my gut again. It is a paradox that some of the feeling I had from my gut felt like hunger when it was probably the opposite. Sure enough, at 9pm, just as I was thinking about bed, I had to dash to the toilet 3 or 4 times for some explosive outbursts. It wasn't quite as bad as almost the same thing a few nights previously, but it was still bothersome not being able to relax and go to bed. The most annoying thing was that a lot of it was liquid, and I expected to weigh a lot less this morning, but apparently not !

  Once I had finally finished on the toilet I could turn out the light, and go to sleep. I had aimed for bed at 9pm, and it was almost exactly 10pm when I turned out the light. I doubt it was much more than 5 minutes later before I was fast asleep. I almost slept quite well, but after waking up just as it was getting light I still seemed to feel very tired. After a bit I went back to bed, and I seemed to sleep for another 3 hours. It seems like I got a lot more than my 8 hours sleep last night. I can only conclude that I didn't sleep well even if I can't work out why.

  It was actually annoying that I hadn't seemed to lose a single gram of weight since yesterday. I must have ate a meal that I don't remember for this to happen. It would also explain why my blood glucose is really high this morning (9.5), but where that mystery meal came from is a complete and utter mystery because nothing is missing from the fridge or cupboard. The most annoying thing is that my blood glucose seemed to be really well controlled yesterday. Perhaps thosed chillies contained extra sugar as well as extra fire and brimstone !

  I have some definite plans for today, or actually, this morning. I want to trim my beard before washing my hair, and having a shower. Once I am dressed sufficiently to go out in public I will water my window boxes with plant food. Once that is done I have no idea what I will do. I ought to take a walk in the sunshine, but I don't know if I will, or if I won't, and if I do I have no idea where I will go. I am tempted to see if Angela is in the park, but I also have a preference to go the other way to the Linear Park to walk by the river. That preference is based up on the stupid idea that the park was only really busy last time because it was a Sunday, but now every day is a Sunday during the lockdown. I have no idea what I will eventually do.
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