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Saturday 25th April 2020
Lockdown day 33

08:28 BST

  Yesterday was the grand finale to the run of decent weather we have had. It was bright and sunny again, and the temperature rose to a warm 21°C. The last few hours of daylight were forecast to be just sunny spells, and that was probably right, but I didn't really notice any real dips in brightness. What I did notice was that it did seem to cool off a bit faster in the evening, but it was possibly only a slight cooling down.
a much cooler day
  Today is now forecast to be even cooler than when the screenshot above was taken. The maximum afternoon temperature is now predicted to be no higher than 16° C. Another change is that the first hour of full sunshine may not be until midday. As I write this there is not a hint of the sun in the sky, and it feels cold and gloomy. The only small improvement in the latest revision of the forecast is that now the last hour of full sunshine could be 6pm. After that there will only be sunny intervals until sunset. Tomorrow should see the return of full sunshine, except at the extremes of daylight hours, and it should end up noce and warm at 20° C. Today may seem bad, but it was far worse on this day in 2017. The day started with a frost, and although it was sunny, the maximum temperature was just 10° C Brrrrr !
weather forecast
                              for 3 years ago
not even 3 miles !!
   Early yesterday morning I didn't know if I even felt like going out for a long walk, but once I was washed and dressed the idea became more appealing. Having tackled the long climb up to Mountsfield Park the day before I thought I would see how I fared going up to Blythe Hill. I'm not sure if it is actually higher, but it certainly felt like it. The walk from home to the highest point was almost exactly one mile, but it felt like a lot more !

  I must admit that I stopped for breath a few times on the way up the hill, but it seems that just 10 to 15 seconds was all the time I needed to take a deep breath, and continue on my way. I have vague memory of it being even harder work when I last went up there. I guess, or I hope, I am slowly getting fitter - or maybe I have lost a bit of weight since that last time.
a slight overestimate
  There is some dispute over exactly how far I walked yesterday, and I think it can be explained by the fact that I forgot to pause the tracker when I went inside a shop. I think the track on the left, which says just 2.6 miles is close to the correct figure. There is a glitch on the right hand track, but it is hidden under the "d" of "Catford Road". That is the location of the shop I went into. 2.6 miles doesn't sound very impressive, but there is a reason why I didn't take a longer walk. I was giving the boots I bought from Aldi back in January (or was it last year ?) another try out. I think they might be slightly improving, but they remain uncomfortable. I suppose the big improvement is that they didn't draw blood this time.
another hazy
  Once again there seemed to be a lot of haze, possibly from pollution, that spoiled the distant views possible from the top of Blythe Hill Fields. I have seen many mentions of how the air above London, and in many other places, is now clearer since the lockdown, but these long distance views seem no better, and maybe even worse than they were last time I was on Blythe Hill Fields, or Mountsfield Park (which I visited yesterday) a few years back.
The shard and
                              other skyscrapers in The City Of London
  The foreground to this picture looks clear enough, but The Shard, seen on the left of the picture in the distance, looks really hazy, as do the other skyscrapers in the City Of London. It is almost as if it was raining over there, but the blue sky says it would have been dry.
having got up
                              the hill I have to go down again
  This picture looks slightly dull because I am almost shooting into the sun. The sun was off the top of the picture, but not by that much. This is the view, looking south, of the far steeper hill I went down as I continued my walk. In the extreme distance are the hills of north Surrey. I have definitely seen them look sharper than that in the past.
The horses of
                              Catford Hill
  For want of a better, or more informative description, these are the horses of Catford Hill. I presume that whoever lives here likes horses. It was not far after this point when I had to make a decision about how much further I wanted to walk. Four or five hundreds yards further along the road is the entrance to The Pool River Linear Park. I decided I would enter the park, and see how I felt. I felt like my feet were very sore, and so I just looped around to come out by the shops, including Poundstretcher, on the south side of the main road by Catford Bridge. One thing I wanted to do was to see if there was any queue to get into Poundstretcher - there wasn't ! There was quite a long queue to get into the Sainsbury's Local shop on the other side of the main road. Luckily I didn't want to go in there.

  I did want to go in the little supermarket the other side of Catford Bridge station. There were no queues there, and neither were there any bottles of Diet Coke in there - my main reason to go there ! I didn't come away empty handed though. I did buy a 2L bottle of Vimto "Remix" which claimed to be almost sugar free. I also bought some chick peas in tomato sauce, which were a bit expensive, but maybe OK as a novelty some time. Some green and red bell peppers, and a hunk of Polish smoked bacon also when into my shopping basket.

  It was a relief to get home, take my boots off, and check my feet. They were rather sore, but unlike the last time I wore them (I think) there was no blood or blisters visible. Maybe if I persist I can get them worn in and comfortable, but I can't wear them if I intend to walk more than a couple of miles. The best way of wearing them in would be if it was still possible to do a basic 1.5 mile walk to the pub to meet Angela for a lunchtime drink, and then back home. Lots of small walks like that could do the trick, but I despair that I will never be doing that again even when the pubs do eventually re-open. For what ever reason, it seems Angela has written me out of her life.

  Once I had my boots, and outdoor clothes off I felt mostly OK. I did feel very hungry though, but I put off eating until I had transferred the screenshots off my mobile phones, and pictures from my camera to my PC. Once I had done that I ate a Sainsbury's Greek salad with some smoked chicken slices (also bought on my way home from the little supermarket). I then edit the pictures, and also a video before going into extreme lazy mode.

  This video was taken when I had finally reached the top of Blythe Hill Fields. I expressed "wonder" that I had only walked a single mile (almost exactly) because I was knackered, but it did feel good to be on top of the world - or so the views seemed to show. I could have made the look around, after saying my piece to camera, a bit better, but with the bright sunshine glaring off the viewfinder, I couldn't really see what I was pointing the camera at !

  My original plan was to have a chunk of mini grill/oven cooked Polish smoked bacon (not the chunk I had bought earlier, but one bought a week ago) for dinner - possibly with baked beans - but I thought that I should waste a good run of walks that help bring my blood glucose and weight down, on a very taste, but far from healthy dinner. The only option was another kebab takeaway. I was expecting some delays because it was a Friday night, and indeed my meal turned up about half an hour late.

  I noted that the restaurant had changed the free bottle of drink with orders over £25 to orders over £30. That change backfired for me because although I ordered enough for free delivery, I didn't pile on any more to get a free bottle of drink. Last night I ate my two meals in the right order. I had the "special chicken kebab" which features extra grilled vegetables, for my dinner last night, while it was hot, and I'll have the ordinary chicken shish kebab for dinner tonight - cold.

  I had a funny old sleep last night. I seemed to sleep well, but only after a sort of struggle to get to sleep. Initially it was because I was bored with TV and went to bed quite early. Initially I was reading, but my eyes seemed to be drooping. I assumed I would fall asleep soon after turning out the light, but it seemed to take ages to fall asleep. Once I did get to sleep I possibly slept for 4 hours, and after going for a wee it took, or seemed to take, ages before I could get back to sleep again. The best bit of my sleep was probably soon before waking up. It was another erotic dream. I seem to be having a few of them lately. The worst bit was that while the dream was erotic, nothing actually happened....which might mean something, but I would rather not dwell on it !

  I don't really feel that good this morning. It is nothing specific, and probably has more to do with the change of weather than anything else (it is still cold and gloomy outside). My health indicators tell a different story. My weight was good this morning. I have lost about 2kg from the annoying peak of a week or two ago, but still have about a kilogramme to go before I hit a new low. My blood glucose was 7.3mmol/l, and while I would prefer it to be 6.3, it still compares well with my average for the month (so far) of 8.3mmol/l. My blood pressure was a little bit higher than usual this morning, but I attribute that to my blood pressure meter showing an error the first time I used it. I have no idea why it doesn't use the battery level indicator to show the batteries need changing, but it never does. It just shows a big "E" instead of a reading. That always causes my blood pressure to jump - almost up to "normal" - but after taking a few deep breaths, and trying again it was low enough to record. My pulse Oximeter said my blood oxygenation was 99%, and so I conclude my lungs are still working well. (It would have been interesting to see what sort of reading I would have got if I had taken the meter up to the top of Blythe Hill with me).

  I really don't know what I am going to do today. I am thinking of giving walking a rest, or at least to be less ambitious. I might do some shopping instead. One thing I am thinking of is to go to Poundstretcher to see if I can find a watering can for the garden. I could also get some bleach, and cans of sugar free soft drinks while I am in there. I could also take a short walk in the park while I am in the vicinity. In the meantime I feel like going back to bed !
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