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Wednesday 29th April 2020
Lockdown day 37

09:00 BST

  It certainly was wet yesterday, but I don't think I could describe much of the rain as heavy. It certainly was persistent though ! I can't be certain, but I think the rain continued beyond the 6pm cut off shown in the forecast. There was more rain in the night, and I think some of it was before midnight. As well as being wet, it was a very cool day. In the morning it was only just over 7° C, and I don't think the temperature reached the forecast 9° C until quite late in the afternoon - if indeed it ever reached 9° C.
more rain today, but not much
  I feel pretty sure there was more rain in the early hours of this morning, but it is dry now. Curiously enough, as I write this, the sun is trying to break through the clouds, and I am fairly sure it actually did so a bit earlier. The forecast has been revised since I took the screenshot, but the changes are minimal. The latest revision predicts the light cloud will continue an extra hour, but both agree that the rain will start again at 2pm. Both also agree that today will be less cool than yesterday, and that it might even be a tepid 13° C this afternoon. The forecast currently shows that tomorrow will be more like today that today's forecast predicts. After an early morning splash of rain there could be some sunny periods until 2pm when it will rain again. My need for a garden hose has been put off for a few more days, and with the prediction of a few more days of rain next Sunday, and Monday, I don't feel any need to rush out and buy one just yet.

  I wrote about the first half of my day yesterday in my late posting yesterday. What I didn't mention was that I didn't always feel that well yesterday. There were times when it really seemed like I had caught a cold. The main symptom was no more than a runny nose, and so it may have been hay fever gone into overdrive. I also had a sort of undefined feeling of not being well. It was undoubtedly a mix of little things that individually could easily be ignored. I never feel my best in cold wet, and dreary weather.

  One thing that felt like a lead weight on my well being was some strong evidence that Angela has been ignoring me because she is now living with lover boy - possibly at her place. I knew she used to stay with him, at his place, a few times a week before lockdown, but I expected her (or him) to follow the rules, and keep social distancing since the lockdown (If they weren't living under the same roof at the time of lockdown, they should have continued as they were). It would have been a tiny bit better if Angela could have got a message to me to say she couldn't communicate while spending so much time with lover boy. Her last message was a phone call to me on the 9th April, and that ended with her saying it was lovely to talk to me, and that she hoped we would talk again soon. Since then, silence !

  Upon stumbling on the evidence that Angela's circumstances had changed I felt the need for some fresh air. It was the perfect excuse to go to the Sainbury's Local shop by Catford Station to buy more provisions. I remembered to buy some proper Cheddar cheese, and I also bought more sausages. I also bought a copy of the latest New Scientist magazine, some reduced price sandwiches, and 2 bottles of Pepsi Max.

  The odd thing is that like when I went to the Tesco Express shop in the morning, I felt perfectly OK while walking to the Sainsbury's Express shop. I think I had to blow my nose once as I approached the shop, but my nose was not running like it had been when at home. I did note that I was breathing quite deeply, but not actually panting by the time I got home. I had been walking fast, and so the deep breathing was not unexpected. In some way it felt good to be able to do that because it was, in my mind, an indicator that I have no respiratory tract infection - the prime problem with Covid-19.

  When I got home I checked my blood oxygen level with my pulse Oximeter. It said it's usual 98 to fact I think for a few seconds it said 100%. No problems there. I think I mentioned it yesterday that it feels that my lung capacity has increased since doing a lot more walking. What I should probably do is one or both of extra hill climbing, or running. I'm not sure about running, but it was sort exhilarating to reach the top of Mountsfield Park, and Blythe Hill recently. It is all very subjective, but while I couldn't make the top of either without a very short stop, probably less than 30 seconds, it definitely seemed that once I got to the top it took very little time to recover from getting there - it felt like mere seconds.

  Having got home from Sainsbury's it wasn't long before my nose was dripping again, but it was a very intermittent thing. It definitely seemed worse when I went down into the cold kitchen. At one point it did get a lot worse, but that was when I was cutting up a large onion ! I had this idea that I would prepare some proper caramelised onion to go with the sausages I would have for dinner. I had just two thirds of a very large white onion, and I sliced it all up and put it in a pyrex dish with a splash of oil over the onion. I put it in my mini oven/grill for about an hour with a quick stir at about the half way point.

  My eating was terrible yesterday. I had two pasta based things I had bought from Tesco, and then later on the sandwiches bought from Sainsbury's. Both would really cause my blood glucose to spike very high - I didn't even dare to check it before I had dinner. Dinner was the rest of the "white sausages" I had bought a day or two earlier. This time I scored them before cooking them (although they say they are cooked and ready to eat, but I prefer my sausages to have a bit of colour). The scoring allowed some of the fat to come out, but it just went onto the caramelised onions. Those onions were extremely tasty, but I have to confess they were dripping with fat and oil.

  To compound all my deliberate errors I treated myself to four cans of Stella Artois that I had bought months ago - probably last autumn. They should have got me at least lightly drunk, but I didn't really feel it. They didn't even help me to sleep. I lay in bed, trying to get to sleep, for ages after turning out the light. I guess I had a lot on my mind. Once I got to sleep I think I slept OK until 2am, or maybe a bit later. I guess I got at least 3 hours sleep, and it could have been 4. After getting up for a wee I didn't manage to get back to sleep for about 3 hours (although I might have had a few very short snatches of sleep). At 4am I turned the light on and started to read for half an hour or so. That seemed to work and I got back to sleep for another 2 hours (perhaps slightly less).

  I was awake again in time to take the screen shot of the 6.30am revision of the weather forecast, but I definitely felt like I needed more sleep. I was not expecting much, but it seems I got another 2 hours of sleep after that. In total I probably got my 8 hours of sleep. The last 2 hours did seem to be saturated with dreams though. One series of dreams had me back at work in a telephone exchange. I had an unwanted visitor who I managed to lose in the huge building that this telephone exchange was housed in. One very weird thing is that there were doors on the fourth floor that opened out onto a very nice looking park with a stream running through it. Next to the door was a red telephone box, and waiting there was a spiv who wanted to sell me hooky cigarettes. I would have bought some but I didn't have enough money in my wallet.

  It has just gone 10am now, and although the sky is very cloudy, the sun is out, and looking very bright. This re-inforces my desire to go for a walk in the park this morning. I think I am going for a walk in the Pool River Linear Park. It should be very quiet in there, and probably quite muddy after all the rain. I'll make a final decision on the spot, but at the moment I am thinking along the lines of going for distance rather than speed. Later on I'll find out what I finally do.

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