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Sunday 10th May 2020
Lockdown day 48

08:13 BST

   Yesterday felt like summer. It was warm and sunny nearly all day. The afternoon temperature reached 23° C.
lightly overcast and cool
  There could be some sunny spells for a few hours this morning, but the sky already looks very hazy as the cloud builds up. The latest revision to the forecast is a bit more optimistic than the screenshot of the forecast, above. It seems the latest prediction is that the sunny spells could last until 1pm, and by then the temperature may risen to 19° C. After 1pm the temperature will slowly fall away to give quite a cool night - perhaps just 7° C. Tomorrow, according to the latest prediction, could feature a fair bit of sunshine through the day, but the highest temperature could be 11° C - time get my coat out again !
a new record (for this year)
  I finished yesterday by saying I was bored with The Pool River Linear Park, and Ladywell Fields, and yet I would probably have to go through one or the other to go to somewhere else. I mentioned the possibility of visiting Southend Park - a small park, hidden behind flats and houses, near Lower Sydenham station. I also said this would involve "a mile walk" (forgetting to put the number 4 before the word "walk" !), and that I was not sure if I was up to it. In fact that is exactly where I went, and clocked up a 4.19 mile walk in the process !

  One thing that made me less keen was that The Pool River Linear Park is getting increasingly busy. I expected it to be super busy on a nice warm and sunny day like yesterday, but it was sometimes a bit quieter. I'm sure only 38,072 bikes passed me instead of the usual 51,483. I sometimes feel I am the only person in Catford who hasn't got a bike, and then another jogger rushes close by in a haze of sweat and spittle, and I remember the 24,007 joggers that use the park as well. The worst offenders, who make my walk much less pleasant, are families with both huge prams, and a kiddie on a bike. Those families could fill the entire width of a motorway. Passing them on the 5 to 10ft wide paths, while maintaining a good safe distance from the plague carriers, is a logistical exercise that gives me a headache.

 It is at this point in the narrative that I need to add a word about last night, or more specifically about the early hours of this morning. After some very nice sleep I woke up not that long after midnight with my guts in a turbulent state. Initially it was a gaseous state of affairs, but later on I realised a really needed to go to the toilet, and not just once ! I know I managed some sleep from then until 4am because I remember having some dreams, but it felt like I was awake for well over three hours. This morning I am missing that lost sleep, and my brain and writing seem to be running on different time scales - the result being that I am having to desperately try and proof read what I am writing paragraph by paragraph. I am sure I have left some terrible spelling and grammar mistakes in, but I have caught a few of them - even some missed words !

  I didn't expect to take many pictures as I walked through the Pool River Linear Park - having been through there so many times in the last few weeks, I wasn't really expecting to see anything new (although I did keep an eye out for any interesting waterfowl). However I did stop to shoot another silly video of me walking on the dried bit of riverbed, and climbing on the stones in the flowing water. One thing I did not explain too well in my mumbled commentary was that to get to my favourite spot on the river I had to walk along the narrow path that the plant life is doing it's best to obliterate. Some of the plant life is stinging nettles - and I was wearing shorts ! I picked up three stings on my bare legs getting there !
My favourite stones
A still picture of my favourite stones in my favourite bit of river.
more hill climbing
  Having walked all the way through the Pool River Linear Park I faced a long walk up to near the top of Southend Lane to get access to the next park I would be visiting. In this picture the railway bridge at the bottom of the hill is barely visible. It is easier to see the bright blue industrial style building just beyond it. It felt like quite a long walk up this hill - even if it was probably little more than a quarter of a mile, and maybe less.
view of
                                  Crystal Palace TV mast through the
  Once inside the park I soon found there was a nice view of the Crystal Palace TV transmitter mast framed by trees.
a cute, but
                                  pointless feature
  One feature in the park is this cute looking hump backed bridge. There is only one strange thing about it - it doesn't cross anything (unless there is a weed choked drainage ditch beneath it). The Pool River does go through this park, but mostly underground, although I think a little bit of it is exposed near this bridge. That little bit runs to the left of the bridge - parallel to the bridge. Maybe when the river is higher there might be an artificial backwater that is supposed to go under the bridge. I will investigate this again when I feel I have the energy for an even longer walk.
  Southend Park - not anywhere near the popular bit of seaside called Southend. This is the south end of Catford...sort of. It is not very big, but my first quick look showed that there is more to explore, and that it seems quite nice. It has a good mix of grass and trees. Some corners, that I didn't explore, could be almost described as miniature woods, although that is only the perspective from a distance. Maybe they are actually very sparse up close.
Perla strong beer
  I was actually feeling quite tired, or footsore at the halfway point of this walk. That is why I only did a short walk through Southend Park, and why I walked home almost non-stop to get it over and done with. I did stop once, and that was to buy some beer, and a few other bits and pieces from the little supermarket near Catford Bridge station. I bought two cans of Perla Mocna (pictured on the left). "Mocna" is Polish for strong, and indeed, at 7.6% this beer is pretty strong. I also bought two cans of another Polish (I think) beer that is 7%. I would be enjoying the Perla Mocna later in the evening.

  As always, it was a relief to get home again, and get my boots off. I had experimented with some slightly thinner socks for this walk, and I didn't like the results. There were a few red areas on my foot, and the elastic top of the socks had dug into my legs. I guess they couldn't have been that bad or I would not have been able to walk 4.19 miles in them. On the other hand, having walked half that I had no option but to walk the same distance home again. So maybe they were that bad ! I think the special hiking socks, with their weird elastic panels, that I tried some days ago, were probably better, although I think I can still find something better than those.

  Once I was able to relax I indulged in some very naughty food. As well as the beer, I had also bought a large packet of crisps, and a sort of vegetable salad. The latter was something like a very coarse version of Sandwich Spread - finely diced vegetables in something like salad cream. I used the crisps to scoop it up. That, and maybe the bottle of 9% Duvel Citra beer were probably instrumental in taking my blood glucose up to the danger zone when I checked it a few hours later.

  To compensate for that culinary extravagance I had sliced vegetables and some strange turkey with herbs sliced, mechanically recovered (probably) meat slices for dinner. That should have been fairly benign, and I didn't really anything, apart from a chunk of Red Leicester cheese, for the rest of the evening. I did drink the two cans of Perla Mocna beer for a sort of pudding, or desert after my dinner.

  Those two 7.6% beers, and the 9% beer before dinner, left me feeling sleepy quite early in the evening. I think I started thinking about bed at 8pm, and I may have been asleep by 9pm (although for some reason I wonder if it was a bit closer to 10pm for some reason). Once asleep I seemed to sleep very soundly until, as I noted further up the page, I woke up some time after midnight with powerful flatulence ! I was in no pain, and very little discomfort, but I could not get comfortable enough to get back to sleep. Over the next 3 (or 4) hours I tossed and turned as I tried to get to sleep, and I had to visit the toilet twice before I eventually fell asleep again.

  As much as it felt like I was awake for the whole time during that unpleasant episode I know I must have snatched a bit of sleep here and there. I know this because I was having short dreams. I can't remember much about those dreams, but there was one motif, almost like a trademark, that I kept seeming to think about. Most of the time I could not actually see this motif, and just thought of it as a sort of memory. I am pretty sure it is something from real life, but I cannot think of where it comes from. It was a silhouette of a man wearing a tall "stovepipe" hat" sitting on a steam powered swan - complete with small smokestack.

  This morning I feel tired after my lost sleep, and I have a few odd aches, but basically I am OK. Even my blood glucose level has come right down to what it was yesterday morning - a very pleasing 6.6mmol/l. There is much I could do today, but I expect I will do very little. I was thinking that I would definitely take a rest, and not go for a walk today, but now I am wondering if I might go for a short walk around Ladywell Fields - maybe in trainers instead of boots. Trainers may be more comfortable, or at least make me feel more light footed, for a short, maybe no more than 1.5 mile, walk. I may still stay in and be very lazy for for a few hours before getting bored enough to maybe do some more work clearing and cleaning my back room - something I have most neglected for a few weeks now. Basically, I think I'll just let today happen as it happens with no plans at all.