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Thursday 28th May 2020
Lockdown day 66

08:17 BST

  Yesterday felt warm, but sunshine was in short supply. It wasn't gloomy, but rather dull compared to some of the sunnier days we have had recently. There was one period of full sunshine, but otherwise it was just occasional sunny intervals. The afternoon temperature was a comfortable 23° C.
After a dull start it should be
   By now we should be very close to full sunshine, and yet the sky still seems rather cloudy. I'm not so sure it is clearing, and yet even the latest revision to the weather forecast promises it should be a bright sunny day. It may not be a particularly warm day, just 21° C by this afternoon, but at least that is very comfortable, and should feel good when out in the sunshine - provided the "moderate" breeze isn't too cooling. Tomorrow is currently predicted to be just about the same as today. They day after could be similar, but a degree or two warmer.

   Not going out yesterday was a good idea. It allowed my feet to heal a bit after two previous days of giving them a good pounding, and it gave me time to do a few jobs that needed doing, although I have to admit my productivity was not very high. I did seem to spend a fair time relaxing. I guess I only did two important jobs - neither of which took up much time. The first was to empty all the bins indoors, and dump the contents into the wheelie bins ready for possible collection by the dustmen today. There is some doubt about this because Monday was a bank holiday, and that usually disrupts the schedule.

  The other job completed was to had wash a few t-shirts, and more pairs of underpants than I realised were in the washing bag. It may not have been very sunny yesterday, but the air was dry, and while it was not windy, there was enough breeze to stir the washing hanging on the line. It was all dry before the evening - all except one sleeve of a t-shirt for some strange reason.

  The other thing I did was to finally prepare two of my ancient videos to show on here. In the early 1980s I had some expensive, but very primitive, video equipment, and a great desire to be creative with it. My opportunities for that seemed few and far between, but there were these two videos that I put a lot of time and effort in to produce a short clip that would have taken seconds in a professional video editing studio....well, maybe not seconds, but it would have been far easier than the sweat I put into it. These days, doing it digitally, with special effects I could only dream of in the 1980s, would be so easy.
 This video was made in 1981, and features Marion. At the time she was a bar maid in the late lamented Forest Barn pub or bar in Forest Hill. I spent a lot of time drinking in there, or drank a lot in there ! It was the start of a relationship that would last, on and off, about 5 years. These days the relationship would be described as "it's complicated".
  This video was made in 1986. It is about Imogen. A young lady who I was very close to (but not close enough) for a few years before her university life took over, and I saw her less and less. She was studying dentistry in Birmingham, and at first I was only able to see her during the holiday. She ended up getting married to a naval dentist from Portsmouth.

  One of the things I wanted to do yesterday was to try and eat carefully. Apart from my blood glucose not going as low as hoped, my weight was slowly dropping, and I wanted to continue that. It was a bit tricky to do because without the distraction of a long walk, there were time when food seemed irresistible. I did my best, and probably didn't do to bad, but to be safe I had to experiment. One of my doctors, the one at the practice whose speciality is diabetes, and other eating type problems, swore by rice cakes being so low in everything that it was hardly worth counting them.

  My lunch was three chilli flavoured rice cakes with Marmite on them. In theory it was all terribly healthy, and it did satisfy me for at least 5 minutes. For dinner I had some well seasoned grilled skinless/boneless chicken thighs with a so called "Mediterranean style" salad. I dressed that salad lightly with oil and balsamic vinegar. It should have been pretty healthy for me, but it left me wanting more. Later on I had more - three more rice cakes with some cheap and nasty sliced ham on them.

  I watched two different episodes of Star Trek last night, but I didn't seem to get very excited about either, and I turned off the TV after the second had finished. I then went to bed to read - it may not have even been 8.30pm when I did that. I ended up reading for as long as a couple of hours before I went to sleep. Once again it seemed like a got a good sleep, but it's only in the last 15 minutes that I have stopped yawning - except thinking about it is going to make me yawn again any minute now !

  I don't think I opened my bowels at all yesterday, but thankfully I did this morning, and so was able to get a better idea of what my weight was doing. It is unsurprisingly not as low as when I was dehydrated after my recent long walks, and maybe was a tiny bit higher than expected, but is pretty reasonable. I think it is likely that another visit to the toilet will drop my weight by enough to be something closer to hoped for.

  My blood glucose is up again this morning. It is 7.8mmol/l. I blame those rotten rice cakes for it going up. It is still well below the danger level, and the only concern is if it continues to drift upwards. My personal target is for a figure under 7mmol/l - mainly because it gives some leeway for those inevitable times when I give in to temptation.

  As usual I am unsure how good, or how bad, I feel this morning. I am quite aware that my feet are not fully healed, but "fully healed" could take weeks. I think my legs feel OK though, and so I will probably go for some sort of walk today. I am contemplating going to the seaside for a walk along the normally very quiet bit of seaside from West St Leonards to Bexhill. Even on a hot summers day, there are few people who use this part of the shore. Whether I will go that far, or even out at all, is something I will finally decide later. It would help if the sun came out properly. It is bright, but the sunshine is still hazy as it filters through a misty looking sky.
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