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Saturday 6th June 2020
Lockdown day 75

07:35 BST

  Yesterday was a mixed day except for one constant - it never got better than "mild". There were some sunny intervals during the morning, and even into the afternoon, but quite often they were quite short sunny intervals. Light rain was forecast for a couple of hours starting at midday, and indeed there were a few spots of rain around that time, but sometime after 3pm, and perhaps as late as 4pm, just when the sunny intervals were supposed to resume, it poured down. There were at least two heavy downfalls, well good enough to water the garden, and some lighter rain in between. An hour or two before sunset the sky cleared, and there was a nice red sunset. The afternoon temperature was around the 15° C that was forecast - maybe a degree more for a while, but a degree less for more of the time.
sunny start, but rain this
   This morning has started cold and very sunny. Before mid morning the sunshine is supposed to give way to just sunny intervals. In fact the latest revision to the forecast says the sunny intervals should start very soon, but the sky still looks very blue for now. Bearing in that that for the previous couple of days the rain has fallen several hours after it was forecast to start, and now we are being told that the rain will now start at 1pm. It will be interesting if it does start that early. It seems it will be preceded by an hour or two of it being heavily forecast - which seems sort of obvious. The afternoon temperature will probably only be 14° C, which is a bit cooler than yesterday, but if the rain is late, and the sun keeps shining for longer than forecast, the temperature may rise higher. Tomorrow may be warmer with 18° C predicted. Like today, and the last few days, rain is forecast for the afternoon, but if the forecast has any credibility it may not start until 3pm, and finish at 7pm. The day after, next Monday, may be dry, but it is going to be cold and gloomy.

 another 3
                              mile walk
  After all my laziness, and over eating, I had to get myself out for a walk regardless of the weather, and almost regardless of how I felt. Fortunately I was feeling mostly OK, and quite keen for it once I got started. To me delight (well I think it was delight) the weather behaved itself while I was out. I was expecting rain, and indeed I did feel a few isolated spots of rain, but by comparison the sunshine was more prominent.  That makes it sound like there was a lot of sunshine - there wasn't ! There was 5 minutes of strong sunshine soon after I started back from the end point of my walk. At other times there were a few bright times, but it was very sunny for the last half mile of my walk.

  I did have a few ideas of where I might have walked if the weather had been forecast to be dry, but I didn't want to be too far from home if I was going to get wet. The obvious walk was through the Pool River Linear Park as far as the bow string bridge. I'm not sure that is the 3.1 miles shown on the tracker, but the trackers trace does not seem to show any abnormalities that might lengthen the distance artificially, and I have to conclude that yesterday was a 3 mile walk !

  In at least one respect it was a pleasant walk because on such a grey day there were few people about. I had the riverbank to myself, and I wasn't constantly dodging families with prams, joggers and cyclists on the path. In fact it was more like a typical day before lockdown, and before people discovered fresh air and exercise. Under that (mostly) grey sky I could imagine that even Greenwich could have been almost safe to visit.

  On my way back I called in to the Sainsbury's Local shop by Catford station. I specifically wanted to get the latest New Scientist magazine, but I ended up with quite a heavy bag of shopping when I left. When I entered the store there were a few odd drops of rain falling, but I came out again to brilliant sunshine, and the sunshine followed me all the way home. It wasn't a fast walk home. I had felt almost light on my feet before I had to lug the shopping home - and it was in one bag, and so I was unbalanced. It really slowed me down !
say hello to
                                Corvid 20
  For some of my walk I was being watched by Corvid 20. Corvid 19 was having a rest after a large squawk left him feeling knackered. These are very intelligent animals, but this one hid his intelligence but jst sitting and staring.
Robin on the
                                opposite river bank
  Using full zoom I was able to take this snap of a robin on the opposite side of the river.  The robins red breast makes them seem nice, but as a photographer the thing I like about them best is that they will often sit quite still for long enough to frame a photo. They will also allow you to get quite close sometimes, although there was a river between us here.
dog rose
  They are very simple compared to the lushness of proper roses, but I quite like these dog rose flowers. Incidently, Jodie reckons the plant in my back garden, which shows many similarities to a dog rose, is possibly a young elder tree. I'll have to keep an eye on it and make sure it is well pruned back if it really is a tree. I have had more than my fair share of tree troubles in my back garden. Some seem to grow with undue haste into monsters !
moorhen with
                                sticky bun
  Another picture where a lot more zoom would have been useful. This moorhen (unless I have mixed them up again and it is a coot) seems to have captured what looks like a sticky bun, but it could be a slice of pizza. It seemed a strange things for the bird to be eating.

  I decided I would document a lot of my walk by making a short video. Unfortunately it turned out to be a long video ! I have cut out a lot of stuff, and speeded up some sections, but it still lasts for 9 minutes. It starts from when I enter the park, and ends when I have visited my favourite rocks, and walked on the exposed river bed. The walk along the narrow mud path by the river is the favourite part of my walk through this park.

  It felt really good to get home and put down my heavy shopping. This time I made sure I didn't buy anything outrageous....No, I lie. I did. The heaviest part was two 2l bottles of Pepsi Max. I also bought some salad, some sausages, some cheapo ham, a bottle of low calorie (but high sugar - Grrrr) salad dressing, and the contentious part was some reduced price sandwiches. Yesterday was a day when I intended to reduce my carbohydrate consumption to a minimum, and eating two packs of Tuna Crunch sandwiches for lunch rather spoiled that intention.

  Once I had sat down, and taken the weight off my feet, and probably strongly aided by the two packs of sandwiches, I began to feel tired. In one respect that was a good thing because on the two previous lazy days, I couldn't relax. Yesterday afternoon I had a short snooze, and it happened almost without intention. It didn't feel like I had been asleep that long, but when I woke up I noticed big puddles in the road. The forecast rain had finally come, and at that point it seemed it had gone.

  In fact there was another heavy downpour half an hour later. Once again I missed the start of it, but I was soon awakened to it. I was in the bathroom washing a t-shirt, and few other bits and pieces, and rather more pairs of underpants than I had realised I had tossed into the washing bag. I was happily (?) washing and rinsing when I became aware of water hitting my face. It was rain being blown through the 6 inch gap at the top of the open bathroom window. It too, like the earlier fall of rain, was a lot heavier than the forecast seemed to suggest (and of course happening several hours later than forecast). The garden got a good watering yesterday !

  I had a two part dinner at 6pm. Part 1 was a Sainsbury's salad that had been in the fridge for a few days, and was just about to deteriorate. I added some watercress and spinach, plus some pre-cooked flavoured chicken chunks. I dressed it with some Sainsbury's French style dressing. The label made a big thing of it being healthy and low calorie, but the second ingredient on the list was sugar. That was hardly healthy. It is lucky I was not attempting to drink the stuff my the pint !

  Part 2 was the spare chicken shish kebab that I had ordered when I got the takeaway fish and chips the previous night. I had already peeked at it, and was a bit dubious about it. It wasn't nasty in any way, but it didn't seem to contain much grilled chicken, and the salad was like something you might get in a pub - a bit slap dash. I am glad I had my customised Sainsbury's salad first. The two together seemed to be an adequate dinner, and I didn't eat any snacks later (although I did pour myself a couple of big whiskies later).

  Last night was another night when TV barely held my attention, and once again I ended up in bed reading before 9pm. I did have a bit of difficulty getting to sleep, but I was probably asleep not long after 10pm. The difficulty was that my bedroom was at that silly temperature where it is too warm with the duvet, and too cold without. Later in the night, as my bedroom continued to cool I was very happy to wrap myself well in the duvet !

  I can only recall a bit of one dream from last night. It was a variant on a common theme for some of my dreams. I was back in a telephone exchange, but this time I seemed to be a visitor rather than working there. It was a future (from my perspective) version of Bromley Telephone exchange, and the "new generation" switching equipment had been replaced with even newer, and far smaller equipment. It made the place look big and airy. It was one of those dreams which seemed to last a long time, but very little happened.

  This morning, apart from liking the morning sunshine, but feeling quite chilly, I otherwise seem to feel fairly OK. My blood glucose has come down to  a far better level, 7.0mmol/l, and that is less than I was expecting. As usual, a figure starting with a 6, or even a 5 would have been preferable. My weight is still higher than it was a couple of days ago, but seems to be heading down again. A few good days, as unlikely as that might be in this autumnal weather, could see me hit a new low.

  I think I will be going for a walk today. It will probably be a duplicate of yesterday, but I did have a new route in mind if I could raise enough faith that I could do it while it was dry. I was thinking of getting the train to Hayes (Kent) station, and taking a wander around Hayes Common, but it seems unlikely I could complete it by the time it starts to rain - assuming the current forecast for a 2pm start is sane. (Actually I note the start time has been put back an hour, and if today is like the last few days it could be even later still).