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Wednesday 24th June 2020
Lockdown day 93

10:14 BST

  Yesterday afternoon could fairly be called very warm, but at just 27° C it was not quite high enough to be called hot ! There was non stop sunshine through the day until a few light clouds passed in front of the sun in the last few hours before sunset. The garden definitely needed watering !
could be hot
   While yesterday didn't quite reach "hot", today should be. The latest revision to the forecasts the temperature has increased the afternoon temperature to 31° C ! Needless to say, it should stay dry unless all that heat manages to brew up a thunderstorm. That may actually happen on Friday, but today, and tomorrow should be dry and sunny, although tomorrow the temperature may stay just under 30° C. 

  I'm not sure when it was, or even why, but in the end I decided not to go out for a walk yesterday. Instead of walking I started doing some fairly productive things at home.
washing drying
                              in the sun
  One such bit of work was to wash a t-shirt, some underwear, and a hand towel. With my lawn starting to resemble an actual lawn (but only just if you could see it carefully) I could put the clothes horse outside so my washing could dry in the hot sunshine - and it did, in just a few hours !
  I don't know how long it will be before I see any flowers, but my cornflowers are now coming up nicely.
new pots with
                              seeds in
  I forgot to mention it yesterday, but I had a delivery of a big bag of potting compost yesterday. It all started when I asked Lee if he could pick up a bag or two the next time he took his mum and dad to a garden centre. On Monday he phoned (right in the middle of my meeting with Angela) to say he was in B&Q, and could get me a bag of compost from there. He did mention it might be a 125 lire bag. It was hard to visualise that until I found it behind the wheelie bins yesterday morning. He had apparently dropped it off the same day.

  Yesterday I filled a large plastic, fake terracotta, plant pot, and two smaller wooden pots with compost, and planted some assorted seeds. They are for the side of the lawn, as pictured above. I also filled a round pot, and put in a couple of tomatoes that had got squished (probably by putting a beer bottle on them in the shopping bag). This year I will make sure that the tomato plants are kept thinned out. I'll leave one or two in the pot, but I'll plant a few spares directly into the ground - assuming that any germinate in the first place.
second lot of
  My first lot of washing dried so quickly that I decided to wash the sheet, and pillow cases from my bed. I have to say it was rather hot work on a hot afternoon. I was probably dripping more than the laundry was when I hung it out to dry. For some strange reason, probably masochistic, maybe a psychotic desire to do more gardening, I then spent another 10 to 20 minutes in the blazing sun weeding. Actually the last reason is probably the real reason. Now that the worst of the work to rehabilitate my garden is over, and I am beginning to see results, it inspires me to try and do more out there.

  I can't seem to remember what I had for lunch yesterday, but I know what I had for dinner. I had been looking forward to finishing all the sweaty work I was doing, and be able to relax and eat a tasty dinner of grilled salmon with salad. It was indeed very nice, and rather more tasty than the Sea Bass I had the previous day. I couldn't completely relax after dinner because I received an email from my younger sister.

  It all started when I replied to a "happy birthday" email from my older sister. We exchange an occasional email, and in my reply to thank her I included some pictures of my old Junior school taken on 9th June (and I showed them here a day or two after). I was not sure if my older sister had gone to the same school because I didn't know how old she was when we moved from Blackheath to Catford. I was little more than a babe in arms at the time. It transpired that she had joined the school in the 3rd year (out of 4) after the move.

   I suggested that she might like to show them to my younger sister who I knew had gone to the same school. My older sister said she would, but that I could send then to my younger sister directly. Until yesterday I never knew she had an email address ! I wrote to her in the morning, and by early evening I had a reply that included a few photos from her own collection.
Ben and Vicky
Me - approx 1970
   The was Ben, on the left, and Vicky on the right. They were two cats we rescued from a builders yard where they were living wild with their mangy old mother (who we also adopted for a while) They were completely wild, and it took a lot of patience to domesticate them. Vicky held out longest, and never really like to be handled.
   I hardly recognise myself in this picture, but I am fairly certain it is me - I recognise the glasses, and the jumper with the fraying arms. The cat I am holding was out first adopted cat. He was fully domesticated, but we had no idea where he came from. He adopted us, and was free to go anywhere he wanted, he stayed with us.
The Queen mum at Rathfern Road
  This picture surprised me. I do remember when the Queen Mum visited our primary school, but I had no idea any pictures existed of the visit. I have no idea when this was, but I seem to recall I was probably in the third year, and that would make the year 1965. The young lady looking at the camera, instead of the Queen mum was my younger sister. All three of these pictures benefited from a little work in my favourite photo editor The Gimp. The picture of me, in particular, had a strange colour cast, but with a few tweaks I probably look a little more human !

  It was a hot night last night, but I seemed to sleep through it quite well. At about 4am I was starting to feel cool. When I had put fresh sheets and stuff on my bed I left the duvet out of the duvet cover. The empty duvet cover was just right to allow me to warm a bit without cooking me. I woke up again around 5am, and while I thought I should have had adequate sleep I managed to go back to sleep for another 90 minutes.

  That last time I woke up I felt fairly good (for ranges of "fairly good" that pertain to my current state of life). I was pleased to see my blood glucose was down to just 7.1mmol/l. This morning I looked back at the readings I had showed the diabetes nurse, and when he had said showed good control. He described it as typical pre-diabetic levels. In other words, if a doctor had seen it for the first time he would take no action, but note to keep an eye on it in the future. Although I have had some annoying peaks in my blood glucose, none have been terribly high, and my monthly average is slightly lower than my the monthly average when I saw the diabetes nurse in January. I guess I am doing something right.

  My weight is staying stable with the merest hint of a downwards direction. I did get more evidence that even if my weight is not going down as fast as I would like, my body shape is improving. Yesterday, when I was changing my sheets, I opened a box that I thought had bed linen in it. It didn't ! It had 4 pairs of jeans in it. Three of these pairs of jeans I think I set aside because they had been getting too tight. The other pair was very much bigger, but had some unpleasant blood stains on it (my own blood !). I probably set that pair aside for gardening duties or something. The other three pairs, which were all quite nice looking jeans, now fit perfectly - and even have a little spare !

  This morning I have already been busy. I have been to Tesco to buy more socks - hopefully the type that feel comfortable in my walking boots - plus a load of salad stuff. Together with some drinks, it was enough to fill my new, rather big rucksack. I felt distinctly warm when I got home with it all. I didn't stay in long before I went out again. This time it was to Poundstretcher where I bought some assorted stuff, but particularly another three big round plant pots. I also found some plant support sticks. I may need those for my tomato plants - assuming the seeds germinate.

  There are three more things I want to do today. I have already started washing the duvet cover I took off my bed yesterday. At the moment it is just soaking in detergent. The next thing I intend to do is to go out for a short walk to hopefully meet Angela in the park. I doubt I will extend the walk to anything more than straight there and back. Finishing washing that duvet cover this afternoon will be quite enough effort for one day - except I also want to fill the noe pamt pots, and put some seeds in them. I have some spring onion seeds I'll try in one of them - maybe to be transplanted out once they start. I may do a bit more weeding two. I would trim the lawn again, but not today when I should have the duvet drying in the middle of it !
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