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Wednesday 29th July 2020
Lockdown day 128
Shopping embargo day 6

08:28 BST

  I think yesterday's weather may have even been better than shown in the morning revisions to the weather forecast. The best forecast I saw said sunny periods in the morning, and sunny periods in the evening. I may be mistaken, but I feel sure there was some sunny intervals in the afternoon too, although maybe not enough to say that yesterday was a sunny day. It was another dry and mild day with the afternoon temperature just hitting 20° C.
some sunshine, and maybe more than
                                shown here

   There was a choice of weather forecasts this morning, but I decided to stick with the Met Office forecast for my screenshot even though the BBC Meteogroup forecast showed a nicer day. It has been sunny all morning with few clouds in the blue sky, and that is rather better than any of the forecasts predicted. There is more cloud in the sky than there was, and it seems likely that the full sunshine will give way to sunny intervals soon. With luck they will continue until midday, or 8pm if you believe the BBC forecast. Maybe there will be more sunny periods later in the afternoon if we are lucky. Both forecast say the afternoon temperature will rise to 21° C, or pretty much the same as the last few days. Tonight should be less cold than last night (it is still a bit cool now !), and that will prime the day for a hot sunny day. It will be like summer again. 25° C is forecast for tomorrow, and maybe even 32° C on Friday !

   I started yesterday morning with little idea of what I was going to do. The only definite thing is that I was going to stay at home in case my beer delivery arrived. It didn't, but I did get a message from DHL, the couriers, to say it would be delivered today. The last time I had a delivery from DHL they sent a later message showing an hour slot when my delivery would be made. I assume, or hope, I will get a similar message today so I'll know when to go on a high state of alert.

  I did quite a few little jobs yesterday, but most only took a few minutes, and were hardly worth remembering. Some were very trite - like washing up a plate and some cutlery - but I did do three notable things yesterday. In no particular order because I did some laundry in two sessions, I washed a t-shirt and some underwear. I hung that on the line outside, and it was dry before dinner time.
chair and
                              extension cable
   Both my other two notable things are in this picture. The chair came from my bedroom where it had not been used for years - tucked under a table, and thick with dust. Yesterday I took it downstairs and gave it a good hoovering, and the attention of a lint roller. I then washed and polished the chromed frame/legs. It is in a bit of a sorry state still, but there is a tiny, tiny chance I might need seating for 4 tomorrow.

  The other significant thing in the picture is the 6 way power block with the bright orange safety cable. It originally had a 1 yard cable, but I replaced that with the orange cable. A 6 way block may be handy one day, but all I really wanted mow was a single power socket for my strimmer. I reckoned I needed an extra yard when I last used the strimmer on an existing extension lead. The orange cable should be 2 or 3 yards longer. I'll probably get the strimmer out today.
new speakers
   While I had the camera in my hand to take the previous picture I took this snap showing my new Creative T10 speakers either side of the two framed pictures. They make quite a pleasant sound for such small devices.

beer delivery on it's way
It seems I have to go on high alert between 10:22 and 11:22 today. After that I can relax !

  One thing I have been getting all wrong since the beginning of the week when the weather changed for the worst, and I took advantage of it to rest my sore feet, is my eating. I have been having a lunch, and sometimes a substantial lunch. There would be no problem with this if I could call it dinner, and just have a light snack in the evening. The trouble is that I am so used to eating a full meal in the early evening that it is hard to have something a lot lighter (on most occasions). Yesterday I had grilled bacon and tomatoes plus low sugar/salt baked beans for lunch. My dinner was a full plate of salad. That might have been OK if I had not been so generous with the mayonnaise, and the central ingredient hadn't been some quite greasy Danish salami.

  This extra food is affecting my diet, and seems to be causing another problem. The only good thing is that I am still managing some sort of control of my blood glucose. It was 8.0mmol/l this morning. That is heading back in the right direction, but still above my target of the low 7s. The other problem with my extra eating, or more likely combined with what I am eating, blew up again last night. When I say blew up I meant that literally !

  It may have been around 8pm last night when I seemed to have increasing amounts of flatulence. By 9pm, as I was ready to turn out the light and go to sleep, my stomach was really churning, and gurgling away fit to bust. I can't say it was painful, but it was definitely unpleasant. I had to make many visits to the toilet, and only half the time was it nothing but gas, before I was comfortable. It was only a few days ago when this last happened, and it seems to happen more than it used to. I feel it is something I am eating, or probably a combination of things I am eating, and also the timing of when I eat, but as yet I can't seem to work out what the common thread is.

  Once I had finished visiting the toilet I seemed to be able to get to sleep fairly quickly. I probably slept reasonably OK, but I did notice that it was getting quite chilly in the night, and my empty, and rather thin, duvet cover was only just keeping me warm. Despite a couple of very hot days coming up very soon, and hopefully many more in August, I decided I would change my bedding this morning. I have selected a much thicker duvet cover that I shall still leave empty. I can just kick it off on the hot nights to come.

  I think I feel reasonably OK this morning. As I mentioned, my blood glucose has come down a bit even if my weight may have gone up a tiny bit.....but is that just bloat, and will I be spending more time on the toilet today ? The odd thing is that while the scales say my weight has gone up a small bit, other indicators suggest otherwise. I was putting a pair of shorts on to check the garden earlier, and I noted that they are still pretty loose, and can't be worn safely without a belt. It made me wonder if an old pair of jeans, with a 2 inch smaller waist, would fit me. In strict usage of the word "fit" they can't, but I can put them on, and do them up with no great trouble. I am not sure they would be comfortable to wear, or maybe to sit down in, but I am sure that is an improvement. They are in almost new condition, and I think I abandoned wearing them when they seemed too tight, and that was possibly 10 years or more ago now. I also tried my other red jeans, and they seem wearable now.

  At the moment my whole day revolves around my beer delivery. Once that is safely indoors I can relax. I might even go out for a walk, although my time may be better spent on doing a bit more housework in advance of some guests tomorrow. Jodie is a definite to come and drink my beer, and Michael is keen, but will not commit himself until tomorrow morning. There is a tiny, tiny chance I could have another visitor. I sent Angela an invite to drop in on her way home from work. It took several nail biting hours to get a reply, but it was vague. I feel she would like to pop in, but seems unsure, and said she would see how things were at the time. If she can manage to have a good row with lover boy during the day then we probably will see her. If nothing else she did admit that she has been to The Jolly Farmers recently, and it was almost like an invite to join her because she ended her message with "miss you xx". I would not be surprised to see her in the pub if I went there this lunchtime.