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Monday 31st August 2020
Lockdown day 161
Shopping embargo day 39

07:31 BST

  Yesterday started off rather cool, maybe just 12° C, but it did warm up to 18° C early in the afternoon. Mostly it felt OK. Compared to earlier, rather optimistic forecasts, there was little sunshine yesterday. There were often blue patches of sky, but they usually were in the wrong place to let the sun through. It was a dry day except for one single rain drop, but I might have imagined that.
starting sunny, but clouding over
                                quite quickly
  Thanks to a clear sky this morning my thermometer says that the temperature in my garden is only 8.9° C. Hopefully it will rise to 18° C again, but maybe not until as late as 6pm. The sky is mostly blue at the moment, and the sun, still very low in the sky, is doing it's best to shine. Apparently it won't be long before clouds move in again, and the latest revision to the forecast says it will be completely overcast from about 9am, and no more sun will get through for the rest of the day. Sometimes the sky will be heavily overcast with dark grey clouds, but the chances of rain never get higher than 10% today. Tomorrow may feature sunny spells from morning to early in the afternoon. It will take it's time getting there, maybe not until 6pm, but the temperature may rise to 19° C tomorrow.
a tiny bit less than 3 miles
  Yesterday was a busy day, and quite enjoyable - very enjoyable for a while ! It was also a day that featured some annoying pain. I think I mentioned back ache yesterday morning. It was a bit strange as back aches go, and may well have been some internal organ complaining rather than a pulled muscle. The centre of the pain was offset to the side of my back rather than centred on the spine as many back aches are. It was not noticeable when standing up, or sitting upright in a chair, but was bothersome when, for instance, bending over the bath while washing my hair. It was a real bother when laying down, and even more so when trying to get to sleep.

  I went out for a walk unusually early in the morning yesterday. I had hoped it might cure that back ache, but primarily I was out to take what pictures I could get of the bridge replacement work going on under and over the railway - it was the bridge that carries The Catford Loop Line over the Mid Kent Line just south of Catford and Catford Bridge stations. Unfortunately there is no way to get close to the bridge, and there are too many trees to get a clear shot from any distance away. It would be easier in winter when the trees have shed their leaves.

  I walked more than originally intended because I decided the best thing to do was to do a circular walk centred on the bridge. That meant half by road, and half through the River Pool Linear Park. There is one spot in the park where the bridge can be seen, but it is not a clear view, although it could be called the clearest view.
board outside
                              ticket office
  I had hoped to get onto the platform of Catford Bridge station because there is a relatively clear view up the line to the bridge, but while the door to the ticket office was open, the entrances onto the platform were all closed. This board outside the ticket office gives details of rail replacement trains. There was a neater, printed version on the door as well.
view of bridge
                              from the park
  This is the best view possible from inside the park. It shows the new bridge in place, but still supported by a huge hydraulic jack mounted on a trailer that seems to have more wheels on it than I have ever seen before ! If I had gone out the day before yesterday, and at the right time, I might have seen the old bridge being yanked out by gigantic crane. Maybe if I had gone out a lot earlier yesterday I may have seen the new bridge being dropped into place by the same crane.
bridge seen down
                              the line from the road bridge
  What I had hoped would be the clearest view was from the road bridge over the railway, and looking down the line with a telephoto lens, but the trees were just too thick, particularly on the left, to see the bridge abutments. I took this picture on the return leg of my walk. A picture taken from the same vantage point on the outward leg of my walk showed the bridge still covered in a tarpaulin. I think I may have missed it being lowered into place by quite a short period of time.
  For better pictures of the bridge I took my Nikon D3200 DSLR camera with me. It enabled me to get a couple of shots that my pocket camera just could not manage. Whenever I attempted shots like this my little camera would always want to focus on the background, but the Nikon could easily be set to focus on these teasels, and more importantly, could do it from 15ft away from them !
  Another close up shot. This time an almost fully ripe blackberry. A lack of rain earlier seems to have left most of the blackberries looking rather small this year.
heavy traffic on
                              the South Circular
  One notable feature yesterday morning (maybe around 10.30am) was how busy the traffic was on the south circular raod through Catford in a westbound direction. It looked like morning rush hour, but on a Sunday morning ! There was a sign up warning of gas works in the Forest Hill area, but I find it incredulous that the tailback could be originating a few miles way, but I guess that is what it may have been.

  Once I got home I had a few hours to kill before going out again. After my (almost) 3 mile walk I fancied a bit of breakfast, but with another walk coming up I didn't fancy eating too much. I just had some rice crackers, and some peanuts. I rested for a while by laying on my bed reading, and I did try and have a snooze, but my back was killing me no matter how I tried to position myself on my bed.
another couple of miles walked

   My afternoon entertainment was a "street gig" in Hither Green. It meant walking another couple of miles. In fact it was 2.67 miles there and back. It added up to 5.635 miles of exercise yesterday !

  The gig didn't feature a named band. It was just a few friends of Richard Tokarski, otherwise known as Dik, a musician friend of mine, playing in the front garden of a house in Hither Green.

 Dik played guitar, and looper pedal (look it up if you don't know what one is). Steve Cox, one time bass player for The Bluesicians (who became Chain) was on bass, and vocals were sung by Francesca Payne (from somewhere in Catford), and Abby Harte who lives near Steve Cox whose house they were playing outside. I had first met Abby at the Sunday night open mic nights in the The Catford Ram. At the time she would sing, and occasionally play guitar. She told ne she has given up guitar now.

street gig
  Steve Cox, Francesca Payne and Richard Tokarski playing outside Steve's house.
Francesca Payne
Francesca Payne
Abby Harte
Abby Harte
Richard "Dik" Tokarski
Steve Cox
Steve Cox (with Francesca watching)

 I was using my Nikon DSLR camera for these pictures, but it also records video too. Combined with an external stereo mic with a "dead kitten" windshield, it records some pretty fair audio to go with the pictures.Unfortunately, like all digital recorders, it is very intolerant, in the extreme, if the record level is set too high. This spoiled two other recordings, but the sound is OK on this song, a cover of the song "Wicked Game". The thing which spoils this is the zoom ring being a bit stiff, and causing me to wobble the camera when I tried zooming. I should have used a tripod ".

  I think I only stayed for about 45 minutes. I could have stayed longer, but I only missed about 15 minutes. I felt I had to rush home because I was expecting a parcel delivery from Amazon. Maybe I should not have rushed because I found my parcel sitting, completely unguarded, and on view to all, on my doorstep when I arrived home. I must admit that the walk home, which like the walk there, involved walking up to the top of the hill, and then down the other side, felt quite taxing, although I seemed to recover very quickly once I got home.

  I was quite happy to see the reading on my scales when I got home, and had stripped off my outdoor clothes. It wasn't as good as when I have started from a lower baseline, and then walked a long way under a blazing sun, but it was still encouraging. I soon did something, although maybe not that much, to spoil that reading by tucking into my dinner - which was my main meal of the day.

  Dinner was my final Doner Gym Box from the Greman Kebab place. It is peculiar that both meat options looked to have the same meat in them despite one of them supposed to have been beef, and the other chicken. I think both may have been chicken by colour of the meat, but last night's meat was sliced more like doner kebab "mystery meat". I ate it cold, which on the whole was very nice, but for s meal that was supposed to be healthy, I was surprised at how much congealed fat there was in the bottom of the container. There was no way of picking the bottom layer of meat from it, and I ended up eating most of it.

  I washed my dinner down with a can of Guinness. By the end of the evening I drunk 4 cans in total. I had eaten dinner early, maybe around 5pm, and by 7pm I wanted a snack. I tried Marmite on rice crackers, and it seemed to work quite well. In theory it was a low calorie, low sugar theory ! By 8pm it felt like I was ready for bed, even if only to quietly read for a while. I ended up having to take a couple of Paracetamol because my back was really uncomfortable once I was laying down.

  I turned out the light as early as 8.30pm, but it was dark outside by then, and that made it feel like bedtime as much as the the result of lots of healthy walking....well, it was supposed to be healthy. It took a lot of thrashing around to try and find a more comfortable sleeping position. Maybe half an hour later, aided by the Paracetamol, and not forgetting a bit of mild exhaustion, I managed to fall asleep. I think I managed a couple of hours before I woke up again with my back still feeling very sore.

  As the morning approached I began to feel more comfortable, and was possibly getting deeper sleep. I still woke up earlier than I would have liked, but it was the type of "woke up" that is seems almost impossible to get back to sleep from. By then my back was almost healed, and I haven't really noticed it being sore since I got out of bed. If I am lucky it is another of those unexplained things that drifts through your reality, coming from nowhere, and very soon drifting away again to who knows where.

  My weight was a tiny bit lower again this morning. It may only be a change of 100gm, but if I could do that everyday I would lose a whole kilogram in 10 days. Unfortunately I can't do it every day. Almost of greater concern is my blood glucose level. It was nice and low the yesterday morning, but this morning it is up a bit, but at 7.2mmol/l it is still lower than my monthly average (that is about 7.5mmol/l most months). My blood pressure seemed a bit high when I first measured it, but on a second attempt it had come down to it's typical low figure. For all that, I don't feel all that good. I feel a bit stiff and creaky, and also a bit tired. Maybe I could get back to sleep if my back will let me.

  I could take two different approaches to today. On the one hand I feel like going for a long walk. There are a few places I want to visit, and would probably be about 5 mile walks. On the other hand there are things I ought to do at home. I seem to have a backlog of washing up again, and I ought to sort that out. I still need to put the second coat of paint on the dining room wall. I think I need to cut the grass. The lawn is looking very green and lush after the recent rain. Most of all I fancy laying down and reading because I don't feel ready to meet the day this early in the morning (9.26am !!).
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