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Thursday 3rd September 2020
Lockdown day 164
Shopping embargo day 42

07:51 BST

  Yesterday started sunny, but sometimes it was just sunny spells rather than full on sunshine. The sunny spells faded to lightly overcast by about 1pm, or maybe a little later.  It was probably around 4pm when rain started to fall, and the showers seemed to continue, on and off until late evening. I paid little attention to the outside world during the evening, and I can't say how much rain fell, but I was convinced it was more than enough to water the garden for the day. The afternoon temperature was around 20° C, and as my body gets acclimatised to these cooler days it felt warm enough to me.
a dull, and probably wet day
  The forecast above has been revised, and the main change is that the rain that was forecast to fall between 2pm and 5pm is now shown as heavy rain between 2 and 3pm. There is still a 10% chance of rain at other times. I suspect the amount of cloud cover and rainfall will be changing through the day, and later revisions to the forecast could be a fair bit different. The one constant will probably be the weather. This morning it is a mild 17° C, and soon after midday it should reach a warm 21° C. Tomorrow may only reach 19° C. The morning is predicted to have sunny spells. Late afternoon could see heavy rain.
cheese !
  I have cheese ! My cheese delivery arrived about halfway through the one hour slot I had been notified of - it was around 11.30am. I immediately tried a little chunk of the "Natural blue" cheddar - probably about the size of two Oxo cubes - and it was nice, although there are other blue cheeses that are nicer.
5.1 mile walk

   After my brief cheese tasting I had a shower, and prepared to go out for a walk. The only fuel inside me was that nibble of cheese, but it was quite enough to fuel a long walk. The walk was a bit longer than intended....or maybe it would be more accurate to say I don't think I intended to end up where I did. I am trying to make a 5 mile walk sort of my normal length now, and such a walk is starting to feel normal (whatever that is).

  When I started out I felt stiff and creaky, and my chest felt a bit wheezy. It was not a good start, but as usual, after about 1.5 miles I began to get into my stride. My starting plan was to walk as far as Lower Sydenham station, and then go along a footpath I had discovered that cuts through a very industrial area.

 At the end of that footpath I had a choice of turning left or right. Right would take me back down to Bell Green - a route I had followed the last walk I did in this area. Turning left would allow me to loop around and come out much further up Sydenham Road than Bell Green, and there was an option to go even further west had I desired it.

  I turned right, and although I missed a sort of cut through on a small estate, I was still able to access the back of Hope Park - a big area of greenery not shown on Google maps for some reason. Upon exiting the park on Sydenham Road I could have gone right, and gone home via Perry Hill, as I usually do, but left offered another possibility.
   I had taken my Canon EOS 300D, aka Canon Rebel, with me, and fortunately I had a 300mm telephoto lens with me. Even that was not enough to get a close snap of this Heron seen on the river. I have seen it there several times before, but it always seemed to be well screened by thick vegetation of the river banks at this spot, and the only view is down the river from a fair way away.
white dog
  I thought this all white dog looked very handsome.
  I took a nice close up of a teasel when I took my Nikon camera with me to try and get some good shots of the replacement railway bridge last weekend. My little pocket Canon camera can't seem to take these close up snaps, but once again a proper DSLR camera came up trumps again. If anything I think this is even sharper than the Nikon managed.
favourite rocks
  The previous time I inspected my favourite rocks in the river, the river was running very deep after the recent rain. I thought the rocks had moved, but they must have been underwater, and not easily visible. I think that maybe they did move a little bit, and one is now partly covered with shingle, but they are still there. The shingle seems to extend a bit further now, and the river seemed so shallow that I walked a fair way downstream from these rocks, and kept my feet dry.
  The last time I tried to picture these apples was in a video, and because I couldn't see the viewfinder screen very well, I aimed the camera up above them, and they were only visible as the camera tilted past them. Even this picture is not great. It was very underexposed because the light filtering through the leaves was very bright. This apple tree is growing by the railway line, and my guess is that it grew from pips in an apple core thrown out a train window in the days when trains had opening windows.
rose hip
 A rose hip - the source of rose hip syrup. I have never tried it, but I believe the red pulp around an inner core is very sweet and edible. The inner core is coarse fibre that when dried, and powered becomes itching powder.
elder berries ?
  I don't have the confidence to say these are Elder Berries, but they may be. Without the guidance of a more knowledgeable person, I would be very reluctant to taste one.
  It seems a bit weird walking 1.5 miles to take a picture of a flower of a plant that grows freely in my own front garden. It is a Michaelmas daisy. Apart from the non symmetry of the petals the colouring is very subtly different to the flowers in my front garden. Some flowers with blue in them seem sensitive to soil acidity and mineral content - probably !
  There are poppies like this, including some that are more orange, growing all along the side of the footpath that I was exploring that goes through the middle of a very industrial estate.
Home Park
  Another park to add to my collection of Lewisham run parks that I have visited. It is quite a small park, but well equipped with park like stuff.
view across Hope
  This view almost encompasses all there is to see at Home park. In the distance, on the left of the picture is some exercise equipment, and to the left behind me is a kids adventure playground. The small building in the distance on the right of the picture may have been a refreshment room, and a toilet block. I didn't get close enough to investigate, but none of it seemed to be in use, beyond storage for "park keepers" stuff.
big wooden
  This wooden chair is for a very big person, but is sadly starting to rot away. It is to be found on the Home Park Library Plaza.
                              (community) Library
  This rather elegant looking old library is now the Sydenham Community Library. I think "community" means Government cuts backs mean the local council can no longer afford to run it, and have allowed a community group to run the place. It looks like this was once the main entrance opening out onto the main road, but the current entrance is on the side of the building, and may have been so for many, many years.
  These roses would look very good for Valentines day. It is a long way from Valentines day, but if I was still seeing Angela I might have stolen a bunch of them, and gone home via Angela's house.
  One place I didn't think I would be visiting was Mayow Park. It wasn't far away, but getting there from Hope Park did involve going up a few steep hills. It didn't seem to be too much problem going up those hills. A couple of miles back I was feeling slightly wheezy, but going up those hills didn't stress my breathing at all. It did make my legs ache a fair bit though. I don't think I had to stop at any time except to cross the road to the entrance of Mayow Park. This picture shows a very heavy crop of acorns on one of the trees within the park.

  I only spent a short time in Mayow Park, and from then onward took a fairly direct route back home. It did feel a bit of a plod as I headed back to Catford, but evidently I was not that tired because I found it easy to walk up the bridge over the railway in Catford. I can remember times when after a long walk my legs would feel like lead going up that bridge. Yesterday my main frustration was people walking a bit slower than me.

  When I arrived home I was slightly disappointed that my walk was not a bit more than 5.1 miles considering where I had been, but it seems to be a constant source of surprise that some places I considered to be far away are now seeming to be closer than I had imagined. Later on it would be apparent that I was a lot more tired than I thought I was because I think I snoozed for an hour a little later in the afternoon.

  The first thing I did when I got home was to go in the kitchen, and get a cold drink, and prepare some cheese and biscuits (the biscuits actually being rice crackers). I didn't eat or drink until I had stripped off my outdoor clothes, and got on the scales. I was pleasantly surprise to see a large drop of weight. Some of it would have been the two extra visits to the toilet I made before going out, but mostly it was dehydration. It all added up to over a kilogram !

  My cheese and biscuits should have been a luxury, but rice crackers are not as good as something like Ritz Crackers, or even Digestive biscuits, with cheese, and I think their own taste spoiled the more delicate tastes of the cheese. After eating and drinking, I transferred the pictures I had taken to my PC for editing, and made a start on the first few pictures, but by then I was thinking about laying down for a rest. As I said earlier, I think I ended up snoozing for about an hour.

  When I woke up it was not all that long until dinner time. That meant I had to work fast to try and finish selecting and editing pictures. I found it hard work, and would have preferred to have had time to take my time, and spent some time away from the screen now and then. It felt like hard work, but I managed to do it before dinner time. My dinner was chicken shish kebab with a side dish of barbecued chicken wings - very small chicken wings without much meat on them ! Before eating the shish kebab I scraped all the salad off it, and heated the meat in the microwave for a couple of minutes before putting the salad back.

  I am thinking that I have had too many kebabs, and while they are good for me in terms of weight loss and sugar content, they are becoming too "ordinary". I didn't enjoy last night's kebab on the same level I expected to. Maybe it was just me because I didn't really enjoy the chicken wings either. I did enjoy a chunk of Oak smoked Cheddar I had after my main courses. The only trouble with the cheese is that I am very conscious that I have to make it last because it is not cheap supermarket cheese, and somehow that takes something from the experience.

  I thought I would be looking forward to my bed last night, but when it came to it I found it difficult to get to sleep, and to stay asleep. One problem is that now we have moved back to slightly warmer weather it was too hot under the duvet, and just very slightly too cool without it. I thrashed around a lot, and cuddled the duvet to keep my front warm while my back was almost cold. The colder my back felt the more pressure I put on my chest. That was not good.

  This morning I have a selection of aches. Many are fading by themselves, but it has taken a couple of Ibuprofen to calm my chest down. It was feeling tight, and certain movements, including some I couldn't predict, caused some medium, but very annoying pains. It probably doesn't help that we are now back in damp and gloomy weather. I am wondering if a medium length walk would get a few kinks out of some of my limbs, I will consider that later.

 The good news is that this morning, even before "opening my bowels" (as the nurses in the hospital would say it), my weight has stayed  down after my long walk. It seems to be an incredible 800 grams less than yesterday morning ! I wish I could lose 800gm everyday !! The bad news is that my blood glucose is slightly up again, and yesterday it was a bit higher than I would have liked. I wonder if I was a bit dehydrated this morning. I may check it again now I have had a couple of small glasses of chilled water.

  One thing I forgot to mention at the top of the page was that I phoned the pharmacy yesterday morning. It was to order my next repeat prescription. I didn't speak to the main pharmacist, but I spoke to one of his better assistants. She quickly looked up my details on their great all knowing computer (sometimes), and quickly confirmed everything was OK, and my prescription would be ready for collection on Friday (tomorrow) morning. My bet is that it will be incomplete because she will have forgotten that one of my drugs is not a stock item, and has to be ordered. No mention was made about face masks. Maybe it is supposed to be a given fact now, but I shall turn up without a mask, and if they won't let me in they will have to pass my prescription out to me through the window !

  There are only two definite things about today, and one of those is not a definite definite. The absolute definite is that I really need to wash my hair. I did get quite sweaty on my walk, and my hair feels disgusting. The very likely definite is that Michael is doing some shopping for me today (while he does his own using his car). I have kept my wants simple because I don't want him thinking I am taking the piss....well not too much. I have asked for no more than some Diet Coke, Bacon, and ready made salad.

  I am still unsure if I will be going on a walk today. I feel it would be good for me, but I feel creaky, and the weather is not good....although having said that, it seems that the sun is trying to come out, and only light cloud is (was) forecast until early afternoon. It might be OK for a walk. I'll see how I feel after washing my hair, and having a shower.
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