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Friday 18th September 2020
Lockdown day 179
Shopping embargo day 57

09:31 BST

  Yesterday was a mostly sunny day. There were some spells when the sun was blocked by a few clouds that didn't appear in the forecast, but they were usually brief and sort of random. For all that it was not what you could call a hot day. The temperature rose to about the forecast 20° C. That was warm and pleasant, but far from hot.
a sunny, and slightly less cool
                                than yesterday
  The day is off to a good start. The sun is shining, but there are some small clouds in the sky. There also seems to be some high up haze that is making the sky look a very pale blue. The forecast predicts the whole day will be sunny again, and maybe it will today. Once again the temperature will peak at just 20° C, and today it might stay there for a bit less time than was forecast for yesterday (I didn't check the temperature myself to say one way or another). The great paradox is that the forecast for tomorrow replaces many hours of sunshine with just sunny spells, and yet the temperature may rise to 23° C. Some hours will feature non stop sunshine.

  I couldn't raise much enthusiasm for doing anything yesterday. I think I was feeling a bit depressed for some reason. My biggest, and maybe only achievement was to make a long audio lead so I could connect my projector to my speakers across the other side of the room where the screen is. I also copied a few more of my videos to the memory card that I have been using to play on the projector.

  I must admit it is enlightening to see some of my better videos projected onto a 60 inch screen. The better ones do look sort of good, but some of their deficiencies also stand out a lot more. Both my Nikon and Canon DSLR cameras can take some impressive high definition video given enough light, but I really ought to use a tripod for stability. This is absolutely a must if I have to use even a bit of zoom.

 A tripod brings it's own problems though. At a gig there is rarely space for a tripod unless there is a way of shooting over the heads of the audience. A tripod also limits mobility, and when videoing a band a static shot gets a bit boring. There is also a further problem with videoing a band and that is once the music starts there is no chance to refocus, or move position. Once upon a time I tried a multi camera recording, and it worked really well, but it is hard work. Needs other cameramen, and I don't think my current video editor and computer set up could handle it. The multi camera stuff I did before was using standard definition, 4:3 aspect ratio, pictures, and that was all the editor could handle.

  I guess my day got worse when my plans for a Thursday afternoon drinking session came to nothing. I think Michael was away celebrating his daughters 50th birthday. I didn't hear from him so I assume it was yesterday. Jodie was also rather quiet. I phoned her and she was going to her parents house so she could use their washing machine, and also their shower so she could wash her hair. She said she would still come over, but that it would be late. I said not to bother, and we would try again today. Jodie has made me late, on one of more occasion over 2 hours late, for my dinner, and that annoys me. I was feeling annoyed enough as it was without extra help....OK, I guess more depressed than annoyed, but the end result is the same.

  The end result of whatever mood I was in was that I ended up eating too much, and not the best things yesterday. For a late breakfast I opened a small tin of Spam, and ate the whole tin with some brown sauce (reduced sugar and salt version) and some mild mustard. I had a two part dinner, and with hindsight I wish I could have chosen one part or the other. Part one was an experiment that was almost good.

  This "almost good" experiment was to dampen, and reheat on of the pitta breads left over from my last kebab takeaway. Once it was soft I opened it up and put some cheese in it together with two home grown tomatoes. It was fairly nice, but some sliced pickled jalapeños would have made it even nicer. Two of them could have been an almost complete dinner, but I just had the one as a sort of starter.

  I had wanted to try and use that pitta bread instead of wasting it, and I wanted to use the two small home grown tomatoes. I also had in mind that I wanted to use some of my home grown potatoes for something.  I made a simple three ingredient dinner of boiled, sliced potato with peas and bacon. There were some additional minor ingredients - some fresh ground "Italian style" herbs and spices, and some butter. There were two problems with this dinner. The first and worst was that I used too many potatoes. The second was that the bacon was only lightly cooked, and it would have been nicer if it was cooked to the point of getting, but not actually, crispy.

  My food intake, which also included three bottles of beer (just 330ml bottles), and some assorted snacks, rather more than is good for me. This morning my weight has gone up a lot, although a second visit to the toilet made my weight gain bad instead of terrible. The only good thing was that my blood glucose didn't shoot up too high. It was 8.3mmol/l this morning. I would very much prefer it to be under 7.5mmol/l, but it is just acceptable.

  It seems I slept OK again last night. Once again I fell asleep before 9pm, and I first woke for a pee a bit before 1am. Like the previous night (I think ?) I woke again just an hour later, and it did take maybe 15 to 20 minutes to get back to sleep for reasons I can't remember. Maybe there was no reason. I can't really remember what I was dreaming about, but they seemed to be happy, or positive dreams.

  One dream I know was influenced by the SciFi book I finished reading before I went to sleep. I can barely remember anything about the dream except for the idea that I had been on an inter-stellar voyage to a distant star, but was now home again. My spacecraft was in a museum, and it seemed to look like a heap of post-it notes stuck to a wall. I can't imagine the symbolism of that !

  I have already told of my bad weight gain, and blood glucose level, but the rest of me is almost OK. My upper back seemed a bit stiff at first, but I can't seem to find anything wrong with it now. Maybe my legs still feel a bit stiff still. I have not been idle this morning. I have washed a couple of t-shirts, and some underwear, and hung them on the line to dry. I actually got as far as putting them into the detergent yesterday, but I couldn't raise the enthusiasm to finish the job until this morning.

  I really don't know how today is going to work out. Jodie will probably be over for some beer later this afternoon - hopefully before 4pm. I'll send an invite to Michael as well. Evidently I can't go out for a long walk today because I need to be home, and not snoozing by mid afternoon. If I can get ready, both in mind and body, early enough this morning I could probably walk a couple of miles, and I think I will aim for that.

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