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Thursday 24th September 2020
Lockdown day 185
Shopping embargo day 63

08:49 BST

  Yesterday was most definitely wet, but only in the early morning, and from mid afternoon onwards. The forecast said heavy rain in the morning, but it seemed like light rain to me. If anything the heaviest rain was in the late afternoon when it was forecast to be just light rain. Between the morning and afternoon rainfall it was fairly bright, and sometimes sunny. The real shock was the temperature. It was considerably cooler than the previous day. 18° C was the highest temperature, but I did note my outside thermometer almost hit 20° C quite late in the afternoon. It did seem to cool rapidly after dark.
another typical autumn day
     The Forecast for today actually describes yesterday fairly well. Early this morning there was some heavy rain. It probably stopped around 8am. As I write this the sky looks mostly blue, and there is nice warm sunshine coming through the windows, and warming my back. If we are lucky the weather will remain bright, and sometimes sunny until the next band of rain crosses the sky. The current forecast says that will happen around 4pm, and last, on and off, into the evening. With a maximum temperature of 15° C it is going to feel rather cool today. Tomorrow may see a bit less rain, but there will probably be more rain than sunshine. It may be even cooler - just 14° C.

   Yesterday morning seemed to slip past far too fast. It wasn't helped by another rambling phone call from Lee that must have lasted almost an hour. Before I knew it, it was midday, and still hadn't had a shower. I pretty much knew at that point that I would not be going for a walk, and probably wasn't really going to do anything at all. That prediction was pretty accurate.

  I used my time to catch up with reading a backlog of stuff on the internet, and reading the book I am currently reading. I also ate rather more than I should have. I didn't feel bored, or I didn't think I felt bored, but my stupid appetite was a strong symptom of boredom. Mostly I stuck to rice crackers, but I had cheese with them. That makes them a bit less healthy. I also had a couple of cans of soup. The worst thing was when I fancied something very different, and ate the last of a pack of strawberry flavoured wafers. They contained quite a lot of sugar, and while I had resisted opening them for ages, I gave in a week or two ago, but ate them sparingly. Yesterday they were obviously going stale, and I finished the pack.

  At dinner time I gave in to a takeaway. I opted for another Indian meal from the same place I used a week or so ago. In the middle of the week they give a 20% discount for orders over £20. It was easy to hit that £20, but this time I opted for more of the cheaper stuff. With luck my £20 will last for three meals. Last night I had a lamb biryani and a mixed vegetable bhaji side dish. I very much enjoyed it ! I washed it down with three cans of Guinness.

  I think something good happened last night. With the temperature dropping quite fast outside my bedroom temperature dropped a lot slower, and didn't drop nearly as low, but it did get low enough to make using the duvet comfortable as soon as I got into bed. Not having to fight with the duvet seemed to allow one of the best night's sleep I have had in ages. I am not sure if having a good lay in contradicts the idea that I got a lot of good sleep or not. At 6am I woke up as if to get up, but after having a wee, and looking at the quite heavy looking rain outside, I decided to go back to bed again. I didn't really expect to get back to sleep, but the next thing I knew was that it was 7.30am !

  After my eating frenzy, and no exercise, I have put on a little weight. I think that had I done a 3 mile walk yesterday I would have gotten away with it, and maybe even last a little weight. The change is small, and I am not worried about it. What is of more concern is my blood glucose level was up at 9.5mmol/l when I checked it. That is nudging the danger zone. While I don't like it peaking like this I am not too worried about it because I know the reason for it, and can take some care to reduce it again.

  It is possible that I will go for some sort of walk today, but it can't be too far, or end too late because I am having another drinking session this afternoon. Jodie is definitely popping over. I haven't heard from Michael yet, but I think there is a fair chance he will want to come over for a natter and a beer. With that in mind I really do need to have a shower today, and I also need to wash my hair. Fortunately, with little to write about yesterday, I'll be finishing writing this unusually early, and getting ready to go out will be less of a rush.
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