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Friday 9th October 2020
Lockdown day 200
Shopping embargo day 78

09:21 BST

  The weather forecast for yesterday seemed pretty grim, but the weather seemed to be changing faster than the forecasts could be updated. As far as I am aware, after the early morning rain, the rest of yesterday was dry, although there were a few times when the sky looked dark enough for a shower. However there were also a lot of sunny spells, and that is what made yesterday so different to the forecasts. The sunny spells didn't really do anything for the temperature. That was still the 16° C that was forecast for the warmest part of the day.
bright start, wet finish....maybe

  This morning started off rather cold. I wonder if earlier on, the temperature went even lower than the 7° C that the forecast said for 7am this morning. It seems that the highest temperature today will be a cool 13° C. The latest revision to the forecast shows only some light rain at about 3pm, but no extra sunshine. It is gloriously sunny as I write this, and the sun coming through the window feels deliciously warm on my back as I write this. On the other side of the window it is still very chilly ! Once again, a clear night means the temperature will drop to around 7° C in the small hours of tomorrow morning, but some more morning sunshine should help raise that to 12 or 13° C again. It should be a brighter day tomorrow, but without that much actual sunshine, and it should be a dry day.
   I did not feel very dynamic yesterday morning. That is a sort of coded way of saying I was very lazy, although I must have done something because the morning seemed to pass quite rapidly. One thing that probably helped the time pass more quickly was catching up on IT/technical news from I had quite a backlog to get through, although I must confess that these days many of the articles seem to mean less and less to me. I guess that is a consequence of finding what IT I really need, rather than experimenting with a lot of stuff. My current PC has been running smoothly (apart from the graphics card blowing up a week or two ago) for years now.

  After midday I finally started to do some actual work. I cleaned and tidied the dining room in preparation for another Thursday boozing session. I think I was going to hoover the carpet, but it didn't look too bad, and I didn't bother in the end. What I did do was to start yet more hand laundry. The main item was the hand towel from the bathroom, but I looked around and found a few other things to wash with it. That included yet more pairs of socks - about 8 pairs, I think. I really ought to wash my socks more frequently instead of letting them build up, but they are bloody fiddly things. On reflection, they are probably only annoyingly fiddly when I have to do them in large quantities. I really ought to remember that !

  Suddenly time seemed to rush by, and before I could complete that laundry it was time to greet Jodie, and then maybe 20 minutes later, Michael for another fun boozing session. I think Michael brought along one big bottle of Spanish beer, and Jodie brought along three medium sized bottles of German beer. My contribution was a bottle each of three (or was it 4 ?) different beers.  I have a feeling we got through more beer than usual yesterday.

  Jodie had planned to go on to her favourite pub after leaving here, but she sent me a text saying that she felt too "piffy" and was going to head for home instead. Michael left at about 6pm, and Jodie about 10 or 15 minutes later. So I didn't get my dinner too late, or miss too much Star Trek:Deep Space Nine. My dinner was two slightly warmed shish kebabs. I didn't want to microwave them beyond tepid because any more would have cooked the salad ! As I am sure I mentioned the day before, my original order had specified no pitta bread, but it was still supplied dry, and wrapped separately. It is in the freezer for possible use later. It meant that last night's dinner was nothing more than grilled meat and salad.

  I watched the remains of Deep Space Nine, and then an episode of Star Trek: The New Generation. The latter ended at 8pm. It wasn't long before I went to bed. my intention was to read for maybe an hour, but I only read one page before turning out the light, and instantly falling into a deep sleep. I woke up later feeling I had slept for hours, and almost feeling like it was time to get up. It turned out that it was time to get up for a good few hours, but it was actually only 10.30pm !

  I think I had got up for a wee, and was back in bed before I realised how early it was, and that I had probably only slept for 2 hours. I tried to get back to sleep, but my guts felt a bit strange, and later a bit uncomfortable. I made another visit to the toilet, and thought I should be more comfortable after that...but I wasn't. I had to make another one and a half visits before I felt comfortable. The half visit was because almost nothing happened (but almost nothing was still something). By that time I didn't feel sleepy at all, and I spent another hour roaming the internet looking at the funny and/or spoof news websites (i.e.

  I think it was getting on for 2am before I was ready for sleep again. Between then, and almost 8am when I got up, I seemed to dream a lot, but all I recall was the essence of one dream. I think I may have briefly woken after that dream, and it was my thoughts about that dream that I think I remember rather than the dream itself. It was a dream that concerned Jodie.

  Most who meet Jodie know that she invents words, and has some strange phrasing. It is like a regression to childhood, and sometimes a shield against reality. For instance a spider is a "widey" because Jodie is an archnophobe, and can't bring herself to say the actual word spider. In my dream Jodie was taking a picture of the front of my house, but she had invented a new style. It wasn't really a new style. It was to take a picture framed by vegetation - a style that has probably been used in drawing and painting for thousands of years.

  In my dream there was a mature tree in the road outside my house, and I seemed to have a hedge in my front garden. Jodie's picture was taken from under the tree, and included leaves from the tree at the top of the picture, and part of the hedge at the bottom. The sides were also of the tree leaves because Jodie had found a sort of gap in the tree. This lead her to dub the process as "tree gap photography", or in shortened Jodie parlance "gapping".

  I did have a vague plan that I might get up extra early this morning, and to go out on my first shopping trip to the little Turkish and/or Polish supermarket on Catford Bridge. Jodie reports that most people she sees in there don't wear masks, and the shop staff don't seem to care. Being up for a few hours in the middle of the night put a halt to the idea of getting up early. Maybe it might happen tomorrow or Sunday.

  I seemed to think I felt reasonably OK this morning, but to my surprise I needed a few more visits to the toilet. I knew I had been a little constipated the previous few days, but I thought I had gone adequately even if a bit late, but last night, and this morning seemed to suggest otherwise. I know I am a fair bit lighter after all that, but my weight still seems a bit high. Than again I have eaten some naughty stuff, and drunk a lot of beer, and so it is not that unexpected.

  What was unexpected is that despite eating naughty stuff, my blood glucose level remains fairly low this morning. It was just 7.7mmol/l, and that is only a little over what my monthly average used to be. I sometimes feel there is a chance that my average could be back to 7.5mmol/ at the end of this month. Now, if only my weight could start going down again. I seem to think that I am stuck on another plateau again. This happens a lot, but then suddenly it starts to drop again.

  The prime mover to my weight loss seems to be my long walks, but since autumn hit us full blast I find it hard to motivate myself to go for any long walks. The latest revision to the weather forecast actually sets it back to the early morning version with the afternoon now predicted to be wet, and very wet again - and now continuing into the evening. That has sapped any enthusiasm building up while the sun continues to shine.

  Before I do anything more today I have to face the stone cold washing that I started, but didn't finish yesterday. The towel, underwear, and socks, loads of socks, all cold and slimy (sort of) are in the first rinse water. So two more rinses, and then fabric conditioner, and I can hang them all up to dry indoors. After that I can, or could wash myself. After that I have a feeling I am just going to be lazy to the sound of the rain beating down outside...maybe.