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Monday 12th October 2020
Lockdown day 203
Shopping embargo day 81

09:15 BST

  As the weather forecast waxed and waned reality got on with trying to give as much sunshine as possible. There were a few time in the afternoon when it did get very dull outside, but generally there were sunny periods until sunset. I think one revision to the forecast said there may be rain after dark, but as far as I am aware, it stayed dry. All revisions of the forecast agreed that the afternoon would be no warmer than 13° C, and that was all it was.
back to grey skies, and rain later

  The latest revision to the forecast only makes one small change to that pictured above - there will be some light rain at 3pm, and it will be dry at 4pm. The prediction that it will get very wet this evening remains. As I write this I can see the sun trying to burn a hole through the clouds, but it is no brighter than a flashlight. With zero sunshine expected the temperature will only reach 12° C for a few hours in the early afternoon. At the moment it is forecast that tomorrow may be a bit brighter, but still no sunshine, no warmer, and with some lighter intermittent rain from late afternoon onwards. I suspect this will be repeatedly revised on an hour by hour basis, and may turn out different (hopefully, but unlikely for the better).
   Yesterday was another day when not a lot happened. The difference to the previous day is that for much of the time I was feeling generally OK - not actually bubbling over with energy and enthusiasm, but comfortably semi-lazy. The silly thing is that I felt constrained by the job of copying all my home directory on my PC to the new hard disk for my new PC. This was actually silly because once I started it, it got on with it by itself. I could have had a day trip to the moon, and it would have made no difference to the file copying, and yet I still found it hard to break away from monitoring it every now and again.

  One very odd side effect of not just letting the copying carry on by itself was that somehow I seemed to have been distracted from eating too much. That, of course, is nonsense, or is it ? It is a fact that I didn't eat a great deal yesterday, and my measurements this morning seem to prove it. My lunch was just a bowl of soup. I had a few rice crackers with some cheese as a snack, and my dinner was canned curry - two different types ! Maybe the secret was actually eating something very naughty !

  The very naughty was half a packet of Tim Tams. They are a chocolate coated biscuit sandwich that are one of Australia's (or is it New Zealand's) national foods. Maybe they never had the pleasure of some of the Cadbury's chocolate coated biscuits. Cadbury's did something almost identical in the past. Of course now, since the Yanks took over Cadbury's, and shot down most of their factories, anything with their name on now is made from brown stained pig lard and sugar.

  One of the two cans of curry I had for my dinner was Tesco "Value" chicken curry. It seemed a bit nasty, but it ought to have had potential. Half the chicken had been replaced with potato chunks to bulk it up. If they had used the correct type of potato, and used the same spice mix that Bombay Aloo is made from, it could have been very nice. The other can was Tesco beef curry. That was fine, but a bit tame until bolstered with a decent splash of Caribbean hot pepper sauce !

  I fancied a night cap after my dinner, and after looking at what booze I had my eye settled on a bottle of Calvados - essentially a brandy made from cider (although I expect purists my hold up their hands in horror at such an idea). Like the Metaxa I was drinking last week, the Calvados bottle had obviously been sampled many times, and was less than half full. I once didn't really like Calvados or Metaxa, but it seems my taste buds have changed - either from not smoking for 7 years, or maybe by Covid-19. Last night I was able to taste the apple in Calvados, and while I couldn't say it was actually a nice drink, I can say that it was no longer horrible. I didn't attempt to finish the bottle, and maybe I'll have more tonight...maybe.

  After having a lazy day I did not really expect to get to sleep as easily as I did. It might have been before 10pm, but I wasn't really clock watching last night. The first time I was really aware of was about 2.30am. I woke up coughing. It was initially a dry cough, and that made me wonder if it was a Covid cough. Even a quick swig of drink didn't help much, but a longer drink did. To make matters even more suspicious I seemed to have some sort of problem with my personal temperature. I was feeling far too warm under the duvet to the extent my legs were almost feeling sweaty. The cure, if it can be called a cure, was to turn the heating on low, and kick the duvet off my legs.

  It seemed to take a long time to get back to sleep, and even then I was not always sure I had been asleep. It felt like I was awake a lot, but I did notice that whole hours seemed to be slipping by unnoticed. I was thrashing around a lot, and that gave me a flare up of my chest pains - whether they be muscular, skeletal, or ligaments. I didn't really enjoy the rest of the night. However, at about 7.30am I woke up feeling strangely good apart from one small problem.

  It seems my guts have taken to swinging from good to bad, and back again. This morning I feel bunged up. Now that is a shame because this morning my weight is back down, but not down enough. A decent poo would help a lot - both with my weight, and to make me feel less uncomfortable. I don't really understand how I had done it, but this morning my blood glucose was right down to 7.0mmol/l. That is rather splendid, and it means I could take a few liberties today, but I will try not too....too much !

  As I say, I was feeling unusually good when I first got up, but it wasn't long before the cracks started to show. I've had a few small twinges from my chest, but that seems to be almost over now. One slightly unusual thing is a bit of lower back pain. I don't recall doing anything that would cause that, and I have to assume it was the result of sleeping awkwardly. I still definitely felt good enough to wash my hair, and have a shower before I did anything else this morning.

   Now, after sitting at my PC for some time, as my hair dries, I begin to feel not so good. I feel tired, in a sleepy sort of way, now. Maybe my sleep, in the second half of the night, was as bad as I thought it was. Maybe it is the grey light coming through the window, plus having to turn the heater on full blast for a while, that has made me feel a bit stiff and creaky. I feel like laying on my bed reading until I doze off, and maybe that is what I will do....but only for a short while.

  What I should be doing today is getting my new PC up and running. The copy of my existing hard disk to the new hard disk completed during the night. In one respect there are only two things holding me back. With my current PC running sweetly at the moment, there feels no urgency to replace it. The new PC will really only come into it's own when doing some intensive task like video editing (assuming my expectations for the new PC are met). The other thing is that I have to commit to doing one more update to the copy of the hard disk to include any minor changes, and then shut the old PC down, and never start it again in it's current form. For several hours, or more, I will be completely off the air with only a fair certainty that the new PC will be able to take over where the old one left off.