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Wednesday 4th November 2020
Lockdown day 226
Shopping embargo day 88 104

08:33 GMT

  Yesterday turned out to be a lot sunnier than I had anticipated. After a cold, grey, wet, and soggy start to the day the sun started to come out, and by midday there were many sunny spells, some quite long, for most of the afternoon. By mid afternoon the temperature had slowly increased from a cold 8° C in the morning to a cold 10° C.
a sunny day !

  Today both the BBC (Meteogroup), and the Met Office agree it is going to be sunny all day, and that the chance of rain is less than 5%. The clear skies that are bestowing a day of sunshine on us, meant that this morning started off very cold. Both forecasts said 3° C, and my downstairs, outside thermometer said 2.5° C. I think some of the cars parked across the road, where they are slightly sheltered, had a touch of frost on them. Non stop sunshine should raise the temperature to a still rather cool 11° C by mid afternoon. Tomorrow could be a degree or two less cool, but the day is predicted to start with fog, and then mist. That should dissipate towards the end of the morning to leave another sunny day. It will still be just 11° C at it's warmest tomorrow.

   I realise, with the benefit of hindsight, that I missed out a chance for a walk in not just the dry, but mostly in sunshine yesterday. It's funny how the start of the day can colour your entire opinion of the day. By midday a pattern was starting to emerge. A pattern that was suggesting that at least for the first few hours of the afternoon the weather would be kind, although still a bit chilly, and I should have changed my mind then. Unfortunately the damage had been done, and I stayed in all day doing very little.

  One very lightweight job that I was picking at for quite a bit of the day was to clear up my messy bedroom. It was mostly a case of looking around and thinking "that would be better over there", and at the same time selecting a few odds and ends that could go in the bin. From being a multi layer pile of detritus, the table in front of my bedroom window is now down to a single, patchy layer of stuff. I couldn't bring myself to do it in one big blitz because I had no master plan for it, but every now and again I would see something on the table, and spend a minute or two doing something with it.

   It is a slow method, but it was similar to how I eventually made my dining room usable. Of course while the dining room is now being used quite a lot, there is still stuff to do in there. Some of it is held up by hoarding instincts. In the real world I am very unlikely to want to use and of the boxes of old floppy disks, but it still seems wrong to just throw them away. That is what I will have to do in the end though.

  I'm trying to think if I did anything else notable except reading yesterday. I think not. I did pick at a few things, but I didn't do any obvious things - the most obvious thing being to spend some time with the old PC that I had been playing with the previous day. If you recall, I finally got it to boot a live Linux DVD disk, and then sort of gave up just as I was making progress. It would probably help if I had a use, real or imagined, for that PC.

  One thing I did do yesterday was to try and be aware of my eating, and by one metric I succeeded. It was useful to have the most sugar containing stuff at the start of the day. My breakfast was mainly fruit - a Coxes apple and a Persimmon fruit - but I did have a chunk of cheese to add some variety to the taste. My lunch was a bit smaller than recent lunches. I just had the equivalent of one can of soup.....hmm, maybe it was a little bigger than one normal can. It was made with two sachets of Mushroom, with croutons, cuppa soup.

  Dinner was two very large mushrooms that I grilled with some sliced red chillies, and some tomatoes with some melted cheese on it all. I accompanied it with half a can of no sugar baked beans. I think I followed it by another Coxes apple, and washed the whole lot down with two cans of Guinness. Overall, it wasn't the healthiest eating day I've had, but it wasn't that bad.

  My sleep got off to a bad start, but once I was sleep I seemed to have a good night. The first anomaly happened within minutes of turning out the light. As I lay in bed I became aware that I probably needed to go to the toilet for more than a wee. It turned out that I did, but it was such a vague feeling that I wasn't sure that I really needed to go until I did. After that I went back to bed looking forward to a nice sleep. I had to wait a couple of hours before that happened !

  It all started when I heard a noise. It might possibly have been a mouse in my bedroom, possibly crunching on a dropped peanut or something. Since the last time that happened, maybe last year, or earlier, I have tried to make sure that I don't drop and food on the floor when eating at my PC, and if I do I take pains to pick it up before I forget about it. Yet there was still this rather undefined noise. It wasn't until the morning that I realised at least one source of a strange noise.

  After laying in bed, straining my ears, trying to catch, and analyse the intermittent noises, I ended up getting out of bed, and reading some stuff on my PC to take my mind off the noises. It was during that time when I found one potential source of noise. Along the front of my PC desk is a home made soft edge. It is split foam pipe insulation held down, and covered with gaffer (duct) tape. After compressing it with my arms it slowly regains it's shape. In doing so it makes a sort of crackly russely sort of noise, and it continues for some time after I have taken my arms of it.

  I think there were other noises made as the temperature dropped in my room - sort of creaks and pops from the floorboards and stuff. The noise which was most annoying/worrying seemed something new, and if I am correct, it was something new. Sometime before I went to bed I had a second can of Guinness, and left the empty can on my bedroom floor by my PC. It is my theory that the "Widget", the thing with the compressed Nitrogen in it that puts the foamy head on canned Guinness, was still slightly "fizzing" a long time after I poured the Guinness, but doing it so slowly that a few moments might path before another minute bubble popped.

  I never even noticed the can on the floor last night, and so I may never know if that can was responsible for keeping me awake last night. After a couple of hours I was so tired that I fell into a deep sleep. I know that I got up to wee a couple of times, but I can remember very little else about my sleep. I guess I slept quite well. This morning I sort of feel better than the previous couple of mornings, but maybe that is because I have at least one plan for a little bit of today.

  Once again I didn't dare go by the scales, and so I have no idea if my weight has gone up or down. What I do know is that after a couple of days of my blood glucose being rather high, it has now come down to a slightly more sane value of 8.3mmol/l. That was the value I started the month with. Ideally I want to get that figure down to around 7.0mmol/l so I can hopefully end the month with the average figure around 7.5mmo/l. I don't think that will happen, but I can always hope.

  I have one definite plan for today, and it could be the trigger for more. This morning I need to go to the pharmacy to pick up my repeat prescription. There are two unknowns about this. The first is whether they will have all my drugs (one has to be ordered), and whether they will actually have made up the prescription ready to take away without hanging around. The other unknown is whether the pharmacist will offer me a 'flu jab. I wasn't happy with his needle technique last time, but of offered I will take it.

  Today's sunshine should lure me out even if it is rather chilly outside. There is an annoying problem with that. It will be cold enough that I will need to wear a coat, but once I get walking I will soon start to feel hot under the coat. It will be made worse by the sunshine heating my coat up, and yet if I take off my coat I will freeze ! That sounds like an excuse not to go out, and maybe it will be, but at the moment I definitely fancy at least a short walk.