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My Diary/Blog For the Month of December 2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The links in the calendar above
link to archived pages for each date. |
Thursday 31st
December 2020 |
Lockdown day 283 Shopping embargo day 88 161 10:13 GMT There was more sunshine than the various revisions of the weather forecast offered. There was sunshine in the first half of the morning, and then more from late morning until 2 or 3pm in the afternoon. Mostly it was just sunny intervals, but some were very long. It was a totally dry day with even the road and paths looking dry (although the grass was still extremely muddy). With an afternoon temperature of just 5° C it was pretty chilly, but maybe less cold than some previous and forthcoming days. ![]() The one thing that seems
definite is that today is going to be very cold !
It is still close to 0° C now, and the afternoon
may only see just 2° C. The latest revision says
it is misty right now (it isn't) and that the mist
(if it ever falls) will lift after 11am. Soon
after that the sun may break through the clouds
enough to give several hours of sunny spells, but
the temperature still won't rise above 2° C.
Tomorrow the temperature may slowly rise from
below zero to as much as 4° C by early evening. It
is predicted there could be a 10% chance of rain
tomorrow. That is a very small chance, but if it
does rain it will fall as snow with the
temperature that low. I have to confess I am
getting very fed up with winter, but at least a
good snowfall would be a bit of excitement for a
day or two. Maybe it will happen in February some
I had a feeling I wouldn't enjoy it, but I had to take advantage of the afternoon sunshine, and go for a walk yesterday. I hadn't got very far before I started wondering where I would turn around, and head for home again. I did not enjoy it, but I did walk just over 3 miles. There is more about my walk, and about the rest of my day, my dinner, my sleep, and what has has happened so far this morning in my full archive page for today. |
Wednesday 30th
December 2020 |
Lockdown day 282 Shopping embargo day 88 160 09:12 GMT Despite some revisions to the forecasts of the Met Office, and the BBC (Meteogroup) mentioning the possibility of a sunny spell, there was no hint of the sun that I was aware of. It was a cold (max 4° C) and grey day. ![]() Only in the latest
revision to the forecast has a hurried addition of
sunshine been added to the forecast for this
morning. Even then it only mentions sunny spells,
but the sun seems to have been shining for about
half an hour now. Another change is that the
temperature is now shown as 1° C instead of 2° C.
That agrees with the 0.9° C seen on my own outdoor
thermometer. The latest revision has changed to
show just a light cloud covering, instead of
heavy, and added another hour of sunny spells for
2pm (as well as at 3pm, as per the early forecast
in the screenshot above). Curiously enough, while
the Met Office have thinned the clouds, and
increased the sunny spells, the BBC forecast has
removed the the sunny spells, and shows the cloud
as being thicker. It also shows some rain and
sleet for 1am tomorrow morning. The Met Office
forecast shows today, and tomorrow as completely
dry. Today may peak at 5° C, but tomorrow may only
peak at just a bloody chilly 3° C.
I came very close to going out for a walk yesterday. I got fully dressed for the outdoors, except for putting my coat on, at just after midday. I was, ready to put my coat on and go out when I felt a desire to go to the toilet. It was not an urgent desire, but it probably would have been if I had left it much longer. I went up to the toilet, and after sitting down the results were a bit explosive. I felt a bit shook up after that visit to the toilet, and it killed my desire to go out again. I found a ew other, and useful, things to do - not that either took up that much time. My day, my food, my TV habits, my sleep, and so fat this morning are all recorded in my full archive page for today. |
Tuesday 29th
December 2020 |
Lockdown day 281 Shopping embargo day 88 159 09:35 GMT Yesterday was mostly dull, but there were a few sunny spells in the early afternoon. It was another very chilly day with the temperature only reaching 4 to 5° C. Some versions of the forecast said there might be a shower, and the BBC even suggested there could be some sleet, but as far as I was aware, it was a dry day. ![]() The early forecast today
(above) was similar to yesterday, but the latest
revision has replaced the sunny spells with grey
clouds. It seems like it is going to be a very
cold, sunless day. The maximum temperature will be
just 4° C today. There is a 10% chance of
"precipitation" at almost any time today, and if
any precipitation does fall it will probably be
sleet, or maybe even snow, but we couldn't be that
lucky. Both the BBC (Meteogroup) and Met Office
have issued weather warnings for ice and snow
tomorrow. The Met Office forecast doesn't show any
snow, sleet, or rain for these parts tomorrow, byt
the BBC predicts a fall of snow at 8pm tomorrow
night. It will almost certainly be a very cloudy
day, and it will be cold again. Of course, when
tomorrow arrives the forecast could change out of
any recognition of what is predicted today.
I was feeling I should have been ready to go out for a walk in the possible sunshine/sunny spells yesterday, but something was holding me back. It may have been a subconscious thought that I was expecting a parcel delivery, and that thought finally surfaced just as I was finishing writing yesterday. The trouble with that theory is that I was not expecting the delivery until late, and possibly very late in the afternoon - so late the it would probably be mid evening - except that the parcels arrived late morning ! What was in those parcels, and what I did for the rest of the day, how I slept, and my thoughts this morning, are all written in my full archive page for today. |
Monday 28th December
2020 |
Lockdown day 280 Shopping embargo day 88 158 09:10 GMT There was some nice sunshine yesterday, and it seemed to last longer than the forecast said it would (although that depends on the actual revision of the forecast). Maybe the first sunshine was a bit late, but after a very wet early morning it was very welcome. The day started around 9° C, but slowly cooled during the day until it was down to less than 3° C by midnight. ![]() This morning started off
very cold, and frosty. What happens next is
anyone's guess. Until the latest revision, the
BBC's weather forecast was still giving a small
chance of sleet about now. It now broadly agrees
with the Met Office forecast, and says that the
next couple of hours could feature sunny spells,
or even be sunny. Unfortunately, reality agrees
with neither of them. It is possible the sun may
break through the mid grey sky, but there is no
sign it will happen soon, but some sleet could be
possible from that horrid sky. Today should see
the temperature eventually rise to 4° C according
to the latest revisions to both forecasts, but it
won't be long before the temperature dips for
another very cold night. Tomorrow will be as cold
as today, and the sky will possibly be a darker
shade of grey, but the chance of any precipitation
is no more than 10%.
While writing yesterday morning I had grave doubts about there being any sunshine for yesterday afternoon. As mentioned above, I was very wrong about that, and I could have gone and frollicked in the sunshine - except I couldn't ! I mentioned how I had been releasing vile smelling farts during the night, and I think I mentioned they continued in the morning. Every now and then I would go to the toilet to see if I could do something about the. The net result was that my guts felt too unstable to risk going out. It turns out I could have gone for a late afternoon walk, but only with the benefit of hindsight. All the (very toned down) unpleasant details about this, plus everything else I did yesterday, and this morning, are in my full archive page for today. |
Sunday 27th December
2020 |
Lockdown day 279 Shopping embargo day 88 157 08:02 GMT I can't recall seeing a single glimpse of the sun yesterday (which doesn't mean that there might not have been a brief flash from it, but evidently not for long enough to register in my brain). While it was a grey day, it was also a dry day, until late at night, and by comparison it could be said to have been warmer. From about 3pm the temperature reached 10° C, and that seemed to make a lot of difference compared to the day before. The other late night feature was a strong wind. It didn't start at any particular time, but increased in strength until by midnight it was sounding quite strong. ![]() The latest revision to
the forecast says there is a 90% chance of rain
right now, but it seems to have stopped raining
now. It was definitely raining from before
midnight, last night, until quite recently. The
latest revision says it won't stop until after
10am. Maybe it will start again soon. The latest
revision shows less sunshine this afternoon.
Midday and 1pm are shown as sunny spells, and then
sunshine. That is followed by grey cloud for an
hour, and in turn, that is followed by another
hour of sunshine before it clouds over again. I
suspect that it is too changeable to make an
accurate prediction. I guess we may end up with an
unknown amount of sunshine, but at least probably
some sunshine. Once again the temperature is
falling in the morning to give only 6° C for the
middle of the day. Today is the start of another
run of cold weather - maybe very cold ! here is a
wide dispute between the Met Office and BBC
forecasts for tomorrow. The Met Office says it
will be dry, but the BBC thinks there is a small,
but definite chance of rain in the morning. With
both forecasters predicting the temperature being
in the region of 2 or 3° C, some of that rain, if
it does fall, could fall as sleep. A change of as
little as 1° could see it fall as snow !
There is very little to tell about yesterday because I was too tired to do anything of any great importance, but what I did do yesterday, what I ate, how I slept, and how I feel this morning is all written in my full archive page for today. |
Saturday 26th
December 2020 |
Lockdown day 278 Shopping embargo day 88 156 10:48 GMT Most daylight hours featured at least sunny intervals, but mostly it was just sunny yesterday. The catch was that with the sun so low in the sky it didn't always manage to reach the ground in places, and it was also a very cold day. By my reckoning it was as low as just 1.2° C at sunrise, and the highest temperature was only just about 5° C. ![]() It still feels very cold
this morning, but it should be warming up to a
brief visit to 10° C at 3pm today (according to
the latest revision to the forecast). After that
it will start to cool down again before rising
back to 10° C late tonight. The rise in
temperature is thanks to some strong winds heading
our way. It seems they will do nothing for the
cloud cover. Only the mid grey coloured
clouds on the forecast officially count as being
"overcast", but in my book, when I can't see a
single bit of blue in the sky, it is overcast ! It
will be overcast all day today, but maybe there
might be a break in the clouds at some time. The
10am rain has now disappeared from the forecast,
and so maybe the clouds could be a little thinner
than before. From midnight tonight, to about
sunrise tomorrow, there will be rain, and most of
it will be heavy. From late morning until sunset
there could be sunny spells, sunny intervals, and
even sunshine !
In my closing paragraph I mentioned I had a crazy idea about going for a second walk yesterday. I thought that even if I did it might be no more than through the park to Ladywell and back again. That would be less than 1.5 miles. Well, I did go out, and I started out heading towards Ladywell, but I soon realised I was finding the walk fairly easy going. From that time I kept pushing my range further and further until I began to feel that I had gone as far as I dared (never forgetting I had to go home from wherever I went to). Where I went, and the pictures I took, can all be seen in my full archive page for today. I also describe my dinner, the disaster of a night's sleep I had, and how crap I feel this morning as a result of it. |
Friday 25th December
2020 |
Lockdown day 277 Shopping embargo day 88 155 11:14 GMT Yesterday was almost typical of recent days. There was a sunny morning followed by a very dull afternoon. As far as I can recall it was a dry day, and I can definitely recall it was a cold day. The highest temperature was in the morning, and it was just 6° C. By the afternoon, and for much of the day it was just 5° C, and then in the evening it fell to 4° C - and continued to fall through the night. ![]() The latest revision to
the forecast is not too different to the very
early version in the screenshot above. By my
reckoning it was colder than 2° C this morning. My
thermometer was saying just 1.2° C at about 9am.
It was fairly sunny earlier, but now it is looking
too cloudy for any significant sunny spells, and I
am wondering if, as per the latest revision to the
forecast, 2 and 3pm will feature full non stop
sunshine. The day started off very cold, and it
will end very cold, the middle will also be very
cold, but not quite as cold as the ends of the
day. By 2pm it may peak at a whole 5° C. Tomorrow
could start at 3° C, but end at 10° C thanks to
some strong winds blowing in from somewhere a bit
warmer. That warmer air will be humid too, and so
tomorrow could be mostly overcast, and when it is
not overcast it will just be bloody cloudy,
although the current prediction gives no more than
a 10% chance of rain.
Yesterday morning was a very quiet morning. I hardly did anything until early afternoon when I prepared the dining room for another drinking session. It was to be quite a boozy session that featured beer ranging in strength from 6.6% to 12% ! The curious thing was that I didn't seem to feel that drunk at the end. The beer we drank can be seen in a photo on my full archive page for today. That page also includes some commentary on my dinner, my evening, my sleep, and what I have already done this morning. I have already done a 4.3 mile walk, and there are some pictures and a video from that too. |
Thursday 24th
December 2020 |
Lockdown day 276 Shopping embargo day 88 154 08:50 GMT Some of the forecast rain did fall yesterday, but I am not sure that the few showers actually occurred at times they were forecast for. As sunset approached the clouds broke up, and the sun tried to come out...well, it did come out for some. I could see it lighting up a few places to the north and to the south, but it was still blocked here ! The start of the afternoon was almost warm at 13° C, but then the temperature started to fall, and continued to fall through the night. ![]() The latest revision to
the forecast looks a bit better than the
screenshot above. This morning is now shown as
being sunny, and once the sun rises above the
houses to the east, it may well be sunny. Sunshine
is supposed to give way to just sunny spells at
11am, but the nasty grey clouds shown in the
screenshot above are now predicted to be light
coloured clouds. The highest chance of rain today
is just 10%, and the chances are it will stay dry,
and it may be possible that the BBC forecast that
shows sunny spells extending until at least 1pm
maybe turn out right. The afternoon temperature
may just be a very chilly 5° C, and by midnight it
could drop to just 3° C. The start and end of
tomorrow, Xmas day, could be less than 4° C, but
lots of sunshine could raise the afternoon
temperature to 5° C.
Yesterday was another day when very little happened. Once again I scraped enough bits and pieces together to do some laundry. Somehow I have also scraped enough words together to describe the rest of yesterday, my sleep, another strange dream, my health this morning, and what I will be doing today, all in my full archive page for today. |
Wednesday 23rd
December 2020 |
Lockdown day 275 Shopping embargo day 88 153 10:05 GMT It was grey yesterday, sometimes lighter grey, sometimes darker, but always grey. I can't recall seeing any rain falling, but there could have been some after dark when I wouldn't have noticed it. The temperature was around 11° C in the middle of the afternoon. It started a few degrees higher in the morning, and was only about a degree lower at midnight. ![]() The BBC weather forecast
warned of thundery showers for a couple of hours
after 11am, but the Met Office forecast (above)
just warned of heavy rain starting at 10am. The
latest revision now shows far less rain. It now
says just one heavy shower at 1pm, and some rain
from about 8pm tonight. The BBC still maintains
that there will be rain from (or before) 11am
until mid afternoon, and they still expect
thundery showers at midday ! Today's temperature
could peak at 13° C again, but today the
temperature will drop a fair bit by midnight.
Tomorrow could feature a lot of sunshine in the
morning, and a little way into the afternoon, but
the afternoon temperature could be as low as 4° C
! Friday, aka Xmas day, could be a nice sunny day,
but with the temperature down to 1° C, and only
peaking at 3° C in the afternoon, it is going to
be a bloody cold day.
I'll admit it was a very late start, but I started yesterday by shaving, shampooing, and showering. It left me clean and sweet smelling (possibly), and ready to go and do something. Unfortunately there was nowhere to go, and nothing to do. In the end I did very little. The biggest thing, or the hardest thing (and it was hard work) I did was to wash a large bath towel by hand. I write a few more words about that, and a few words about other things I did during the day, how I slept, and what has happened so far this morning, in my full archive page for today. Beware, it includes a picture I am ashamed pf now, even though it seemed to be a good idea at the time ! |
Tuesday 22nd
December 2020 |
Lockdown day 274 Shopping embargo day 88 152 07:57 GMT Yesterday started off very wet, but the rain got lighter and lighter, and it stopped between 10 and 11am. I don't think it started again until very late at night, but I can't be sure about that. Apart from a few minutes in the afternoon when a dazzling patch of sky appeared where the sun almost made it through the cloud, it was a very grey day, but at least with the temperature reaching 13° C, it wasn't a cold day. It still felt rather cool with no sun to give any feeling of warmth. ![]() It seems that today will
be another very dull day with a chance of a shower
at around 6pm. It is one of those curious days
that starts at a higher temperature than the rest
of the day. Even my thermometer agrees that it is
13° C at the moment. By mid afternoon the
temperature will have dropped to 10° C. Looking
out my window, it seems like it will be one of
those days when it will be difficult to tell if
the sun has even risen. Of course since taking the
screenshot above, the forecast has been revised -
and not for the better. The latest prediction is
that there will be light rain starting around 3pm,
and it could continue, almost non stop, well into
the evening...or beyond ! No rain is currently
shown tomorrow until 6am when mostly light but
very persistent rain may fall for the rest of the
day. The temperature range and pattern may be
similar to today.
The big thing yesterday was also almost the only thing yesterday. That was my shopping trip to Aldi, but I wrote about that yesterday. I did wash a couple of t-shirts, and some underwear yesterday (by hand, as always), but apart from a bit of cooking, I can't really think of anything else I did that is worth a mention. On the whole it was another typical boring winter day made slightly worse by Covid lockdown. Last year, when there were no restrictions, I think I went out and explored a few destinations on the tube with my camera, but that is impossible this year. The one surprising thing yesterday was a phone call from Angela. I have written about that, plus anything else I could think of about yesterday, last night, and the start of this morning in my full archive page for today. |
Monday 21st December
2020 |
Lockdown day 273 Shopping embargo day 88 151 09:10 GMT It didn't feel very warm yesterday. That is probably because it was only 10° C at best. however, the important part of the day was dry, and even better was that it was also often sunny. Later revisions to the forecast seemed to keep taking periods of sunshine away from the afternoon, but reality won out, and until at least 3pm there was about 90% sunshine. ![]() The price of a sunny day
yesterday seems to be rain today. Last night the
forecast for today predicted that it would rain
almost all day, but the latest revision hardly
changes the details in the screenshot of the
forecast at 6am this morning. Although there is
still a 10% (and 20% chance at 11am) chance of
rain this afternoon, it may stay dry. I certainly
wasn't earlier. There was heavy rain around
sunrise, but after that it was little more than
light drizzle. It seems the rain may start to fall
again at 6pm tonight. In some sort of compensation
for the grey skies and damp, it cloud almost get
warm today. The afternoon is predicted to be 13°
C, and it will stay that high well into the night.
Tomorrow it will slowly cool to 10° C during a
rather grey day with the chance of an occasional
shower at almost any time.
Before leaving the subject of the weather it is interesting to see what the current predictions are for Xmas day. The current prediction is almost certainly going to change a lot in the next 4 days, and even then may not match reality. At the moment a cold and dry day is predicted. Very early morning might see the temperature as low as 2° C. That is quite cold enough for snow, but the chance of any precipitation is predicted to be less than 5%. What's more, sunny spells are forecast. It seems the chance of a white Xmas is slim in the extreme ! Yesterday was a classic case of split personality....sort of. I was torn between curiosity about what may have happened in the Linear park over the previous 6 days and the feeling that I ought to stretch my legs before they seized up completely, and the feeling that I didn't feel well enough for a walk in the cold. I also knew that some exercise would, or should help my blood glucose level a bit. It didn't for reasons I'll come to later. The desire to go out in the sunshine won in the end, and just after midday, with the sunshine at it's best, I set out for a walk that was to turn out to be quite uncomfortable. The cold seemed to make my right leg feel quite stiff and painful, and that was after taking some paracetamol to calm such aches down. All the details and pictures from that walk, plus a short video (with no stupid commentary this time), and details of the rest of the day, they very poor sleep I had, what I have already done this morning, and what I may do later today, are all in my full archive page for today. |
Sunday 20th December
2020 |
Lockdown day 272 Shopping embargo day 88 150 10:20 GMT Yesterday featured both rain and sunshine. After a wet start it was dry and sunny for several hours. The early version of the forecast said there would be heavy rain at 2pm - there wasn't any, it stayed sunny. As 3pm approached the sky got darker and darker, until I had to turn the lights on. 5 or 10 minutes later there was a very heavy downpour of rain. From then on it stayed very dull, and further, but lighter rain fell from time to time. The afternoon temperature hit 12° C, and it would have probably felt OK out in the sun. Behind glass, the sun warmed my bedroom up nicely. ![]() The chance of a sunny
afternoon seems to be slipping away in the latest
revision to the forecast. The early forecast
tried, but failed to predict the weather this
morning. The rain predicted for 9am never
happened. There was some rain in the small hours,
but I'm not sure they lasted until 7am (or even
6am). Sometime not long after 8am the sun was
trying to come out. There were big patches of
blue, and big, but individual clouds in the sky.
We just had to wait until the cloud got out of the
way of the sun. I guess at the moment we are
having long sunny spells. I think it will just be
pot luck as to how long this situation can last.
The highest chance of rain at any time from now
until midnight is only 10%, and mostly 5% or less,
and so it will probably be dry for the rest of the
day. It will be cooler today, and the highest
temperature of 10° C may only last a couple of
hours. It currently looks like tomorrow will start
grey and very wet, and while the rain should stop,
it will still be grey. Curiously enough it could
get almost warm, 14° C, by late afternoon.
Yesterday turned out to be another lazy day, but it might have turned out differently. My main preoccupation in the morning was the surprise news that my strong Belgium Xmas beer was finally going to be delivered between 11am and midday. I got the notification of the one hour delivery slot at 6am. When I had checked the previous night the beer had not even been collected from the brewery. Very strange. Anyway, the beer was delivered, and nothing else really happened yesterday - except for things like snoozing, eating drinking, and sleeping. This morning I have already done a little shopping trip. All the details of the last 24 hours (which includes the start of this morning) are detailed, or at least written about in my full archive page for today. |
Saturday 19th
December 2020 |
Lockdown day 271 Shopping embargo day 88 149 09:12 GMT It was wet yesterday. There was rain in the morning, rain in the evening, and I am sure there was at least a light shower in the afternoon - maybe several of them. As you can probably imagine, it was a very dull and gloomy day, but with the temperature only ranging between 11 and 12° C, it was not a very cold day. ![]() It seems incredible, but
the latest revision to the forecast says there
will be sunny intervals in as little as 40 minutes
time as I write this. The BBC forecast broadly
agrees with this. At the moment the sky is a dark
grey colour, and I am not sure it has even stopped
raining yet ! After a few hours of sunny
intervals, if they happen, it will be back to rain
again. The latest revision to the forecast shows
light rain from 1pm to 7pm, although the
percentage chance of it actually raining at these
times is actually fairly low - just 30 to 40%.
Surprisingly enough, the BBC's (Meteogroup)
forecast broadly agrees with this as well. The
maximum temperature will occur for an hour or two
after 1pm, and 12° C is the current prediction.
After that it will start to cool down, and
tomorrow's high may only be 10° C. Tomorrow
afternoon may feature sunshine !
Maybe I am getting too old for boozing sessions or something. Like many Fridays, the day after the Thursday afternoon boozing session, I had a very specialised hangover. It manifested itself not as pain, or stomach upsets, or any of the usual things that happen after a heavy night, but as a sort of "couldn't be bothered", or tired feeling. Of course the rotten weather can cause this too, and I suppose both should take equal blame. Yet another day when my get up and go, got up and went ! It is surprising I could think of anything to say about yesterday, but I have. That, and all the usual rubbish about dinner, the evening, my sleep, and this morning, can be read in my full archive page for today. |
Friday 18th December
2020 |
Lockdown day 270 Shopping embargo day 88 148 09:04 GMT There was a lot of sunshine yesterday, but it did little to warm the day up. The temperature did reach 11° C in the afternoon, and maybe a degree of that was the influence of the sunshine. Of course, behind glass, the sun did warm up my front, south facing rooms nicely, but the back of the house was stubbornly cool. ![]() I really should be
showing a screenshot of the BBC (Meteogroup)
forecast because it comes closer to reality than
the screenshot above of the Met Office forecast.
The BBC forecast says drizzle and rain until 11am,
and the Met Office forecast has been revised to
show no rain at all ! Bother forecasts say today
is going to be heavily clouded, and so mostly
gloomy (except when it is very gloomy). Both
forecasts predict it will be 12° C today, although
there are slight differences in the timing for
this. I predict that there will be more rainfall
beyond 11am - the day has that sort of feel to it.
Tomorrow will probably feature rain in the
morning, and possibly some rain in the afternoon.
There might be a sunny spell or two, and it might
possibly reach 13° C. It really depends on whether
you want to believe the BBC (Meteogroup) or Met
Office forecasts.
I knew it wouldn't take long to tidy up the dining room for the afternoon beer session, and so I took the morning fairly easy. So easy that I almost had a snooze shortly before midday. Actually I am not so sure that I didn't drop off to sleep for a short while. At the time the sun was pouring through my bedroom windows, and the room was nice and warm. If I had been able to open the window and let some warm breezes in, it would have felt like summer. After that (possible) snooze I started to get ready for the rest of the day, or in particular, another Thursday afternoon beer session. All the details, such as they are, are written in my full archive page for today. As usual it includes commentary on the afternoon, evening, night, and what has already happened this morning, and what might happen today. |
Thursday 17th
December 2020 |
Lockdown day 269 Shopping embargo day 88 147 09:22 GMT Yesterday seemed typical of the weather we have had lately. The morning was bright, cheerful, and sunny. The afternoon was grey, miserable, and wet ! The temperature was in that sort of no man's land, 10° C - not warm, nor that cold. ![]() Today has started sunny,
and so the forecast has got off to a good start.
If the forecast continues to correctly predict
today's weather, there should be sunshine, and
then sunny spells until sunset. All that sun will
raise the temperature up to 11° C - which could
almost feel comfortable in the sunshine. There
seems very little chance of rain today. That is
not the case for tomorrow which will start off
very wet, but by sunrise, which we will never see,
the rain will have stopped, but the clouds will
still be thick and grey for the whole day. The
temperature is predicted to be an absolutely flat
11° C from midnight to midnight - which seems very
I felt tired after my morning jaunt to Aldi, and then sitting down for well over an hour to write yesterday's blog (with plenty of time on my hands, I feel no need to rush, or to keep things brief. Sadly I can't seem to find the time or patience to proof read these scribblings.) In theory, I could have gone out for a walk in the sunshine yesterday morning, but I just fancied being lazy. Besides which, I was waiting with baited breath for a notification that Angela's Xmas present had been delivered. I have to say that Amazon managed to get in the first notification, but Angela was not too far behind. After all it does take a bit of time breaking into the sturdy cardboard packaging they use for bottles of booze. As hoped, Angela was delighted. ![]() This made me very happy, and also rather sad. A sort of explanation of this, and what I did for the rest of the day, plus the usual scribblings about dinner, sleep, and what has happened so fat this morning, plus what should be happening today, can all be read in my full archive page for today. |
Wednesday 16th
December 2020 |
Lockdown day 268 Shopping embargo day 88 146 09:24 GMT The forecast for yesterday included the right details, but not the right times....or maybe I am just feeling sore because I got caught in the rain ! The morning started off sunny, and that changed to sunny spells. At just gone midday it was still sunny, and the latest revision to the forecast said the sunny spells should continue for a few more hours before it clouded over, and later still it would rain. I had only walked as far as the entrance to the park when the rain got in a practice run, and towards the end of the outward half of my walk the rain was quite heavy. Then the sun came out again ! The afternoon temperature of 11° C felt reasonably OK - and to my surprise not too bad even when being rained on. ![]() The latest revision to
the forecast has hurriedly added some sunny spells
this morning. There was rain during the night that
left everything looking very soggy, but now, and
for maybe the last 40 to 60 minutes, the sun has
been shining. The sky seems hazy in places, but
there are no heavy clouds to be seen for the
moment (or not to the south, I haven't checked the
north sky). The latest revision says that it will
cloud over at 11am, and the afternoon will start
with a practice run of light rain for maybe an
hour. After that it will pour down until after
dark. The temperature for all the day, except the
extreme ends of the day, should be 11° C. Tomorrow
should be a much brighter, and completely dry day
with a similar temperature to that of today.
With the sun still shining at midday I felt ready to go for a walk. I have to admit I found I felt unsure about just how well I felt about it. It was another occasion when I set out thinking that I might only walk a mile or so, but it turned out to just over 3 and a quarter miles. There are a lot of pictures, plus a video taken on my walk, and all can be seen, together with descriptions of the rest of my day, my sleep, and what I have done this morning, on my full archive page for today. |
Tuesday 15th
December 2020 |
Lockdown day 267 Shopping embargo day 88 145 09:32 GMT There was more rain than expected for yesterday, and some of it was at a potentially awkward time. There were a few of the promised sunny spells, but I tend to think of yesterday as being mostly dull. Maybe it was just me, but the 12°C forecast, and actually observed on my own thermometer, just didn't seem to feel even mild. It felt like a slightly chilly day. ![]() The Met Office forecast,
and the Meteogroup forecast (used on the BBC's
weather page) seem to have conflicting views about
the weather, and at this point in the day the
Meteogroup forecast seems more accurate. There was
quite a lot of rain until sunrise, and then the
clouds seemed to clear very quickly. By 8am it was
obvious to see that the whole of the north sky was
clear. (I am not so sure about the southern half
of the sky because my front curtains were still
closed). It may have been around 8.30am when I
noticed there was bright sunshine lighting up the
curtains, and seeping around the edges. It has
been solid sunshine for at least an hour now.
Neither forecaster predicted non stop sunshine.
However both predict a shower at 10am. Looking at
the sky that does seem unlikely. However I get the
impression that we are in fast moving weather, and
possibly straddling the dividing lines between two
weather systems. That would explain why neither
forecast seems to get it right. So, it will
probably be 10°C or 11° C today, and there will
probably be some sunshine at unknown times this
afternoon. The best that can be said about
tomorrow is that the temperature will probably be
similar to today, and that the afternoon is
probably going to be wet.
My shopping trip to Aldi yesterday morning was the most definite thing I did all day. The rest of the day was mainly sort of dithering around doing a bit of this, or a bit of that. I think the saying "busy doing nothing" best describes it. One big highlight of the day was a conversation, albeit only by text messages, with Angela. That, and the rest of my otherwise dull day, dull sleep (apart from some insomnia at the beginning), plus the usual musings about this morning, can all be read, and a video watched (!!) on my full archive page for today. |
Monday 14th December
2020 |
Lockdown day 266 Shopping embargo day 88 144 09:30 GMT Yesterday was most definitely wet, and definitely very grey, but I don't think there was as much rain as the forecast said there would be. Much of the day felt cool. The morning started off very chilly, and the temperature only rose very slowly through the day. By my reckoning the temperature hit only 11° C by 10pm, and I don't think it went any higher than that. The forecast said to expect 12° C by 8pm, but as far as I can recall it was still only in the region of 9 or 10° C by then. ![]() The sky seemed clear by
8am, and once the sun had risen high enough to
clear the roof line to the east the day turned
sunny - a good hour earlier than shown in the
forecast. The sun is shining brightly as I write
this. The other feature this morning was some huge
puddles left from heavy rain in the night. The
current revision to the forecast says there will
be sunny spells from now until midday. That could
turn out to be correct because I can see patchy
cloud developing now, and the odd cloud is very
likely to pass across the face of the sun for a
(hopefully) short while. The temperature is slowly
rising from 10° C, and having another go at
hitting 12° C by 11am. It will only drop a few
degrees after sunset. Rain is expected today, but
the latest revision to the forecast now says there
will be a couple of hours of light rain from about
6pm. Tomorrow may be a degree or two cooler, but
of the forecast holds, there will be sunny spells
from about 9am until 3pm. I can imagine that
changing a lot by tomorrow mornings forecast.
When I think about it, I seemed to be fairly busy yesterday, and yet I am sure it couldn't have added up to more than 4 or 5 hours of being active. My only physical exercise was to do another small amount of laundry. Yesterday it was a hand towel and a t-shirt. My cerebral exercise (what ?????) was to spend what could have been an hour or more of designing a new set of icons to use on the 2021 pages of this web site. I also "designed" a web page for next January to test the new icons. The work that was very little work was more video editing of old TV programmes transferred from VHS tapes to digital files on my computer. I say more about these things, and give excuses for why my blood glucose level has gone up again this morning. All that, and some words about dinner, sleep, and what I have done this morning, plus what I may do today, are all in my full archive page for today. |
12th December 2020 |
Lockdown day 264 Shopping embargo day 88 142 10:15 GMT Yesterday felt very different to recent days. With the temperature up around 10° C for much of the day, and not much lower in the early morning, and late into the night, it was feeling mild by comparison. If it had been sunny, which it most emphatically wasn't, it would probably have felt mild enough to go outside with no coat for short periods. It wasn't just dull, but there was some light rain from time to time. ![]() Apart from being a
degree or two cooler than yesterday, today will
probably be a lot like yesterday - frequently grey
and dull, and generally miserable. The early
morning forecast, as above, even showed a shower
at midday, although the most recent revision
doesn't show any rain. Until 5pm the chance of
rain is shown as just 10%, and after that it goes
down to less than 5%. The afternoon temperature
will now only be 9° C until sunset, but by
midnight the temperature may drop to just 5° C.The
afternoon may feel almost as good as yesterday,
but tonight is going to feel cold. Tomorrow will
be another sunless day, and the prediction for
tomorrow shows, at various times, light grey
clouds, mid grey clouds, and dark grey clouds.
Some of those clouds are going to bring rain, and
some of the showers may be heavy., but for all
that the should be a slow temperature rise from
something like 5° C in the morning to a very mild
12° C by midnight. Monday may be a very slightly
warm day !
I felt very different to previous days yesterday. It was a much better feeling, and yet it is hard to say why. It certainly wasn't bright sunshine making me feel better, but it could have been weather related. I guess the atmospheric pressure had probably changed as a result of the warmer air, and maybe that change of pressure relieved some of the usual aches and pains. The temperature being warm enough to need less heating indoors was a good thing too. For the later part of my day I was preoccupied waiting for a delivery. It arrived very late ! The story of that, plus a description of anything describable through the day, last night's annoying insomnia, plus my thoughts this morning, are all written up in my full archive page for today. |
11th December 2020 |
Lockdown day 263 Shopping embargo day 88 141 09:56 GMT One the whole, yesterday was a very dull day. There was rain late at night, as the forecast predicted, but there was also a very light shower just after 2pm. I must admit that I only know this because I went to put some stuff in the recycling bin around that time, and I noticed the tops of the wheelie bins was wet. There didn't seem to have been enough rain to make the road look wet, although it did look damp. It felt far from warm, but 7° C, which is what a lot of the day was, doesn't feel as terribly, terribly cold as, say, 3° C, which really does feel terribly cold - as it did a few days ago. ![]() I'm not sure why I am
showing this early version of today's weather
forecast because it is very wrong. The forecast
has been revised since. Maybe someone drew the
curtains aside and noticed it was sunny outside. I
had my curtains closed until just a little while
ago, but it was still easy to see it was sunny
outside for about the last 2 hours. Sometimes that
sunshine would dim for a while, and sometimes it
was full strength. The latest revision does now
acknowledge that we had sunny spells at 9am, but
they would, and did end at 10am. The latest
forecast also says there will be drizzle at 11am,
and light rain at midday.
The BBC website (Meteogroup forecast) tells a slightly different story. Rain is forecast for 11am, and then again between 2pm and 4pm, although the chance of rain in the last few hours is only 20%. Another difference is that fog is predicted to fall from 6pm, and last well into the night. Even the latest Met Office forecast doesn't mention fog today. Both forecasters say that the afternoon temperature will be 10° C, and the temperature will only drop to around 8° C by midnight. Both forecasters agree that tomorrow will be 8° C for the middle of the day, and that it will be dull, with a low chance of rain, for the whole day. The idea that I might be feeling better than recently was probably more psychological than physical, or that feeling bad was only psychological recently, and yesterday I didn't feel so psychologically down. Of course there was a reason for feeling it would be a happier day, and that was because it was a Thursday, and Thursday means a boozing session with company. As boringly usual, my day, the boozing session, dinner, the evening, my sleep, how I feel this morning, and what I might do, is all described in my full archive page for today. |
10th December 2020 |
Lockdown day 262 Shopping embargo day 88 140 09:27 GMT The forecast said there would be sunny spells for a few hours in the afternoon, but each revision to the forecast showed them to be later and later, until they would never happen because they couldn't appear after sunset. So yesterday was a dull day. A cold and dull day, but not as cold as the day before. Yesterday the temperature rose to 6 or 7° C, and that small rise did seem to make a positive difference - mainly in the amount of time I had the heater on full blast ! ![]() The latest revision to
the forecast says correctly that it is now
overcast (which is the grey cloud icons in the
forecast). The next hour may just be cloudy (which
is still overcast in my book). From then on it is
predicted to be officially overcast for the rest
of the day. The day has started at around 6° C,
but it will soon be 7° C, and will stay the same
until midnight, and beyond. The latest revision
only shows some rain falling at 11pm. The rest of
the day should be dry. Tomorrow may see some heavy
rain in the small hours. That rain will get
lighter and lighter until it dries up around
sunrise. The temperature then may be 8° C, and it
will rise to around 10° C for the afternoon.
Unfortunately that will still feel cold because
there may not be even a hint of sunshine tomorrow.
The more I think about it, the more I am sure I had some sort of bug a few days ago. It would explain why my blood glucose was so high, and why my 3 miles walk was so tiring. I did seem to be a bit better yesterday, but resting was still a strong temptation. I did rest, but not all the time. I have described what little I did during the day, what I cooked and ate, how I slept, and how I feel sort of better, as in not too bad, plus what my plans for today are in my full archive page for today. |
9th December 2020 |
Lockdown day 261 Shopping embargo day 88 139 08:06 GMT Once again the first, and subsequent revisions of the forecast seemed to be for somewhere than Catford. I didn't spot any mist or fog (although maybe there was a very slight haze in the distance for a short while). The morning was certainly gloomy, and it didn't seem possible that the sun would break through those clouds, but it did. The first rays of the sun appeared at around midday. Half an hour later it seemed sunny enough to go for a walk, and as I walked the sky cleared even more to give mostly clear blue sky. It started to cloud over a few hours later, and sometime after sunset it seemed like the cloud cover was complete again. For all that sunshine it remained a cold day with the temperature only just reaching 5° C at best, and then not for long in the afternoon. ![]() I'm not sure if there is
some fine drizzle falling at the moment, but the
road outside is looking very wet. There was
definite rain a bit earlier. The day has started
at 5° C, as per the forecast, and considering that
was the highest temperature yesterday I guess it
is not too bad a start. At least it wouldn't be
too bad if the temperature was going to rise
beyond 7° C today (and the latest revision cuts
that down to just one hour now). The latest
revision also extends the sunny spells to last
from 1pm to 3pm this afternoon. The rest of the
time it will be cloudy with a 50% chance of light
rain at 9pm. Tomorrow is currently forecast to be
dry, but overcast. There could be rain at 1am and
11pm, but the rest of the day may be dry, and
still cold, although a long period at 7° C is
better than the last few days.
Apart from my extra visit to Aldi, for some top up shopping, I was really quite lazy yesterday morning. By 11am (I think) I was laying on my bed, reading, and almost dozing. At midday, when the sun first broke through I started to stir. I still had to grit my teeth, and force myself to go out for a much needed walk. At half past midday I set out with no definite plan beyond walking to the River Pool Linear Park, and seeing how I felt. I didn't feel that good. I felt like I was really out of condition - as indeed I was. My walk, illustrated with pictures, plus a video, along with descriptions of my dinner, my sleep, and finally how I feel this morning, and what I might do today, can be seen in my full archive page for today. |
8th December 2020 |
Lockdown day 260 Shopping embargo day 88 138 09:38 GMT Yesterday morning was quite misty, but it never seemed to turn to fog around these parts (I did hear it was a lot worse out towards Kent). It is difficult to say when it finally lifted. From midday it just seemed to get thinner and thinner until the air was clear. The cloudy sky made it look just as dull when the mist had finally dissipated. The most notable thing was how cold it was yesterday. I think the temperature rose from 2° C in the morning to the forecast 4° C for mid afternoon, but it only just made it ! Sometime after dark there was some rain. I am a bit surprised it didn't fall as snow, but maybe those caught in it might have said it was a bit sleety - I didn't care to study it enough by peeping through the curtains to see if it was rain, sleet, or rain with sleet in it ! ![]() The latest revision to
the forecast seems to have got things wrong
compared to the early forecast in the screenshot
above. The latest revision says that 9 and 10am
would feature fog. As far as I am aware there
wasn't even any mist, and like the original
forecast says, it was overcast and gloomy. The
latest revision says light cloud for 11am, and
full sunshine for midday. That will be followed by
a few hours of sunny spells. At the moment it feel
like the whole day will be gloomy, but we live in
hope. Once again it is going to be a very cold
day, although the latest revision does give hope
that by 6pm the temperature may have risen to 5° C
! Once again there could be some rain late
tonight. Tomorrow might see 6° C. There could be a
shower in the morning, but 11am to 3pm may feature
some sunshine, or sunny spells.
7th December 2020 |
Lockdown day 259 Shopping embargo day 88 137 09:13 GMT Once again the forecast got one important thing wrong. Yesterday was not all gloomy - from late morning until maybe 3pm the sky was often very clear, and there was copious sunshine ! It was still rather cold though, although the sunshine may have raised the temperature a degree higher than the forecast maximum of 6° C. ![]() ![]() |
Sunday 6th December
2020 |
Lockdown day 258 Shopping embargo day 88 136 10:22 GMT It was good to see the sun yesterday. There was a lot of uncertainty in yesterday's forecast, but the final result was that there was more sunshine than sunny spells, but it all seemed to finish earlier in the afternoon than the more optimistic revisions to the forecast predicted. (Actually I think the early morning version came very close to being accurate). The late afternoon was rather gloomy, but I think it stayed dry. It did rain in the evening, but I wasn't paying any attention to what was happening outside, and can't say when it started, or when it finished. One of the most important things abiyt yesterday weather was that it was cold. I suppose that should be expected in December, but that is still reason to approve of the daytime temperature going no higher than 7° C (and I am not really sure it got that high !). ![]() There was one big
difference between the Met Office forecast (the
screenshot above) and the BBC's Meteogroup
forecast. The BBC reckoned it would be raining at
6 and 7am, and it was ! The Met Office just said
it would be overcast. Neither admit that the sun
almost peeped through the clouds at about 10am,
but only for a few minutes, and the sun never
managed to get any better than a bright and hazy
disk. It looks like there has been a shower a
short time ago, and the latest revision to the
forecast does show a 10% risk of rain at any time
today. There are times when the cloud is forecast
to be quite light, and although not shown, maybe
it is possible we might have a sunny spell at some
time. What seems very definite is that it is going
to be an even colder day than yesterday. The
latest revision says the temperature will go no
higher than 5° C today. Tomorrow will be a degree
or two even colder, and the morning may be
dominated by mist. The afternoon might be dry, but
Saturday 5th
December 2020 |
Lockdown day 257 Shopping embargo day 88 135 09:34 GMT There was some rain early yesterday morning, and there was at least one light shower sometime in the afternoon. The latter was very light, and I think it was all over in a few minutes. The two main features of yesterday's weather was that it was cold, and it was very grey. The temperature only just made 5° C in the afternoon. The horrible grey cloud only started to break up just before the sun set (pictures further down the page). Ultimately there was a really nice red sunset. ![]() The latest revision to
today's forecast shows less sunshine than the
version in the screenshot above. I think today is
one of those days where we are stuck between two
weather systems, and it is hard to predict whether
it will drift one way or another. I am not sure
why I should make excuses for the weather
forecasters. The Met Office has one of the biggest
super computers in the country, and so has no
excuses to get their predictions wrong. Anyway,
the latest revision to the forecast says it should
be cloudy now, and indeed there are clouds in the
sky, but the sun has managed to shine almost non
stop for the last half hour or more. Probably the
only thing we can conclude is that the day will
have some sunshine, but some rain a few hours
after sunset. It will also be cold. The best we
can hope for is 7° C today. There may be rain in
the early hours of tomorrow, but the rest of the
day should be dry. It may be cloudy enough to
block the sun all day, but it still might be a
degree or two less cold than today.
Friday 4th December
2020 |
Lockdown day 256 Shopping embargo day 88 134 09:22 GMT Probably the only thing that needs to be said about yesterday was that it was cold and very wet. The temperature never went above 7° C. The rain was a bit variable. To make matters worse the forecast kept changing the times the rain would fall. There were some hours in the afternoon when the rain stopped, or was at least very light, but to say it rained from dawn until very late into the night would not be far wrong. Most of the time, when it wasn't actually night, it was very grey, but sometimes it was just light grey. ![]() Against all expectations
today will probably be dry - except for the mud
and puddles left by the rain through the night. It
is even possible that this afternoon may be bright
grey. It would seem we can expect 100% cloud cover
all day, but the thickest cloud will probably be
over by 2pm. According the latest revision to the
forecast there remains a 20% chance of rain until
this afternoon when it will drop to 10%. Over on
BBC, with their Meteogroup weather forecast, the
early prediction was for rain most of the day,
with a weather warning issued warning of rain and
possibly snow over greater London. The weather
warning remains, but the later forecasts show no
rain as per the Met Office forecast above. Both
agree that today is going to be very cold, and it
is indeed cold enough that any rain could fall as
sleep or snow. Today's maximum temperature will be
just 5° C. Tomorrow may see 100% light grey cloud
all day, and a 10% chance of rain at any time.
Once again the maximum temperature may be just 5°
Thursday 3rd
December 2020 |
Lockdown day 255 Shopping embargo day 88 133 09:09 GMT There were maybe a couple of hours (maybe just 90 minutes) of sunshine or sunny spells yesterday morning, and then it clouded over. At first the cloud was quite light in colour, although it had 100% coverage. At about 2pm the clouds parted. Not much, but enough to allow some bright sunshine through. It didn't last long, and just as the earliest forecast predicted, by 3pm the sky was totally encased in thick grey clouds. It was like night had suddenly fallen an hour early. I didn't pay much attention to the outside world once the sun had set, but I did note that there was some rainfall, but whether the quantity, or the times it fell match what was shown in the forecast is unknown. It was a cold day with temperatures ranging from 4° C in the morning to an afternoon peak of 7° C. ![]() There is some slight
good news about today's weather forecast.....or at
least I thought there was, but I appear to be
mistaken. I was going to say that a later revision
showed a little less rain. Maybe it did, and then
it was revised again to look identical to the
early forecast. Apart from a few hours this
afternoon, it looks as if it will be raining all
day. Half the time it may be light rain, and half
the time it may be heavy rain. Sometimes the
clouds will only be medium grey, and at other
times they will be almost black. All the time this
misery goes on the temperature will be no more
than 7° C. Tomorrow will be colder still, but
mostly dry. The current prediction does show some
light rain in the morning, and when the
temperature is only predicted to be 4° C. It seems
possible that could fall as sleet. From about 3pm
the cloud may be light coloured, but before then
the cloud is predicted to be thick and medium
grey. Saturday may feature a sunny spell - yes,
just one !
Wednesday 2nd
December 2020 |
Lockdown day 254 Shopping embargo day 88 132 09:31 GMT Yesterday morning was, as forecast, a sunny morning. It was also a very chilly morning with the temperature no more than 5° C. The sunshine was supposed to last until 3pm, but it had all but gone a few hours earlier than that to leave just a chilly, 8° C, grey day. The temperature then started to fall away to give a very cold night, but maybe not quite cold enough for a frost (although very close to it). ![]() This morning's forecast
turned out to be more wrong than the BBC
Meteogroup forecast. The latter predicted as much
as 3 hours of sunny spells after daybreak. In fact
there was little more than 1 hour, but as the
screenshot above shows, the Net Office shows no
sunny spells at all. The BBC's web page doesn't
predict any rain just after sunset, and maybe that
is correct because the latest revision to the Met
Office forecast has reduced the predicted rain to
2 hours instead of three (as shown above).
![]() The morning sunshine enthused me yesterday. Maybe not enthused enough to plan, or imagine, a 7 mile walk, but enthused enough to get on my gardening jeans, and do some gardening. I might still have gone for a short walk, but I was expecting two parcel deliveries, and so staying in, and working in the front garden made sense. I managed to get a wide selection of muscles aching during my "gardening" work. It is all described, with pictures, along with the rest of my day, evening, night, and the start of this morning, in my full archive page for today. |
Tuesday 1st December
2020 |
Lockdown day 253 Shopping embargo day 88 131 08:52 GMT As far as I am aware, it didn't rain yesterday, although here was some thin mist in the morning. After the mist came lots of cloud. Occasionally it was light coloured cloud, but most of the time it seemed very grey and depressing. It was also a cold day, although the temperature did rise a few degrees after sunset - which is a bit weird. ![]() As I write this the sky
is blue, and the sun is shining, and it is
very chilly ! It seems the forecast for today has
got off to a good start. This morning it hasn't
been cold enough for a frost, but at just 5° C it
was only a few degrees away. I think it was a
little under 5° C when I checked my thermometer.
It seems that with the possible exception of 1pm,
when there may only be sunny spells, the whole of
today's daylight hours will feature non stop
sunshine. That will still only raise the
temperature to 8° C ! The sky may stay partly
clear tonight, and that means tomorrow will start
even colder. 4° C is predicted now, but maybe
tomorrow's reality could be a frosty start. The
morning is predicted to be cloudy (or lightly
overcast as I apparently incorrectly call it).
Most of the afternoon will feature grey clouds,
and will be officially overcast, and after dark it
will probably rain.
Yesterday was a very depressing day. With the cold, and the grey skies, yesterday was very, very unexciting ! I felt no incentive to do anything. It felt so crap that this morning I have to constantly remind myself that yesterday was not a Sunday. Sundays usually being dull and depressing days. The one very positive thing I did was to get up early enough to go shopping in Aldi while it was still very quiet, soon after they opened. After that I did almost nothing for several hours (except quietly reading). I did start to do some stuff in the afternoon. My mostly boring, and mostly tedious, and depressing day, plus the evening, the night, and my thoughts this morning, are described in my full archive page for today. |