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Tuesday 17th November 2020
Lockdown day 239
Shopping embargo day 88 117

09:15 GMT

  I don't think any revisions to the weather forecast for yesterday showed that there would be over an hour of quite long sunny spells - so long in some cases that it could be said to be sunny at times. It started around midday, and soon after 1pm it was back to the forecast dull and cloudy weather. I don't think that sunny interlude did anything for the predicted 11° C. Something else that was unexpected, although it did appear in much later revisions to the forecast, and that was rain. I'm not sure what time it started, but it was possibly before 9pm.
bright start, but very grey by the
                                start of the afternoon
  The latest revision to today's forecast shows the last of the sunny periods finishing an hour earlier, but the earlier forecast may turn out to be closer to reality (with regard to the end) because as far as I am aware, the sunny spells started a bit later than 8am, and so might finish later too. It seems the idea of thick heavy cloud from 1pm hasn't changed when the forecast was revised, and from midday onwards the earlier and later revisions are identical. It seems there is a 10% chance of rain at any time, but no specific time is expected to see rain. This morning started mild, 12° C, and this afternoon's 14° C is not too bad, but without any sunshine it will still seem to be cold and damp. Tomorrow may start bright again, but from the afternoon onwards it is likely to rain - sometimes light rain, and sometime heavy rain. The temperature will probably be the same as today.

   I can't say I did nothing yesterday morning because I went shopping in Aldi, but after that I did nothing but read, and eat. I had a very naughty breakfast of a few sandwiches, and then a sort of late elevenses of a very unhealthy combination of salami and mozzarella cheese slices. I should have resisted that, although I knew when buy that pack of meat and cheese it would end up as a snack.

  I read some stuff on the internet, and read some of the book I was reading. While I was reading the book the sun came out, and was shining through the window onto my bed. It made me feel very relaxed. It wasn't long before that first flicker of sunshine turned into a long sunny spell. It felt deliciously warm, and I was going to just lay there luxuriating in it. Just as I started to fall asleep I made a split second decision that I ought to go for a walk in the sunshine.

  It took a while for me to get ready to go out, but eventually I had gone to the toilet, and got dressed. I grabbed my Nikon P500 camera, my pink sunglasses, put a coat on, and went out. It was almost inevitable that 10 minutes later the sun was occulted by more and more clouds until all sunshine was lost. Having started, I decided to press on, and continue my walk. It didn't feel to be easy going. I later realised that some of the struggle was because of what I had eaten during the morning.

  Another reason for discomfort was the temperature outside. It was hovering at an annoying level. It was too cold and yet not cold enough. The cold, and damp, was making my chest hurt in a sort of rheumatic way. My chest was exposed to the cold because I was feeling too hot under my coat. Feeling too hot only happened after briskly walking about half a mile, or to the entrance to the linear park. I could feel my arms getting damp in the coat sleeves. I now know why soldiers are usually bare armed. It seems the arms are a part of the body that are good at dissipating body heat - provided they are in free air.
very nearly
                                      exactly 3 miles
  For want of an extra 0.005 miles this would have been a 3 mile walk !
   For some reason I decided to make a video record of some of my walk. Initially I just videoed the water rushing down the two slopes where the two rivers join by the "bridge of doom". I then decided to do some commentary at places that were of particular interest to me.

pretty looking tree
I've wanted to get a good shot of this very classic looking tree ever since it gained it's autumn colours, and started losing it's leaves. The usual problem is that the sun would be behind it from this view, and it is only this view that is clear enough to show the whole tree with nothing in the way. This tree is just inside the Catford Hill entrance to the park, roughly half a mile from home, and by the time I reached it the sun was hidden behind thick cloud.
teasel with green shoots
I noticed that many, if not all, the dry and dead looking teasel heads had small green leaves on them. I don't really know what is happening here. Maybe these are small teasel plants starting to grow, or maybe the teasel has caught some other drifting seeds. Maybe if they are very young teasel plants they eventually fall to the ground. It would give them a head start after winter is over - assuming they survive the winter.
heron up a tree
I don't know if it was this heron, but I saw a heron flying while walking along. It was very recognisable with it's very wide wing span, and the quite slow, almost lazy, flapping of it's wings. I think this is the first time I have seen one roosting very high up in a tree. It's legs look really thin when seen like this.

  I was halfway between the bridge of doom, and the exit to the park when I bumped into a birdwatcher and his wife (both equipped with binoculars). We spoke for a bit about wild life in the park. He seemed very knowledgeable, and had seen far more birds than I had, but then again that was his reason to be there. I was 90% out for just exercise, and only stopped to photograph the obvious. He mentioned the heron being deep in the trees, and probably not easy to see, but even without my long distance glasses on it was easy to spot - although I have to admit that I was lucky that it was in a place where there was a convenient window in the tree cover. Maybe it was a case of being there at the right time.

  Stopping to chat to the birdwatcher was interesting, but all the time I was stopped my legs felt like they were seizing up. The last bit of my walk felt like really hard work, and I was very happy to get home. It felt as bad as after one of my very long walks up to Blackheath in the summer months. They involved big hills, and were almost 7 miles long. I should not have felt so bad for just a 3 mile walk. I must be really out of condition now - too much rest, and a bad diet since Autumn threw it's worst at us !

  With the knowledge that some of my fatigue was caused by eating before exercising, I declined to eat anything when I got home. However I did allow myself one large whiskey....and then another. That seemed to be all I needed to have a long snooze in the afternoon. I am not sure how long "long" was, and it may not have been as much as it felt like, but when I woke up it had started to get dark. With sunset being at 4.07pm today, and probably 2 minutes later yesterday, that didn't make it very late in the day.

  Once I had gathered my senses together again I made a start of editing the video together, and then selecting and editing a few still photos. It wasn't long before I started to feel hungry, and I did end up bringing my dinner forward by 10 minutes. I had two Aldi ready meals, and they were both nice. I had decided that I didn't think much of their curries, and went for a "gastro meal" of pulled beef with mashed potato, and a beef hash when I went shopping in the morning. I am not sure if I intended to eat them both for one meal, but they did seem very small portions.

  I think I watched some Star Trek and some QI on TV last night. I did miss some of both when I went down to the dining room to try out something on my laptop. Once upon a time there was a desktop/graphical user interface for Linus called KDE. I liked it because it was quite slick, and it looked and worked in a very similar way to Windows 98. In fact a few tweaks could make it look close to identical. Then one day it was "improved". It became a sloppy, resource consuming monster, and was really crappy. I gave up using it, and went for a different desktop - either XFCE or Gnome. Yesterday I read some news that said KDE had cleaned up their act, and KDE was now sleek and efficient again. I tested this using two live DVD Linux distributions. They both seemed to feel OK, and a future task will be to install Linux Mint 18.3 KDE edition on my old PC. That version is still just about supported, although I think supports ends next year.

  I read in bed to relax myself before trying for sleep last night. It was around 11pm, a lot later than was usual, before I turned out the light. I don't think it was as long as it felt before I was fast asleep. Last night's sleep was an enigma. It was one of those nights where I felt I was awake too often, and for too long, and yet many hours would slip by unnoticed. That suggests I got some fairly long sleep, and yet whenever I think about it I start yawning. I even ended up sleep a lot later than usual, and so I shouldn't need yet more sleep.

  This morning I probably feel better for my walk yesterday. I expected to ache more, and yet I seem to ache less. The only bad thing is that the sandwiches, and the ready meals must take the blame for my blood glucose going up to 8.7mmol/l. I am never going to get my average down to 7.5mmol/l at the end of the month at this rate. Fortunately I have probably eaten the worst things already, and tomorrow could see a drop in my blood glucose again.

  It is fairly bright still, and I can see patches of blue sky. I should rush out and go for another walk, but by the time I am ready I expect it will look pretty grim outside. Nevertheless, I think there is about a 50% chance that I will go for a walk again today. If not then I think I could waste many hours playing with computers today. I might even edit some more very old camcorder video...or I might not.
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