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Sunday 22nd November 2020
Lockdown day 244
Shopping embargo day 88 122

10:26 GMT

  At least yesterday was dry (or as good as - I seem to think there may have been a brief shower, but I can't recall when it might have been - id indeed it actually happened). That was second only good thing about the day. The first good thing was that it was almost mild out. Under a sometimes dark grey, and sometimes light grey, completely sunless sky, the temperature managed to rise to 13° C for a while.
will it or wont it be a bit sunny
                                this afternoon ?
  There seems to be a lot of uncertainty about today's weather forecast. Different revisions show more or less amounts of sunny spells this afternoon. Late last night it was predicted that most of this afternoon would feature sunny spells. The very latest revision say that only 2 and 3pm may see sunny spells. It also shows sunny spells for right now, as I type these words. There was a sunny spell nearly an hour ago, but it didn't last for long, and a look at the sky suggests the chance of a sunny spell right now is very, very slim. I have a feeling that there may be very few, or even no sunny spells this afternoon. I hope I am wrong. Today is going to be very cool, and feeling cooler without any sunshine. The best the latest revision can offer is just a flat 10° C from about 11am until about 6pm. Tomorrow forecast revives the optimistic idea of sunny spells for some of the morning, and some sunny spells in the afternoon. For all that the temperature may hit 11° C in the afternoon, but early morning is going to be very chilly !

   If I said that yesterday was a very bland day I would be repeating myself, and it isn't quite true because the blandness faded away by early evening. Prior to that the day was very bland. It wasn't so much boring, but I just couldn't seem to motivate myself. Sometimes it felt like I might be ill. I did seem to have a bigger selection of aches and pains than usual, and I frequently felt cold. I think that was because it was cold, and not because I had a fever or anything. I did check my temperature several times during that day, and my temperature was it's normal rather low.

  Now the strange thing is that my temperature did rise, and by my standards I was possibly suffering from a fever because my temperature was exactly normal for usual humans, but not this one. It measured 37.3° C. What is peculiar about all this is that instead of feeling chilly because of a raised temperature I was finally feeling warm and comfortable, and all my aches and pains had just about vanished. They were still sort of there, just under the surface, and could be provoked to surface now and then, but overall I was feeling very comfortable.

  I don't think I achieved anything during the morning except tracking down a book. It was a book I knew was on my shelves somewhere, but I just couldn't seem to see it until I did. Once I spotted it, it was very obvious. I wanted it because I was getting a bit bored with the book I was reading. That was the book "Lifeboat" by Harry Harrison. Harry Harrison can be a very enjoyable writer, but some of his works can be depressing. On the other hand, his comedy like stuff is really amusing. I was looking for one of his funny books - "A Stainless Steel Rat Trio".

  It make me wonder if Harry Harrison might have been bipolar. His SciFi books seem split between a utopian, and dystopian future. He was the author of "Make Room, Make Room" - the book that the dysopian SciFi film "Soylent Green" ("it's made from people !!!") was based upon. At the other end of the spectrum is Stainless Steel Rat, and a few other weird and wonderful books got him dubbed at "the Monty Python of the spaceways" by some literary reviewer from some big newspaper.

  During the afternoon I started to become a bit more constructive. I did a bit more laundry. It included a washable seat cushion/cover. That would really have been a candidate for a washing machine, but I gave it a bit of work, and left it to drip outside overnight. Hopefully it can now be dried indoors today. I also washed a couple of kitchen towels and a pair of worn out lounge pants. They are good for being very lazy in while out of sight of the rest of of the world.

  There were two things I thought I might possibly do yesterday, apart from the possibility of a walk in the park that I probably decided against by mid morning. One was to do some gardening, and the other was to do some work to my almost rehabilitated old PC. I did spent as much as 10 minutes on the PC, and I spent 10 minutes in the garden, but the 10 minutes in the garden did not involve any gardening, but did involve taking a couple of snaps.
nasturtiums stil
  The aim of this photography was to show that I still have some flowers in my back garden. Now that they are no longer fighting for the same space as a huge tomato plant bush, the nasturtiums are growing wildly, and still have plenty of flowers, and there are definitively still more buds coming into flower.
  They tend to look a bit moth eaten now, but my Campanulas are still flowering. This blue flower looked the best, but there are others, and there appear to be some new buds about to open. I want to try and grow more of these flowers next year, but I would like a more dense display - hopefully dense enough to crowd out weeds.

  There was one more productive thing I did yesterday, and that was some cooking. I started off by pre-cooing some chicken thighs. I gave them loads of seasoning, and after they were nicely cooked in my mini oven/grill I had a pan of highly flavoured grease and stock. I had already considered this possibility when I went shopping in the little supermarket on Catford bridge, and bought some parsnips. I combined one medium sized parsnip with a couple of carrots I had bought from Aldi the previous week. I sliced them both into chip sized pieces, and cooked them, turning them now and then, until they were caramelised. They, and the chicken thighs, made a very tasty dinner. With a few roast potatoes, and maybe some peas, it would have made a first class Sunday dinner, but I had it as a Saturday night dinner without the potatoes and peas.

  There is no Star Trek on a Saturday (or today), but with a bit of patience waiting for it all to start as 7pm (or was it 8pm ?) there was some great entertainment on TV last night. There was also some really tedious, extra long, and extra frequent commercial breaks to try and ruin it all. Well it was on the Sky Arts channel, and anything to do with Sky should really burn in hell for all eternity.

  Sky Arts showed two great concerts last night. The first was a "Delicate sound Of Thunder" concert by Pink Floyd recorded somewhere in America. As is well known, some Pink Floyd songs are quite long, but that is no excuse to interupt the recording for a 10+ minute commercial break after just one song ! When the revolution comes those TV producers (aka wreckers) will be the first against the wall ! I think it lasted 2 hours - one hour of music, and one hour of commercials. The original concert probably ran to over 2 hours without commercials.

  Following that concert was another sort of Pink Floyd concert. It was Nick Mason's "Saucerful Of Secrets".  Nick Mason was/is Pink Floyd's drummer, and he was joined by quite a few other musicians to pay homage to early Pink Floyd stuff - including the wonderfully weird, but very enjoyable "Saucerful Of Secrets" - both the name of an album, and the name of a song on the album. I have to say it was most excellent (apart from the bloody long and frequent commercial breaks). I'm not saying it was fault, but the guy who sung many of the vocals was very cockney sounding, and it did jar a bit compared to the public school voice of Roger Waters on the original versions of the songs.

  That second concert finished at 20 minutes after midnight. That is the latest I have stayed up deliberately to watch TV for ages and ages. I guess I was a bit excited after it because it took some time to relax and get to sleep. It doesn't feel like I got enough sleep, but what I did get seemed like it was probably good sleep. I think I had a nice dream, but all I can actually remember is thinking I should try and remember what it was about....I can't !

  My temperature was back down to it's usual very low figure this morning, but my blood glucose had gone up to 7.8mmol/l from the nice and low 6.7mmol/l yesterday morning. I would always want it to be closer to yesterday's figure, but this morning's figure is fine. I was going to say I was feeling fairly OK this morning, but that was until I flushed the toilet while turning around towards the wash basin. I think I annoyed a muscle or two pulling at a strange angle, and maybe I now feel a bit more fragile than I thought.

  The sun has finally come out. It came out a little while ago, but it is often a bit weak and hazy. Nevertheless it has brightened the world up a bit. I would sort of prefer to be very lazy today, but Sunday is boring enough without being lazy, and so I am going to try and convince myself to go for a walk. I am going to set my target very low - maybe 2 miles would be quite enough. I can't raise the enthusiasm for the underwater photography I was musing over yesterday, but I might take a big camera out today to get some crisper shots of the river....or anything else that might take my fancy.

  Footnote: It is still probably premature to get too excited about it, but since trapping the mouse some days ago (3 or 4 ?) I have seen, or heard, no evidence of any furry intruders in my house. It seems unlikely that there was only one mouse instead a whole family of them, but that is how it seems to be looking for now. Fingers crossed !
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