There was one
big difference between the Met Office
forecast (the screenshot above) and the
BBC's Meteogroup forecast. The BBC
reckoned it would be raining at 6 and 7am,
and it was ! The Met Office just said it
would be overcast. Neither admit that the
sun almost peeped through the clouds at
about 10am, but only for a few minutes,
and the sun never managed to get any
better than a bright and hazy disk. It
looks like there has been a shower a short
time ago, and the latest revision to the
forecast does show a 10% risk of rain at
any time today. There are times when the
cloud is forecast to be quite light, and
although not shown, maybe it is possible
we might have a sunny spell at some time.
What seems very definite is that it is
going to be an even colder day than
yesterday. The latest revision says the
temperature will go no higher than 5° C
today. Tomorrow will be a degree or two
even colder, and the morning may be
dominated by mist. The afternoon might be
dry, but overcast.
At this point I am happy to confirm
that my fears about the smoked haddock I
ate yesterday morning, that seemed
perilously close to going off, had no bad
effect. Well, not on me, but even this
morning the kitchen has a fishy smell in
it. It is a good thing that these days, to
keep the dining room a bit warmer I tend
to keep the door into it, and the door
into the kitchen closed. Without that the
whole house would small like a fishmongers
stall !
I had almost talked myself out of
going for a walk before I had even
finished writing yesterday. One reason,
some fears of my guts being upset by the
dubious fish, was a fair reason in my
opinion, but others less so. Later in the
day I had another reason to go out for a
short walk suggested, and I wanted to, and
didn't want to. One excuse not to turned
out to be very prophetic. I'll explain in
due course.
Apart from washing just two items,
a t-shirt, and what could be described as
pyjama bottoms (used as such, but not
actually pyjama bottoms), I had a mostly
lazy morning, and early afternoon. I
sometimes think my brain knows more than
it lets me know, because despite my high
blood glucose level in the morning, I
ended up eating a lunch I didn't think I
could get away with. It was a plate of
fruit - some of it tasted rather sweet,
and that seemed like something I shouldn't
be eating.
It was around lunchtime that I
received an email from my friend Kevin. He
drew my attention to a special train that
would be going through Catford. It was a
Xmas luncheon special using the British
Pullman Carriages (Orient Express style),
and possibly steam hauled. It was too late
to see it pass on it's outward journey
towards Dover, but the return journey
would scheduled to pass through Catford at
That would be an interesting time
to try and photograph a train passing
through at speed. The sun would just be
setting, and so it would be very dim, but
I could probably have managed it using one
of my largest aperture lenses with a high
ISO setting. If I got the angle right I
could also have had a sunset in the
background. If it worked it could have
been a nice picture, but I missed the
opportunity because I was dozing off on my
bed, and hadn't realised the time. I am
glad I missed it for a quite good reason
(in my very biassed opinion).

I knew that I would be expecting a
delivery from Amazon yesterday, and I
expected it to arrive very late like the
delivery the day before (the festive crate
of beers). Both deliveries left the
Dartford depot at almost midday, and the
beers arrived at around 7pm (if I recall
correctly). That meant that I could
probably have ducked out for some
photography for half an hour or so, but it
turned out that I couldn't !
While semi dozing on my bed the
train went through Catford, and at about
the same time my doorbell rung. It was my
delivery. It was just one single bottle of
Fireball. I had been wanting to buy some
of this ever since I first tried it in a
Wetherspoons pub, but I never saw anywhere
stocking it.
I only found it on Amazon by chance
when it popped up while looking for beers.
I expected it to be seriously expensive,
but it was actually quite cheap (for
certain values of "cheap"). I think it may
have only been £16 or so for a 70cl
As soon as it arrived I had to give
it a taste, and was rewarded with the warm
glowing taste that I remembered. A little
later, after dinner, I did a taste
comparison with Jack Daniels "Tennessee
Fire" - also a cinnamon infused whiskey.
The jack Daniels is nice, but by
comparison to Fireball it was like a
supermarket own brand, possibly a "value"
product. Same taste - sort of, but a bit
watered down, and tasting like it used end
of life ingredients.
Before dinner, and before my
tasting session, I finally managed to get
myself together to do some computing
experimentation. I am still trying to get
my spare (and ultimately, primary) web
server built using the little mini-pc I
pulled out of a skip. I tried several
Linux distributions on it, and for each
one I managed to get the web server
working with ease, although the latest
versions make it hard work to have a
customised error (404 - web page not
found) page. I could live with that, but
then there was a problem with the ftp
(file transfer program) I wanted to use.
Installing the ftp server was
always easy, but configuring it by hand is
a pain in the arse. Fortunately there is a
nice graphical user interface program to
configure it, but that always raised two
problems. For some Linux distributions it
is not available because of a
compatibility program. If it can be
installed it always crashed with a
segmentation fault on starting. I have
seen complaints about this by searching
the internet, but not a way to cure the
It was after having a shot of Jack
Daniels, and a shot of Fireball that I
suddenly realised something. The
graphical, point and click program works
perfectly well on the server that is
currently running on an old Toshiba
laptop, and had always worked on it's
predecessors. I suddenly realised that on
old equipment I would be using a 32 bit
operating system. The mini-pc has a 64 bit
processor in it, and I keep trying 64 bit
operating systems on it. There is no
reason why I shouldn't use a 32 bit
operating system. If I were to clone the
hard disk in the laptop it would probably
all work OK without having to configuring
anything, but I want to start from
scratch, and that is what I will probably
do today.
I did worry that my dinner might be
a bit big, and somehow contain too much
sugar. It was the last third of the Indian
takeaway I had ordered a couple of days
previously. Last nights dinner was a
tandoori mixed grill, and salad. It was
small than I thought it would be once I
saw it on the plate, and I decided I would
eat the bombay aloo and mixed vegetable
curries too. I had been pondering having
them for breakfast or lunch today. Eating
them all together last night probably made
for a more balanced meal.
There was very little on TV to keep
me amused last night, I did watch an Oasis
concert, but I can't say I enjoyed it.
Oasis have done some good, even brilliant
tunes, but in my opinion they are best
listened to in small doses. I thought I
was feeling a bit sleepy, and so didn't
watch anything more, and went to bed to
read a chapter or two. At 9pm I turned out
the light, and nothing happened. I tried a
few different positions in bed, but none
seemed to make me feel relaxed. I thought
I may as well turn the light back on, and
read for another hour. That seemed to
work, but it still took some time to fall
Last night was another night where
my sleep seemed to be dominated by a
dream, or more likely, dreams on a common
theme. That might have been OK, but I
can't recall ever having some a boring
dream (or run of dreams). Almost nothing
happened in those dreams. They were all
centred on a sort of "Docu-Drama" - except
there was no typical documentary
commentary, and no drama. Some of it was
like raw film off the camera waiting to be
edited, and a sound tack added.
The core of the dreams was about a
road, or highway through a jungle. The
road surface looked like cheese for some
weird reason. No cars or lorries ran on it
because it seemed like the ends of it were
not connected to any other roads. There
were people in these dreams, but I can't
recall interacting with them. In many ways
it was like I was watching something on
TV, or possibly was just a technician
working on a film set.
The only small segment that is easy
to describe (although maybe not understand
as dream material) was like a video
metaphor for boredom. It was fixed
camera shot of a window that was slightly
offset to the right, and sharply in focus.
To the left of the shot, and badly out of
focus, was the right third of a TV screen
showing what was probably a porn film, but
all you could see was this blurred image
of a man's face above a woman's face, and
some indeterminate movement. This seemed
to last for about 15 seconds, and then the
scene changed (or more likely I had
another dream).
I think I woke up feeling a bit
confused, or maybe disappointed that I
seemed to have had some of the most boring
dreams ever. Other than that, I felt
reasonably OK, and evidently I was
slightly healthier than the previous day.
My blood glucose level was down to just
7.4mmol/l. I was expecting it to be higher
than the previous day's 7.9, and closer to
the horrendous 9.8 the day before that !
Those cinnamon liqueurs seemed to have a
lot of sugar in them, as did the all the
fruit I had earlier, but it seems I was
wrong again !
That low(ish) blood glucose reading
gives me a bit more leeway when it comes
to eating today. I think the worst thing I
might have today is mashed potato. I have
a large baking potato that is so deformed
that it is impossible to clean without
cutting it up. I think that is a good
reason to make some mashed potato to have
with some roast chicken thighs. I'll
probably have some sprouts with the
chicken as well.
I declare it too cold and damp to
go out today, and so I shall have to amuse
myself by staying in. So far today I have
already washed my hair, and had a shower.
Plus I have already ascertained that a
Linux Mint 18.3 Xfce 32 bit edition boots
from a live DVD in my mini PC. Hopefully I
can prove my theory that the ftp admin
program works OK on a 32 bit system. Doing
that, a bit of reading, some eating, and
perhaps a bit of TV, should see me through
the day. Tomorrow morning it will be time
for an early start to go shopping in Aldi
very soon after they open at 8am.